SASS/ SCSS custom css sheets for #import - css

All I need is to do is have a directory with my custom reset sheets and other sass files for imports.
I've been playing around and I can't get compass to read my custom sheets.
1) Where do I put my custom css sheets for import?
2) how do I #import them
(I'm using the sass indentation, but I doubt that makes a difference,)
(I know little about ruby I'm just using it for compass)

Look at the #import section in Sass reference.
You can import a Sass file without telling explicitly the file extension:
#import "file"; /*will import file.scss or file.sass. Anyway you could as well use #import "file.scss" or #import "file.sass*/
To import a CSS, provide its extension.
#import "file.css"; /*will import file.css"
There are more ways to differentiate them in the reference, but these are the most used.
You can put your files where you want, but write the path relative to the current directory (the directory which the file from where you are importing is).


Wordpress: import scss from plugin in my theme

I'm working on a theme and plugin that share components. In my theme I have a scss file and in this I want to import a main.scss file from my plugin. This is the situation:
Plugin main.scss
#import "slick";
#import "slick_theme";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
#import "~aos/dist/aos.css";
#import "../../../my-directory/**/*.scss";
Theme main.scss
#import "../../plugins/my-plugin/assets/src/scss/main";
II can't compile the main.scss of my theme because it can't resolve the url of node_modules and the directory with wildcards.
Any ideas?
(A) Easiest (and fastest!) way: Use full relative path!
As SASS don't support the wild cards in SASS files using #-rules: just remove wild cards and write full relative path to node-modules like #import '../../complete/relative/path/to/node/module/dir/file.scss' ;-)
(B) ALTERNATIVE: Set includePath
Set node directory as includePath for your project. As I don't know the compiler you use here are the information how to do in original SASS (but 'includePath' variable is almost the same):
In that case you are able to #import only by using the filename.
Additional notes:
In SASS rule #import does NOT support mulitple includes at all. Means: in a SASS file #import '*.scss' (as you try in your example by using wildcard * in filename) will not work at all. You ALLWAYS need to specify a concrete single file: #import 'concreteFile.scss'.
In SASS you can remove the suffix .scss from filenames. As this #import path/to/filename'` works as well.

CSS files in sass folder - laravel

I was learning about Laravel Mix that allows us to compile Javascript and CSS files in our project. As I see, in resources/js folder, we can put all the javascript files that should be compiled and in resources/sass folder - all the css files. Using webpacker.mix.js, we import everything in app.js and app.scss but what I want to know is the following: Since, sass files are compiled into CSS, is it possible to import CSS files (and not SASS files) in app.scss? For example, to have this in app.scss:
#import ('css/style.css')
and not
#import ('css/style.scss')
Import is not a sass, but a plain css rule. You can use it to import normal css files, yes.

How to avoid multiple #imports of SASS variables?

The site I'm working on uses the rails asset pipeline and an application.scss file to import and process different CSS files.
However, some stylesheets are used in specific places, and for those, it makes little sense to import them into the global manifest. But not so importing them requires importing variables.scss, and possibly mixins.scss into the sheet itself (so they'll process correctly), resulting in duplicate code in the final CSS.
Is there a way to basically tell the preprocessor - "trust me, the variable/mixin you're seeing will be defined by the time everything gets processed"?
Otherwise, I don't see how to avoid importing every sheet into a single manifest, which seems bloated.
The short answer to your question is no. The variables need to be defined in a logical order from when they are called in compilation. It's like a "chicken and the egg" scenario.
From what I can ascertain in your description, the project you're working on is not compiling into a unified workflow, but chunking out into modular portions relational to your file structure. IF this is the case, what you can do at the beginning of each file is reference the variables file from the root.
In a normal workflow, you would import your scss files based on your defined hierarchy like so:
/* Main Stylesheet */
#import "variables";
#import "mixins";
/* Modular Sections */
#import "layout/header";
#import "layout/body";
#import "layout/footer";
would compile out to one stylesheet style.css with a command sass sass/style.scss:style.css
What I'm assuming your project does is have all the /* Modular Sections */ files compile out into their own CSS files.
/* Header Stylesheet */
#import "../variables";
#import "../mixins";
Given a files structure that resembles:
This all seems kinda silly though. I don't know all the parameters that go into your current sass compilation, but I'd recommend using a unified workflow.
You can use Partials so the compiler will not try to interpret variables etc.
Basically, rename the files that you do not want the compiler to interpret -- but will be available when compiled -- with an underscore before the filename.
If I understood well you want to avoid copies of the same css in css files caused by using #import in scss. I solved this problems by doing a hierarchical three.
For exemple consider the home.scss file, where you import header.scss and footer.scss.
Both header.scss and footer.scss use specific colors that you import from a file named colors.scss:
// colors.scss
$MidnightBlue: #00478f;
$RedOrange: #ff5d00;
$MistyBlue: #d8e1e7;
$Ebony: #2a231f;
Now you could import colors in header.scss, footer.scss and maybe even in home.scss. The result is that in home.css the code of colors.scss is repeated 3 times.
A solution is importing colors.scss only in header.scss. Then in home.scss the first #import that you specify is #import "header.scss"; and then #import "footer.scss";, thus you can use the colors variables in footer.scss and in home.scss even if you don't import them directly in footer.scss and home.scss. That's because the variables of colors are imported before the footer and compiled before the rest of the code in home.scss.
Now if you check home.css you shouldn't see repeated code
When at first you write the color variables in footer you will receive an error because they are not defined, but it disappear when you import footer in home.scss
If you #import the same SASS file (e.g. variables.sass) in multiple files and then #import those files in the one main.sass file, the resulting main.css file will contain the content of variables multiple times.
A good way of structuring SASS files is to obey the rule of importing each file only once. Iconic architecture is the 7-1 Pattern. You basically decompose your SASS files into atomic parts and then import those in appropriate order only once in the main file.

How to merge css files (not .scss files) by sass or compass

Although I know CSS file is a valid SCSS
but there is some reason ,so I can't change some files subfix to SCSS
#import url("global/reset.css")
#import url("global/frameset.css");
#import url("global/header.css");
Can sass or compass merge it (´・_・`)
You can try the Sass CSS importer plugin, by Chris Eppstein himself :)
#import takes a filename to import. By default, it looks for a Sass
file to import directly, but there are a few circumstances under which
it will compile to a CSS #import rule:
If the file’s extension is .css.
If the filename begins with http://.
If the filename is a url().
If the #import has any media queries.
If none of the above conditions are met and the extension is .scss or
.sass, then the named Sass or SCSS file will be imported.
You can't do that with SASS without renaming the CSS files.
I suggest that you use some kind of CSS compressor to concatenate and minify your CSS code. Please have a look at Yeoman, currently the most solid approach to handling this kind of tasks.
If you want to merge all css files into a single compiled css file, you need to change their extension to sass or scss and make the changes to be compatible with that format.

SCSS Partials for .css files without changing the filename

I'm looking for ways to optimize my WordPress instance. The theme has about 8-10 CSS files that are rendered in the functions.php. Consequently, I do not want to change any file names because that would mean that I have to hack the theme and I want to keep that to a bare minimum.
I want to use SCSS to combine these CSS files into one CSS file and include the new file in the theme instead. When I try...
#import "style.css";
#import "reset.css";
#import "shortcodes-styles.css";
It renders as
#import url(style.css);
#import url(reset.css);
#import url(shortcodes-styles.css);
How can I get SCSS to import the CSS as partials without changing the file names? I'm also using CodeKit if that makes a difference.
Not possible. Sass only compiles Sass files:
