Doctrine2 subquery in template - equivalent of symfony1 lazy query getter - symfony

I have two tables:
comment - id, application_id, comment, user_id, created_at, deleted_at
comment_likes - comment_id, user_id
I can retrieve the comments for an application using the standard DQLSELECT u FROM Comment WHERE :application = application
When lopping through the comments, I want to see if the logged in user has already liked a comment.
In symfony1, I would have used a simple lazy query $comment->hasUserLiked()
At the moment, in symfony2, I have to do a query of all the user likes for an application comments and a query of all the application comments.
When looping through application comments I do a sub-loop in each comment to check whether that a user likes record exists in the user likes comments collection. This is not clean.
Hope this makes sense.
Is there a better way?
EDIT: I could use a sub-controller to render whether a user likes the comment or not....but that seems rather over the top just for a couple of lines of html. Although, cleaner than the current implementation.

You need to set up a bidirectional one-to-many relationship between the Comment and Comment\Like entities. This way, a Comment entity would know about all the likes it has. Then you could implement a method in it like $comment->hasBeenLikedBy($user) which would loop through all the likes it has and see if any of them was done by the user you passed.
The Comment entity:
namespace Model;
class Comment
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="Model\Comment\Like", mappedBy="comment")
private $likes;
public function hasBeenLikedBy(User $user)
foreach ($this->likes as $like) {
if ($like->getUser() == $user) {
return true;
return false;
The Comment\Like entity:
namespace Model\Comment;
class Like
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="Model\Comment")
private $comment;
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="Model\User")
private $user
public function getUser()
return $this->user;
This code is not complete and may contain mistakes, but I hope it's enough to show you the overall approach.

You can write your own hasUserLiked() function to query the database when called
You could join the comments and likes table and get the likes in the same call.
You can use the following query if your doctrine schema is setup correctly:
SELECT c FROM Comment c
LEFT JOIN c.CommentLikes cl
WHERE c.application = :application


Single position to restrict access to a Doctrine entity

I've just started working with Doctrine and built a simple blog project. One of my requirements is that a blog post should not be visible to anybody (for simpleness, skip an editor's interface) until the publish date is reached.
As far as I see, it's obvious to do so using a custom repository. Let's extend the find method the following way:
public function find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)
/** #var Post $post */
$post = parent::find($id, $lockMode, $lockVersion);
if($post->getCreatedAt() > new \DateTime()) {
return null;
return $post;
This restricts the access for a page showing a single Post entity. For an overview page, the same can be done using a custom method:
public function findForOverview()
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.createdAt < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()')
->orderBy('p.createdAt', 'DESC')
return $query->getResult();
So, even for this simple requirement, I've already written two custom methods. If I continue to work on my project, other restriction limitations might occur and additional ways to load that entity might arise. And as far as I see, for each case I have to implement the logic for all access guards.
Is there no simpler way to do that? I'm thinking of something like an annotation or an "entity load listener" that makes it simple to write one single entry point for all such checks - making it impossible to forget such checks...
Such restrictions are usually implemented by using mechanism of SQL filters in Doctrine. Implementation of this filter works on lower level then DQL and allows you to apply modifications for SQL query being constructed. In your case it may look like this:
namespace App\ORM\Filter;
use App\Entity\Post;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter;
class PostVisibilityFilter extends SQLFilter
* Gets the SQL query part to add to a query.
* #param ClassMetadata $targetEntity
* #param string $targetTableAlias
* #return string The constraint SQL if there is available, empty string otherwise
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias): string
if ($targetEntity->name !== Post::class) {
return '';
return sprintf('%s.%s >= now()', $targetTableAlias, $targetEntity->getColumnName('createdAt'));

Symfony 3 - Update Many-To-Many

I have been looking around for a clean solution on how to update (keep in sync) a many to many relationship?
I have the following scenario:
A Sprint Entity owns the Many To Many relationship towards the Ticket entity.
When editing a Ticket (or Sprint, but I am not there yet), I want to be able to select (checkboxes) the Sprints that this ticket belongs to.
Upon persistance (save), I want to update my join table tickets_sprint (which is just a join table on ticket_id, sprint_id).
Adding Sprints to the Ticket seems easy enough, but removing Sprints from the Ticket is not reflected at all.
Ticket Entity contains this method for adding a Ticket to a Sprint:
public function setSprints($sprints) {
* #var $sprint \AppBundle\Entity\Sprint
foreach ($sprints as $sprint) {
$this->sprints[] = $sprint;
I have read here that the only way to go would be to remove all relations and re-save them upon persistance.
Coming from the Laravel world, this hardly feels like a good idea :)
This is how it is done in Laravel:
* #param \App\User $user
* #param \App\Http\Requests\StoreUserRequest $request
* #return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
* Update the specified resource in storage.
public function update(User $user, StoreUserRequest $request)
$user->employee_code = strtolower($user->employee_code);
$user->roles()->sync($request->role ? : []);
\Session::flash('flash_message_success', 'The user was successfully updated.');
return redirect()->route('', [$user]);
All suggestions are welcome!
The EntityType that you may use to create a multiple selectbox doesn't have a by_reference option like CollectionType.
If your Ticket Entity use the "inversedBy" side, you don't need to add the reference in the other object. So you can symply do this :
public function setSprints($sprints) {
$this->sprints = $sprints;
Maybe this will be enough to add and remove your elements automatically (Sorry didn't try).
Otherwise you have to do it manually and you can create a new method to remove elements returns by the difference between your new ArrayCollection and the old one.

Symfony2: How to create custom query methods on related entities

I have a User entity which has an ArrayCollection of Positions. Each Position has for sure a user_id property.
Now i want to get all positions from a user (to get all i would do $user->getPositions()) that are matching a specific query, for example have a date property that matches the current date. Therefor i want to do something like $user->getCurrentPositions() and it should return a subset of the positions related to that user.
How is that possible?
What i really wanna do is something like this in my controller:
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$users = $em->getRepository('fabianbartschWhereMyNomadsAtBundle:User')->findAll();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$positions = $user->getCurrentPositions();
foreach ($positions as $position) {
echo $position->getLatitude().'<br>';
I wanna iterate over all users and from each user i want to have the relevant positions. But that isnt possible from the repository i guess, as i get the following message: Attempted to call method "getCurrentPositions" on class ...
If you are using Doctrine you can use the built-in Criteria API which is meant for this purpose exactly.
Collections have a filtering API that allows you to slice parts of data from a collection. If the collection has not been loaded from the database yet, the filtering API can work on the SQL level to make optimized access to large collections.
Ok i found out, its for sure possible with Repositories:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="fabianbartsch\WhereMyNomadsAtBundle\Entity\UserRepository")
* #ORM\Table(name="fos_user")
class User extends BaseUser
* UserRepository
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository
public function getCurrentPositions()
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
FROM xxx:Position p
WHERE p.start <= '2014-08-17' AND p.end >= '2014-08-17'"
try {
return $query->getResult();
} catch (\Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException $e) {
return null;
In the user object only related position entries are affected by the query, so is no need to join user entity with the position entity. Pretty simple, should just try out instead posting on stackoverflow, sry guys :P

Symfony 2 JMS Serializer Bundle - Serialize only IDs for User friends

I have a question about the JMS Serializer Bundle in Symfony 2.
I want to serialize a User entity, which has a many-to-many relation with itself called "friends".
While I want to expose a bunch of property from the original User, I only want the ids from the friend objects, which are also User entities.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Okay, while I wrote the question, I also solved it.
The solution is to use the #VirtualProperty annotation.
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\VirtualProperty;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\SerializedName;
// ...
* #VirtualProperty
* #SerializedName("friends")
public function getFriendIdsOnly()
$friendIds = array();
foreach ($this->friends as $friendEntity) {
$friendIds[] = $friendEntity->getId();
return $friendIds;
With this, the "friends" key will contain an array of User ids.
Or maybe you could use the #Groups annotation.
class User
* #JMS\Groups({"user_id", "friend_id"})
* #JMS\Groups({"user_friends"})
And when you want to serialize you set up the ["user_friends", "friend_id"] groups. The difference with your solution is the format of the return (if we talk about json)
// You
{"id":, "friends":["id", "id"]}
// Me
{"id":, "friends":[{"id":}, {"id":}]}
The solution with the groups allow a more manageable return. If one day you want to send back the username for instance, you just need to change the groups annotations.

Symfony2: Error persisting ManyToMany/OneToMany Relationships

I don't know why, maybe i am missing some basic logic but I always run again into the same issue. I can't persists ManyToMany collections, and it also faces me with OneToMany collections, though I can work around that.
I read through the doctrine documentation, and I think I do understand the thing with mappedBy and inversedBy (where the last one is always the owner and therefor responsible for persisting the data, please correct me if I am wrong).
So here's a basic example that I have right now, which I can't figure out.
I have an Entity called Site:
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Category", mappedBy="sites")
protected $categories;
and another one called Category:
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Site", inversedBy="categories")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="sites_categories")
protected $sites;
Using the Symfony2 entity genenerator it added me some getters and setters to my Entites which look like this.
* Add categories
* #param My\MyBundle\Entity\Category $categories
public function addCategory(\My\MyBundle\Entity\Category $categories)
$this->categories[] = $categories;
* Get categories
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getCategories()
return $this->categories;
The same counts for
* Add sites
* #param My\MyBundle\Entity\Site $sites
public function addSite(\My\MyBundle\Entity\Site $sites)
$this->sites[] = $sites;
* Get sites
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getSites()
return $this->sites;
Fair enough.
Now in my controller, I am trying to persist a Site object:
public function newsiteAction() {
$site = new Site();
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($site); // generated with the FormBuilder, so the form includes Category Entity
// ... some more logic, like if(POST), bindRequest() etc.
if ($form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()
The result is always the same. It persists the Site Object, but not the Category entity. And I also know why (I think): Because the Category entity is the owning side.
But, do I always have to do something like this for persisting it? (which is actually my workaround for some OneToMany collections)
$categories = $form->get('categories')->getData();
foreach($categories as $category) {
// persist etc.
But I am running into many issues here, like I would have to do the same loop as above for deleting, editing etc.
Any hints? I will really give a cyber hug to the person who can clear my mind about that. Thanks!
I ended up changing around the relationship (owning and inverse side) between the ManyToMany mapping.
If somebody else runs into that problem, you need to be clear about the concept of bidrectional relationships, which took me a while to understand too (and I hope I got it now, see this link).
Basically what anserwed my question is: The object you want to persist must always be the owning site (The owning site is always the entity that has "inversed by" in the annotiation).
Also there is a concept of cascade annotation (see this link, thanks to moonwave99)
So thanks, and I hope that helps somebody for future reference! :)
Regarding OneToMany relationship, you want to know about cascade annotation - from Doctrine docs [8.6]:
The following cascade options exist:
persist : Cascades persist operations to the associated entities.
remove : Cascades remove operations to the associated entities.
merge : Cascades merge operations to the associated entities.
detach : Cascades detach operations to the associated entities.
all : Cascades persist, remove, merge and detach operations to associated entities.
following docs example:
class User
* Bidirectional - One-To-Many (INVERSE SIDE)
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="Comment", mappedBy="author", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
private $commentsAuthored;
When you add comments to the author, they get persisted as you save them - when you delete the author, comments say farewell too.
I had same issues when setting up a REST service lately, and cascade annotation got me rid of all the workarounds you mentioned before [which I used at the very beginning] - hope this was helpful.
