How can I run symfony 2 run command from controller - symfony

I'm wondering how can I run Symfony 2 command from browser query or from controller.
Its because I don't have any possibility on hosting to run it and every cron jobs are setted by admin.
I don't even have enabled exec() function so when I want to test it, I must copy all content from command to some testing controller and this is not best solution.

See official documentation on this issue for newer versions of Symfony
You don't need services for command execution from controller and, I think, it is better to call command via run method and not via console string input, however official docs suggest you to call command via it's alias. Also, see this answer. Tested on Symfony 2.1-2.6.
Your command class must extend ContainerAwareCommand
// Your command
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
class MyCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand {
// …
// Your controller
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput;
class SomeController extends Controller {
// …
public function myAction()
$command = new MyCommand();
$input = new ArrayInput(array('some-param' => 10, '--some-option' => true));
$output = new NullOutput();
$resultCode = $command->run($input, $output);
In most cases you don't need BufferedOutput (from Jbm's answer) and it is enough to check that $resultCode is 0, otherwise there was an error.

Register your command as a service and don't forget to call setContainer
class: MyBundle\Command\MyCommand
- [setContainer, ["#service_container"] ]
In your controller, you'll just have to get this service, and call the execute method with the rights arguments
Set the input with setArgument method:
$input = new Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput([]);
$input->setArgument('arg1', 'value');
$output = new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput();
Call the run method of the command:
$command = $this->get('MyCommandService');
$command->run($input, $output);

In my environment ( Symony 2.1 ) I had to do some modifications to #Reuven solution to make it work. Here they are:
Service definition - no changes.
In controller:
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
public function myAction() {
$command = $this->get('MyCommandService');
$input = new ArgvInput(array('arg1'=> 'value'));
$output = new ConsoleOutput();
$command->run($input, $output);

You can just simply create an instance of your command and run it:
* #Route("/run-command")
public function someAction()
// Running the command
$command = new YourCommand();
$input = new ArrayInput(['--your_argument' => true]);
$output = new ConsoleOutput();
$command->run($input, $output);
return new Response();

Here's an alternative that lets you execute commands as strings the same way you would on the console (there is no need for defining services with this one).
You can check this bundle's controller to see how it's done with all the details. Here I'm going to summarize it ommiting certain details (such as handling the environment, so here all commands will run in the same environment they are invoked).
If you want to just run commands from the browser, you can use that bundle as it is, but if you want to run commands from an arbitrary controller here is how to do it:
In your controller define a function like this:
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StringInput;
private function execute($command)
$app = new Application($this->get('kernel'));
$input = new StringInput($command);
$output = new BufferedOutput();
$error = $app->run($input, $output);
if($error != 0)
$msg = "Error: $error";
$msg = $output->getBuffer();
return $msg;
Then you can invoke it from an action like this:
public function dumpassetsAction()
$output = $this->execute('assetic:dump');
return new Response($output);
Also, you need to define a class to act as output buffer, because there is none provided by the framework:
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\Output;
class BufferedOutput extends Output
public function doWrite($message, $newline)
$this->buffer .= $message. ($newline? PHP_EOL: '');
public function getBuffer()
return $this->buffer;

same as #malloc
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
public function myAction() {
$command = $this->get('MyCommandService');
// $input[0] : command name
// $input[1] : argument1
$input = new ArgvInput(array('my:command', 'arg1'));
$output = new ConsoleOutput();
$command->run($input, $output);

If you have to pass arguments (and/or options), then in v2.0.12 (and may be true for later versions), you need to specify InputDefinition first before instantiating an input object.
use // you will need the following
// tell symfony what to expect in the input
$inputDefinition = new InputDefinition(array(
new InputArgument('myArg1', InputArgument::REQUIRED),
new InputArgument('myArg2', InputArgument::REQUIRED),
new InputOption('debug', '0', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// then pass the values for arguments to constructor, however make sure
// first param is dummy value (there is an array_shift() in ArgvInput's constructor)
$input = new ArgvInput(
'dummySoInputValidates' => 'dummy',
'myArg2' => 'myValue1',
'myArg2' => 'myValue2'),
$output = new NullOutput();
As a side note, if you are using if you are using getContainer() in your command, then the following function may be handy for your command.php:
* Inject a dependency injection container, this is used when using the
* command as a service
function setContainer(\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface $container = null)
$this->container = $container;
* Since we are using command as a service, getContainer() is not available
* hence we need to pass the container (via services.yml) and use this function to switch
* between conatiners..
public function getcontainer()
if (is_object($this->container))
return $this->container;
return parent::getcontainer();

You can use this bundle to run Symfony2 commands from controller (http request) and pass options/parameters in URL.

If you run a command that need the env option like assetic:dump
$stdout->writeln(sprintf('Dumping all <comment>%s</comment> assets.', $input->getOption('env')));
You have to create a Symfony\Component\Console\Application and set the definition like that:
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOuput;
// Create and run the command of assetic
$app = new Application();
$app->setDefinition(new InputDefinition([
new InputOption('env', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, '', 'prod')
$app->add(new DumpCommand());
/** #var DumpCommand $command */
$command = $app->find('assetic:dump');
$input = new ArgvInput([
'command' => 'assetic:dump',
'write_to' => $this->assetsDir
$output = new NullOutput();
$command->run($input, $output);
You can't set the option env to the command because it isn't in its definition.


Mock two ObjectRepositories in Syfmony PHPUnit Tests

A method from my MyClass class I'd like to test looks like this:
public function needs()
$domains = $this->em->getRepository(WebDomain::class)->findBy(array(
'client' => $this->client
$hosting = $this->em->getRepository(WebHosting::class)->findBy(array(
'client' => $this->client
if($domains !== null && $hosting !== null){
return true;
return false;
Looking at the documentation of Symfony I create a test like this:
public function testNeeds()
$em = $this->createMock(ObjectManager::class);
$client = new Client();
* Add WebHosting to Client
$webHosting = new WebHosting();
* Create a new WebDomain for Client/WebHosting
$webDomain = new WebDomain();
I know how to create a mocked repository (the needed $domains for example):
$domains = $this->createMock(ObjectRepository::class);
$myClass = new MyClass($client, $em);
So from my understanding, this creates a mock that whenever the method findBy is called, return the $domains, but what do I have to add in order to return the needed $hosting?
I suspect it has something to do with the $this->any(), I assume I have to narrow it down to expects(WebDomain::class) (which does not work ofc).
Since I am fairly new to UnitTests in Symfony (and in general) pointing me to the right manual might help as well. Thank you!
In you case you should return different Repository based on argument passed to getRepository method. Something like:
[WebDomain::class, $webDomainRepositoryMock),
[WebHosting::class, $webHostingRepositoryMock)
Note: remember to configure findBy for both repositories.

PhpUnit testing repositories Symfony findOneBy

I am net to phpunit in Symfony 3 and I'm wondering what exactly should I follow when testing a repository. For example, I have the following repo function:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function findAdminRole()
$role = $this->repository->findOneBy(['name' => Role::ADMIN]);
if (null === $role) {
throw new NotFoundException();
return $role;
What exactly a test for this would look like? Should I test that the function findOneBy and the NotFoundException are called or to get real data values? I am kinda stuck here.
Thank you.
ok so findOneBY returns either Null or an Object, you can set up sample data which would return either Null or say a role object and test for that, here's something in my opinion to help you get started.
so, in the setup i would mock the repository:
$this->mockRepository = $this
->getMockBuilder('path to the respository')
->setMethods(array('if you want to stub any'))
$this->object = new class( //this is the class under test
// all your other mocked services, ex : logger or anything else
now we have a mock of the repo, lets see how the sample tests would look like
1st test
public function findAdminRoleTestReturnsException(){
$name = ['name' => Role::ABC]; // consider this will return Null result from DB due to whatever reason
$exception = new NotFoundException();
// do whatever other assertions you need here
// Now call the function
$role = $this->object->findAdminRole();
$this->assertEquals($exception, $role);
in the same manner above you can write another test like:
2nd test
public function findAdminRoleTestReturnsNewRole(){
$name = ['name' => Role::ADMIN] // this will find the entry in theDB
$ testRoleObject = new Role();
// Now call the function
$role = $this->object->findAdminRole();
$this->assertEquals($testRoleObject, $role);
hope this helps

How to see error $application->run($input, $output);

i create a controller to update database in symfony because i can't use command line
* #Route("admin/database/update", name="adyax_database")
public function refreshdatabaseRoutes()
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$kernel = $this->container->get('kernel');
$application = new Application($kernel);
$input = new ArrayInput([
'command' => 'doctrine:schema:update --force',
$output = new BufferedOutput();
$application->run($input, $output);
return $this->redirectToRoute('homepage');
i think it don't work but no error given. How i can understand if some error is given ??
First of all, if you want to get command's result, you should use $output variable. You can get the output content with $output->fetch().
Anyway, you've done a mistake in your $input. In command array's element there should be only command's name, so it's just doctrine:schema:update. Any parameters should be passed as separate elements of this array. If the parameter doesn't take any value (like --force), simply set true as the value.
So in the end you should be fine with:
$input = new ArrayInput([
'command' => 'doctrine:schema:update',
'--force' => true,

Symfony call get by Name from variable

I would like to call a getter with the stored fieldname from the database.
For example, there are some fieldnames store like ['id','email','name'].
Normally, I will call ->getId() or ->getEmail()....
In this case, I have no chance to handle things like this. Is there any possibility to get the variable as part of the get Command like...
foreach ($array as $item){
Can I use the magic Method in someway? this is a bit confusing....
Symfony offers a special PropertyAccessor you could use:
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
$accessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
class Person
private $firstName = 'Wouter';
public function getFirstName()
return $this->firstName;
$person = new Person();
var_dump($accessor->getValue($person, 'first_name')); // 'Wouter'
You can do it like this :
// For example, to get getId()
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod('AppBundle\Entity\YourEntity','get'.$soft[0]);
$i[] = $reflectionMethod->invoke($yourObject);
With $yourObject being the object of which you want to get the id from.
EDIT : Don't forget the use to add :
use ReflectionMethod;
Hope this helps.
// You can get Getter method like this
use Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector;
$array = ['id', 'email', 'name'];
$value = [];
foreach ($array as $item){
$method = Inflector::classify('get_'.$item);
// Call it
if (method_exists($repository, $method))
$value[] = $repository->$method();

Laravel 4 Model Events don't work with PHPUnit

I build a model side validation in Laravel 4 with the creating Model Event :
class User extends Eloquent {
public function isValid()
return Validator::make($this->toArray(), array('name' => 'required'))->passes();
public static function boot()
echo "Hello";
if (!$user->isValid()) return false;
It works well but I have issues with PHPUnit. The two following tests are exactly the same but juste the first one pass :
class UserTest extends TestCase {
public function testSaveUserWithoutName()
$count = User::all()->count();
$user = new User;
$saving = $user->save();
assertFalse($saving); // pass
assertEquals($count, User::all()->count()); // pass
public function testSaveUserWithoutNameBis()
$count = User::all()->count();
$user = new User;
$saving = $user->save();
assertFalse($saving); // fail
assertEquals($count, User::all()->count()); // fail, the user is created
If I try to create a user twice in the same test, it works, but it's like if the binding event is present only in the first test of my test class. The echo "Hello"; is printed only one time, during the first test execution.
I simplify the case for my question but you can see the problem : I can't test several validation rules in different unit tests. I try almost everything since hours but I'm near to jump out the windows now ! Any idea ?
The issue is well documented in Github. See comments above that explains it further.
I've modified one of the 'solutions' in Github to automatically reset all model events during the tests. Add the following to your TestCase.php file.
public function setUp()
private function resetEvents()
// Get all models in the Model directory
$pathToModels = '/app/models'; // <- Change this to your model directory
$files = File::files($pathToModels);
// Remove the directory name and the .php from the filename
$files = str_replace($pathToModels.'/', '', $files);
$files = str_replace('.php', '', $files);
// Remove "BaseModel" as we dont want to boot that moodel
if(($key = array_search('BaseModel', $files)) !== false) {
// Reset each model event listeners.
foreach ($files as $model) {
// Flush any existing listeners.
call_user_func(array($model, 'flushEventListeners'));
// Reregister them.
call_user_func(array($model, 'boot'));
I have my models in subdirectories so I edited #TheShiftExchange code a bit
//Get all models in the Model directory
$pathToModels = '/path/to/app/models';
$files = File::allFiles($pathToModels);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fileName = $file->getFileName();
if (!ends_with($fileName, 'Search.php') && !starts_with($fileName, 'Base')) {
$model = str_replace('.php', '', $fileName);
// Flush any existing listeners.
call_user_func(array($model, 'flushEventListeners'));
// Re-register them.
call_user_func(array($model, 'boot'));
