Is it possible to force a user to like a Application? - iframe

Is it possible to add a Like button inside an app (iframe) to ensure the user likes the app and not the page that "ownes" the app?

Yes. You can. But the user has to install your app in order to access the user's likes. Permission user_likes is required.


How to Allow User Access to Published App Maker App?

I've built an app in App Maker and deployed it, but the user I thought I had given permission to is getting this notification "Sorry, you don't have access to this application."
In the app, I added a role to the data source and added the user to the role from the deployment. I also added the role to each page's security. I verified that App Maker is turned on for all of our users. I've ensured that the user has access to the Google Sheet data tables (both what I imported into the App for preview and the data I exported from the deployment). I've even added the user as a Cloud Sql Viewer in our Cloud SQL instance (don't know if that was necessary). This is my first app and I feel like I'm flying blind. I'm obviously missing something but can't figure out what. Any help is much appreciated!
Make sure all the required models can be accessed by the role you assigned to the user.
If the user has another Google account in the same Chrome session, the browser may be switching them to this external user when opening the app. Sign-out from that account or try incognito.
Make sure the deployment has no restriction as shown here; or if it does, allow the username.

Customized Role - Firebase console

i'm quite new to Firebase and currently having some trouble trying to implement a custom role for my project. Is there a way to set a role with only Database permissions (add and delete) and another one responsible only for Authentication? Thanks in advance!
This level of granular access control is being rolled out in the Firebase console right now. If your project has it, you'll find it by:
Click the ⚙︎ at the top left.
Click Users and permissions.
Click the row of the user who's permission you want to change.
Click the Roles dropdown.
Click Assign Firebase roles
Select the roles you want to give to the user.
You'll note that the database role is still less granular than what you want, you can simply allow the user to edit the database or not.
You can customise access from project settings in firebase console.
Search for settings icon at upper left corner and then go to project settings. There will be some option of users from where you can customise access.

AppMaker: add role to user dynamically

Is it possible to add a role to a user dynamically ?
I understand that this is typically done at app publishing time but I'd like to have a page in the app that allows me to adds and assign roles.

How to ask data from user while setting Facebook app for page?

I am developing Facebook app and I need one data (like Id) from user to customize service to them. I want to ask data while adding app in page and save it for future use. How can I do this?

How to stay logged in in ASP.NET using PhoneGap and inAppBrowser plugin after the app is closed?

i'm developing an app using phonegap.
i'm using inappbrowser plugin to display my pages where my users login and get connected to my server.
how can i let the users login just once then the next time they open the app they get automatically connected without the need to login again?
1) you can use localstorage to save credentials. But bad idea. Cause localstorage life cycle isn't good enough. Specially iPhone treats localstorage as temporary storage
2) You can use database like webSql to save the credentials in your app. Make a ASP service in your website to link up your app and website. Save the credentials at first time inside your app. In the second time check if credentials exists in your app database, if exists then log him in through that ASP service page without the knowledge of the app user.
There are the ways I could think of. I don't know if there any cache or session style exists in inAppBrowser. If exists may be others will help you with that.
