Convert query to parametrized query -

How would I make this parametrized ?!
string query = "";
query += " SELECT DistID FROM Distributor";
query += " WHERE Username = '" + username_id.Text + "'";
query += " AND Password = '" + password.Text + "'";
GeneralFunctions.GetData( query );
Can it be done here or would it have to be done inside the GetData method?
Here are the two methods:
public static DataTable GetData ( string query )
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter;
DataTable table;
dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter( query, GetConnectionString() );
table = new DataTable();
dataAdapter.Fill( table );
return table;
catch ( Exception ex )
dataAdapter = null;
table = null;
return table;
public static string GetConnectionString ()
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[ "CAPortalConnectionString" ].ConnectionString;
return connectionString;

I'd recommend you designing specific methods to query your database, like this:
public static int? GetDistID(string username, string password)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText =
Username = #username
Password = #password";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", username);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#password", password);
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
if (!reader.Read())
// no results found
return null;
return reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("DistID"));
and then:
var distId = GeneralFunctions.GetDistID(username_id.Text, password.Text);
No need of DataTables/Sets/Adapters. Work with strongly typed objects.

Use the SqlCommand object, and you can create a parameterized query like this:
public object GetDistID(string username, string password)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection("..."))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT DistID FROM Distributor WHERE Username=#Username AND Password=#Password", conn))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Username", username);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Password", password);
return cmd.ExecuteScalar();
If it's useful to you, here's a class you can use. It's tailored towards stored procedures, but it should be easy enough to add a method that accepts a query:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace NESCTC.Data
public class DataAccess : IDisposable
#region declarations
private SqlCommand _cmd;
private string _SqlConnString;
#region constructors
public DataAccess(string ConnectionString)
_cmd = new SqlCommand();
_cmd.CommandTimeout = 240;
_SqlConnString = ConnectionString;
#region IDisposable implementation
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
#region data retrieval methods
public DataTable ExecReturnDataTable()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
using (SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd))
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
return dt;
public object ExecScalar()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
return _cmd.ExecuteScalar();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region data insert and update methods
public void ExecNonQuery()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
#region helper methods
public void AddParm(string ParameterName, SqlDbType ParameterType, object Value)
{ _cmd.Parameters.Add(ParameterName, ParameterType).Value = Value; }
private SqlCommand PrepareCommandForExecution(SqlConnection conn)
_cmd.Connection = conn;
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cmd.CommandTimeout = this.CommandTimeout;
return _cmd;
#region properties
public int CommandTimeout
get { return _cmd.CommandTimeout; }
set { _cmd.CommandTimeout = value; }
public string ProcedureName
get { return _cmd.CommandText; }
set { _cmd.CommandText = value; }
public string ConnectionString
get { return _SqlConnString; }
set { _SqlConnString = value; }
You can use the class like this:
public object GetDistID(string username, string password)
using (var data = new DataAccess("ConnectionString"))
data.ProcedureName = "GetDistID";
data.AddParm("#Username", SqlDbType.VarChar, username);
data.AddParm("#Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, password);
return data.ExecScalar();


how to refactoring IEnumerable<T> ExecuteDataReader<T> to async method

public static IEnumerable<T> ExecuteDataReader<T>(string sql, Func<TdDataReader, T> action)
using (var connection = new TdConnection(TDConnstring))
using (var cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = sql;
using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (dr.Read())
yield return action.Invoke(dr);
*how to use async task> rewirte *
public static async Task<IEnumerable<T>> ExecuteDataReaderAsync<T>(string sql, Func<TdDataReader, T> action)
using (var connection = new TdConnection(TDConnstring))
await connection.OpenAsync();
using (var cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = sql;
using (var dr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
while (await dr.ReadAsync())
yield return action.Invoke(dr);
* error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1624 The body of 'TeraDataHelper.ExecuteDataReaderAsync(string, Func)' cannot be an iterator block because 'Task>' is not an iterator interface type \TeraDataHelper.cs 141 Active
got it
public static async Task<IEnumerable<T>> ExecuteDataReaderAsync<T>(string sql, Func<TdDataReader, T> action)
using (var connection = new TdConnection(TDConnstring))
await connection.OpenAsync();
using (var cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = sql;
using (var dr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
return dr.Select(r => action(r)).ToList();
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<T> Select<T>(
this TdDataReader reader, Func<TdDataReader, T> action)
while (reader.Read())
yield return action(reader);

I can't get my static class working with a Generic List

I have a static class that needs to pass a generic List of strings to a function using an integer as a index to the List in the class. The problem is the static class doesn't have a List collect and I don't have a proper index to access the class in the function it is passed to. The class, the calling code, and the receiving function are below.
My Class:
public class QueryContainer
public static QueryContainer Instance = new QueryContainer();
private int _id;
private string _query = "";
private int _searchID;
public QueryContainer() { }
public string Query
if (Instance != null)
return Instance._query;
return "";
set { _query = value; _id =+ 1; }
public int ID { get { return _id; } }
public int SearchID
set { _searchID = value; }
get { return _searchID; }
The calling code:
public int GetAccountSortByAccountCode(int account)
int Id = 0;
QueryContainer.Instance.Query = "SELECT ac_sort_order FROM lkup_account_codes where ac_code = " + account.ToString();
return Convert.ToInt32(ExecuteScaler(Id));
The function that the static class is passed to:
public int GetAccountSortByAccountCode(int account)
int Id = 0;
QueryContainer.Instance.Query = "SELECT ac_sort_order FROM lkup_account_codes where ac_code = " + account.ToString();
return Convert.ToInt32(ExecuteScaler(Id));
The Function
protected Object ExecuteScaler(int ID)
object returnValue = null;
if (!_iserror)
if (_trace)
{ DoTrace("TAMIS.Data.Loader.ExecuteScalar", QueryContainer.Instance.Query); }
if (_connection == null || _connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
DbCommand command = _provider.CreateCommand();
command.Connection = _connection;
command.CommandText = QueryContainer.Instance.Query;
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
if (_useTransaction) { command.Transaction = _transaction; }
returnValue = command.ExecuteScalar();
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex is EntryPointNotFoundException)
throw ex;
//if (_useTransaction == true)
LogBLL bll = new LogBLL();
_iserror = true;
if ((!KeepAlive && _connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) || _iserror == true)
returnValue = -1;
return returnValue;
You are using QueryContainer as a Singleton.
In ASP.Net, you receives multiple requests from different users. It is not a good way to construct dynamic query.
Basically, what you are doing is all requests will use same QueryContainer instance. I don't think it is what you want.
The bottom line is do not use static in your scenario.

CRUD Operations in MVC 5

I am developing an application in MVC 5 and perform CRUD operations on it.
I have successfully added Northwind database as an Entity Data Model and taking Customer in the Model. Now with the help of Scaffolding I generated the CustomersController.
When I create a new record in a Customer Table. There is no problem.
But when I click on that new record, Edit, Details and Delete are not working. After clicking any of these:
The following page occurs:
My Controller Code:
namespace MvcNorthwindSample.Controllers
public class CustomersController : Controller
private NORTHWNDEntities db = new NORTHWNDEntities();
// GET: Customers
public ActionResult Index()
return View(db.Customers.ToList());
// GET: Customers/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(string id)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(id);
if (customer == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(customer);
// GET: Customers/Create
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
// POST: Customers/Create
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
// more details see
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle,Address,City,Region,PostalCode,Country,Phone,Fax")] Customer customer)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(customer);
// GET: Customers/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(string id)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(id);
if (customer == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(customer);
// POST: Customers/Edit/5
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
// more details see
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle,Address,City,Region,PostalCode,Country,Phone,Fax")] Customer customer)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(customer).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(customer);
// GET: Customers/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(string id)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(id);
if (customer == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(customer);
// POST: Customers/Delete/5
[HttpPost, ActionName("Delete")]
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(string id)
Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(id);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
My View Part:
My Create Code Result view while debugging:
EDIT: After you posted your controller:
Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(id);
if (customer == null)
return HttpNotFound();
Are you sure that you have a customer with an id of 1994? If not, your logic would return HttpNotFound().
In the screenshot you posted, I can read HTTP 404 error message and the requested URL was /Customer/Edit/1994.
So for that I assume you must be have the following controller/action:
public class CustomerController
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
return View();
Now the most common mistake most people make (including me) is properly passing id in the URL. You have id specified as an optional parameter in your route pattern:
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
So if you don't want to use id you could pass something else as a key name in the the query component, e.g., /Customer/Edit?year=1994.
The error is a 404 Error.
It is looking in the Controller Customers for an Edit action.
Also pointed out in the comments the Id 1994 has a encoded space character following it. If the id is suppose to be strings, you can change the parameter to type string instead of int
public class CustomersController
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
return View();
I solved it. I changed the table at last. There is a problem on the table named Customers of the Northwind database. I download database backup file. The Customer ID column is adding a space as a default with the inserted value.
First create your models and Dbcontext.
public class TaskManagerContext : DbContext
public TaskManagerContext()
: base("TaskManagerDB")
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public DbSet<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
Then allow migrations and update the database from the PM. Create a folder Repositories with a BaseRepo that the rest must inherit.
public class BaseRepository<T> where T:BaseModel, new()
protected TaskManagerContext context;
protected DbSet<T> dbSet;
public BaseRepository()
this.context = new TaskManagerContext();
this.dbSet = this.context.Set<T>();
public void Insert(T item)
public void Update(T item)
this.context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;
public void Delete(int id)
public IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return this.dbSet;
like this:
public class UsersRepository : BaseRepository<User>
public UsersRepository()
: base()
Then you create the controllers in which you use the methods from the repos.
public class UsersController : Controller
// GET: /Users/
public ActionResult List()
List<User> users = new List<User>();
users = new UsersRepository().GetAll().ToList();
return View(users);
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
User user = new UsersRepository().GetAll().FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == id);
return View(user);
public ActionResult Edit(User user)
UsersRepository repo = new UsersRepository();
return RedirectToAction("List");
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
UsersRepository repo = new UsersRepository();
return RedirectToAction("List");
public ActionResult Create()
User u = new User();
return View(u);
public ActionResult Create(User user)
UsersRepository repo = new UsersRepository();
return RedirectToAction("List");
The actions for the TaskContr are simillar exept the List in which you connect the 2 models by ID:
public ActionResult List(int? id)
TasksRepository repo = new TasksRepository();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
tasks = repo.GetAll().Where(t => t.UserID == id).ToList();
return View(tasks);
Don't forget to generate views(on the Get methods) and change the List view for the Users:
#Html.ActionLink("Details", "List", "Tasks", new { id=item.ID }, null) |
That way when clicking Details you can see the tasks for that user.
public ActionResult Index()
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
var intern = from m in db.Interns
select m;
return View(intern.ToList());
/* using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
var interns = db.Interns
.Include(s => s.InternID)
.Select(s => new Intern
InternID = s.InternID,
lname = s.lname,
fname = s.fname
return View(interns);
// GET: CRUD/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int id)
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
return View(db.Interns.Where(x => x.InternID == id).FirstOrDefault());
// GET: CRUD/Create
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
// POST: CRUD/Create
public ActionResult Create(Intern intern)
// TODO: Add insert logic here
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
// GET: CRUD/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
return View(db.Interns.Where(x => x.InternID == id).FirstOrDefault());
// POST: CRUD/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id,Intern intern)
// TODO: Add update logic here
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
db.Entry(intern).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
// GET: CRUD/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
return View(db.Interns.Where(x => x.InternID == id).FirstOrDefault());
// POST: CRUD/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection)
// TODO: Add delete logic here
using (DevExam db = new DevExam())
Intern intern = db.Interns.Where(x => x.InternID == id).FirstOrDefault();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
create table tblemployee(
EmpId int NOT NULL identity(1,1),
EmpName varchar(100),
PhoneNumber varchar(10),
Country int,
State int,
maritalstetus varchar(50),
isvoting varchar(50),
dob datetime,
doj datetime
primary key (EmpId)
create table tblCountry(
Id int NOT NULL identity(1,1),
Name varchar(100),
primary key (Id)
insert into tblCountry(Name) values ('India')
insert into tblCountry(Name) values ('US')
insert into tblCountry(Name) values ('UK')
create table tblstate(
Id int NOT NULL identity(1,1),
Name varchar(100),
countryId int,
primary key (Id)
insert into tblstate(Name ,countryId) values ('Delhi',1)
insert into tblstate(Name , countryId) values ('Bihar' ,1)
insert into tblstate(Name , countryId) values ('Up',1)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace webTest.Models
public class Employee
public int id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public int Country { get; set; }
public int State { get; set; }
public bool MarritalStatus { get; set; }
public bool IsVoting { get; set; }
public DateTime DOB { get; set; }
public DateTime DOJ { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using webTest.Models;
namespace webTest.Controllers
public class EmpController : Controller
// GET: Emp
public static string constr = "Data Source=DIVYANSHU;Initial Catalog=EmployeeData;Integrated Security=True";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr);
public ActionResult ViewList()
List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
string sqlquery = "select * from tblEmployee";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
Employee emp = new Employee()
id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Empid"].ToString().Trim()),
Name = dr["EmpName"].ToString(),
PhoneNumber = dr["PhoneNumber"].ToString(),
Country = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Country"].ToString().Trim()),
State = Convert.ToInt32(dr["State"].ToString().Trim()),
MarritalStatus = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["maritalstetus"].ToString().Trim()),
IsVoting = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isvoting"]),
DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["dob"].ToString().Trim()),
DOJ = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["doj"].ToString().Trim()),
catch (Exception ex)
return View(employees);
public ActionResult Create()
SqlDataAdapter _da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tblCountry", constr);
DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
ViewBag.Country = ToSelectList(_dt, "Id", "Name");
SqlDataAdapter _da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tblState", constr);
DataTable _dt1 = new DataTable();
ViewBag.State = ToSelectList(_dt1, "Id", "Name");
Employee emp = new Employee();
return View(emp);
public SelectList ToSelectList(DataTable table, string valueField, string textField)
List<SelectListItem> list = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
list.Add(new SelectListItem()
Text = row[textField].ToString(),
Value = row[valueField].ToString()
return new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text");
public ActionResult Create(Employee empmodel)
List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
string sqlquery = "insert into tblEmployee(EmpName,PhoneNumber,Country,State,maritalstetus,isvoting,dob,doj) values('" + empmodel.Name + "','" + empmodel.PhoneNumber + "'," + empmodel.Country + "," + empmodel.State + ",'" + empmodel.MarritalStatus + "','" + empmodel.IsVoting + "','" + empmodel.DOB + "','" + empmodel.DOJ + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn);
employees = listEmployee();
catch (Exception ex)
return View("ViewList", employees);
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
Employee emp = new Employee();
SqlDataAdapter _da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tblCountry", constr);
DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
ViewBag.Country = ToSelectList(_dt, "Id", "Name");
SqlDataAdapter _da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tblState", constr);
DataTable _dt1 = new DataTable();
ViewBag.State = ToSelectList(_dt1, "Id", "Name");
string sqlquery = "select * from tblemployee where empid=" + id + "";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
emp = new Employee()
id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Empid"].ToString().Trim()),
Name = dr["EmpName"].ToString(),
PhoneNumber = dr["PhoneNumber"].ToString(),
Country = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Country"].ToString().Trim()),
State = Convert.ToInt32(dr["State"].ToString().Trim()),
MarritalStatus = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["maritalstetus"].ToString().Trim()),
IsVoting = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isvoting"]),
DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["dob"].ToString().Trim()),
DOJ = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["doj"].ToString().Trim()),
catch (Exception ex)
return View(emp);
public ActionResult Edit(Employee empmodel)
string sqlquery = "update tblEmployee set EmpName='" + empmodel.Name + "',PhoneNumber='" + empmodel.PhoneNumber + "',Country=" + empmodel.Country + ",State=" + empmodel.State + ",maritalstetus='" + empmodel.MarritalStatus + "',isvoting='" + empmodel.IsVoting + "',dob='" + empmodel.DOB + "',doj='" + empmodel.DOJ + "' where empid=" + + "";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn);
catch (Exception ex)
List<Employee> list = listEmployee();
return View("ViewList", list);
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
string sqlquery = "Delete from tblEmployee where empid=" + id + "";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn);
catch (Exception ex)
List<Employee> list = listEmployee();
return View("ViewList", list);
public List<Employee> listEmployee()
List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
string sqlquery = "select * from tblEmployee";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
Employee emp = new Employee()
id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Empid"].ToString().Trim()),
Name = dr["EmpName"].ToString(),
PhoneNumber = dr["PhoneNumber"].ToString(),
Country = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Country"].ToString().Trim()),
State = Convert.ToInt32(dr["State"].ToString().Trim()),
MarritalStatus = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["maritalstetus"].ToString().Trim()),
IsVoting = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isvoting"]),
DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["dob"].ToString().Trim()),
DOJ = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["doj"].ToString().Trim()),
return employees;
//in Edit view and in create view replace edit for to
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Country, ViewBag.Country as SelectList, new { #class = "form-control" })
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.State, ViewBag.State as SelectList, new { #class = "form-control" })

i am getting an error while inserting data in database by creating Class File in Asp.Net for Database Manipulations

error :: The parameterized query '(#CustomerName
varchar(50),#CustomerGender varchar(50),#Customer' expects the
parameter '#CustomerName', which was not supplied. Statement(s) could
not be prepared.
my code of .cs file is:
public class CustomerCls
private int custid;
public int CustomerId
set { custid = value; }
get { return custid; }
private string custname;
public string CustomerName
set { custname = value; }
get { return custname; }
private string gender;
public string CustomerGender
set { gender = value; }
get { return gender; }
private string city;
public string CustomerCity
set { city = value; }
get { return city; }
private string strcon;
public CustomerCls()
strcon = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbcon"].ConnectionString;
public void InsertCustomer()
string sql = "Insert Into Customer(Cust_Name,Cust_Gender,Cust_City) " + " VALUES(#CustomerName,#CustomerGender,#CustomerCity)";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strcon);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerName", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = CustomerName;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerGender", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = CustomerGender;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerCity", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = CustomerCity;
Make sure the CustomerCls object calling the InsertCustomer() method has the necessary properties set in code before the call to the method is made:
CustomerCls oCustomerCls = new CustomerCls();
oCustomerCls.CustomerName = "John Doe";
// etc...
Try changing these lines to
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerName", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = CustomerName;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerGender", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = CustomerGender;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerCity", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = CustomerCity;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerName", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = custname;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerGender", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = gender;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#CustomerCity", SqlDbType.VarChar,50).Value = city;

Traverse a list and retrieve a specified value from List<> in

I have a list which is defined as
List<SoftwareTitles> softwareTitlesList = new List<SoftwareTitles>();
and the SoftwareTitles is a class which is defines as follows:
public class SoftwareTitles
string softwareTitle;
string invoiceNumber;
public SoftwareTitles(string softwareTitle, string invoiceNumber)
this.softwareTitle = softwareTitle;
this.invoiceNumber = invoiceNumber;
string InvoiceNumber
return this.invoiceNumber;
string SoftwareTitle
return this.softwareTitle;
And now I'm adding the values from the sql server database to the list defines as follows:
public List<SoftwareTitles> SoftwareListRetrieve()
ConnectionToSql con1 = new ConnectionToSql();
string connectionString = con1.ConnectionStringMethod();
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SelectionOfSoftwareTitles", sqlConnection);
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
if (dr2.HasRows)
while (dr2.Read())
String softwareTitle = (String)dr2[0];
String invoiceNumber = (String)dr2[1];
SoftwareTitles s1 = new SoftwareTitles(softwareTitle, invoiceNumber);
return softwareTitlesList;
I want to find out the software title for every occurence of invoice number by looping through List<>. And I don't know how ? I have tried to loop through the List<> by the following code. I wanted to use something like contains i.e., softwareTitlesList[i].contains but seems like there is no such property or method
for(int i=0; i<softwareTitlesList.Count;i++)
I'm stuck with this from morning. I don't how to solve this dilemma.
Please help me
Thanks in anticipation
search for an invoice number
string invoiceNumber = "111111111";
using linq
IList<string> titles = softwareTitlesList
.Where(st => st.InvoiceNumber == invoiceNumber)
.Select(st => st.SoftwareTitle);
IList<string> titles = softwareTitlesList
.Where(st => st.InvoiceNumber.Contains(invoiceNumber))
.Select(st => st.SoftwareTitle);
w/o using linq, it's still pretty basic
IList<string> titles = new List<string>();
foreach(var softwareTitle in softwareTitlesList)
if (softwareTitle.InvoiceNumber.Contains(invoiceNumber))
you could also rewrite your class like this:
public class SoftwareTitles
public SoftwareTitles(string softwareTitle, string invoiceNumber)
SoftwareTitle = softwareTitle;
InvoiceNumber = invoiceNumber;
public string InvoiceNumber { get; private set; }
public string SoftwareTitle { get; private set; }
