How do I get Group ID as context in Views Drupal 7 without Panels - drupal

I have been banging my head all day with this. I have seen other posts, but they all seem to say "Use Panels" and I dont want to make a panel page for every view.
I am using Drupal 7.x, Organic Groups with Group Context, and Views.
I created a content type as a Group, and several content types as Group content types.
In my view, I added the relationships Group Membership:Node group membership, Group: Node, and Content:Author. I have tried various Contextual filters, but none seem to be working.
The view is display type page, with a path of node/%/content/documents (documents is the content type where I want to show all uploaded documents for a particular group).
What is see is whenever I add a contextual filter, the query contains a line similar to WHERE ((og_node.gid = 'xx')) and the value there is the value of the group node entity ID, and not the GID. I have set the default value on the contextual filter to "current OG Group from context" and I have set the validation criteria to validate on the Content ->group content type, and Node ID. I can get the Page Display title to use the %1 placeholder to accurately grab the Group Node title successfully, but I cant get context to be passed in so the WHERE clause contains the GID and not the entity id.
Any help?

I just tried this and the following two settings worked for me:
Relationship of Group membership: Node group membership
Contextual filter of (group membership) OG membership: Group gid
In the preview window, when I enter in the gid for the contextual filter, I get back exactly the nodes belonging to that group that I expect.
Have you tried that one yet?

You can try the og_context module (part of og)


Drupal 10 and Group module: using Views to list entities and relate to a field in the Group membership plugin

I'm stuck with something I'd like to achieve using Drupal 10, Views and the Group module.
The point is to have a website allowing parents (Users) to create a family (Group), add children (Nodes), then add expenses (Nodes) linked to a specific child.
To achieve this, here's what I've got:
I've got a Group type called "family"
the Group Membership plugin for this Group type is installed and has a field of type Number called "percentage" (which allows parents to specify which part of the expenses they'll take in charge)
Drupal users who are members of a "family" group are "parents"
I have a content type called "child"
and I have a second content type called "expense" with a reference field pointing at the "child" entities and an "amount" field
Now I created a View listing all expenses for a specific family, grouped by author (parent). This works quite fine.
What I can't figure out is how I can get the "percentage" field (which is in the Group Membership plugin) in order to display which part of the expense's amount the current logged in parent should take in charge (for each expense listed).
So instead of having a listing such as:
Expense : title, child, amount
I'd like to have:
Expense : title, child, amount, your percentage, your part (calculated)

Showing count of content based on the select list values Drupal 7

I have a requirement in which I need to show some content along with its count based on values in a select list. I wanted to display the allocated,released and resigned resources of a particular department in a selected date range. Using views, date range and department fields are created as exposed filters.
Created a content type for creating resources. The Resources content type is having action as a select list with values allocated,released,resigned. Department is another select list and date field is also added.
Please help me with an answer if views module is not enough. Provide some other solutions also. I'm using Drupal 7.
I figured out how to show node count in views. In my view I’ve some exposed filters and passed my select list cck field as contextual filter. If no result available I made the view to display summary as row count. In the template file, I’m planning to do some calculations for showing the resources count in and out of the project. Please correct me if there is anything wrong in this approach.

how to limit view to just show each type one time?

I have a content type what is news, the news has a field type that is List (text) to keep different types of news. for example I have Health, Sport, Economic and etc.
So now I am going to create a block and have each of these type in that as a hyperlink.
I can do it and I created a new view block but each news_type may showing more than one time according to published content.
How to set the view (for block) to just show news_types and show them just one time?
You can achieve this by following the steps given below:
Enable aggregation under Advanced Accordion of the view
Add Nid field & set aggregation type as Count Distinct
Exclude Nid field from display
Add news type field & set Aggregation type as Group results together, in Group Column select Value option from dropdown
Remove Publishing Date from sort criteria
Please check attached screenshot for reference
You can check this question for more information, and maybe help you.

Drupal Views: Get nodes with the same taxonomy as the current node

I have a Content-Type with taxonomy-terms. It's a select-list, so it can have only one taxonomy - at least of that vocabulary. Now I need to build a view that lists all nodes with the same taxonomy.
Thought that this wouldn't be too hard since it sounds pretty basic. Yet I can't get it working. Any ideas? I'm trying to avoid writing a module for this.
While this was technically possible with Views 2 as described in some of the other answers, Views 3 has this integration built in.
You can create an argument for the taxonomy term id and then choose "Provide default argument". This will then give you an option for "Taxonomy Term ID from URL" and "Load default argument from node page..."
This will allow you to take the taxonomy of a page and pass that as an argument to your view block.
Note: Views 3 is currently in Alpha 3 but in my experience is at a relatively stable state and I am using it on production sites. If it has features like the one above that you find useful please use it, test it and submit bugs/patches if you encounter any issues!
This answer works in Views version 2 or higher. First you need to install Views attach ( ). Please read about Views attach before proceeding further. Views attach is best explained by this video
Now we get to Views attach. Please enable the views attach module before proceeding. Essentially Views attach attaches a view at the end of the node. In our case our view will be a listing of other articles with the same term.
We will essentially need to "pass" the taxonomy term of the node to the view. Let the name of your Vocabulary be called MyVocab.
Steps to make the view.
Lets call the view display_other_articles_with_same_taxonomy.
Add a display of type Node Content (available after enabling Views attach). This is a display just like block and page displays but with special ability of attaching itself to the node.
Make the following settings in the Node Content Display
Node content settings
Node types: [select the content types you are interested in seeing the list of nodes with same taxonomy term]
Build modes: Teaser, Full node
Arguments: token
Show title: No
You should select Use tokens from the node the view is attached to under Arguments. Let the token be [term-id] This is the "ID of top taxonomy term". This is very important!! Essentially you are going to be passing the taxonomy term of the node from the MyVocab (See If it has the lowest weight, the taxonomy vocabulary will be the first vocabulary in the taxonomy section of your node edit form. Add an argument Taxonomy: Term Id.
Add the fields you are interested in e.g. Node: Title. Make sure the Node: Title is made into a hyperlink by ticking Link this field to its Node
So what this view is going to do is:
Take the taxonomy term from the MyVocab vocabulary in the Node that is currently being viewed
Pass that as argument to the view display_other_articles_with_same_taxonomy
List all the nodes that have the same taxonomy term as the node being displayed.
Thats it!
If you're using Views 3 (currently at alpha3 at the time of writing) and you want a block (right now the articles have same taxonomy term come at the end of node body) you can do it in the following fashion:
Forget about views attach... its not required
Add a block view. It should contain the same argument, fields and filters as the instructions above for the Node Content display.
You need to modify the settings for the argument Taxononomy: Term Id just slightly: Under Action to take if argument is not present: choose [x] Provide Default Argument. Choose [x] Taxonomy Term ID from URL. Now make sure [] Load default argument from term page is unselected and [x] Load default argument from node page, thats good for related taxonomy blocks. Also [x]Limit terms by vocabulary and choose the Series vocabulary.
Make sure you name the block and put it in the appropriate region.
Note: This answer is subset of the answer I provided at How to just show NodeQueue block on included nodes? In that scenario the requirement was that the related articles are explicitly selected and listed in a particular order. Its a little more complex and uses Nodequeues which we don't need here at all.
Use relationships
Node 1 -> Relationship 1 -> Term // This will be relationships->taxonomy->term
Term -> Relationship 2 -> Node 2 // This will be relationships->node->node
Argument NID to filter NODE 1
Fields or node full view on Relationship 2 (you will see select box on field adding form, to determinate what NODE to use)
Views gives you the options to add filters. Click the plus sign in the filters area of the views admin UI, select Taxonomy from the list, check either Term or ID, and fill in the value that you need to filter by.
EDIT (for explicit instructions):
First, add the necessary fields that you want under the fields section that you want to display from the nodes that you are trying to filter such as node title, etc.
Under Arguments, click the plus sign and select Taxonomy
Check Taxonomy: Term and click Add
Click Update
In your preview area test it out by adding an argument and clicking preview. If it doesn't work, your nodes do not have attached taxonomy, your views module is corrupted, or you didn't follow directions.

Views 1: Filter by custom table/field (or using Argument Hand. Code)

I have a page which should list nodes. The views is called from a locality page (a taxonomy term page). What I need is almost the same as using the Taxonomy: tid in arguments and passing the tid.
I can't use the term_node table, as (for other reasons) we have a custom table term_node_hierarchy (with nid and tid only). The table term_node_hierarchy is like term_node but also saves the tid of the parents (from an "external" code)
I've been looking for options but still no joy.
Currently I'm building an array of the nid's that should be displayed on the current page, and passing them like print views_build_view('embed', $view, $matching_nids); but the Argument Node: ID states This argument is a single Node ID. As said, only the first node is displayed when printing the views. It would be great if it could filter on more than one nid.
I'm open to any kind of suggestions on how to do this.
You could create your own module for this. You could populate the $page_content variable with the results of your own custom query where you allow the user to sort against multiple nids. You could do this a number of different ways. You could display a list of the existing nids with corresponding checkboxes, so that, when the user clicks submit, all the nids that match the selected checkboxes get used in the query. Then you just display the result of that query. That's the easiest way I can think of to offer that degree of flexibility.
