srReader.GetValue(1) using -

I am very New to
We are using fortify software for projects when it is going to LIVE. In that process I got some cross-Site Scripting : persistent Data flow issues.
Can anybody know how to resolve the following issue:
CType(srReader.GetValue(1), String)
CType(srReader.GetValue(2), String)
When I am loading the above value into some labels it is showing error; error name as mentioned above.
guys can anybody knows how to get this value in a different way.

Can you give more context around where you are using this type cast? I don't know what fortify software is, but if it is a security analysis tool and you are receiving "Cross site scripting" errors, then the problem is most likely that you are returning this string in it's native state to be rendered as HTML. To avoid cross-site scripting risks, you should be html-encoding this value. That is, unless it is known to be safe and intended to be rendered as HTMl, in which case you'll just have to ignore or suppress this error.


Possibility to modify or extend code in D365FO to suppress thrown error

Original class function creates an SQL query and executes it.
Since there is an syntax error in the query it throws an error. What's the correct way to achieve fixation? Class extension does not work, because CoC executes the complete original function.
The class in question is ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller. In method insertMissingDatesForecastEntries a direct SQL statement string is generated. The date variable nonFrozenForecastStartDate is added to the string, but is not escaped correctly as it seems.
If the SQL statement is executed, a syntax error occurs. If the statement is fixed, it can be executed e.g. in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
In this specific case, based on your comments, you may be able to sidestep.
Create a new class ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller_Fix extending ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller then copy/paste the erroneous function and correct the mistake.
Create an extension class and change the newParameters static funcion.
class ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller_Extention
public static ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller newParameters(
ReqDemPlanCreateForecastDataContract _dataContract,
ReqDemPlanAllocationKeyFilterTmp _allocationKeyFilter,
ReqDemPlanTaskLoggerInterface _logger = null)
ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller filler = next newParameters(_dataContract, _allocationKeyFilter, _logger);
filler = new ReqDemPlanMissingForecastFiller_Fix(); //Throw away previous value
return filler;
Code above was based on AX 2012 code. Stupid solution to a stupid problem.
It goes almost without saying that you should report the problem to Microsoft.
#Jan B. Kjeldsen's answer describes how the specific case can be solved without involving Microsoft.
Since overlayering is no longer possible, the solution involves copying a fair bit of standard code. This brings its own risks, because future changes by Microsoft for that code are not reflected in the copied code.
Though it cannot always be avoided, other options should be evaluated first:
As #Jan B. Kjeldsen mentioned, errors in the standard code should be reported to Microsoft (see Get support for Finance and Operations apps or Lifecycle Services (LCS)). This enables them to fix the error.
Pro: No further work needed.
Con: Microsoft may decline the fix or take a long time to implement it.
If unlike in this specific case the issue is not a downright error, but a lack of extension options, an extensibility request can be created with Microsoft. They will then add an extension option.
Pro: No further work needed.
Con: Microsoft may decline the extensibility request or take a long time to implement it.
For both errors as well as missing extension options, Microsoft also offers the Community Driven Engineering program (CDE). This enables you to develop changes in the standard code directly via a special Microsoft hosted repository where the standard code is not locked for changes.
Pro: Most flexible and fastest of all options involving Microsoft.
Con: You have to do the work yourself. Microsoft may decline the change. It can still take some time before the change is available in a GA version.
You can also consider a hybrid approach: For a quick solution, copy standard code and customize it as required. But also report an error, create an extensibility request or fix it yourself in the CDE program. When the change is available in standard code, you can then remove the copied code again.

Can't get the Sessions to work in webmatrix

I am trying to pass variables from one page to another using Sessions , but they don't seem to have effect. In the source page inside the razor syntax
Session["variable"] = "value";
And in the target page:
but I get a server error
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Any suggestions would be most welcome........Thanks
I was only ever able to get this to work with casting:
Although it has been a long time since I have tried it with ToString() instead, I do explicitly remember my attempt to call a Session variable only successful with the casting option, although I have heard that ToString() should work. Either way, I always get it to work with casting.
That having been said, I feel it only right of me to warn you that if you are simply trying to pass data between pages, you shouldn't be using Session variables at all. Use hidden form fields, query strings, Url Data, or even cookies and/or databases before you do that.
I like to look at Session variables as something to quickly solve very special cases and only to be used very CAREFULLY. ALWAYS expect the value to be null and test its value before using it.
For help with the options for transferring data between web pages using WebMatrix, check out Mike Brind's very helpful site: <-- You'll want to bookmark this for now. It is right up the alley of what you are getting yourself into with WebMatrix.
If you still want to use the Session variable and casting doesn't work, the only other thing I can think that would cause the error is that the value you expect in Session["variable"] isn't what you think it is.
For the Record:
I was only trying to make a point when saying, "or even cookies and/or databases before you do that" Please do not use those options, as they are likely terrible in your case (also, cookies would just give you the same problems as Session variables, actually). In any case, it really all depends on how you are using the data and if you are always checking to make sure the value hasn't been cleared in the case of Session variables and/or cookies.

BizTalk messages overwriting each other?

I have an odd situation that has only come up in this one orchestration I'm working on.
I have a Receive message come in. I use an Expression shape and write it to a variable "xmlDoc" so I can verify what is in it. I then have a Message Assignment shape where I Load a string of XML to a variable "xmlDoc2" and assign that variable to a second message and write it out so I can verify it. I then have another Expression shape and attempt to write out the first message again and it's apparently been replaced with the second message information.
It's not in a Parallel shape, and the Message Assignment is only building the second message. Between the receive and where I'm seeing this issue, I'm doing a few Decide shapes and building other messages from the Receive message. They all work fine and don't overwrite anything (do the same processes as what I'm trying to do later.)
Anyone seen this before or see something I'm missing?
ETA: The process works a bit like this:
Send Message comes in
xmlDoc = Send Message
xmlDoc.OuterXml is written to a table
xmlDoc2 = "<root><xml></xml></root>"
Second Message = xmlDoc2
xmlDoc2.OuterXml is written to a table
xmlDoc = Send Message <-- What should happen
xmlDoc = Second Message <-- What is happening
I could not reproduce your exact problem but I got close. I think there are some implied statements in your process outline that would be critical for us to understand what's really happening. In any case, I think your BizTalk messages do not get overwritten, but that the XmlDocument variables are.
I think you may have been hit by one of the fundamental confusions a developer coming from a Java or VB6 background encounters when working with C#.
C# is a Managed Language
Please, remember that C# is a managed language, in that it uses a garbage collector to reclaim unused references to objects. The key word here is Reference.
When you write the following lines:
xmlDoc2 = "<root><xml/></root>";
SecondMessage = xmlDoc2;
Basically, you have two references to the same content. Namely, two references xmlDoc2 and SecondMessage which refer to the assigned string.
So, depending upon the code you use to "write out" the XML content of your BizTalk messages, you may be overwriting some references.
Furthermore, if this happens in the context of a Construct shape, you may be inadvertently overwriting the content of the BizTalk message itself.
A Solution?
This problem does not usually manifest itself when working with BizTalk. I personally never encountered this issue.
If you update your original question with the exact code for both Expression shapes and the Assignment shape, I'll update this response with more appropriate guidance.

ASP.NET: Looking for solution to solve XSS

We got a long-running website where XSS lurks. The problem comes from that some developers directly - without using HtmlEncode/Decode() - retrieve Request["sth"] to do the process, putting on the web.
I wonder if there is any mechanism like HTTPModule to help us HtmlEncode() all the items in a Http request to avoid XSS to some extent.
Appreciate for any suggestion.
The problem is not retrieving Request data without HTML-encoding. In fact that's perfectly correct. You should not encode any text until the final output stage when you spit it into an HTML page.
Trying to blanket-encode incoming parameters, whether that's HTML-encoding or SQL-encoding, is totally the wrong thing. It may hide XSS holes in your app but it does not fix them. You will still have a hole if you output content that hasn't come from parameters, or has been processed since then. Meanwhile the automatic encoding will fill your database with multiply-escaped &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; crud.
You need to fix the output stage, that's where the problem lies.
Like bobince said, this is an output problem, not an input problem. If you can isolate where this data is being output on the page, you could create a Filter and add it to the Response object. This filter would isolate the areas that are common output and then HtmlEncode them.

Asp.Net Validaterequest False

I'm creating an Asp.Net program UI where users can browse and change information in a database. For this reason, they need to be able to use all forms of chars, but I still need to keep the program HTML and SQL itself secure. For that reason, I'm using a self-built method that replaces dangerous chars such as '<' etc with their html-codes while they're being handled outside of a textbox (issued on page-load so they have no functionality in there).
Now my dilemma: To be able to do this, I have to disable the Validaterequest parameter as per the topic, the program will issue a complaint. What are the possible consequences of setting it to False?
The SQL query is parametirized already, and I filter out the following marks only:
& # < > " ’ % # =
Question: am I leaving the program open for threats even if I handle the chars above? Basically this is an intranet application where only a few people will be able to access the program. Nevertheless, the information it accesses is fairly important so even unintentional mishaps should be prevented. I literally have no idea what the Validaterequest thing even does.
Edit: Alright, thx for the answers. I'll just go with this then as initially planned.
The main things Validate Request is looking for are < and > characters, to stop you opening your site up to malicious users posting script and or HTML to your site.
If you're happy with the code you've got stripping out HTML mark-up, or you are not displaying the saved data back to the website without processing, then you should be ok.
Basically validating user input by replacing special characters usually cause more trouble and doesn't really solve the problem. It all depends what the user will input, sometimes they need the special characters like
& # < > " ’ % # =
think about savvy users could still use xp_ command or even use CONVERT() function to do a ASCII/binary automated attack. As long as you parametrized all input, it should be ok.
i think that the problem is not only about SQL injection attacks, but about Cross Site Scripting and JS execution attacks.
To prevent this you cannot rely on parametrized queries alone, you should do a "sanitization" of the html the user sends! maybe a tool like html tidy could help.
