Qt translation file (qm) info - qt

I have some number of qm files for my app. (pr_en.qm, pr_ru.qm). I can load they by
translator.load(fileName, '.');
I want build dynamic menu (English, Russian) to select language. But, how can I extract such constants (English, Russian) from qm file instead of it's names (pr_en.qm, pr_ru.qm). Thanks.

I would suggest two ways of doing it:
First would be declaring special translator field like:
tr("__LANGNAME__") that would be in every translation file filled with proper language name (even native). Then you could list all available translations, load them one by one and use QTranslator::translate(const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * disambiguation = 0) method.
QStringList availableLanguages;
QDirIterator qmIt(pathToQm, QStringList() << "*.qm", QDir::Files);
QFileInfo finfo = qmIt.fileInfo();
QTranslator translator;
translator.load(finfo.baseName(), pathToQm);
availableLanguages << translator.translate("__LANGNAME__");
qDebug() << availableLanguages;
My second aproach would be with QLocale and QLocale::Language. I would create QLocale object for each base name of file in qm dir, and then use QLocale::Language enum to get language name with QLocale::languageToString method.


Qt logical error during getting user's input from terminal via getline function and writing it into a file

Using console, I want to write the desired user's input into a file via getline function inside the wFile function and then read it. I face with logical error during Runtime; whatever I as user write doesn't type into the output terminal and it doesn't succeed more steps. Apparently fwrite function with this feature in the libraries exists, but I want to write my own code differently this way. I think I must have neglected a point. Here's the code:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QString>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <String>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void wFile(QString Filename)
QFile mFile(Filename);
QTextStream str(&mFile);
qDebug() << "what do you want to write in the desired file: ";
istream& getline (istream& is, string& str);
if (!mFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text))
qDebug() << "could not open the file";
void read (QString Filename){
QFile nFile(Filename);
if(!nFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
qDebug() << "could not open file for reading";
QTextStream in(&nFile);
QString nText = in.readAll();
qDebug() << nText;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QString nFilename ="P:/DocumentArminV.txt";
return a.exec();
Spoiler alarm: At the very end of this answer, there is a very simple recommendation for a fix.
What OP did
Concerning istream& getline (istream& is, string& str); in wFile(QString Filename):
This declares function getline() in function wFile().
This is a valid declaration concerning C++.
Concerning the sample code, I missed the respective headers. IMHO,
#include <istream> and
#include <string>
are required to make this compiling.
However, it is possible that the existing #includes include them indirectly. So, OP's code may even compile without them.
Declaring functions, which are not used as well as re-declaring functions which are already declared is somehow useless but not wrong.
To demonstrate this, I made a small sample:
#include <cstdio>
#include <istream>
#include <string>
void func()
puts("in func()\n");
std::istream& getline(std::istream&, std::string&);
// Even duplicated prototyping is accepted without complaints:
std::istream& getline(std::istream&, std::string&);
int main ()
return 0;
compiles and runs perfectly.
in func()
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What OP (probably) wanted
Using console, I want to write the desired user's input into a file via getline function inside the wFile function and then read it.
This sounds a bit confusing to me. std::getline(std::cin, ) can be used to read user input from console. May be, it's a bit bad wording only.
Assuming, the OP wanted to read input from console, obviously, declaring a function is not sufficient – it must be called to become effective:
#include <iostream>
void func()
std::cout << "Enter file name: ";
std::string fileName; std::getline(std::cin, fileName);
std::cout << "Got file name '" << fileName << "'\n");
int main ()
return 0;
Enter file name: test.txt↵
Got file name 'test.txt'
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C++ std vs. Qt
Qt is undoubtly built on top of the C++ std library. However, though it's possible it is not recommended to mix both APIs when it can be prevented (or there aren't specific reasons to do so).
Both, Qt and C++ std, are a possibility to write portable software.
Qt covers a lot of things which are provided in the std library as well but a lot of other things additionally which are not or not yet part of std. In some cases, the Qt is a bit less generic but more convenient though this is my personal opinion. IMHO, the following explains how I came to this:
std::string vs. QString
std::string stores a sequence of chars. The meaning of chars when exposed as glyph (e.g. printing on console or displaying in a window) depends on the encoding which is used in this exposing. There are lot of encodings which interprete the numbers in the chars in distinct ways.
std::string text = "\xc3\xbc";
Decoded/displayed with
Windows-1252: ü
UTF-8: ü
Based on character type of std::string, it is not possible to determine the encoding. Hence, an additional hint must be provided to decode this properly.
(AFAIK, it is similar for std::wstring and wchar_t.)
QString stores a sequence of Unicode characters. So, one universal encoding was chosen by design to mitigate the "encoding hell".
As long as the program operates on QString, no encoding issues should be expected. The same is true when combining QString with other functions of Qt. However, it becomes a bit more complicated when "leaving the Qt universe" – e.g. storing contents of a std::string to QString.
This is the point where the programmer has to provide the additional hint for the encoding of the contents in std::string. QString provides a lot of from...() and to...() methods which can be used to re-encode contents but the application programmer is still responsible to chose the right one.
Assuming that the intended contents of text should have been the ü (i.e. UTF-8 encoding), this can be converted to QString (and back) by:
// std::string (UTF-8) -> QString
std::string text = "\xc3\xbc";
QString qText = QString::fromUtf8(text.c_str());
// QString -> std::string (UTF-8)
std::string text2 = qText.toUtf8();
This has to be considered when input from std::cin shall be passed to QString:
std::cout << "Enter file name: ";
std::string input; std::getline(std::cin, input);
QString qFileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(input);
And even now, the code contains a little flaw – the locale of std::cin might have changed with std::ios::imbue(). I must admit that I cannot say much more about this. (In daily work, I try to prevent this topic at all e.g. by not relying on Console input which I consider especially critical on Windows – the OS on which we usually deploy to customers.)
Instead, a last note about OP's code:
How to fix it
Remembering my above recommendation (not to mix std and Qt if not necessary), this can be done in Qt exclusively:
QTextStream qtin(stdin);
I must admit that I never did it by myself but found this in the Qt forum: Re: stdin reading.

Problems in converting to UTF-8 in Qt

I try to show a persian string in Qt:
QMessageBox msg;
QString str = "یا حسین";
but it shows the following error :
error: no matching function for call to 'QString::fromUtf8(QString&)'
I want to use a string variable, and not a string directly.
How can I convert a QString variable to Utf8?
As seen here, QString::fromUtf8() does not accept an argument of type QString. You must give it a const char *, so you could rewrite it like this:
QMessageBox msg;
QString str = QString::fromUtf8("یا حسین");
its not good idea write like that
using this must be better
QString str(tr("ya hossein");
and use linguist and add persian translation file to your project http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/linguist-translators.html
and if you dont want use this, you must be sure your IDE or code editor (like qtcreator) use utf8 for saving files and just use
QString str("یا حسین");
it must be ok, i tested that so many times

Iterate through registry folders with Qt

I need to list the devices in the HID Bluetooth LE (BTHLE) folder of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ directory. By using
#define REG_PATH "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\BTHLE"
QSettings settings(REG_PATH, QSettings::NativeFormat);
QStringList regReturn = settings.allKeys();
I can get to all folders and subfolders of the path, but I need to scan through the folders, find those devices with a given PID and VID and a given value of the registrykey FriendlyName to identify my device(s).
How can this be done?
In order to obtain content of a particular sub folder, you can do the following (I used another example, because I don't know the structure of the BTHLE directory):
// Get the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_045E&PID_00B4\5&1b6962&0&1\Class key
const QString top("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\USB");
const QString device("VID_045E&PID_00B4");
QSettings settings(top, QSettings::NativeFormat);
settings.beginGroup(device); // Limit keys by this device only.
QStringList regReturn = settings.allKeys();
QString vStr = regReturn[1]; // 5&1b6962&0&1/Class
QString v = settings.value(regReturn[1]).toString(); // returns "USB"

Finding a specific character in a file in Qt

How can i find a specific character in a QFile which has a text in it?
for example i have ' $5000 ' written somewhere in my file. in want to find the "$" sign so i will realize that I've reached the number.
I tried using QString QTextStream::read(qint64 maxlen) by putting 1 as the maxlen :
QFile myfile("myfile.txt");
myfile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text);
QTextStream myfile_stream(&myfile);
while(! myfile_stream.atEnd())
if( myfile_stream.read(1) == '$')
and i get "error: invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const char* "
i also tried using the operator[] but apparently it can't be used for files.
Read in a line at a time and search the text that you've read in
QTextStream stream(&myFile);
QString line;
line = stream.readLine();
} while (!line.isNull());
The error message you've posted doesn't match the issue in your code. Possibly the error was caused by something else.
QTextStream::read returns QString. You can't compare QString and const char* directly, but operator[] can help:
QString s = stream.read(1);
if (s.count() == 1) {
if (s[0] == '$') {
However reading a file by too small pieces will be very slow. If your file is small enough, you can read it all at once:
QString s = stream.readAll();
int index = s.indexOf('$');
If your file is large, it's better to read file by small chunks (1024 bytes for example) and calculate the index of found character using indexOf result and count of already read chunks.
a single char could be read with
QTextStream myfile_stream(&myfile);
QChar c;
while (!myfile_stream.atEnd())
myfile_stream >> c;
if (c == '$') {
myfile_stream.read(1) - this is not good practice, you should not read from file one byte at a time. Either read the entire file, or buffered/line by line if there is a risk for the file to be too big to fit in memory.
The error you get is because you compare a QString for equality with a character literal - needless to say that is not going to work as expected. A string is a string even if there is only one character in it. As advised - use either the [] operator or better off for reading - QString::at() const which is guaranteed to create no extra copy. You don't use it on the QFile, nor on the QTextStream, but on the QString that is returned from the read() method of the text stream targeted at the file.
Once you have the text in memory, you can either use the regular QString methods like indexOf() to search for the index of a contained character.
in want to find the "$" sign so i will realize that I've reached the
It sounds to me that you're searching for the '$' symbol because you're more interested in the dollar value that follows it. In this case, I suggest reading the files line by line and running them through a QRegExp to extract any values you're looking for.
QRegExp dollarFind("\\$(\\d+)");
QString line = myfile_stream.readLine();
if (dollarFind.exactMatch(line)){
QStringList dollars = dollarFind.capturedTexts();
qDebug() << "Dollar values found: " << dollars.join(", ");

QDir and QDirIterator ignore files with non-ASCII filenames

The following code somehow fails to notice any files with non-ASCII characters in their names (Cyrillic characters, specifically):
for (int path = 1; path < argc; path++) {
QFileInfo fi(argv[path]);
if (fi.isDir()) {
QDir dir(argv[path], "", QDir::LocaleAware, QDir::AllEntries);
qDebug() << dir.entryList();
QDirIterator it(QString(argv[path]), QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {
qDebug() << it.fileInfo().absoluteFilePath();
/* Processing; irrelevant in the context of the question */
What exactly am I doing wrong here? How should I handle QDir and QDirIterator to make them aware of Cyrillic filenames?
The system locale is en_US.UTF-8.
Update: On Windows, everything works correctly.
Get cmd line parameters out of QApplication itself.
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QStringList args = app.arguments();
Qt will handle encoding properly. But that will only fix problems with unicode on cmd line. Not sure if that is your main problem though.
fromLocal8Bit() probably doesn't work because it wasn't local encoding, but utf8. So fromUtf8() would work on linux and osx (but it won't work on windows). On *nuxes it depends on some environment variables (LS_LANG or something). I guess Qt takes everything into account and converts it properly. You can look at the constructor code for QApplication if you want to know exactly what they do.
Which part is failing? Reading the initial directory specified argv[path] or the iterator? If it's the former, you should convert byte strings to QString for file processing using QFile::decodeName. The default char* => QString conversion uses Latin-1, which is not what you want for file names.
Don't use argv[path] just like that when constructing the QStrings. This will treat the string as a latin1 string (which doesn't care about cyrillic characters). Try using
const QString dirName = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[path] );
at the top of your loop and then use dirName everywhere instead of argv[path].
