CSS bug in Safari but not Chrome/Firefox - css

If you view the above page in Chrome/Firefox then everything seems to be fine. The divs at the bottom (the two headings and the social icons) are wrapped in a container div and center without issue.
If it's viewed in Safari though then these three divs are not centered at all :/
I'm not sure why this is.... can anyone help?

Note: had to assume a lot with your design so modify anything that does not fit your original design.
First off, you are not properly containing your page elements (content, carousel, footer), you currently have multiple width containers trying to reside side-by-side and that is breaking your design in multiple places.
Your content container is width:940px, your .wrapper div is width:750px, your .paramWrapper div is width:870px, your .carousel div is width:735px. You have to pick one width and stick to it and just use margin to push content accordingly across your page. I used 860px, which is the width of the span11 class.
Next, you're modifying the bootstrap.css stylesheet directly, that means that whenever the bootstrap gets updated all of your changes will be lost if you overwrite the bootstrap stylesheet, so create a another stylesheet and put all of your custom styles there and just load it "after" the bootstrap stylesheet in your header.
Now onto your original issue, the bottom .paraWrapper div is not properly stacking because you have a width of 870px set in your container and the elements within do not add up to that width:
span3 + span3 + span2 + margin = 640px
So it was not an issue or a bug, its just your layout.
Here is a fixed version that i very quickly put up so you're going to have to modify the elements to fit your design once again: http://jsfiddle.net/rzSFa/3/, here is a demo of what it looks like.
By the way, you're using the responsive bootstrap stylesheet for naught, it is currently not doing much in your case so why even use it? You can easily modify a few media queries to support my fixed version though, but yours will not work at all because you're declaring all of your own classes with custom widths so there is no point in including it.


Bootstrap Affix fixed position dynamic

I am adding a menu to the side of my page using Bootstrap. I want the menu to stay at the top of the page when the user scrolls past it. I have discovered affix which is in bootstrap.js. However because I am using different col sizes for the screen I am struggling to get it to stay in the right place.
I have got it to start at the right time and to make it position the top correctly but the width and the right are not working.
I am using bootstrap 3.3.
I think that I will have to use percentages of the screen width and then also do media queries in the CSS.
JS Fiddle
I have solved it.
The element with affix needs to be a child to an element with a col- class on it. You then also have to set the width in pixels for each different screen width that bootstrap recognises.

Angular Material & CSS (Chrome): why overflow:scrolling causes content overlap?

I have a container of fixed height (same problem with max-height) and overflow-y: scroll.
I add dinamically few divs inside it.
When the container is completely filled in, it starts to scroll but the dics inside it overlap, like the new added divs couldn't fit in the scrollable container.
While the container and the divs are made of pure CSS and HTML (without using Angular Material's directives and not even paddings which occasionally cause problems), I noticed that some global style applies.
Any clue?
Two images are attached to show the problem, the first one without overlap (the container div of max-height: 350px is not yet full), the other where overlapping starts occuring and gets worse the more I add content.
I noticed that the issue occurs even without overflow-y: scroll.

why is only this div in the page not responsive (anymore)?

What is wrong with the CSS (at least I think it is CSS related) that one particular div with a slider is not responsive anymore? The rest of the site is still responsive.
It is the big square image slider in the content right (so not the image in the left sidebar or the header image). The maindiv container that contains the rest of the slider is : <div class="scheeps_slider">
You can see the image is not scaling down anymore if you make the screensize smaller than the image width.
Is there CSS in one of the underlying divs of the slider or li's that break responsiveness?
Extra info:
( Note: It did work responsive fine when the slide was not clickable, but to get it clickable with custom fields html was slightly altered to get a setup with an ul and li approach, but I don't get how that should interfere with responsiviness)
The slider-jquery used here is from opensource 2cycle which acts as a perfectly responsive slider used in other pages so something in the specific css used here is messing it up I think

Twitter bootstrap 100% footer background

My site has fixed width layout. I mean i'm not using responsive layout.
So I removed bootstrap-responsive.css file.
But it looks like bootstrap has some bug in the footer background while using fixed width layout.
I mean check this snapshot.
Can someone tell me how to fix that issue?
Based on the scrollbar at the bottom, it seems that your window size is less than the page size, since you removed the responsiveness. Based on a quick test on the Bootstrap doc, I think that you can fix this by adding width:100%; to the body tag. Everything is just set to fill the item containing it and nothing else has a width set (even the body tag by default). This should stretch the page to wrap around all elements instead of just filling the window.
UPDATE: CSS should be min-width:960px. Naturally, in other instances you would want to change this minimum width value, but for the Bootstrap CSS without responsiveness, this is the base grid system width.

Page elements moving on window resize

Being new to CSS, I have looked at similar posts on stackoverflow regarding this issue, but none of the resolutions seem to help with my site.
I am using a template for the site and trying to edit the CSS so that the page will maintain one width, and not shift it's elements when the window is resized.
An example page can be found here: (removed link for client)
The content is contained within a wrapper currently set to relative position:
position: relative;
I tried to change it to this:
min-width: 960px;
This doesn't seem to be doing the trick though. When I resize the window, everything still shifts. Any ideas what else I need to change?
Your site is using Twitter Bootstrap: twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
It won't be a totally simple process to do what you want but a starting point would be going to this page:
There you could uncheck the "Responsive" checkboxes and change the Grid System elements to be whsatever you want. It may however be best to leave those as they are.
Then download the css files and replace the ones on your site and see if that helps (ensure you make a back-up of your current files first).
There are a few things going on here:
The navigation has float: right on it somewhere. This means that when its width, plus the width of anything it sits next to is wider than its container, it's going to shift so that it can fit.
Your min-width is too narrow If your min-width is 960px, but the width of your navigation, plus the width of your logo (the two elements that sit side by side), plus any margins, paddings, and borders, add up to anything more than 960px, then it's not going to sit in line. You need to either adjust your min-width, or adjust the calculated width of the elements to fit within that 960px minimum. This can be done either by making margins/paddings smaller, decreasing the text size, setting explicit widths, or any combination thereof.
your elements are probably moving around because you have them in the same tag so if you want your elements to hold their positions you need to use a different for each element and align them to your preference perhaps on css or inside the tag(that's up to you). Otherwise in a div tag if you follow the same procedure for each element you shouldn't have any problems. That goes for sentences too... you need to make each word in a sentence be in between individual
