How to check socket server is open? - r

I start a socket server and a connection to that server using the following R code:
R server: socket <- startSocketServer(port=8888)
R client: socketcon <- socketConnection(port=8888)
I run a while(TRUE) loop in R client and would like to stop it if the socket in R server is closed by stopSocketServer(port = 8888)
Have tried with isOpen but have no luck since it returns TRUE even when i stop R server.

I have a similar problem sometimes when doing parallel work using snow and connections are not closed properly.
when you get error message about:
summary.connections(connection) : Invalid connection
I use:
to shut all the connections that are left open.

There should be no need for you to close the socket client manually. The svSocket package has a closeSocketClients command, which is called by stopSocketServer. Strangely, socketConnection is mentioned and linked to in the documention on CRAN, but there is no manual entry. There is, however, a function called socketClientConnection, which might be the function you are looking for. It might be that the package has seen some changes, which are not properly described in the documentation. You might want to send an e-mail to the package maintainer about this.


gRPC not dropping disconnected channel

Steps to reproduce
Start server
Send a client RPC to server
Restart server
Using the same client, send another RPC. The call will fail
Send another RPC, this call will success
Also I found that if the server is leave stopped for a long time before starting up again, the call in step 5 will return "channel is in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE" as well.
Example code:
(Install from requirements.txt then run
Expected result
All call should success.
Tested with Python grpcio==1.19.0 server/client and with go-grpc server. I tried setting grpc.max_connection_age_grace_ms, grpc.max_connection_age_ms, grpc.max_connection_idle_ms, grpc.keepalive_time_ms, grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls but they doesn't seems to help.
The question is duplicated with!msg/grpc-io/199V_iF0NMw/NahHz_vMBwAJ.
The feature you want probably is "wait_for_ready". In case of TRANSIENT_FAILURE (server not available temporarily), it will automatically wait for the channel become READY again without failing. Read more about wait for ready.

Meteor and socket io

I am a bit confused about how to use with Meteor. There is a package called socket-io-client. Is that the only package that I should use or socket-io is required for the client side?
Have anyone implemented a connection? I have managed to print out on the terminal a message that indicates that there is a connection on the server but I cannot print any output on the browser console. Instead I get a message about encoding Uncaught TypeError: response.setEncoding is not a function.
Does the connection is on the same port as my meteor server or must be running on different port?
Thanks very much.

Terminating (graciously) MonetDB process in R

I'm using MonetDB on a variety of platform (e.g. OS X and Linux Centos) with a shiny application.
It is difficult to disconnect the db all the times, so currently my approach is to terminate the shiny app without disconnecting the db.
This means that the shiny app before accessing the data tries to stop any "old" process with:
From the source of the command I understand that it basically kills the process associated to the pid provided (which means among other things that the user running the app must have access to the kill function).
This works OK some of the times, but sometimes when I try to start MonetDB again, I get
!FATAL: GDKlockHome: Database lock '.gdk_lock' denied
Warning in socketConnection(host = host, port = port, blocking = TRUE, open = "r+b", :
localhost:50000 cannot be opened
Error in socketConnection(host = host, port = port, blocking = TRUE, open = "r+b", :
cannot open the connection
Is there a way to avoid this error (without forcibly disconnecting the database all the time I use it in shiny)?
It can indeed take a couple of seconds for MonetDB to shut down. If a new process is started on the same dbfarm directory in the meantime, you will get the !FATAL: GDKlockHome: Database lock '.gdk_lock' denied error. I'm considering adding a wait parameter to monetdb.server.stop.
So in the meantime, waiting a bit before the server is started again is a good idea. Otherwise, consider using monetdbd to manage your MonetDB servers.

Unable to execute RSeval() in remotely connected client in R

I was executing RSeval(c,"4+5"); and encountered :
Error in RSeval(c,"4+5") : remote evaluation failed
in a remote machine connected to a linux server which is running daemon Rserve, where c is connection object. The connection was successful though.
Please share your insights.Thanks in advance
That could be many things, e.g. if Rserve requires authentication. If that's the case, you can use RS.connect and RS.login from the more modern implementation of RSclient (see

JSch connecting to

So, I used the example on and I was trying to connect to
That destination is a valid testing SFTP server (as mentioned in secureftp-test dot com/). I confirmed it by connecting to the server through nautilus. I also made sure that the password on my program was correct as well.
But, when I run the program and it hits session.connect(), it just says "INFO: Connection established" then it becomes quiet for a minute then it return:
"com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host"
I am pretty sure that it got stuck in the while loop of the library but I do not know why. I tried it against my local ftp server and it also had the same problem.
During the quiet moment, I can type. But pressing enter does not send anything to the server.
Has anyone heard or seen the same problem?
Okay, it seems that is NOT an sftp server. That is ftps server.
What I did instead was creating my own sftp:
Then run the example code but making sure that I have these lines before doing session.connect:
String knownHostsFilename = "/home/yourname/.ssh/known_hosts";
