background thread in application -

i run a background thread in Application_Start() in global.asax
to use it like windows service
but applicaton_end fire when all session is ended in my website
i have a sms Business that work with webservice and i want to have agent in my server that
check incoming message like windows service
i increase session timeout to 10 hours but when i close browser application end fired and
my thread stop working
i cant change server properties
can i disable application_end to thread keep working?
I apologize to you because of poor english writing

You should make a separate program that runs as a service or a batch program to do that. Although ASP.NET persists static variables and such between page loads, you shouldn't be using it to run things in the background. There is no guarantee that things will keep running.
If you need something to happen on the user's end when something happens on the server (like a message received (like on facebook), someone responds to a request, or some other event is raised) you need to implement a polling system in javascript on the webpage that the user sees which uses AJAX (look it up...its such an awesome concept) to periodically talk to the server to see if anything happened. That is how Facebook chat works along with most webmail systems to check for new messages. The server doesn't talk to the browser...the browser asks the server if anything happened.
Here is an example of a chat program that uses AJAX:
It isn't exactly what you are doing, but it demonstrates the concept of trying to check something after the page has been loaded and making the user's browser respond.

Nay be use a .NET version of quartz-scheduler library ( for defining and triggering a job based on the configuration (cron expresion).

iis automatically close website application when no session is open in website
for disable this you can change idle time in iis or read website link in global.asax (application_end) function to start a new session


How to detect from the server ( classic asp ) that a request was cancelled?

I am developing a web application in classic asp, promptly the problem I'm having is related to a progress bar. I am doing some operations with the database that are too heavy, so in the middle of each iteration in the calculation, I'm doing a flush reporting the progress.
This page it's being called by an iframe and depending on the content we are updating the progress bar. The problem is that if I delete this iframe (and concecuentemente cancel the request), I can not navigate through the site until the end of the expensive operation.
Given this situation, I have two questions:
As from the server (asp page) how can I can detect when the request was cancelled?
What can I do to enable multi threading sessions?
You can detect if the user is still connected with Response.IsClientConnected. So you can add this to your long running code, eg:
If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then
'Stop processing
End If
Not sure about this. Is it only the one user who started the request that is effected or do all users have to wait? There may be a setting in IIS (you could try disabling HTTP keep alive, but it's just a guess).

Show a "loading" message in Application_Start()

I have an MVC3 application that takes 30+ seconds for global.asax Application_Start() to execute. When a user hits the site for the first time after the App Pool was reset, the browser just sits there with a "waiting for website..." message.
Is there a way to show a "Loading data..." message/page to let the user know that everything is OK and to be patient?
No, there's no way to show any messages from Application_Start. IIS 7.5 has a cool AutoStart feature which allows you to preload your application in memory and thus avoid the long waiting. Another possibility is to have some external service that queries your site at regular intervals so that it doesn't get unloaded by IIS.
If you cannot use this feature, then you will have to reduce/optimize the amount of work you do in your Application_Start so that it doesn't take 30 seconds.
Not within the same .net application - you can't show anything from within Application_Start. You could create another small app as a landing page which polls for a response from your main app and then redirects once it gets one.
But a better solution would be to move some work out of Application_Start - can't you let the user arrive at your first page and then call an initialization method once they have landed?
You can't do that in that particularly way, as there is no response from the server, and for such, you can't do anything.
But how about to implement a heartbeat that will query any URL of your application avoiding it not to enter in stand mode?
an idea: Set an external service to query your application every 5 minutes:
RestSharp requests on momentapp's restful api

ASP.Net connection keep alive for long running server-side task

I have an ASP.Net C# web application, running on IIS, that I'm supporting which involves generation of word documents. Some of these word documents take a very long time (i.e. upwards of 20-30 minutes) to generate. What I notice while testing on my dev server is that the server closes the connection long before the process completes, the server-side ASP.Net code itself enters a loop and updates the status of a boolean value when the word doc generation completes.
My workaround for this is to keep the connection alive by implementing a dynamically animated wait screen ( using jquery and ajax) on the client-side that's updated by a repeated asynchronous AJAX call to the server that checks on the status of the operation from a server-side web method. I'm asking about that piece in another question.
Is the solution I'm looking at implementing the best approach to this problem? Are there more efficient or common methods for keeping the connection alive during a long running server-side operation? Any help or insight is appreciated, thanks.
I tried Brian's suggestion, unfortunately I still get the same error from Chrome that no data is being sent from the server and the entirety of the error is as follows:
No data received Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no
Here are some suggestions: Reload this webpage later.
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection
without sending any data.
I'll try again by setting the connection timeout in the advanced website settings as described and increasing the connection idle setting.
Ideally, you'd use a socket to notify the client when the process completes. Look at or native web-socket implementations on how to do this.
You can control Idle time within IIS 7. This is done by going to IIS management; select application pools; then right click on the pool your using for your website. Click the "Advance settings" here you will be able to control idle time out and some other settings for your website. Hope this is what your looking for.

Ensure site always runs

I've created a very small monitor web-app, which periodically polls other websites to check if they're alive. If they're not I'm sent an e-mail so I can react (e.g. if the site responds 503)
However my problem is that the monitor web-app is shutdown when the AppPool recycles, and it's never started again because it gets no requests.
Is there a way to ensure it'll start again after a recycle, restart of the server or similar ?
Currently it starts a background thread in global.asax Application_Start, and the thread is then in charge of keeping the monitor web-app alive, by polling it as well as the other sites.
This way it'll get a HTTP request every so often. However this obviously only works for keeping it alive, when it has actually been started.
I've read a bit about IIS Warm Up modules, however the site is hosted on a server I've no influence on, so that's not possible.
The site is built using ASP.Net 4.0 and it runs on an IIS 7.5 server.
Hope you have an idea :-)
I use uptime robot to ensure my application is always spun up. The beauty of this system is it only asks for the headers of a page on your website and gets status codes like "200-ok", "404-not found", etc. every 5 minutes. This means that uptime robot does not add noise to Google Analytics as the page is never requested.
Seems to work like a dream for me and its FREE for upto 50 sites!
You should implement this as a windows service or console app run via a scheduled task. A web site is really not the appropriate type of application.
I Agree with tvanfosson but if you need it right now, you can still configure the application pool not to recycle.
It's better to make this up as a windows service or a scheduled console application. If you want to keep it as a webapplication then you can have 3rd party send pings to your application to keep it running. At my current client this is done with but there are other alternatives to it.

Scheduled Mail in

Hai Guys,
My application deals scheduled mail concept (i.e) every morning 6.00 am my users gets a remainder mail about their activities for the day... I dont know how to do this.... Many told use windows service but i will host my website on a shared server i may not get rights to do windows service... Is there any dll for sending mails at a schduled time through application ..please help me out guys......
You cant do much in a shared hosting. Try upgrading your hosting or else write a windows service, to run on your machine, which will call an which can send out emails. Of course your machine has to be switched on all the time or at least during 6:00 AM :). You will have to take proper steps to avoid unauthorized request for that aspx page.
you can check this article too:
You can't really do this with ASP.Net. ASP.Net is for web pages - which are reactive to HTTP requests.
You need a scheduled task or a service. All a website can do is respond to requests. I guess you could program the functionality into a web page and have a remote process request the page every morning - but what happens if someone else requests the page?
You can either have a program that runs constantly and has a timer or a loop that checks the time of day and then sleeps for a really long time and when the timer goes off or it's the right time of day it sends an email, or you can launch a program as a scheduled task. The first method can also be implemented as a service if you would like. Keep in mind you dont need ASP.Net to send emails, all you need is a console application that uses System.Net.Mail. Check out the mailer sample on MSDN for a very simple idea.
One other thing you can consider: IIS has an smtp service that you can install and it uses a pickup directory to send mail. You write an email to the pickup directory as an .eml file and IIS grabs it and sends it almost immediately. If you do that, you'll still have to write the emails ( will write the .eml files from a MailMessage, just set SmtpClient.DeliveryMethod to SpecifiedPickupDirectory or PickupDirectoryFromIIS and call SmtpClient.Send) but it will then send them for you. You'll still need to schedule something somehow so this might not be all that more useful but I thought I'd at least let you know that it exists.
One thing to be aware of: when the IIS SMTP service reads the send envelope of the .eml file, the order of the Sender and From headers is significant; if the From header appears before the Sender header then the MAIL FROM command will use the From header, which is incorrect (and MS won't be fixing this one). This appears to be an issue ONLY with the IIS SMTP service as it hasn't been reported anywhere else that I'm aware of. Reversing the order of the headers is the work-around. By default SmtpClient always writes the From header first. I'm aware of the issue and IIS isn't fixing it but I may be able to get a fix into SmtpClient for the .NET 4.0 RC build that re-orders the headers for you but no promises.
If you happen to have it handy (and I assume you do), you can use a SQL Server Agent job to make a request to an ASP.NET page that sends the email.
Here's some example code:
Of course, since you're using SQL Server to call CLR code anyway, you could just have that code send out the emails (via System.Net.Mail) rather than requesting a page on IIS to do so. To do this, SQL Server would need:
Access to all of the data needed to send the emails
Outbound firewall access to send an email
CLR code that encapsulates all of the logic needed to know where/what to send.
Okay this is interesting, and what I did fits silky's definite of 'cheating', but no it was pretty cool for me.
What I did was spawn a new thread from ASP.Net code (it was possible on that host), and that thread did the scheduled job.
I checked whether the thread was alive (which is pretty easy) on every visit to the website (not so reliable I know, but it worked cause that website has plenty of visitor).
If at all you do this
Treat this as a stop-gap while you arrange to get a dedicated host or VPS.
Rest assured that the hosting company will kill your thread and withdraw permissions when they discover you're doing this.
