How to get crisp css rotated text? - css

I'm using css3 transforms in the ayout of a website to get some 'jaunty' angles and it's really impacting the legibility of the text. Here's an example of what I'm talking about...
the text in the above example makes use of css transforms and a jquery plugin for comparison, both produce the same jaggy results.
Is there any techniques for getting smoother results, perhaps something using canvas???

You could try font-smooth but I doubt that this will solve your problem:
(BTW: The jQuery and CSS examples both use the same css transform so they are equivalent - no need to post both)


Draw a Curved text using CSS

I want to know how to draw a text like this style ( curved) using only CSS please help me
It isn't super straightforward, but I suppose it could be done. Take a look at this article: Set Text on a Circle. Not the exact same thing, but same idea. You'd need to do it per character or section of words to do it.
A potentially easier solution would be to use Javascript/jQuery. But I know this doesn't meet your CSS only requirement. Consider looking at ArcText.js as an option if you feel CSS isn't doable for you.
There is also a tool that does this for you: CSS Warp - CSS Text to Path Generator. This would match exactly what you want, and generate the code for you for various browsers. I've never used it before, but seems nearly fool-proof.
Here is an example using CSS Warp. I spent about 5 minutes. It gets you pretty close to what you want, and you can polish it up more. Then just use CSS to add the rest of the styling.

Creating Linen texture with CSS?

Is it possible to create Apple's linen texture with CSS? Something like background gradient, to avoid the slow speed of an image.
Using the noise feature of CSS can get you a long way to creating a pure CSS texture. Play around with to see the possibilities. If you put both opacity and density you can get a striped pattern that somewhat resembles cloth.
A special mention goes to this article, for using css gradients to give your noise texture that little extra something:
Be advised that the noise feature is pretty new and isn't supported in all browsers.
I think gradient is possible. follow the link:Speed Up with CSS3 Gradients

Media Fragment URI Alternative in CSS?

So, I'm looking to do a background image in CSS using a sprite sheet. And just to be clear, no I am not going for this effect. I have a full sprite sheet, and I would like to take a 16px by 16px square on the sheet and set it as the background that will be repeated.
At some point in the future, I hope to be able to do this via spacial dimensions using media fragments in the URL parameter, but since this isn't supported yet I'm looking for an alternative. Is there any way to get this same effect via modern CSS techniques or hacks?
Some notes:
I don't need to support old browsers, just the latest FF or Chrome will do.
I would prefer pure CSS solutions. I can and will create a JS/Canvas solution with data:URI's if I need to but considering how many elements I may need this for, I would prefer to not have to do that if I can get better results via pure CSS.
Need to repeat in both x and y directions
Looking for solution that takes advantage of a single image in memory/cache so that I don't have to load the sprite-sheet for every sprite I want to insert
Here's a pure CSS solution that works in Firefox only, but seems to meet all your requirements.
body{ background-image: -moz-image-rect(
); }
Example at
There is only one method that falls under your conditions (the hardest one is the need to repeat): using the border-image.
The dabblet with the demo:
The point is: you can mark the part that you want to use using the border-image-slice part of the border-image property. The syntax is a bit tricky, but using it you could create different repeating paterns from border-images. Also, when the needed parts are not on the edge, or when you need to repeat the image both on X and Y, you'll need a clip property, so you'll need a block to be absolute positioned. All these things work even in Opera.
But, there is one bad, bad thing: the rendering of central part of border-image is a kelly hell: there is a difference not only between webkit and mozilla, but even between the Safari and Chrome, so I added a lot of hacks there.
In conclusion: the goal can be achieved, but with a hell of a hacks.
So, I'd advice you to use the data:uri, 'cause there are no other ways to do this in webkits and Fx both (in Fx-only you could use the -moz-image-rect as mentioned above).

Creating complex shapes using CSS

I'm trying to create a trapeze like shape using any number of techinques so that it will be as much as possible. the shape i'm trying to create a shape like this:
(there will be content inside the shape [imgs & txt])
so far, the possible ways of doing that are: masking (webkit) and SVG effects on html content (firefox). but I cant seem to find any way to make this work with IE and opera.
So if anyone could show me how to do this, it will be greatly appreciated.
There are a few options for creating non-rectangular shapes using CSS, but they are all hacks. This isn't something that you'd normally expect to do using CSS.
The most well known technique is triangles made using borders. It is very much a hack, and would require using multiple elements for a single shape. I wouldn't suggest using it on a production site.
The other CSS solution I can think of would be to use an extreme border-radius setting to modify the shape of the box. This is less hacky, but won't work in IE8 and lower, so fails your criteria.
You say you've tried the SVG approach and given up on it because it doesn't work in IE8. It's worth pointing out that while IE doesn't support SVG, it does support VML, which is a competing vector graphics format. SVG is now standardised, so VML will fade away, but older IEs will continue to support it.
Therefore the solution I'd go with would be to use SVG by default, and VML instead on IE7/8. The good news is that there are several Javascript solutions which make this easy.
One is Raphael, which allows you to draw SVG/VML images using Javascript. Commonly used for real-time graphs, etc.
There are also a number of solutions which simply convert SVG to VML. For example But there are several others available.
Hope that helps.
As you suggest, masking and SVG are the way to go. These will be supported in future browsers. If you must be backwards compatible with IE, look into the IE "filter" for CSS (google "ie filter").
Be forewarned: It's very unintuitive (compared to CSS3) and generally a bitch to work with. If your goal is to make the page look identical to the CSS3 version, it will be difficult and you're probably better off using images.

ie gradient + background-image

Is there any way to make ie (7,8) display a gradient AND a background-image on the same div?
The only way I got it working (but only almost) was by using two filters, one for the gradient and one using the AlphaImageLoader - but of course, then you can't position the image.
Declaring a background-image and gradient filter doesn't work, because it simply won't render the image - only the gradient.
Is there any (preferably non-js) solution to this?
If not, I'll have to resort to using a background image for the gradient as well, which isn't quite as nice but won't make much of a difference either...
I would say that adding a little unnecessary markup is the lesser of the evils here. Either that, or let IE-users live without the gradient.
Oftentimes getting your design to work is a trade-off between semantics, performance, standards and pixel perfection. Accepting that fact was hard for me, but it's made me a better front-end developer - I can work faster, and I can make decisions about what metric is important in a given case.
