CSS Floats not going as planned - css

So I'm pretty new to both css and html but this is not the first time that I have used floats to achieve 2 divs sitting next to each other. This time it is not working properly and I've been tinkering around for about 3 hours and I figure I should call on some help.
I have edited the portion of my website in jsFiddle to assist in describing my problem:

The problem isn't that you're not assigning your divs to float: right, but that your divs are small enough that you can fit multiple of them within the page width, so they're doing exactly what they should do.
To fix this, though, we would add clear:right to #about_side and #about_side_footer, but that won't force them to be level, so it doesn't quite fix the problem.
To fix that problem as well, instead of floating each individual piece of your #greeting_wrapper and #about_wrapper left and right, respectively, float the wrappers left and right instead.
#greeting_wrapper {
float: left;
#about_wrapper {
float: right;
#greeting_header, #greeting, #greeting_footer, #about_side_header, #about_side, #about_side_footer {
float: none;

I found that you need to float #greeting_wrapper and #about_wrapper. These wrappers are the important elements. As far as I can tell, the children of these divs shouldn't need to be floated as well.
Also currently those divs are taking on the width of the body which is 960px thus forcing both divs onto a new line.

I had a fiddle with your code: http://jsfiddle.net/9QRcP/15/
I haven't bothered to correct the alignment, but left is now on left and right is now on right.
By my own admission this isn't a very good approach to this. A few pointers:
you can use 'clear: left' to force an element on the left to move to a new line http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_clear.asp
you should probably contain your left and right elements in 2 seperate containers (e.g. class="container left" and class="container-right" ). Clear left for any sub-element in the left container that you want to move to the next vertical level, and likewise for elements in the right container. This will allow you to easily break your page up into columns. Here 's one I prepared earlier http://jsfiddle.net/9QRcP/19/ from http://www.quirksmode.org/css/clearing.html
you could probably save yourself a lot of work by using a grid system, e.g. http://960.gs/

The issue is with the width of your wrapper. If you increase the width, the floated div will take its place on the right.


Three Variable-Width, Equally-Spaced DIVs? What About Four?

I have some very simple sub-navigation that I'm trying to build across the top of the content area within my web site, but CSS doesn't seem to have any simple solutions for such a common problem: I want either 3 or 4 equally spaced DIVs across the top of the page.
1) e.g. 3 Variable-Width, Equally-Spaced DIVs
2) e.g. 4 Variable-Width, Equally-Spaced DIVs
My solution for the first problem with only 3 DIVs was to float the left and right DIVs, and then assign an arbitrary size to the middle DIV and give it "margin: 0 auto". That's not really a solution, but assuming there are no changes to the navigation, it gives a rough approximation of what I want the results to be.
The solution I have for the second problem with 4 DIVs is to simply center a DIV in the same way as before, but then float two DIVs within that, e.g.
But again, this requires applying an arbitrary size to the middle DIV for alignment, and if any language or image changes are made to the site, alignment values will have to be recalculated. As well, it's simply an over-complicated solution that requires merging structure with presentation.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT 07/20/2012 5:00PM
Alright, I put the "table-cell" solution into place using percents, but I encountered another issue within my slightly more complex implementation: the issue at hand is that each DIV I was referring to is actually a container for two more DIVs which are icon-label pairs, inlined either by float or by display:inline-block.
e.g. http://jsfiddle.net/c3yrm/1/
As you can see, the final element in the list is displayed improperly.
Any help is again greatly appreciated!
EDIT 07/20/2012 7:16PM
Final solution with arttronics' help: http://jsfiddle.net/CuQ7r/4/
Reference: jsFiddle Pure CSS Demo
The solution was to float the individual breadcrumbs while using a simple formula to determine the percentage of breadcrumb width based on the number total breadcrumbs.
You could use percentages, then it just comes down to simple math:
[[LEFT=22%]2% margin><2% margin[LEFT CENTER=22%]2% margin><2% margin[RIGHT CENTER=22%]2% margin><2% marginRIGHT=22%]]=100%/??px
You could then specify a width for its container and use
to keep them inline.
Note: If you use borders to see what the divs are doing that will add space unnaccounted for so you would need to reduce your elements width by 1% or so OR just change their background colors.
ol {
width: 400px;
/*width: 800px;*/
display: table;
table-layout: fixed; /* the magic dust that ensure equal width */
background: #ccc
ol > li {
display: table-cell;
border: 1px dashed red;
text-align: center
like here: http://jsfiddle.net/QzYAr/
One way I've found to do it is using flex boxes (or inline-flex).
Here is a great explanation and example of how it can be done.
I think in the future, flex boxes will be the superior way of handling this sort of thing, but until other browsers catch up with Mozilla's way of thinking for how to use the flex-basis attribute (with min-content, max-content, fit-content, etc. as values), these flex boxes will continue to be problematic for responsive designs. For example, occasionally the inner content (a_really_really_long_word) can't fit in the allotted space when the window is squished down, and so sometimes some things might not be visible off to the right of the screen if you're not careful.
I think perhaps if you make use of the flex-wrap property, you might be able to ensure everything fits. Here is another example of how this might be done (in Mozilla browsers anyway).
I tend to use flex boxes for letterheads or tables where the width is fairly fixed (not too small) because they usually space themselves nicely; I tend to use nested float and inline-block objects for websites where the content must squish down very small (as suggested in some of the other answers here).

CSS float pushdown

I've looked through other posts regarding CSS floats, but have not yet found an answer.
I have several div with same width (1/3 of screen). They are all set to float left. When one is longer than the others, it pushes the following blocks down.
I've made an example which you can see at http://apsam.dk/misc/float-pushdown-problem/index.php (the yellow div is pushed down by the blue div).
If I missed the answer in a post, please point me to it. I've looked throug alot.
EDIT to clarify. The question is: How to avoid that the yellow div gets pushed down.
To start a new line, please enter a div with the clear: both; attribute.
See my answer on another post here, which shows an example:
Floats don't "jigsaw puzzle" together like that. Each of your floats has a height, that height is seen and honored. You can't get .yellow to ignore the height of .blue, especially in the same container. You could use positioning to move .yellow up.
Demo here
Or, you could use another div and treat it as your left column and have it contain the green and yellow divs.
Demo here

How to remove huge gap in .blog-footer?

I'm having a problem with this page.
The .blog-footer div needs to clear on the right to correct for the height of the pictures introducing clear:right; causes the huge gap to appear on the page in FF and IE.
I'm at a loss, I've tried numerous ideas to get around the problem and at this point I've been staring at it too long to see the problem clearly. Can anyone help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Try using positioning. Add these to get you started:
#page-body {position: relative; width: 740px; margin-left: 20px;}
#sidebar {position: absolute; right:-190px;}
There are some subtleties, like getting the right behaviour when the content as a whole is not long enough to push the footer down, but I find those easier to work out than floating problems. With a fixed height footer like yours, that is easy to fix using a bottom margin on the page body and some more absolute positioning for the footer. You have gobs and gobs of extra divs to play with.
The clear attribute works relative to floating elements. So you can use it to make sure the footer closes the div below the picture, but the fact that your sidebar is floating as well actually pushes things down to the bottom of the sidebar.
So, as #Nicholas Wilson proposes, one solution is to position your sidebar using means other than float. And your layout doesn't appear to really require float for the sidebar.
In another direction, I noticed that you are currently hardcoding the heights of your pictures. Since you know these heights, another possibility is to forget about the clear:right for blog-footer , and add a min-height attribute to the asset-body, as in (this is for the beer festival)
<div class="asset-body" style="min-height:184px;">
Certainly not elegant or DRY, but if you had to you could do this or have javascript do it.

Is there a way to specify overflow in CSS?

I have been using a lot of position:relative; in my design, I just find it the easiest way to get everything where I need them to be.
However, the more items I add on my site (each one with their individual div) each one ends up further and further at the bottom of my page, so I have to manually position them higher.
This leaves a lot of empty space at the bottom, and I thought that adding height: 1000px; would limit the scrolling a bit, but this method doesn't seem to work.
I've even tried adding height: 1000px; to the wrapper and it's still not working.
How can I limit vertical scrolling, to the number of pixels I choose?
Thanks so much in advance.
Wait, so you are creating a div, using position relative to move the content of the div to the correct location, and the issue being that the div tag itself is still in the same place and creating a vertical scroll even though there is no content there?
If so you should look into floats.
Here are some tutorials.
Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps
You can specify both the height and the overflow:
The most common values for overflow are scroll, auto, and hidden.
To limit the distance someone can scroll, I think you'd need to use JavaScript. I'm not sure how, but I can't think of anything in CSS that would do that.
If you are looking to set when something should scroll instead of just be cut off or expand the tag, use overflow:auto;.

Does someone have an example have how the clear attribute works in css?

Since I am not a designer, but have been given duties as one, I was curious to how the clear attribute works. It would be helpful if someone has an example?
To understand clear, you must understand floating. An excellent resource for learning both is Floatutorial, which includes this section on clear. To summarize:
clear: left : element is moved below the bottom outer edge of any earlier left-floating boxes - example
clear: right : element is moved below the bottom outer edge of any earlier right-floating boxes - example
clear: both : The element is moved below all floating boxes of earlier elements - example
Let's say you have three elements. The first one is floated to the left and contains quite a lot of text. The second and third one are relatively short (the combined length of both is shorter than the first one). In normal scenario, they both will be shown along the floated one. However, if you set clear:left on the third , it'll be shown after the first one, not beside it.
It is similar to when you use images with align="left" and you want something later on the page to be under the image, instead of beside. You'd use <br clear=all />
This basically does the same thing for DIVs when using the float: attribute. It forces the layout to end the floating.
I wish I had a good example... although I can try to explain it in simple terms.
clear: left; basically says "Put this element after all elements above it with the float: left; attribute"
clear: right; is the same thing but after float: right; elements.
clear: both; is the same thing but after both float: left; and float: right; elements.
Sometimes when you put an element such as a "div" under another floated element (using the "float" property), you want to disallow that floating element from doing so on one side or another of your cleared element.
<div style="float:right;">
// some text
<div style="clear:both;">
// some text
Of course you're better off putting the css into a separate file. As mentioned above this tutorial is good.
clearfix is a good tool to help you not have to deal with it.
This is the way it works ... when placing elements on the page, the browser will stack elements one on top of the other, vertical, top down. Let's now say if you want the elements to line up one after the other, horizontal, left to right (no stacking); you Float them. But if you want to Float the elements and keep one item on it's own line, stacked between the first and second set, use the .clear attribute. Each number below represents a html tag element (like a div or img)
Normal vertical element stacking; nofloat and no clear...
Horizontal element layout; float with no clear
1 2 3 4 5
Horizontal layout, with one vertical stack, then continue with horizontal layout; float has been placed on the third element
1 2 (float, no clear)
3 (float, clear)
4 5 (florat, no clear)
Happy floating...
The clear property is used to control the element flow in an HTML page when using the float property. It can be specified to clear either the left side, right side, both or none.
none - floating elements can
be placed on both sides of the
left - floating elements can
not be placed on the left side of
the element
right - floating elements can
not be placed on the right side
of the element
both - floating elements can
not be placed on the left and right
side of the element
