WCF Data Service or just WCF Service? - asp.net

I am trying to decide which way to go. I have a solution that needs to have a web service and a client side which is a windows phone 7 project. the WP7 project needs to communicate with the database through the WCF service.
I am a little bit confused as to which way i should choose to go, and what are the differences, advantages/disadvantages of regular WCF service file VS the WCF Data Service.
Which way will be easier to go with considering my wp7 app needs to run queries on some tables on the database, nothing too fancy.
Any explanation will be welcomed.

WCF Data Services are great if you need CRUD and flexible query capabilities - they allow you to expose underlying data (e.g. via Entity Framework) and control security with a minimum of development effort, as a RESTful API, especially to AJAX and SPA type client front ends. (Also, note that WebAPI now also offers similar capabilities).
WCF Services are more for Formal "Service" and "Operation" integration capabilities, where there is a lot more business focus, e.g. rules, processing, workflow, etc.
e.g. WCF would be useful to Submit a Claim for Processing (custom / rich graph of data input and output), Trigger a Nightly batch job (void response), etc.
Also, you can combine both technologies, e.g. for a CQRS type architecture, by using Data Services for the Query, and WCF for the Command type capabilities.


Data and transaction within WCF vs Web-api platform

I have worked with both technologies yet I’m about to build a new backbone services layer and thinking about WCF vs Web-Api.
The idea is to create a layer of services that will be consumed by both internal .NET components and by front applications.
The following are issues are not relevant to this case:
Proxy generator
WS-* standards like Reliable Messaging, Transactions
I'm considering about 2 approaches:
Web-api for app front application above n-tier WCF services
Web-api for app front and for a flexible services layer, thus avoiding HTTP hop between services
Our system is financial oriented, some services will operate as data services using the using some kind of OData and some will perform complex financial transaction (using complex types).
I've read about the new stuff that was recently added to Web-Api 2 and it seems to be a leading platform. I've Googled a lot about pros and cons and that WCF is still alive (or frozen).
A few of the relevant references:
Under the assumption that all the services are on the same LAN and this is targeted to enterprise system, what would you recommend and why?
Here's the question... Do you need transport layer flexibility or are you fine with them being http(s) only services? If the services are HTTP-only and (as you say) you don't care about proxy gen and WS-* then I can't for the life of me think of a reason why you'd use WCF.
The programming model for REST / plain old http(s) is just so much leaner, the MVC "style" much more natural and not to mention that WCF can just get really complex really fast, makes me think that I would need a really good reason to choose WCF in 2013...
Not to throw a spanner into the works, but have you considered Service Stack:
That's what I'd be using... (btw I'm not affiliated with them in any way / shape / form).
If you need multiple endpoints/transport protocols, or the ability for other applications to consume your services in .NET and work with them as you would any other referenced library (via web reference and a SOAP endpoint) the WCF should be your choice.
If you're looking for something lightweight and convention-based and/or you're looking to create a RESTful API, and HTTP(S) is an adequate transport, then Web API is the way to go. In this case, if you want the strong typing that you'd get with a SOAP web reference you'd probably be wise to write a reusable library that acts as middleware for consuming the services and providing data.

WCF service, WCF Data Service, Web Api, SignalR? What to use?

I know there might not be one simple answer for this, but i was hoping if somebody can point me in the right direction...
We have an ASP.NET webforms application with its own MS SQL database at our company's office, but now we want to show some data in this application from another MS SQL database, which is not at our company's office. We need to request the data server-side, so not directly from the webbrowser.
We don't want to use a direct sql connection to this remote database, but prefer to create a service which can do some business logic before returning the data. Business logic is very simple (such as retrieving some values end returning the average).
A couple years ago we did almost the same by writing a WCF service with a BasicHTTPBinding.
But now, after doing a couple hours of research, i'm a little bit confused about whats the best approach?
WCF Service
WCF Data Services
Maybe somebody can give me some good tips?
You're looking for machine-to-machine communications, in which case WCF still beats the rest in my experience.
You simply define data contracts for the entities you wish to exchange and happily code your logic in the WCF service. Then you generate a client, apply the proper binding (given machine-to-machine, net.tcp looks like an efficient candidate) and off they talk.
As for the rest: WCF Data Services - works nice if your data model matches the database model, which hardly ever is the case. When you need custom operations or wish to return different entities than database entities, Data Services are more cumbersome than plain WCF.
ASP.NET Web API and SignalR are mainly meant to consume from a browser. It's harder to generate a strongly-typed client for those.

Access db via web service

Is it efficient using a web service to access database objects?
I'm developing a win phone app and a web app. Both of them will use the same db. Should I create one web service for two apps?
A shared webservice is definitely the right way to go. That's really the point of a service, to be able to access the same business and data logic from multiple places (assuming both places are doing the same thing of course). It also acts as a natural security buffer between your app and database - so your database only needs to accept connections from the service, as opposed to multiple client applications.
As far as the technology, since both of your clients are Microsoft, you can use WCF as your service as opposed to a traditional SOAP service. Or you can go with something more universally accepted, like WebAPI with JSON. Lots of options there.

WCF and ASP.NET Web API: Benefits of both?

I'm about to start a project where we have a back-end service to do long-winded processing so that our ASP.NET website is free to do quicker requests. As a result I have been reading up on services such as WCF and Web API to get a feel for what they do. Since this back-end service will actually be made up of several services communicating to each other and will not be publicly available to our customers, it seems that WCF is the ideal technology for this kind of scenario.
But after doing a lot of research I am still confused as to the benefits and differences between WCF and Web API. In general it seems that:
If you want a public and/or a RESTful API then Web API is best
WCF can support far more transports than just HTTP so you can have far more control over them
Web API development seems easier than WCF due to the additional features/complexity of WCF
But perhaps my question boils down to the following:
Why would a REST service be more beneficial anyway? Would a full blown WCF service ever be a good idea for a public API? Or is there anything that a WCF service could provide that Web API cannot?
Conversely, if I have a number of internal services that need to communicate with each other and would be happy to just use HTTP as the transport, does Web API suddenly become a viable option?
I answered a couple of related questions:
What is the future of ASP.NET MVC framework after releasing the asp.net Web API
Should it be a WebAPI or asmx
As an additional resource, I would like to recommend you to read:
If you want to learn more about REST, check this Martin Fowler article
Summaring up:
As far as I know, both technologies are being developed by the same team in Microsoft, WCF won't be discontinued, it will still be an option (for example, if you want to increase the performance of your services, you could expose them through TCP or Named Pipes). The future is clearly Web API
WCF is built to work with SOAP
Web API is built to work with HTTP
In order to take the correct choice:
If your intention is to create services that support special scenarios – one way messaging, message queues, duplex communication etc, then you’re better of picking WCF
If you want to create services that can use fast transport channels when available, such as TCP, Named Pipes, or maybe even UDP (in WCF 4.5), and you also want to support HTTP when all other transports are unavailable, then you’re better off with WCF and using both SOAP-based bindings and the WebHttp binding.
If you want to create resource-oriented services over HTTP that can use the full features of HTTP – define cache control for browsers, versioning and concurrency using ETags, pass various content types such as images, documents, HTML pages etc., use URI templates to include Task URIs in your responses, then the new Web APIs are the best choice for you.
If you want to create a multi-target service that can be used as both resource-oriented service over HTTP and as RPC-style SOAP service over TCP – talk to me first, so I’ll give you some pointers.
One combersome bit of WCF is the need to generate new client proxys when input and/or output models change in the service. REST services don't require proxys, the client simply changes the query string sent or changes to parse and/or use the different output.
I found the default JSON serializers in .Net to be a bit slow, I implemented http://json.codeplex.com/ to do the inbound and output serialzation.
WCF services are not that complex, REST services can be equally challenging as you're working within the confines of HTTP.
ASP.net Web API is all about HTTP and REST based GET,POST,PUT,DELETE with well know ASP.net MVC style of programming and JSON returnable; web API is for all the light weight process and pure HTTP based components. For one to go ahead with WCF even for simple or simplest single web service it will bring all the extra baggage. For light weight simple service for ajax or dynamic calls always WebApi just solves the need. This neatly complements or helps in parallel to the ASP.net MVC.
Check out the podcast : Hanselminutes Podcast 264 - This is not your father's WCF - All about the WebAPI with Glenn Block by Scott Hanselman for more information.

Web Database or SOAP?

We’ve got a back office CRM application that exposes some of the data in a public ASP.NET site. Currently the ASP.NET site sits on top of a separate cut down version of the back office database (we call this the web database). Daily synchronisation routines keep the databases up-to-date (hosted in the back office). The problem is that the synchronisation logic is very complex and time consuming to change. I was wondering whether using a SOAP service could simply things? The ASP.NET web pages would call the SOAP service which in tern would do the database calls. There would be no need for a separate web database or synchronisation routines. My main concern with the SOAP approach is security because the SOAP service would be exposed to the internet.
Should we stick with our current architecture? Or would the SOAP approach be an improvement?
The short answer is yes, web service calls would be better and would remove the need for synchronization.
The long answer is that you need to understand the technology available for you in terms of web services. I would highly recommend looking into WCF which will allow you to do exactly what you want to do and also you will be able to only expose your services to the ASP.NET web server and not to the entire internet.
There would be no security problem. Simply use one of the secure bindings, like wsHttpBinding.
I'd look at making the web database build process more maintainable
Since security is obviously a concern, this means you need to add logic to limit the types of data & requests and that logic has to live SOMEWHERE.
