Dynamically Generate List of Pages in WordPress - wordpress

I have a list of pages that I want to list in the sidebar of my site. I have done it before with some posts and have used tags to automatically generate the list of links that have the specific tag. Since you can not add tags to pages, I am not sure what to use to group pages together and then dynamically generate the list of pages as a select menu in the sidebar. I thought about adding a class to each of the pages, but wasn't sure how that would work exactly. Any thoughts you guys have would be great.

If you want to be able to group and sort them, I would look into creating a "Custom Taxonomy" structure. Smashing Magazine has a good article on them: http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/01/04/create-custom-taxonomies-wordpress/

Wordpress itself doesn't support tagging pages likewise in posts. However you can do it by installing a plugin.
Check this link TagPages
This plugin allow you to tag your pages and you will get result like as shown in screenshot. Then you can fetch results on the basis of these tags. Hope this is what you need.


wordpress website- implement search sort and filter

i am using avada fusion theme in my wordpress site, different plugins work fine if i need to search posts and pages, but i need to search/sort/filter in a page where i have created 100+ containers/items as a list(like slides or templates).
how can i get it done?
And also what would be a good approach if my list is going to be long i.e 400+ in near future?
re: i have different graphical and text included items in a page with same templates, and i need to search, sort, filter from that list in that page.
I do not see any option to tag or id each template/containers in page which would make search/sort easy.
thank you in advance

Woocommerce Storefront theme customise product pages and category pages

I'm trying to create specific templates for both the category pages and individual product pages. It would be good to lay out various attributes on the pages according to where I would like them. However, beyond the endless 'hooks' that storefront uses... I can't find the places to modify actual code.
Does anyone know how to do this? I don't want to be modifying CSS specifically - I want to create new templates.
If you want to create new templates, you should override multiple files from plugins/woocommerce/templates to themes/strefront_or_child/woocommerce, this is the documentation article, check loop/ and global/ folders too.
Hope this helps a little.

Woocommerce - Filtering products based on attribute

I was hoping someone could help me, I'm trying to create a filtering menu for product attributes. I have the attributes being listed out just fine but when you click on them they take you to the 'Archive' page which lists the correct products. Now is there anyway I can make it so when the user click on an attribute it shows the filtered products but using the 'shop' template/page. So not linking to the archive page??
Any ideas?
I have looked into the Layered Nav widget, its closed to what I'm wanting but I don't like how you can select multiple attributes. I just want it to do i one by one.
thanks guys/gals
This page has an answer: http://docs.woothemes.com/document/using-custom-attributes-in-menus/
At the bottom you'll see how to create a proper template for selected attributes pages.
Notice that your taxonomy-product_cat.php copy should be put into your theme folder, not to woocommerce folder in your theme.
It works for me.

Category Listing Page with posts filtered to selected tag on Wordpress Blog

I'm working on a Wordpress 3.4 project. I have categories and then several tags, and also one custom taxonomy as types.
Wordpress is fantastic as far as it handles all the taxonomy page, but I'm unable to figure out how to have pages where I have categories listing page (with pagination) specifically filtered to a selected tag or custom taxonomy.
So basically I want Categories, but then again, I also need to have a categories page with all posts filtered to specific tag, and then with pagination.
I have tried to figure out how to do that, but unable to find the exact doc or help. The issue is also with the URL, as how it will be formed?
Any idea how to fix that one, or any plugin to get this things done?
I think these two codex pages will help you along your way.
You can use WP_Query to query posts based on tags and categories/custom taxonomies and much more.
If you look at the template hierarchy you'll see you can use special template files for tags and taxonomies too. Just remember to flush your permalinks if you're not seeing these templates being used if you create one.

Post privacy in Wordpress

Can a post be hidden from home page, archive view, category lists etc. and viewable only if you have a direct link to it? The blog doesn't have registered readers and is open to public so that would be a mean of hiding some posts from public view without using the password protection.
I asked this question in Wordpress section and the idea there was to use conditional code so I'm asking the question here as well to get closer to the code.
If I used conditioning, would I have to input each post's ID separately to PHP file for archive, categories, search and such?
After reading a bit more all over, I had an idea of creating a private category and then use some kind of conditioning so that posts from that category are hidden. According to Codex, certain category can be hidden from, for example front page but I don't know if there's a way to hide it altogether except when you have a direct link.
Creating a "Private" category is a good solution. It is quite possible to hide this category altogether except via direct link. You just have to "block all the exits" with conditional code.
The default WordPress theme displays posts via the Post Loop. See http://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop, especially the section entitled "Exclude Posts from Some Category". Just find all the places in your theme's PHP files (e.g. index.php) where this loop is used, and add the conditional code. You'd also need to filter your category list and blog archives in the side menu. Don't add filtering in single.php, otherwise the private post won't display on its own page.
You'd probably want to add a similar condition to filter search results so that private posts aren't leaked via the blog's search tool. There may be more "exits" I haven't thought of, but I'll be sure to update as I do. I'm glad to look at specific code if you so desire.
Understanding WordPress' post query and loop really opens up a world of possibilities for customization.
I found the simplest way - just use Simply Exclude Wordpress plugin. It has the option to exclude each post (or tag, for that matter) from front page, archive, search or feed. It works flawlessly. You can still view the posts by using direct links.
(Not actually an answer that includes code but a working solution nonetheless.)
