Running IIS .NET4 Application under a .NET2 Site -

Is it possible to host a .NET 4 application under a .NET 2 site?
For several reasons we have to run the main site on .NET 3.5, but there is an application written in entity framework 4, which hosted under the same domain/port.
When I try to add an application under the site (using a different .net 4.0 application pool), i get an error stating duplicate content in web.config. I have searched the net for fixes, but none of them seems to be working for me.
I am running a Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS7.5
Any help would be appreciated.

It is possible to fix, if you carefully read Microsoft's document,

No, that's not possible. An assembly compiled against .NET 4.0 must be run inside CLR 4.0. It is possible the other way around: run an assembly compiled against .NET 2.0 inside CLR 4.0.

No, the nested application will not be able to set a seperate framework version. I would suggest changing the version on the main site to v4. I don't think you should experience problems running a 3.5 app on version 4. What are your reasons for running it in 3.5?


Can .NET 6 (Core) coexist on the same server with .NET 4.8 Framework?

Can .NET 6 coexist on the same server with .NET 4.8 Framework? We have a .NET 3.1 application we want to update to .NET 6 but the same server also runs an application running on .NET Framework 4.8. However we can't update this application at this time. We don't want to install .NET 6 if we are going to blow up the .NET 4.8.
The closest answer I have found is this SO post, but it isn't definitive and .NET 6 is a different animal than .NET 5.
Absolutely, on my production server I am still running the main domain as .NET Framework 4.8, while I have created new subdomains running ASP.NET 6.
So just go ahead (of course you should still test locally, that other things don't interfere.
I should say, that I am running both on IIS.
One thing you should be aware of: If you want to run 6 in IIS 'inprocess' mode, then you need to create a new app pool for your new site, it can't share it with .Net Framework 4.8. If you can't do that, you must run in 'outofprocess' mode.
According to this document, the answer is no.

How to force web app on Azure to work with .net Framework 4.5.2?

My web app was running without any problem with web app referring to .net framework 4.5.2 earlier.
But after Azure portal decided to make a shift to .net framework 4.6, my application started giving exception.
I have entry for but that does not seems to be working.
Any way by which I can force web app to use .net framework 4.5.2?
A given VM can only have one version of the .NET 4.x framework, and at present Azure App Service has 4.6.2 (and soon 4.7)
Note that it has had 4.6 or higher for several years, so I suspect your issue is not directly related to this.
If you think you do have a situation where something that worked on 4.5.2 breaks on 4.6.2, I encourage you top post a separate question. But the answer to this question is that you don't control the 4.x version running on App Service.

Changing from 2.0 to 4.0 causing web services to fail

This is an existing application (VS 2008) which makes calls to web services. Everything was working fine. Recently, the IIS (ver 6) was changed to use 4.0(from 2.0) and all the web service calls are failing now.
The error in the application log states 'Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied was invalid'
I am new to this application and just dont know how to fix the issue.
Any help is appreciated.
so your application is a .net 2.0 application, and you changed the site version to .net 4? Why was your website upgraded to .Net 4? Either upgrade your application to .Net 4, or downgrade your site to .Net 2. You can't have them mismatching.
Did you try something? Have a look at here. Apparently it's to do with IIS 7.5
You will have to upgrade your application too. Basically, you need to change your reference from .net 2.0 to the net 4 dll's.

Debugging .Net 3.5 code running under a .Net 4.0 App Pool

I have trawled the internet - to no avail. Woe is me.
I have a .Net website running under a .Net framework 4.0 App Pool.
The website references various assemblies that have been compiled for .Net 3.5.
I have ensured that identical versions of the dll's and pdb's are in the bin folder of the the 3.5 code that I am trying to debug, and the reference path of the 4.0 web site. I.e. the code that I am trying to debug matched the assemblies that are loaded into the app pool's process.
When I attach the debugger using VS2008 with the solution for the .Net 3.5 code open, the breakpoints that I have set are marked as invalid (i.e. marked with an exclamation mark). When I hit refresh on a browser page that invokes the code that I am trying to debug, VS2008 raises an unmanaged code exception.
I have researched In-Process Side-by-Side code execution, which is what is occurring in this instance, and is working very well; but for the life of me I cannot find any information on debugging in this scenario.
It is not an option to convert the .Net 3.5 projects to use .Net 4.0, nor is it possible to convert them to use VS2010 and leave them targeting .Net framework 3.5
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When an App Pool targets .NET 4.0 this means that your site runs under the CLR 4.0 and the assemblies compiled against .NET 3.5 are loaded in this CLR. VS2008 cannot debug processes running CLR 4.0, only CLR 2.0.
So if you want to debug either change the AppPool CLR to 2.0 or use VS2010 or even better use the Visual Studio's integrated server which you used to develop this site.

Installing .NET 3.5 on a server with .NET 2.0 applications

I would like to upgrade my web projects on an IIS 5 server from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5. These web applications live on a server with other web applications that will not be upgraded to .NET 3.5. The server administrator is reluctant to install .NET 3.5 because he is afraid it will break the applications on that machine that are running 2.0 and 1.1.
As far as I know this WON'T be a problem since .NET 3.5 is an addition to 2.0 more than it is a new Framework. I would like the communities help gathering evidence to show him that their concerns are moot and it won't hurt the other applications.
Thanks in advance.
If you have .NET 2 SP1 you shouldn't have a problem.
To be exact .NET 3 & 3.5 are built on top of .NET 2.0 SP 1, we had a problem deploying 3.5 onto a server which only had .NET 2 (not SP1) and it caused the apps on there to break. The reason is your core framework assemblies in .NET 2 are upgraded and have new version numbers which the app wasn't compiled against.
It won't have any problem and you will be able to run your 2.0 and 3.5 application using the same server. This is because the code base for both of the frameworks is the same.
Walk the server administrator through the content of the redistributable for 3.5. It adds a lot of new dlls it doesn't update anything in the 2.0.x directory. You might want to show him how the apps targeting 3.5 are still using System.dll etc from the 2.0.x framework directory.
Both frameworks can run concurrently. In fact, that is the default behavior.
One caveat though, make sure that you don't use the same application pool for apps using different versions of the framework. Otherwise you will get "Server Application Unavailable" errors. Use a different app pool for each set of applications.
Installing 3.5 will modify your .NET 2.0 web.config file and a few others.
This certainly breaks at least 1 application I use. Uninstalling 3.5 will revert the files and fixes the issue.
I've upgraded a couple servers from .net 1.1 to 2.0 & 3.5ץ there haven't been any problems.
