Font detection browser add-on - css

I am very pleased with the Web Developer Toolbar and Colorzilla add-on. I like how I can use those features to easily detect the HTML structure and colors used in web pages. But in my search for a good CSS font detection tool, I haven't come across anything that works in a similar way. Does anyone know of something out there that I have missed?

I use a tool called WhatFont for this purpose
It shows various information about the font used in each DOM element, such as font family, color, size and even where the #font-face files are served from. It is available in the form of a bookmarklet or a Chrome add-on.


What font does google translate use?

What font does google translate use and can you use it in an ebook for kindle?
Google translate
It's Roboto, and yes, you can use it (it's available under Apache License 2.0).
You can find it on Google Fonts as well as the license information.
Finding fonts for yourself
On webpages, it's quite easy to find which font is in use. Just right-click the element you want to know, Inspect Element, and check the cascading stylesheet. You'll probably see a font-family property and that's it.

CSS font no effect

I am using ubuntu font in my web pages. But, when I am accessing the pages from different PC, the font does not appear good. what I should do? A constraint is there: I can't use internet for accessing the font,like googlefonts. One more thing, I have to consider IE8 also. Please, suggest some generic solution.

Can I use css to change font to rounded font?

This image show you the mean of rounded font
I want the web page only use web safe fonts
but these fonts are not beautiful.
since I want the page as consistent as possible to every user, I cannot use non safe fonts.
so I hope solution can be found in css
You may want to use #font-face rule. It allows loading custom typefaces.
I believe there is no other way to alter rendering of fonts using CSS.
The easiest and quickest (and cheapest) way of getting better looking fonts is through Google fonts However because they're free they're not always that great.
Alternatively for more professional fonts you can use a service such as but this will cost you money.

Is there a standard web-based font that is similar to Malgun (Korean font)?

A client needs to have Malgun as the font whenever hangul characters are present. I'm trying to find something to use in CSS that is close to it. I was thinking Verdana. Anyone else have a suggestion?
Verdana is also looking closer to Malgun, I think you should try google fonts
There are no "standard web-based fonts", only fonts that are more or less probable to be installed on the computer, where the browser is running. You may try to build a font-stack, that comes close to the one you want, e.g. the Verdana based font stack from this Sitepoint article, and then use font-loading methods like Google Webfonts to load your defined font for browsers that support loading fonts.
Do not try to give each visitor the same experience, but the best experience possible. Tell your customer, that a website is not a application that looks the same everywhere, but more like a TV program, that must be viewable from a black and white TV also, see this video.
Have you thought about using Fontsquirrel #font-face generator ? Also, for hangul, you might be interested in reading this.

Best option for embedding fonts in webpage (SEO, speed, cross-compatibility)

I have a font i've downloaded, its a True Type Font. I'm developing my own portfolio website so i'd like to get it fairly high up in Google (i can do the SEO for it) but i'm wondering what options i have for using this font for menu items, headings, etc..i've checked out Cufon but they wont let me upload it because it wasn't valid. I'd rather not use Flash..what other options have i got?
FontSquirrel is the best font converter. The free service even creates the CSS for you.
I doubt you have online distribution rights for this font.
Fonts and SEO have nothing to do with each other. Page layout and proper HTML coding practices do.
