Symfony2 presenting an array value as a translated text - symfony

it does not seem possible to use a value i am getting right from an array, as a translated when i have
{% for key,value in ratings %}
<th scope="row">
{% trans %}
{{ value.type }}
{% endtrans %}</th>
<td ><div class="rating" id= "{{ value.type }}" data-rating="{{ value.ratingaverage }}"
thread="{{thread_id}}" rating_readonly= "{{ value.readOnly }}" route="{{ path('addrating') }}" ></div> </td>
{% endfor %}
i get the error
A message must be a simple text in TrackerMembersBundle::rating.html.twig at line 92
what is meant here, is the line with
{% trans %}
{{ value.type }}
{% endtrans %}
i cannot seem to be able to use trans upon the value coming directly from array? the value would be for example "file.quality"

Perhaps its better when you search here before.
Symfony2+Twig, variable in translation return "A message must be a simple text"
The mistake is the variable in the translation block. You have to set an placeholder and replace this with a value.
{% trans with {'%type%':value.type} %}
This is my %type%!
{% endtrans %}


Twig use one value in different for loop

Since I'm using a SaaS platform I don't have much space to do things differently.
I have two for loops in Twig:
{% for option in product.options %}
{{ option.title }}
{% if option.values %}
{% for value in option.values %}
{{ value.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{{ variant.stock.level }}
{% endfor %}
What I try to do is to use variant.stock.level value inside the product.options for loop to show some HTML. This value always match the corresponding index value of the other for loop. I also think that's the only way to do this.
So what I mean is.....Let's say both for loops contain 3 elements.
So option1 needs to have the value from variant1.
For the end result I need to know what the value of eg Variant1 is to show some HTML like so:
{% for value in option.values %}
{% check if value from corresponding variant is greater then 0 %}
<li class="on-stock">{{ value.title }}</li>
{% else %}
<li class="out-of-stock">{{ value.title }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I don't know no other way to explain this :) Any help appreciated....
You are looking for attribute.
The attribute function can be used to access a "dynamic" attribute of a variable
Since the indexes are the same, you can use loop.index0
Example for your case
{% if attribute(option.variants, loop.index0) > 0 %}
// some stuff
{% endif %}
I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but you may use key from first loop to access product.variants with the same index.
{% for key, option in product.options %}
{{ option.title }}
{% if option.values %}
{% for value in option.values %}
{{ value.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ product.variants[key].stock.level }}
{% endfor %}

Dyanamic Variable names in Twig

For a series of similar named string how to I case them to a variable similar to php's $$variable ?
I have tried
{% for col in 1..cols %}
{% set field = 'field'~col %}
{{ form_widget(form.field) }}
{% endfor %}
But I get error property does not exist.
Solved it:
{% for col in 1..cols %}
{% set field = 'field'~col %}
{{ form_widget(attribute(form,field)) }}
{% endfor %}

how to change a label template using twig inheritance in symfony2

Using Symfony2.3.4 with Twig.
Say I´m trying to add, for example, a colon (:) and, if required, an asterisk (*) to every label of every field in a form generated by Symfony2's CRUD. For this I'm using a twig template to inherit Symfony2's main template form_div_layout.html.twig.
So far:
- ::my_form_layout.html.twig
{% block form_label %}
{% spaceless %}
{% if label is not sameas(false) %}
{% set asterisk = '<sup><i title="Campo obligatorio"
class="glyphicon-asterisk" style="color: red; font-size:
8px"></i></sup>' %}
<label {% for attrname, attrvalue in label_attr %}
{{ attrname }}="{{ attrvalue }}"{% endfor %}>
{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}: {% if required %}
{{ asterisk|raw }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock form_label %}
Problem is this way when I render, for example, a choice-type field for selecting the sex of a person, with expanded and required set to TRUE, the colon (:) and the asterisk (*) appear next to the word Sex AND the words Male and Female as well.
How can I make the template differenciate between the parent and the two children, so the colon and the asterisk appear only after the word Sex.
This is how I've done something similar. Modify the 'choice_widget_expanded' block a bit in your custom form layout:
// update this row: {{ form_label(child) }}
{{ form_label(child, child, {'exclude_additions': 'true'}) }}
And update your 'form_label' to check whether this value is defined:
{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}{% if exclude_additions is not defined %}: {% if required %}
{{ asterisk|raw }} {% endif %} {% endif %}

Twig: Loop Index and Second Value for each Iteration

i got the following loop
{% set services = { "ceoCentralServices": ceoCentralServices, "cfoCentralServices": cfoCentralServices, "cooCentralServices": cooCentralServices} %}
{% for events, serviceEvents in services %}
{% if serviceEvents %}
<div class="wrapItFine" style="background:purple;">
{% for event in serviceEvents %}
<div class="dialog" data-index="loop2{{ loop.index0 }}">
<li class="contentli">{{ event.value }}</li>
<div style="display:none;"
id="anmelden_boxloop2{{ counter }}{{ loop.index0 }}"
class="{{ event.value }}{{ loop.index0 }}" >
{% include 'ansprechpartnerSingle.twig' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
this returns 3 boxes with data-index="loop2+index.
the problem is, that i need in each loop a different value like loop2+index, loop3+index, loop4+index
i tried a set Counter and incrementing in the for loop which returned every time the same value.
feel free to downvote, like everytime :-)
in your second loop you can simply use
{{ loop.parent.loop.index0 }}
to get the index of the parent loop, which you can use instead of your counter
data-index="loop{{ loop.parent.loop.index0 }}{{ loop.index0 }}"

Getting a specific value from Twig array (using Symfony2)

So I can do this:
{% for x in data %}
{{ x.label }}: {{ x.value }}<br />
{% endfor %}
But I want to do this kind of thing to get one specific value:
{{ data['label' }}
I can't see how to do it, but it must be possible.
{{ attribute(data,'label') }}
