Trouble reaching client website from my computer with traceroute - ip

I've been working on a client site for a few months now and I'm suddenly having a lot of trouble accessing it.
Chrome tells me:
This webpage is not available
Google Chrome's connection attempt to [client] was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured.
The website is available on any other computer, whether on the same wireless connection or not.
My traceroute shows a hop to localhost and then it stops. Interestingly enough, if I remove the "www" the site loads, and the traceroute without www works normally.
I've tried resetting my wireless adapter. I've tested this on multiple wireless networks and it just does not work on my computer.
I had this problem a few nights ago and it mysteriously worked for about a day and then the problem resumed this morning.
I do not have any proxy settings in Chrome. I've tried cycling the adapter, renewing the lease, and trying other routers. Just now, I also tried on ethernet and the problem persists. The problem also persists over users and browsers.
I don't notice any other sites affected. I am currently using a Mac. If I use Parallels to use Windows, it has no problem connecting to the site or tracing properly.
Does anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions?

Have you tried to flush the routing table on your machine?
/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/route flush

Related bad request

I noticed that my uploaded files became unavailable yesterday morning. I didn't change the settings.
It doesn't work in browsers and mobile apps, but it is wired because it works in different regions.
I tried to run the curl -I but I just got the HTTP/2 400 error and nothing else. When I link an URL for example into the Slack chat, then the URL works but when I try to open it from a browser or in a mobile application it doesn't work.
I got this message.
UPDATE: It works from VPN and 4g but doesn't work on wifi. This is totally weird.
Thanks for the help.
This issue is caused because your ISP is blocking connections to Firebase. There other user who have reported the same issue with Hungarian Telekom mobile (¿is that the ISP you are using?). The solution is to contact the ISP and tell them to allow those connections. This also explains why using a VPN works.

Plone 4 site is up, but it’s not responding

I have a Plone 4 site at However, when you go to the site, it stalls for a while and then times out. (This even happens when connecting via IP address, so it’s not a DNS issue.) It’s hosted on an Amazon EC2 instance, and if I connect via SSH and use “plonectl status” the result is:
instance: program running; pid=788
Restarting Plone (or the EC2 instance itself) doesn’t seem to help. It’s been running fine for years, I didn’t make any changes or updates when it started failing. I don’t know what the problem is :(

Issue with intranet site

We have a lamp word press intranet site running, however, the first time I load the site it doesn't load and says the page cannot be displayed. When I refresh the site it loads. Is this a problem with our server or dns or what?! We have no proxy and sometimes get this error message as well ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. Any ideas?
I suppose the best way forward is to first figure out which part of the process is failing, browser, computer or web server.
Determine the most likely point of failure
If the fault occurs on more than one computer, and with different browsers then it not likely to be browser or computer issue. Therefore the next step is to look at the webserver.
if it looks like a computer or browser issue
If its only failing on one computer or browser the try flushing your browser cache, if that fails then it could be a network setup issue. You could try setting you computers DNS network settings to point to your internet router and to your web servers IPs.
if it seems like a web server issue
1) Check settings of your network, try setting DNS to router and webserver.
2)If you have a spare computer install fresh webserver and try using new test webserver to see if you get the same problems
and if all else fails get windows PC install WAMP;) or the ultimate solution switch it off and go the pub.

Site comes up Sometime and Sometimes it will not

I have a site registered with Godaddy and hosting with Enom. The domain was pointed to Enom's nameservers on 1/14/15 and was fine until 1/17/15. It's a wordpress site and on 1/17/15, without doing anything to it, it went down and I could not access it via FTP either. It was literally down all day. The strange thing is, it seemed to be accessible on cellphones, but not PCs. On 1/18/15 I was able to access it via FTP & via all browsers.
On 1/18 it went down again and suddenly came back up. (I checked at 6pm and it was back up and running fine.) Checked 1/19 and all is good again.
When I was unable to access the site via FTP (Filezilla), I got the following error: "connection attempt failed with eai_nodata - no address associated with codename"
When I tried on all browsers, I received a DNS lookup failed.
This is the strangest thing I have encountered. Does anyone have any idea if this is a problem coming from the Registar or the hosting company? Any suggestions or ideas are welcome.
Thank you.
your phone is on Wi-Fi of same network as your PC or on mobile phone network?
If on a different network so check if it happens only in your computer or in other computers to (You could check with proxy sites ,hidemyass for example).
If its only on your PC, sounds like its a problem with your internet provider with the DNS/IP of your server.
I had the same issue, one time after a few days it solved itself. In some other case i had, it was something in the internet provider actually (the DNS was blocked or something or not updated or something like that).
The reason it sounds like that is because in your phone your site is up, but could be its something else.

Windows 2008 R2 Server sporadically serving web pages on port 80, other ports are fine

Been chasing this problem for a few days now. It comes and goes...meaning, the problem exists for 8-10 hours, then goes away for 12 hours, then re-appears for 4 hours then goes away for 2 hours etc.
Here is my setup: I have a windows 2008 R2 server running IIS 7.5 that is hosting about 60 web sites. Each website has its own IP address that it's bound to. All of the sites are running on port 80 except for one (my admin panel) which is running on port 443 (ssl).
I noticed that the sites stopped working last week. I hit one of the sites, and chrome gives me the "Ooops! Google Chrome could not connect to try reloading...". If I refresh the page 5 or 6 times (sometimes it takes 10+ times), then the site will come up. My initial thought was that this is a network related issue so I RDP'd to the server, opened up IIS and browsed to some of the sites from the browse link within IIS. I saw the same thing on the server directly. I then thought, maybe it's because by hitting the IP, it's still going out to the router first which might be the source of the problem so I bound one of the sites to the loopback address ( and saw the same problem. The one constant in this whole issue is that my site on 443 has never had a hiccup which started to make me think that maybe it's just port 80 having the problem so I bound the site that I bound to a different port (20005) and it worked fine when I browsed to it locally both by hitting and its regular IP on port 20005.
With those "tests", I have figured out that it's only port 80 that is having the problem. My next thought was that maybe it was Symantec's Endpoint Protection (my virus software) that was blocking incoming requests on port 80 so I disabled it...same problem.
I then thought maybe it was my windows firewall rule puking. I recreated the rule to allow traffic on port 80 through, same problem. I then disabled the firewall entirely to see if something else was tripping it up within the firewall, same problem.
I then tried telnetting to one of the sites on port 80 from my remote machine. It goes through just fine 3 or 4 times, and then telnet won't connect. So the times it goes through, are the times that the server would have served up the web page. The times it won't connect are the times it wouldn't have served the page.
I then added "failed request tracing" in IIS for one of the sites to see if I could nail down why it's failing when it fails. I tried to hit the site a few times, it failed but no log was created. Then I finally do get through, and it creates a log. Which tells me that when it's failing, it's not even making it to IIS.
I then tried running:
netstat -anp tcp | find ":80"
to see if something else was catching the traffic that is incoming on port 80. This didn't show me anything out of the ordinary. I also downloaded and ran TcpView and didn't see anything in there that would be catching the traffic on port 80. I then stopped IIS and ran both of the above again, and there's nothing listening on port 80 when IIS is stopped.
I then tried doing some port mapping to map traffic coming in on port 80 to the high port to see if that would at least allow the server to serve pages consistently. I used this command to map the port
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 listenaddress= connectport=20005 connectaddress=
this didn't resolve the issue either which tells me that the problem is happening before it even hits that level of the network stack (which is I-don't-know-where??).
I've done an iisreset, I've rebooted the server, I've run a virus scan, I've run a windows update, I've done a disk defrag...nothing has fixed this.
Is it possible that my problem is hardware related? Could a network interface go bad to the point that it would disallow traffic on only one port, but allow all other traffic through just fine? I can FTP to the machine w/o any problems, I can RDP to the machine without any problems and as mentioned above, my site on 443 has never had the's only port 80.
I'm totally out of ideas of things to look for / ways to resolve this. ANY suggestions at this point would be welcome.
UPDATE: I switched network interfaces to the other NIC on the server and am seeing the same problem
Are you sure it's not your application pools crashing? works maybe because traffic stop coming in from port 80 when you map it to 20005, so your site didn't get any traffic to it that's crashing it.
Check your event log to see if any of your application pools are restarting due to crashes.
Last night I actually uninstalled Symantec Endpoint Protection and things seem to be back in order for now. I think it was the network threat detection that was killing it. I will let it go for a few days and report back here with an answer if things stay cleared up.
Edit: It's been going for a few days now w/o any hiccups so I'm going to attribute the issue to SEP catching traffic and killing it. Seems really weird that it would only bounce traffic some of the time and then it would work for long periods w/o any faults at all. I have reinstalled SEP minus the network threat detection and all is good.
