Ajax Toolkit AjaxFileUpload throw exception - asp.net

I have an entry form which I want to add a file uploader I added a toolkit script manager to the master page
then i added an ajaxfileupload control <http://www.asp.net/ajaxLibrary/AjaxControlToolkitSampleSite/AjaxFileUpload/AjaxFileUpload.aspx>
the aspx looks like this
<ajaxToolkit:AjaxFileUpload ID="AjaxFileUpload1" ThrobberID="myThrobber" ContextKeys="fred"
AllowedFileTypes="jpg,jpeg" MaximumNumberOfFiles="2" runat="server" UploadedComplete="AjaxFileUpload1_UploadedComplete" />
the method AjaxFileUpload1_UploadedComplete is empty for now.
I got this exception and no event is firing except for the page_load
Sys.ArgumentException: Sys.ArgumentException: Cannot deserialize. The
data does not correspond to valid JSON.

I realise this is an old question but i think this is caused by a 'bug' in the control. It appends query string parameters but assumes there are no existing parameters.
There are details and a fix here: https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/workitem/27149 (involves changing the source and rebuilding the toolkit)


GridView Causing IE Script Error & Latency When Subordinated Within Master.Page

GridView binding renders quickly on Default.aspx form...and is triggered by Bind() method from button event on default.aspx form. The data source is bound dynamically through SqlDataReader populating and returning IEnumerable object
<form runat="server">
<asp:gridview runat="server" ID="GridView1"></asp:gridview>
However, when trying to invoke same functionality from web form derived from master.page, IE returns script error and takes 30 seconds to return data that returns instantaneously in default.aspx. I will say on the subordinated web form the gridView is within Content tags and also using .css reference in Master.Page. Trying to get this site functionally and aesthetically appropriate and not look like a bare bones DOS-like screen.
Many thanks............

Disable page refresh after button click ASP.NET

I have an asp button that looks like this:
<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" Text="clickme" onclick="function" />
protected void function(object sender EventArgs e)
// Do some calculation
However, whenever I press the button, the entire page gets refreshed. I have looked on this site and found many solutions, but none of them really works for my project. Here are some of the suggested solutions:
set onclick="return false;" // but then how do I run the function in the code-behind?
use !IsPostBack in Page_Load // but the page still refreshes completely. I don't want Page_Load to be called at all.
Disable AutoEventWireup. // making this true or false doesn't make a difference.
Does anyone have a solution to this, or is it really impossible?
I would place the control inside of an Update panel.
To do so, you would also need a script manager above it, so something like this:
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="sm">
<asp:updatepanel runat="server">
<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" Text="clickme" onclick="function" />
if a control inside the update panel does a postback, it will only reload the part of the page inside of the upate panel.Here is a link you may find useful from the MSDN site.
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding here of how ASP.Net works.
When a user first requests your page, an instance of your Page class is created. The ASP.Net framework runs through the page lifecycle with this page instance in order to generate html. The html response is then sent to the user's browser. When the browser receives the response it renders the page for the user. Here's the key: by the time rendering is complete, your page class instance was probably already collected by the .Net garbage collector. It's gone, never to be seen again.
From here on out, everything your page does that needs to run on the server, including your method, is the result of an entirely new http request from the browser. The user clicks the button, a new http request is posted to the web server, the entire page lifecycle runs again, from beginning to end, with a brand new instance of the page class, and an entirely new response is sent to the browser to be re-rendered from scratch. That's how ASP.Net (and pretty much any other web-based technology) works at its core.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to get around this. One option is to put most of your current Page_Load code into an if (!IsPostBack) { } block. Another option is to set up your method with the [WebMethod] attribute and make an ajax request to the method from the button. Other options include calling web services from custom javascript and ASP.Net UpdatePanel controls.
What works best will depend on what other things are on the page that user might have changed.
That is normal behavior for asp.net, you are actually causing a postback of the the page in order for the associated event to be called on the server.
I would suggest working with update panels but if you just need something to happen on the backend without it causing any major change on the web page, I would use jquery and a web service. The main reason for me is that update panels create huge viewstate objects.
Have a look here for asp.net ajax : http://www.asp.net/ajax
And here for an example of jquery and wcf : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/132809/Calling-WCF-Services-using-jQuery
I have a similar problem. this answer helps me a lot. in your asp button.<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" Text="clickme" OnClientClick="return SomeMethod();" /> and in the SomeMethod which is a js method do your logic like manipulating your page then return false as the mentioned answer suggest.

Where is the code that runs when a button is clicked in ASP.NET

I'm trying to learn basic aspects of ASP.NET by analyzing the default Web Site project with Visual Studio 2010.
In the Register.aspx page there are fields for user registration and this button:
<asp:Button ID="CreateUserButton" runat="server" CommandName="MoveNext"
Text="Create User" ValidationGroup="RegisterUserValidationGroup"/>
The button does register an user, but I can't find the piece of code that is run and even less how code was associated to that button. I've tried searching the solution for all the identifier keywords and found nothing relevant. Searching on the web mentions a Button.OnClick method that I also can't find.
Any info on the basic aspects of ASP.NET will help me; thanks in advance.
Edit: hierarchically, the button is inside:
<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="RegisterUser" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" OnCreatedUser="RegisterUser_CreatedUser">
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="RegisterUserWizardStep" runat="server">
<div class="accountInfo">
<p class="submitButton">
There is a RegisterUser_CreatedUser method on the code behind and it does:
protected void RegisterUser_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(RegisterUser.UserName, false /* createPersistentCookie */);
string continueUrl = RegisterUser.ContinueDestinationPageUrl;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(continueUrl))
continueUrl = "~/";
I was expecting some kind of inserting of user data on a database. I wonder, is this all that the button does?
The button you are looking it should be in CreateUserWizardStep control. I don't know much about this control but probably control looks for a child button having CommandName = "MoveNext", then it hooks for its click event.
Try changing the CommandName to something else like "test", it should NOT hit the breakpoint on RegisterUser_CreatedUser event.
Also note that CreatedUser <- event is telling that user is created, now the rest of the code is just authenticating the same user. Behind that, the user is already been created and saved in database.
If you also look in the web.config you will find this ConnectionString
<add name="ApplicationServices"
connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Since you are using the Visual Studio's Default Web Application project, these all things are already done by Visual Studio for you.
An aspx page will also have a "code behind" file with the same name but a different extension (the letters after the dot) which depends on the language it's written in. Visual basic files have a .vb extension while C# files have a .cs extension.
Try looking for Register.vb or Register.cs and see if that's more fruitful.
If you're using a development environment like Visual Studio, you'll probably find that in the Solution Explorer you can click to expand the aspx file and see its code behind file underneath. If you're not, you might want to pick up a copy of the free express edition:
When you find the code-behind, look for method called "MoveNext" - that's the code that'll run when you click the button, as specified by the CommandName attribute of the asp: Tag.
You've complicated a couple of things and you are completely not at fault but partly the project templates which comes with VS 2010 IDE. Let me try to help you one by one:
Learning basics of ASP.Net : For this you should be using "ASP.NET Empty Web Application" project template present in Visual Studio 2010. You've started with "ASP.NET Web Application" project template which has complicated things for
you. To start afresh "ASP.NET Web Application" looks the obvious choice for anyone though but it comes with a precooked boiler-plate code meant for ASP.NET membership forms authentication and its associated controls which is the root cause of all your confusion. To get started with the basics take the "ASP.NET Empty Web Application" project template I've suggested above and then add a new "Web Form" and then add various basic server web controls like button or text box to get started with concepts like event handling and code behind stuff.
Your other problem -
"The button does register an user, but I can't find the piece of code
that is run and even less how code was associated to that button"
That is because the button that you are seeing on Register.aspx page is
NOT an individual server web control but it is part of a composite control asp:CreateUserWizard instead. All the events of various controls be it a button, label or text box which are part of the asp:CreateUserWizard composite control is handled by the parent composite control asp:CreateUserWizard. You will NOT find all that code in your code behind file as this is present in System.Web.dll which is referenced in your project.
Since all the control events present on the composite control are handled by a common function written inside the code of composite control it has to distinguish exactly which control was clicked by the user (to take an appropriate action) which caused the current page post back for which CommandName property comes into picture. There is a switch case statement inside that common function for parent composite control which uses the CommandName property.
So essentially what happened is when you tried to start understanding basics of ASP.Net server web controls and event handling you actually got into the path of understanding ASP.Net Membership & role web server controls & providers which might be comparatively tough to understand and grasp initially. Hope this helps you to get started and further your understanding on ASP.Net world.

AJAX Control Toolkit Loading All Scripts

I have a bit of a weird problem I can't seem to fix. I am using the AJAX Control Toolkit's calendar extender on some of my pages. Despite the information I've found via the web I can't seem to get it working with a regular ScriptManager control, it only works with a ToolkitScriptManager. However I've noticed that when the page loads it adds some 84 script files for every possible control script provided by the toolkit:
Is this the expected behaviour, and can I turn it off? I only need it to load the relevant scripts to handle the calendar extender.
In current version of ACT you can group extenders in bundle and specify which bundles you need to include.
Add AjaxControlToolkit.config file to project like here Codeplex AjaxControlToolkit.config, add new controlBundle entry to this file for CalendarExtender like this:
<controlBundle name="Calendar">
<control name="CalendarExtender"></control>
and specify this bundle in ToolkitScriptmanager control:
<ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="server" CombineScripts="true"
ScriptMode="Release" >
<ajaxToolkit:ControlBundle Name="Calendar" />
Use ControlBundles to solve this, follow this step about ControlBundles on how to do it.

Usercontrol errors in asp.net

Is there a way to universally force a page to error when a usercontrol raises an error? For example, if you write code that will create an error in a usercontrol, like this:
<asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server" Text='<%# string.Format(("") %>' />
The page will still load like everything is working, but the portion of the page that the usercontrol occupies will contain the error "... ) expected." I want the page to actually error like it normally would if that bad code were on a normal .aspx page. Thanks in advance for any advice.
See How do I catch an exception raised on my ASCX control (not the code-behind)? for some details on this. One suggested solution involves creating an event in your user control that is fired if an exception is caught during the control's RenderChildren method. Then, your parent aspx page can handle the event raised in the ascx.
