Can I do this with Drupal and Organic Groups? - drupal

Basically I have a site in which I want my clients to be owners of a group, and then anonymous users can add nodes through their group and my clients will receive notification if someone adds a node in their group.
Basically the service is a lead generation service so in effect the content type is a landing page and when anonymous users go to put their details in, dependent on which group they do it through, the client will receive the notification.
i.e. My clients group is and they send out a link with their URL to generate some leads.
Once this node has been created, will it be possible to notify the group1 owner (I assume if I set the correct Rules)?
On top of this, I want the group1 owner to be able to login and see a Views display of all the nodes that have been created in their group.
I assume Organic Groups is the wway to go here, but I may be mistaken - any hep would be appreciated.

Unless this has dramatically changed in D7, I don't think you're going to be able to let anonymous users post into Groups. The whole concept and structure of OG relies on users being logged in and identifiable.
In other words, I think you have to be a member of a Group to post in it, and anonymous (user 0) can never belong to a Group.


Google Analytics user_id appended to links

Google Analytics now has UserID tracking to better track individual users across devices. Is it possible to add a tracking variable (like utm_campaign) specifying user_ID so that GA will associate those links with the user?
I'm looking for a solution that'll work even when the user isn't logged in (mainly for email link tracking).
No. Of course you can append the user id yourself and set it in your tracking code. But that would not uniquely identify a user (links get bookmarked or passed around e.g. when the email is forwareded to somebody) and someone else might end up with that id. The idea of the user id is that the CMS or CRM takes responsibilty for uniquely identifying users so we don't have to rely on the somewhat fragile client side mechanisms.
If you use it for email tracking it should IMO be enough if the user id is set in the first call of the tracking code if you have session unification enabled, so you'd just need to tag the link in the mail and read the id from there, without needing to persists the user id via the links. While I haven't tested this extensively the documentation seems clear on the point:
Session unification is a User ID setting that allows hits collected
before the User ID is assigned to be associated with the ID, so long
as those hits happen within the same session in which a specific ID
value is assigned for the first time.
Please note that the user id feature does not expose data for individual users via the interface, insofar the idea that it "better track[s] individual users" is not quite right (it will recognize users across devices but will still aggregate the data). If you want individual user you need to store the user id (or some other unique id) as custom dimension.

can google analytics tell me http referrer for each specific goal conversion?

I have a website that allows people to create an account (that is the conversion I wish to track).
I wish to know where a specific person is coming from. I have google analytics installed and have set up the registration page as a goal, but the reporting tells me traffic sources as an aggregated pie chart. It doesn't report down to the user account level to say that 'person with email xyz' came from 'facebook' for example.
What custom variables or mark up would I need to add to GA to report at that detailed level, if that is at all possible?
Otherwise, I will just have to record the first http_referer in a cookie and stick it in a database during the registration process.
Any advice?
Firstly I must ask you, how actionable do you think it is to look at data at that granular of a level? Finding out what % of people who registered came from facebook or some other place is actionable, because it helps you do things like determine where to focus marketing efforts. But individual users? How is this actionable to you? (hint: it's not)
However, if you are still determined to know this, you should first note that it is against Google's ToS to record personally identifiable data both directly (recording the actual value in GA) or indirectly (e.g. - recording a unique id that you can use to tie to personal info stored within your own system). If this is something you don't want to risk, I suggest moving to another analytics tool that does not have this sort of thing in their ToS (e.g. Adobe SiteCatalyst, which costs money, or perhaps you may instead prefer to choose an "in-house" approach, like Piwik)
If you are still determined to follow through with this and hope not to get caught or whatever, Google Analytics doesn't record data like what info a visitor filled out in a form (like their email address) unless you populate that data in a custom field/dimension/metric/event to be sent along with the request. Usually you would populate this on the form "thank you" page (which is usually the same page you use as your goal url or goal event if you're popping and using an event for your goal). So you would populate the email address in one of those custom variables and then have it as a dimension to break down the http referrer by.

Adding Extra Validation To WordPress User Registration

I'm creating a members only Parent Directory for my son's high school International Baccalaureate website. This directory will contain contact information (names, street addresses, phone numbers, email addresses) of parents from each grade who have students currently enrolled in the IB program. I need to be able to authenticate a parents access to the directory against a valid student ID (which is a number).
I have a spreadsheet that contains the names of each student, their student ID, and their parent's names. There are some instances where a family has more than one student/student ID.
I'm trying to figure how I should be thinking about this, as a general approach. I have a few ideas but I need to distill them down to a more succinct inquiry.
One thought would be to bulk create wp subscriber accounts for all students. Their student IDs would somehow be appended to the user record. Parents would be directed to a login page, where they would login with the username of their child, password(which could be reset), and a fixed student id. If validation passes, they are redirected to the directory page.
Another thought would be to create user accounts on the fly that references a separate table which includes the student ID. So long as that unique student ID is part of the registration and it authenticates, anyone who has that number can register a profile.
In either scenario, once an account is created, the contact profile could either be pre-populated with the users info or updated at that time.
So my question is: Am I thinking about this in the right way? If so or if not, how can I better define this idea to get a more accurate scope? And then, ultimately, I need some direction on some possible options for getting it done in DIY way.
Sorry for the long word count. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Below are some links that seem to be in the neighborhood of what I'm trying to do.
Integrating wordpress authentication with an existing user database

Stop users entering my competitions more than once

I'm having a problem with my Facebook competition where users are entering multiple times. The required fields to enter are first name, last name and email. They can not enter the same email more than once, but they are just using different email addresses. I can not delete their entries however because there is no way to "prove" that it's the same person, even though it's dead obvious (exact same first and last name, all entries within 30 seconds of one another).
Our terms and conditions say that only one entry is allowed per person, per competition but apart from the email validation I can't find a way to enforce this.
When a user likes our page (which is required to enter the competition) is the ID of that user available from the signed request? Would it be within the Facebook guidelines to store this ID along with their entry details?
no, you need to authorize the users then you get the Facebook ID.
You then can display a diffrent page as you know this user already taken part in the competition - so you dont give them the change to submit more than once for one Facebook ID.
as this will probably to late know, you can store a cookie. but be aware that users can delete this cookie.

Filtering Repeater items based on user status/role

I have a tricky requirement where I need to categorise documents attached to a product, available for download, based on the status of the user viewing the product. I.e. my site displays a list of products, clicking on one displays a product details page, and this page includes a list a documents related to the product, such as data sheets, user manuals, etc.
I have been asked to group documents into three classes of availability, v.i.z. those available freely to all users, including anonymous; those available to logged on users; and those available to anonymous users that provide contact information before downloading the document, presumably to boost sales leads.
The anonymous and logged on availabilities are quite easy, but the third seems a bit tricky to me. My first question is, is there a way I can filter documents for only logged on users without hooking into ItemDataBound or something, and my second question is, what is recommended for the case where a user must supply contact information to download a document?
In the second question, it has crossed my mind to actually register the user, but without them having to visit the new user registration page, and then I have role based filtering of documents. Currently the new user registration process automatically adds the Member role to all new users. Users I register 'quietly', just so they can download a document, wont be assigned the Member role, distinguishing them from normally logged on members. What other approaches could I take?
A lot of this implementation will depend on exactly what you want to accomplish and how you go about doing it.
For example, if I don't have access to the document, should I see the link?
If your implementation is that all users should be able to see it, but that the actual act of 'getting it' is dependent upon the individual role or membership, you could solve it fairly easy by implementing a "handler" to download the secured documents, that way you are not presenting a direct file link. That handler could then validate security, if they were not allowed, it could then take them to the login or register page as needed.
If the users don't see the documents until they meet the requirement, I would then filter BEFORE you bind to your repeater.
