Create own unix commands - unix

Is it possible to create our own unix commands?
For example: we have ls -ltr,cd,mkdir etc which perform certain actions. I want to create a similar command which would save username-password into a table in database. I'm kinda new to unix. Any suggestions?

Yes, it is easy to create your own commands that do jobs that you find useful. You can implement them in a variety of languages, from shell to Perl to C and on and on.
The only significance to the standard commands are that they are installed (usually) in /bin or /usr/bin rather than anywhere else, and they do jobs that are defined by a standard (often POSIX). Often, people place locally created commands in /usr/local/bin; others will create themselves a directory $HOME/bin and put their personal commands there. You simply need to ensure that these directories are on your PATH.
In my $HOME/bin directory (depending on which machine I'm looking at), I have from 46 commands (on this machine) up to about 500 on my main work machines. The commands do different jobs; the names are mnemonic to me (and generally not to other people). Some commands are polished and ready for production use anywhere (and these have manual pages, almost by definition of being production-ready). Others are quick hacks assembled for a quick-and-dirty job. Some of the quick hacks are removed; some get polished; some get stashed away in case I need to do something similar in the future. Only the trivial don't go under version control.
On this machine (which I only use casually and not really for development work), I have 9 shell scripts, 4 Perl scripts, and the rest are executables (Git and Go, mainly). On my main machines, I have many more shell and Perl scripts and proportionately fewer C programs. I have few Python scripts since I learned Perl first and I'm not as fluent in Python. I've been writing and collecting these scripts for a long time; the oldest versions of the oldest programs date back to about 1987.


Streamlit: Disable the guard against running files without a .py extension?

I have a problem. Universally, my experience working in Unix systems has been that, by the time you are ready to place an executable "thing" in a bin folder for global access, you have decided to #! the file with the requisite interpreter:
And, although it is fine to have clutter at the local scope, when one places an executable in the bin folder, it should have:
A POSIX CLI interface
No discernible language tags or what have you
This is because it is now intended to be used for difficult work that requires forgetting about the details of this or that language: one now needs to think in terms of the functions as if the composable units are part of a consistent language, rather than a dozen different languages from a dozen different expert contributors.
This is the "genius" of the Unix/Linux/Posix architecture.
Anyways, when structuring my python projects, the end game is copying python executables to a global source on the path -- whether that "global" source is a pretend global source in my home directory (i.e., ~/.mytools/bin or the actual global path, /usr/bin or something like that -- and generally I want my python executables to have the same "game feel" as C executables, perl executables, BASH/ZSH/etc. executables.
In that vein, I knock off the extensions from my scripts and executables when they go in the bin. There is no need to know, from my usage perspective, what anything is made of when I go to use it.
However, streamlit requires me to re-append the .py to the file in the global path in order to run with streamlit run. This is a case of the library reaching up out of its useful value and holding me hostage, from my perspective, unless I violate best practices when extending the bin folder with python executables.
This means I have to create special logic to handle just streamlit, and that is really a kerfluffle. I have to either: change the way I handle all executables, or hardcode just the executable that will be run with streamlit. That means that, all of a sudden, I have an arbitrary name in my meta-control code for my project.
That is bad. Why? because I have to remember that I did it, and remember to change it if I change the executable name. I also have to remember to add to it if I add another streamlit executable.
Alternatively, I can copy all my exes made with python into the root bin folders with their .py extensions, which is not what I wanted to do.
How does one bypass this issue in streamlit?
If bin/sometool needs to be invoked with Streamlit via streamlit run bin/sometool, it seems like you're already exposing "meta-control code" to users of your bin script, right?
Instead, would this solve your problem?
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
streamlit run "$DIR"/
(Where sits inside bin, but has chmod -x so that it's not directly executable.)

How can I permanently set an environment variable using Autotools?

I'm adapting an existing program to use Autotools for its build, but the resulting process depends on an environment variable. Is there a way to permanently set this environment variable during the build or installation process?
The program is intended to be used by Unix users and I could try to concatenate an export command directly to the .bashrc file and warn the user in case it fails because most of them will actually just use Ubuntu to run it (it's a relatively simple program that targets students), but I'd like to know if there's a more portable way to do this.
That's what I wouldn't like to do:
export VAR=/my/totally/not/hardcoded/path >> $HOME/.bashrc
Sorry to come to this late, but all of the answers to date are shockingly ... incomplete.
Building and installing software are both core use cases for the Autotools, and the installation part can absolutely involve adding or modifying files that affect user environments. If the software is installed by a user with sufficient privilege, then such effects can absolutely be applied to all system users, though the details may vary a bit from system to system (and the Autotools can help with that, too!).
For example, on RedHat-family Linuxes such as RedHat Enterprise, Fedora, Oracle Linux, and various others, you can drop an appropriately named file in /etc/profile.d, and the commands in it will automatically be read and executed by every login shell. Setting environment variables for all users is one of the common uses of this feature. I'm uncertain about Debian-family Linuxes such as Ubuntu, but it is always possible to modify file /etc/profile instead to have the same effect, and you absolutely can write an Automake install hook to do that.
Or for an altogether different approach, you can always provide a wrapper script around your program that sets the needed environment variables (supposing that the point is other than to add a directory to the PATH so as to find the program in the first place). In that case, you can even install the main program in a location that is not ordinarily in the path, so that users don't accidentally run it directly. This mechanism has the advantage that the environment variables are scoped to a run of the program, not a whole login session, but the disadvantage that users cannot override them.
I guess, no.
Autotools are about building your program, not about environment setup for the program to run. That's what users/admins are supposed to do. (Well I can imagine doing this, but I really don't want to try to figure it out, because the idea itself seems broken to me)
If your program REALLY needs some environment variable during run-time, then you should patch your sources for your application to test if the variable exists, and set one to default desired value, if it doesn't. Another idea is to enforce usage of an obligatory command line switch to pass the value in.
It's not clear what this has to do with autotools (or any other build system). No build system, by itself, can arrange for an env var to be present when the program it builds is run at a later tiem.
One solution is for your program to have a hardcoded default value for the var which is used if the environment var isn't present when the program starts running. Another frequently used solution is to name your binary something like myprog.bin and install a shell script named myprog which sets up the environment before doing exec myprog.bin.
I'm adapting an existing program to use Autotools for its build, but the resulting process depends on an environment variable. Is there a way to permanently set this environment variable during the build or installation process?
You've not been very concrete about what the program is (e.g. is the program a daemon? A user program?) or the nature of the environment variable dependency (e.g. is it another program? A mount point? A URL? A DB connection string?). Being more specific might give a better answer for you.
Anyway, autotools is not likely to offer any feature to help: It's a build system. Depending on the nature of your environment variable dependency, you're likely going to need package management (if you package it) or system administration level setup.
Since you think your primary user base is on Ubuntu this help page might give you some ideas.

Is there a way to automatically make a copy of a file each time it is updated in Unix?

I have an application that updates some files in Unix server. Since I cannot modify this application, is there any way I can make sure that these files are copied before each update so I can have a history of the changes?
Is there a way/tool in Unix so I can do that?
If on Linux (specifically) you could use inotify(7) facilities (perhaps via incrontab ...)
Alternatively, you might run periodically (thru some crontab(5) entry) a script doing some make with your particular Makefile (since GNU make is designed to care about timestamps) managing e.g. backups. Or you could periodically run some rsync command.
However, it smells like you need some revision control (also known as version control system). I strongly recommend git; you could use it before and after running your application (e.g. write some wrapping shell script doing that).
But there is probably no universal solution (e.g. what if the monitored application is keeping a file descriptor opened for a long time, and write the file little by little...). You should explain much more what is happening and what do you want ...

What makes the Unix file system more superior to the Windows file system?

I'll admit that I don't know the inner workings of the unix operating system, so I was hoping someone could shed some light on this topic.
Why is the Unix file system better than the windows file system?
Would grep work just as well on Windows, or is there something fundamentally different that makes it more powerful on a Unix box?
e.g. I have heard that in a Unix system, the number of files in a given directory will not slow file access, while on Windows direct file access will degrade as the # of files increase in the given folder, true?
Brad, no such thing as the unix file system?
One of the fundamental differences in filesystem semantics between Unix and Windows is the idea of inodes.
On Windows, a file name is directly attached to the file data. This means that the OS prevents somebody from deleting a file that is currently open. On some versions of Windows you can rename a file that is currently open, and on some versions you can't.
On Unix, a file name is a pointer to an inode, which is the place the file data is actually stored. This has a couple of implications:
You can have two different filenames that refer to the same underlying file. This is often called a hard link. There is only one copy of the file data, so changes made through one filename will appear in the other.
You can delete (also known as unlink) a file that is currently open. All that happens is the directory entry is removed, but this doesn't affect any other process that might still have the file open. The process with the file open hangs on to the inode, rather than to the directory entry. When the process closes the file, the OS deletes the inode because there are no more directory entries pointing at it and no more processes with the inode open.
This difference is important, but it is unrelated to things like the performance of grep.
First, there is no such thing as "the Unix file system".
Second, upon what premise does your argument rest? Did you hear someone say it was superior? Perhaps if you offered some source, we could critique the specific argument.
Edit: Okay, according to, NTFS has more green boxes than both UFS1 and UFS2. If green boxes are your measure of "better", then NTFS is "better".
Still a stupid question. :-p
I think you are a little bit confused. There is no 'Unix' and 'Windows' file systems. The *nix family of filesystems include ext3, ZFS, UFS etc. Windows primarily has had support for FAT16/32 and their own filesystem NTFS. However today linux systems can read and write to NTFS. More filesystems here
I can't tell you why one could be better than the other though.
I'm not at all familiar with the inner workings of the UNIX file systems, as in how the bits and bytes are stored, but really that part is interchangeable (ext3, reiserfs, etc).
When people say that UNIX file systems are better, they might mean to be saying, "Oh ext3 stores bits in such as way that corruption happens way less than NTFS", but they might also be talking about design choices made at the common layer above. They might be referring to how the path of the file does not necessarily correspond to any particular device. For example, if you move your program files to a second disk, you probably have to refer to them as "D:\Program Files", while in UNIX /usr/bin could be a hard drive, a network drive, a CD ROM, or RAM.
Another possibility is that people are using "file system" to mean the organization of paths. Like, for instance, how Windows generally likes programs in "C:\Program Files\CompanyName\AppName" while a particular UNIX distribution might put most of them in /usr/local/bin. In the later case, you can access much more of your system readily from the command line with a much smaller PATH variable.
Also, since you mentioned grep, if all the source code for system libraries such as the kernel and libc is stored in /usr/local/src, doing a recursive grep for a particular error message coming from the guts of some system library is much simpler than if things were laid out as /usr/local/library-name/[bin|src|doc|etc]. If you already have an inkling of where you're searching, though, cygwin grep performs quite well under Windows. In fact, I find for full-text searching I get better results from grep than the search facilities built into Windows!
well the *nix filesystems do a far better job of actual file managment than fat16/32 or NTFS. The *nix systems try to prevent the need for a defrag over windows doing...nothing? Other than that I don't really know what would make one better than the other.
There are differences in how Windows and Unix operating systems expose the disk drives to users and how drive space is partitioned.
The biggest difference between the two operating systems is that Unix essentially treats all of the physical drives as one logical drive. (This isn't exactly how it works, but should give a good enough picture.) This allows a much simpler file system from the users perspective as there are no drive letters to deal with. I have a folder called /usr/bin that could span multiple physical drives. If I need to expand that partition I can do so by adding a new drive, remapping the folder, and moving the files. (Again, somewhat simplified, but it gets the point across.)
The other difference is that when you format a drive, a certain amount is set aside (by default, as an admin you can change the size to 0 if you want) for use by the "root" account (admin account) which allows an admin to almost always be able to log in to the machine even when the user has filled the disk and is receiving "out of disk space" messages.
One simple answer:
Windows is a proprietary which means no one can see it's code except windows, while unix/linux are open-source. So as it is open-source many brighter minds have contributed towards the filesystem making it one of the robust and efficient, hence effective commands like grep come to our rescue when needed truly.
I don't know enough about the guts of the file systems to answer the first, except when I read the first descriptions of NTFS it sounded an awful lot like the Berkley Fast Filesystem.
As for the second, there are plenty of greps for Windows. When I had to use Windows in the past, I always installed Cygwin first thing.
The answer turns out to have very little to do with the filesystem and everything to do with the filesystem access drivers.
In particular, the implementation of NTFS on Windows is very slow compared to ext2/ext3. Also on Windows, "can't delete file in use" even though NTFS should be able to support it.

Improving Your Build Process

Or, actually establishing a build process when there isn't much of one in place to begin with.
Currently, that's pretty much the situation my group faces. We do web-app development primarily (but no desktop development at this time). Software deployments are ugly and unwieldy even with our modest apps, and we've had far too many issues crop up in the two years I have been a part of this team (and company). It's past time to do something about that, and the upshot is that we'll be able to kill two Joel Test birds with one stone (daily builds and one-step builds, neither of which exists in any form whatsoever).
What I'm after here is some general insight on the kinds of things I need to be doing or thinking about, from people who have been in software development for longer than I have and also have bigger brains. I'm confident that will be most of the people currently posting in the beta.
Relevant Tools:
Visual Build
Source Safe 6.0 (I know, but I can't do anything about whether or not we use Source Safe at this time. That might be the next battle I fight.)
Tentatively, I've got a Visual Build project that does this:
Get source and place in local directory, including necessary DLLs needed for project.
Get config files and rename as needed (we're storing them in a special sub directory that isn't part of the actual application, and they are named according to use).
Build using Visual Studio
Precompile using command line, copying into what will be a "build" directory
Copy to destination.
Get any necessary additional resources - mostly things like documents, images, and reports that are associated with the project (and put into directory from step 5). There's a lot of this stuff, and I didn't want to include it previously. However, I'm going to only copy changed items, so maybe it's irrelevant. I wasn't sure whether I really wanted to include this stuff in earlier steps.
I still need to coax some logging out of Visual Build for all of this, but I'm not at a point where I need to do that yet.
Does anyone have any advice or suggestions to make? We're not currently using a Deployment Project, I'll note. It would remove some of the steps necessary in this build I presume (like web.config swapping).
When taking on a project that has never had an automated build process, it is easier to take it in steps. Do not try to swallow to much at one time, otherwise it can feel overwhelming.
First get your code compiling with one step using an automated build program (i.e. nant/msbuild). I am not going to debate which one is better. Find one that feels comfortable to you and use it. Have the build scripts live with the project in source control.
Figure out how you want your automated build to be triggered. Whether it is hooking it up to CruiseControl or running a nightly build task using Scheduled Tasks. CruiseControl or TeamCity is probably the best choice for this, because they include a lot of tools you can use to make this step easier. CruiseControl is free and TeamCity is free to a point, where you might have to pay for it depending on how big the project is.
Ok, by this point you will be pretty comfortable with the tools. Now you are ready to add more tasks based on what you want to do for testing, deployment, and etc...
Hope this helps.
I have a set of Powershell scripts that do all of this for me.
Script 1: Build - this one is simple, it is mostly handled by a call to msbuild, and also it creates my database scripts.
Script 2: Package - This one takes various arguments to package a release for various environments, such as test, and subsets of the production environment, which consists of many machines.
Script 3: Deploy - This is run on each individual machine from within the folder created by the Package script (the Deploy script is copied in as a part of packaging)
From the deploy script, I do sanity checks on things like the machine name so things don't accidentally get deployed to the wrong place.
For web.config files, I use the
<appSettings file="Local.config">
feature to have overrides that are already on the production machines, and they are read-only so they don't accidentally get written over. The Local.config files are not checked in, and I don't have to do any file switching at build time.
[Edit] The equivalent of appSettings file= for a config section is configSource="Local.config"
We switched from using a perl script to MSBuild two years ago and haven't looked back.
Building visual studio solutions can be done by just specifying them in the main xml file.
For anything more complicated (getting your source code, executing unit tests, building install packages, deploying web sites) you can just create a new class in .net deriving from Task that overrides the Execute function, and then reference this from your build xml file.
There is a pretty good introduction here:
I've only worked on a couple of .Net projects (I've done mostly Java) but one thing I would recommend is using a tool like NAnt. I have a real problem with coupling my build to the IDE, it ends up making it a real pain to set up build servers down the road since you have to go do a full VS install on any box that you want to build from in the future.
That being said, any automated build is better than no automated build.
Our build process is a bunch of homegrown Perl scripts that have evolved over a decade or so, nothing fancy but it gets the job done. One script gets the latest source code, another builds it, a third stages it to a network location. We do desktop application development so our staging process also builds install packages for testing and eventually shipping to customers.
I suggest you break it down to individual steps because there will be times when you want to rebuild but not get latest, or maybe just need to re-stage. Our scripts can also handle building from different branches so consider that also with whatever solution you develop.
Finally we have a dedicated build machine that rebuilds the trunk and maintenance branches every night and sends out an email with any problems or if it completed successfully.
One thing I would suggest ensure your build script (and installer project, if relevant in your case) is in source control. I tend to have a very simple script that just checks out\gets latest the "main" build script then launches it.
I say this b/c I see teams just running the latest version of the build script on the server but either never putting it in source control or when they do they only check it in on a random basis. If you make the build process to "get" from source control it will force you to keep the latest and greatest build script in there.
Our build system is a makefile (or two). It has been rather fun getting it working as it needs to run on both windows (as a build task under VS) and under Linux (as a normal "make bla" task). The really fun thing is that the build gets the actual file list from a .csproj file, builds (another) makefile from that, and run that. In the processes the make file actually calls it's self.
If that thought doesn't scare the reader, then (either they are crazy or) they can probably get make + "your favorite string mangler" to work for them.
We use UppercuT.
UppercuT uses NAnt to build and it is extremely easy to use.
Some good explanations here: UppercuT
