XForms relation of 'constraint' and 'required' properties - constraints

As a reference, the most similar question already asked is: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667849/making-xforms-enforce-the-constraint-and-type-model-item-properties-only-when-fi The difference is that I cannot use the 'relevant' property since I do want the field to be visible and accessible.
I'm attempting to make an XForms form that has the following properties:
It displays a text field named 'information'. (for the example)
This field must not be required, since it may not be necessary to enter data. (Or this data will be entered at a later time.)
However, if data is entered in this field, it must adhere to the specified constraint.
I cannot mark the field as not relevant since this would hide the field and some data may need to be entered in it.
The trouble now is that even though the field has no data in it, the constraint is still enforced (i.e. even though it is not marked as 'required').
I have taken a look at the XForms 1.1 specification, however it does not seem to describe how the properties 'required' and 'constraint' should interact.
The only option I see, is to add a part to the constraint such that an empty value is allowed.
. = '' or <actual-constraint>
However, I don't like this. It feels like a workaround to add this to every such field.
Is there any other way to express that non-required fields should not need to match the constraint for that field? (Am I missing something?)

In XForms 1.1, required serves two purposes:
mark the field as required (implementations can style controls to reflect this, e.g. with a "*")
take part in the validation process
The latter is described in 4.3.3 The xforms-revalidate Event.
An instance node is valid if and only if the following conditions hold:
And one of the conditions is:
the value is non-empty if the required model item property is true
So it is a logical and between all aspects that impact validation.
I can see how things could have been different, e.g. saying required="false()" could disable the rest of the validation. However that's not the approach XForms is taking.
Based on this there is nothing wrong checking for emptiness as part of the constraint.
XForms 2.0 might add custom XPath functions, which might help with reuse of logic:
<bind ref="information" constraint="my:constraint(.)">
Also, if the constraint can be expressed with a type, you may be able to use one of the schema types in the XForms namespace, which allow empty values to be valid. For instance xforms:double considered the empty string and 42 to be valid values, but not gaga.


Magnolia CMS, Content app, naming a node from a property

I have a content app with a dominating unique field that I would like to use as the node name for new nodes. The problem is that it contains characters that cannot be part of a JCR node name, and thus if I were to link it to jcrName rather than a custom property it will get mutated into something that isn't useful for the fields original purpose (among others, the field value will contain slashes).
My current solution adds an additional field for the node name, and while this certainly works, it adds a UI field to the detail for no reason that is apparent to the users of the app.
Is there a way to have a field that reads and writes a string value to a custom property, yet that is also used (in its clened form) to name the node?
You could use this as a base, paying special attention to the code in 2.b.ii. (especially setNodeName), and ignoring the yaml bits.
I hope this helps!

Complex Rule in Drupal involving multiple entities

I need to create a fairly complex rule in Drupal - I am willing to use either code or the interface to do so.
I am more familiar with the interface, however, as opposed to the Rules API.
Anyway, the rule will be as follows:
It will happen based on a form submission from entityforms (which is one entity). It will take the checkbox value of a field (not just the true or false, but rather the value submitted when a value is true or false). It will convert this number to an integer.
At this point things get interesting - I want to create a new entity of registrations (a different entity), which as far as I can tell, means I'll have to bring a registration into scope. I also need to bring node (and not just node: type and other data selectors, but specifically node) into scope, because the next step requires it.
So at this point, I should have three entities loaded into scope:
I believe the best way to bring registration into scope would be entity is of type? The documentation page says that content of type should be appropriate - but that seems like it might be related to the specific use case of the example - not in my more complex example where registration isn't the first entity dealt with, but rather a second.
So anyway, if all three of these entities is called in correctly, the ultimate result should be the following:
Value from boolean field (not the straight 1 or 0, but whatever the value to be submitted is switched to) from the entityform is converted to an integer, and inserted where entity host ID is required. In the section where host entity type is the value should be node.
I am also open to alternative suggestions if this seems overly complex or poorly architected.
The Host Entity Type cannot be of Entityform? Why be a Node since a Registration can be attached to any entity? Then you will get the id of the Entityform as also as any other fields from that entity type instead of Node. Next steps are the same.

Dynamic validation using jQuery

I need your help. I need to create a validation framework for complex form which will be generated dynamically.
For instance, user selects some Template he wants to change, then he receives a list of fields to be filled with data. Number of fields can reach up to 150.
There will be few types of validation rules
Regular expresions
Is field mandatory
data type - string, numeric or alphanumeric (can be validated with RegExp)
All the rules for each field will be stored in the database.
The complexity is that each field may have it's own regular expression, therefore validation error messages are also different. I have attached image describing how the control will look:
I'm thinking on using JQuery framework and assign each control to be validated using the attribute, but not sure if this task could be done using the JQuery.
Will appreciate any advices on this!
Thank you very much!

How to find index for a field (if any)

I have some indexes in portal_catalog, for various types.
Given a portal_type and a fieldname, how can I find out the name of the index (if any) for that field?
Some relevant pointers to documentation about zcatalog might help me too!
There is no easy one-on-one way to determine this. In Plone 4, there are basically three different ways that an index in the catalog can obtain the information from your content type.
Index configuration
First and foremost, indexes can optionally be configured with the name(s) of the attributes or methods to index on a given object. Indexes generally have a getIndexSourceNames method that'll tell you what items they'll index.
Usually this is the same as the index id, but this is not a given. Generally, if your field accessor is listed in the result of getIndexSourceNames then that index will be indexing that field for a given type:
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
for index in catalog.index_objects():
if field.accessor in index.getIndexSourceNames():
print 'Index %s indexes %s' % (index.getId(), field.getName()'
In the above examples, I assumed you already have a hold of your field object in the variable field, with an actual instance of your type in the variable context.
Custom indexing adapters
When an object is indexed, the catalog also constructs a wrapper around the object and will look up indexing adapters for your object. These adapters are registered both for the indexed name (so the name listed in getIndexSourceNames) and an interface or class. If your content class implements that interface or has an indexing adapter directly registered for it's class or a base class, the indexing adapter can be brought into play.
Indexing adapters are arbitrary snippets of code, and thus could call any field on your content object to produce their results. There is no programmatic way for you to determine if a given field on your content type will be used, or if any fields will be used at all.
The CMFPlone.CatalogTool module lists several examples of indexing adapters, these are all registered for Interface, meaning all objects:
allowedRolesAndUsers collects security information about your object.
getObjPositionInParent determines the position of the current object in it's container. Thus, this indexer does not need any information from the object itself to determine it's value.
sortable_title takes your content Title value and generates a value suitable for sorting catalog search results with. It normalizes the value, lowercases it, and prefixes numbers with leading zeros to make sorting on numbered titles easier.
Direct method access
Fields are basically generated methods on your content object. But your content class can also implement methods on it's class. The same remarks as for custom indexing adapters apply here; these are arbitrary Python code so they could be using your content type fields, aggregating and mangling the information before passing it to the index.
The Archetypes BaseObject class (used in all Archetypes content types) defines the SearchableText method for example. This method takes all available fields with the searchable property set to True, tries to get each field value as plain text, and aggregates the results for the SearchableText index.
You can only make educated guesses about index contents as they relate to your fields. By introspecting index configuration, you won't see if there might be a custom indexer adapter masking your field (register a getField index adapter and it'll be used instead of directly calling getField). Custom indexers and class methods can still access your fields and pass on the information to a catalog index.
You just add an index for the method or attribute name that you want to use for the index value--there's nothing too tricky about it and it can potentially all be done TTW
If you need a bit more logic to grab the index, check out this stackoverflow question: Problem with plone.indexer and Dexterity

Anyone familiar in Drupal 6 Services module specifically node.save

I can save/update on regular fields but I'm having trouble saving/updating CCK fields. here's an example node.save() XML request - http://pastebin.com/m5ceca16
I'm assuming your XML data mirrors the node object format.
A CCK field 'field_custom' will be accessible via $node->field_custom. Regardless of type and the limit on number of entries, fields are always arrays. If the CCK field only allows one entry, it is $node->field_custom[0].
The indexes below that level depend on the field type. Most, especially numeric and text fields, are 'value' (eg., $node->field_custom[0] = 'foo'). I've used Nodereference fields which use 'nid', from which I would assume Userreference fields use 'uid'.
The structure of your XML seems correct. I would check the structure of a node object on the site (using a var_dump() or the devel module) to make sure all of your array keys and variable names are correct for your field and field type.
2 things to check:
A var_dump of the results of a node_load() doesn't give you the exact format you should use. Your XML must emulate the input format of the node edit form. So while a var_dump might show you several taxonomy terms in an array, the node edit form may expect the taxonomy terms separated by commas. Off-hand I don't see any fields in your example that this would seem to apply to but I mention it anyway.
Your "changed" timestamp must not be in the future, nor must it be too far in the past. The node will not save if this is off by much. This can be an issue if the clocks on one of the computers isn't very accurate. I had an issue where my services server was about 20 seconds behind my services client so all the updates were getting rejected (the server apparently rejected them on the grounds that they were from the future).
