Devexpress ASPxGridView New Row Disabled -

I have code like this with devexpress ASPxGridView. Everything goes well, but when I try to add new row, new row's textbox is disabled...
I have KeyFieldName set.
void BindGrid()
var AnnObj = SearchBarBanners.Select(i => new
Caption = i.Attribute("caption").Value,
ID = i.Attribute("id").Value, // this is generated by Guid
ImagesGrid.DataSource = AnnObj;

I can suggest you two things without grid markup:
1. Call BindGrid method in Page_Init
2. If your datasource initially returns zero rows, grid won't be able to determine type of objects that will be rendered in grid. You need to use ASPxGridView.ForceDataRowType in order to solve this problem.

Use recommendations from the Q392961 DX Article to resolve this issue.


Xamarin Forms Grid conditional RowSpan

I have a generic Grid List Control. Which let me Bind the Item Source and ItemTemplate and it will generates the Column and Rows based on Number of Items or Based on how Users set the Rows and Columns. Its perfect until here. It supports all the generics I needed.
Now the Problem part:
I have a ContentView which will be used as Item Template for the Grid. This Template will be used for Multiple Data Types. I'm able to do it properly. Now I have one Data Type Where the First Cell should have RowSpan if it meets certain condition: The code below works perfect. It creates the RowSpan perfectly.
bool isYearBuilt = false;
bool isAny = false;
public FilterItemView()
protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
var context = BindingContext as PropertyFilterItem;
if (context == null)
isYearBuilt = true; isAny = true;
protected override void OnParentSet()
GridList grid = this.Parent as GridList;
if (grid == null)
if(isYearBuilt && isAny)
Grid.SetRowSpan(this, 2);
These are the Images; which will describe it more perfectly:
This is how it looks based on above code. We can see that it is creating RowSpan.
This is what I'm expecting to do.
The only problem is - While Setting RowSpan it is not refreshing the subsequent cells. Because, I'm applying the RowSpan in Runtime after the Grid and all the Cells are created. How can I refresh the Grid and other remaining cells to moved to their own cells?
Thank you for helping me.
Set the grid list's ItemsSource = null and set it back again to the item source you want.
Cause of the problem:
As you have said, While Setting RowSpan it is not refreshing the subsequent cells.
After you have set rowspan using Grid.SetRowSpan(this, 2); you have to bind the datasource again.
Since I had my own Custom Grid List control. I implemented more Properties which let me know When I have to RowSpan for Child View in Grid and Adjust subsequent Child items. That was the only best way to deal with this problem rather than re-assigning the ItemSource property. Because, If we assign item source it will redraw all the items (including the rows and columns - not row/colspans). So we would still end up with same issue.
Solution: Added RowSpan logic in my Grid Control.

Display Image to RepositoryPictureEdit in gridView of DevExpress...?

I am working in DevExpress Gridview Concepts. I require one User Image in my grid field. i m working in winforms platforms.
My Datatable has only path of image. I dont know how to bind an image to repositoryPictureEdit Control
Kindly provide any solution.
You could using a ImageEdit. This is a dropdown of Images. So you generate Images first via:
Add them to a List or ImageList and fill the dropdown with it. Then you just bind the index of the picture to your column.
I hope this is able to work in your case.
edit: OR
At first you have to create a UnboundColumn in your Grid. Just create a column and set the Property 'UnboundType' to object. Then set a RepositoryPictureEdit as ColumnEdit. Now you have a Column which got a pictureedit in each row. To populate the Images you can handle the CustomUnboundColumnData event. This event you can find on the GridView.
To accomplish this task do following:
Run GridView Designer -> Change to columns at the left side
Add Column
In the Propertywindow ->
set the Columnedit to repositorypictureedit
set the UnboundType to object
Activate the CustomUnboundColumnData event (you can find in the
GridView) -> this event fires on loading Grid for every cell.
With e.ListSourceRowIndex you can get the row of your datasource appending to the unboundcolumn. So you could do following:
private void gridView1_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CustomColumnDataEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.Name == "MyColumn")
clsTest test = myListAsDataSource[e.ListSourceRowIndex];
e.Value = test.Bild;
I hope this can help you.

How to get values from Repeater control

I am using repeater control to display online question paper to user. I am showing 50 questions to user. And i am giving 4 check boxes for every question to select answer. Now my doubt is how to get all 50 options that checked by user, and to compare those answers with correct answer tag in my XML. I am using XML file, not database.
Can anyone please help me how to achieve this functionality?
You have to iterate Repeater control, like...
if (Repeater1.Items.Count > 0)
for (int count = 0; count < Repeater1.Items.Count; count++)
CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)Repeater1.Items[count].FindControl("CheckBox1");
if (chk.Checked)
To get access to Repeater items you should use:
To get access to all checked controls of a repeater (which are definitely RadioButton controls, as you should have one option per question), you can use:
foreach (ListViewDataItem item in repeaterId.Items)
// Finding RadioButton controls by Id
RadioButton firstOption = ((RadioButton)item.FindControl("firstOption"));
RadioButton secondOption = ((RadioButton)item.FindControl("secondOption"));
RadioButton thirdOption = ((RadioButton)item.FindControl("thirdOption"));
RadioButton fourthOption = ((RadioButton)item.FindControl("fourthOption"));
// Here you have four RadioButtones and you should only see which one of them is clicked. Then compare its value to correct value in your XML file.

How do I programatically put telerik rad grid in "add new" mode on page load

Seems like this should be easy but I must just be missing something... I have a Telerik RadGrid on a page that allows inline editing. How do I programatically put the grid into edit mode to insert a new row into the grid. When the page loads I would like show the existing data and also display 1 empty row that a user can easily type into to add a new record to the table. (I don't want them to have to push the add new button)
Found the answer while back.... updating this in case others need it
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted = true;
You can set
radGrid1.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted = false;
that will remove the inserted item (like pressing cancel).
If you need show inset form always you can use next:
protected void NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) {
parametersGrid.DataSource = data;
parametersGrid.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted = true;
You could try using jQuery to press your add button once the page is ready.
Something along the lines of -
$(document).ready(function() {
What I did when I wanted to do the same with the Telerik grid is to set the MasterTableView.IsItemInserted property of the control to true inside the OnNeedDataSource event handler. I suppose that it should work if you set the property inside the OnDataBound grid handler as well.
RefreshGrid(userName, "priority", true, false);
RadGrid radGrid = RadGrid1;

Set HTML input checkbox name in listview

I am trying to add a checkbox in a listview with value as ids of the records from the database so I can allow the user to check the ones they want to delete and when they click the delete button I can get value collection of checkbox with request.form.
My problem is, because checkbox in a listview ASP.NET renders the listview name into the name property of the checkbox, it prevents me to do request.form["checkboxname"].
I don't want to use Listviews delete commands but simply use request.form to get the collection of checked values.
How can I set name of the htmlinput checkbox so .NET doesn't change it in render time?
I have tried:
ListViewDataItem dataItem = (ListViewDataItem)e.Item;
HtmlInputCheckBox _CheckBoxDelete = (HtmlInputCheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("CheckBoxDelete");
_CheckBoxDelete.Visible = true;
_CheckBoxDelete.Value = DataBinder.Eval(dataItem.DataItem, "id").ToString();
_CheckBoxDelete.Name = "deletechecked";
But still it renders like:
<input name="PmList$ctrl0$CheckBoxDelete" type="checkbox" id="PmList_ctrl0_CheckBoxDelete" value="3" />
This is happening because ListView is a Naming Container. You can get around this in a couple of ways, but they all boil down to the choice of:
Rendering the HTML you want.
Pulling out the checked items in a different way.
The former is doable, but you'll likely loose a lot of ASP.NET's built in functionality. I'd advise against it unless you're deeply familiar with the control life cycle.
You've got everything you need for the pulling the values out in a way ASP is expecting:
HtmlInputCheckBox _CheckBoxDelete = (HtmlInputCheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBoxDelete");
You just need to wait for the control hierarchy to be populated, and then loop over the ListView.Items looking for the checkboxes. Your "Delete" button's event handler is probably a good place to call this from.
Incidentally, why are you using a HtmlInputCheckbox, rather than a CheckBox?
I have sorted it out with:
string idCollectionTodelete = string.Empty;
foreach (string x in Request.Form)
if (x.IndexOf("CheckBoxDelete") > -1)
idCollectionTodelete += Request.Form[x] + ",";
new DB().DeleteUserPm(
ActiveUsername(), subdomain, idCollectionTodelete.TrimEnd(','));
It is not an ideal solution but it does work for me.
I do this
List<HtmlInputCheckBox> chkDeleteContacts = new List<HtmlInputCheckBox>();
foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptrFamilyContacts.Items)
foreach(HtmlInputCheckBox chkDeleteContact in chkDeleteContacts)
//Delete Contact
blnStatus = BusinessUtility.DeleteConsumerContact(LoginConsumerID, chkDeleteContact.Value);
Slightly easier in my opinion
