Can't add AjaxToolkit Control to User Control -

I have a simple user control and I want to add an AjaxToolkit control to it. The one I want is the ModalPopupExtender, but the same thing happens no matter which AjaxToolkit control I choose. When I drag and drop the control onto the Source page instead of appending the #Register line and the tags I get a whole bunch of xml type code starting with
<soap-env:envelope soap-env:encodingstyle="........
I have even tried manualy typing in an #Register line adding ToolkitScriptManager line and then a ModalPopupExtender and no joy.
Any help appreciated.

Praveen Correct only happened in UserControl (ascx file)... I tried fixing first by doing a clean. This did not help. I then closed VS2010 and cleared the ReflectedSchemas directory and this fixed the issue.


Make one popup which can be used on multiple pages in ASP.Net

I have two web-form pages in ASP, one for viewing a record and and another for editing it. I would like to have a link on each which popups a box to allow editing a certain property on the record. If I only placed it on the Edit page, I would use an UpdatePanel but I would have to copy and paste code if I wanted it on the View page as well. Is there a way to have the code in one area which be can be referenced and used from both pages?
Edit: I know I could make a custom control to handle it although it would include all its HTML on the page when the page first loads, not when the link is clicked.
Edit2: I wanted to avoid having the contents of the popup rendered when the page first loads but now I realize it's just a matter of not binding any data in it until the Postback occurs.
You can use a MasterPage for both the pages, and put the popup with UpdatePanel on the master page, so you can access it from both the pages.
Hope it helps.
Don't forget to upvote it if it solves you problem.
Thanks.. :)
Make the bulk of the panel a user control (ascx). Then just put a thin wrapper around it on both the pages where you need it. The bulk of the code is then in the ascx and ascx.vb and does not need to be written twice.

controls in code behind

i was working on a project and i couldn't find some controls in the code-behind file(*.vb). i was wondering is it because i was working in page_load function so controls are not loaded until after page_control event. however i was able to find them with findcontrol function of formview objective.
Controls inside of templates (such as in your FormView, or in a GridView) are not directly accessible in the code behind. You must use FindControl to get access to those controls.
If the controls are declared in the aspx then they're defined in partial class equivalent for your Page class.
This was introduced along with .Net v2.0 so that messing with the designer wouldn't screw up with your code behind file (which caused quite a few problems in some cases).
You can access the controls from your Page Load event. Sometimes IntelliSense plays tricks on you and doesn't suggest the control. Just type it in. It will work. You can close the aspx page and open it again. Sometimes that fixes it. Or just restart Visual Studio if you're annoyed by it.
However, there are a few considerations if you are interested in accessing control data at certain times during the life cycle of the page.
Server controls have their own life cycle that is similar to the Page life cycle, but the order in which the event is triggered for the controls is as follows:
Init and Unload event for a control occurs before the event is raised for the container (bottom-up).
Load event for a control occurs after the event is raised for the container (top-down).
You can find a more detailed explanation of the Page life cycle events on MSDN.
It's hard to tell what exactly the problem is; it would help if you could post some code here.
I do have two guesses/suggestions:
If you have the problem that brentkeller is describing, what usually fixes this completely for me is deleting the aspx.designer.cs file, then right-clicking on the .aspx file and select "Convert to Web Application". This re-creates the designer file.
The control is inside a template like Jason Berkan suggested. If it's in a LoginView, for example, you would use .FindControl("controlId") on the LoginView.
The controls would be part of a partial class in the same solution. Just find all references for your class name.
I occasionally have trouble with adding a control to a page and the Intellisense not recognizing the control. The compiler also seems to not recognize the control and prevents the project from being compiled. It can be very frustrating and I really haven't figured out why.
Sometimes it helps to close the aspx page and its code file, sometimes closing Visual Studio and re-opening it works. Sometimes none of it works and I just try another way to get things done.
I don't know if this is what you're experiencing, but if so, it can definitely make you scratch your head and wonder what is going on.

ASCX controls ASP.NET - Cannot find Visible method

In a particular page i have a ascx control which contains a table.
Now I want to set this control visible/invisible but the visible method is not detected by the intellisense.
The only methods are 1)Equals and 2) ReferenceEquals
Main Page
<VPM:VotingPolls Runat="server"></VPM:VotingPolls>
Thanks it has been solved
The problem was that no id was set.
<VPM:VotingPolls ID="VPS" Runat="server"></VPM:VotingPolls>
Make sure that your markup is well formed and that there is a proper header line for the ascx control on your page. 99% of the time, if intellisense doesn't work, it means that something is wrong with the code and/or markup.
Sometimes intellisense doesn't display available attributes. But the visible attribute will be available. So just type visible='true/false'. That should work.

RegisterClientScriptResource + AJAX update panel

I have a problem that is really making me feel dumb. I have a custom control that inherits textbox. This textbox (at least for this example) simply has a .js file that is embedded in the .dll.
Long story short, works great when not in an AJAX update panel. So i did some research and found that instead of using: Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptResource, i should use ScriptManger.RegisterClientScriptResource - i have done this in the overrdive render method, but the javascript still does not fire.
Anyone know what im doing wrong?
i have a folder in my project called Scripts - it contains myscript.js
My Assembly is called Jim.Bob.Controls
I add attributes to my controls ie: Attributes.Add("onclick", "Test2();");
In the Override Render:
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(this.Page, typeof(CustomTextBox), "Jim.Bob.Controls.Scripts.myscript.js");
Yet i still get 'object expected' error.
I need my textbox to work with and w/o AJAX. I imported System.Web.Extensions into my project to access ScriptManger
Can someone please tell me what im doing wrong? Again, this whole thing worked fine w/o AJAX, i have put the necessary stuff into the AssemblyInfo.cs (WebResource:,,,,etc)
Thanks in advance :-)
--- UPDATE ---
I reverted the control, trying it in a non AJAX web and i am having the same problem. Not sure why i have a problem, i have another custom control in the same assembly that is working just fine - have them setup the exact same way, only difference is the one that is working inherits WebControl, the one that is not inherits TextBox
in the one that is working i emmit html like Go and do it
Where the one that is NOT working i have
Attributes.Add("onclick", "CustomFunction();");
Also, if i do Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('hello');");
it works fine.
Sorry for such a long post.
Try to pass this instead of this.Page. The ScriptManager would output scripts only for controls which are being updated (children of UpdatePanel that is).
I've just noticed that you are doing this during Render. That's too late. Try PreRender instead.

AJAX Dropdown Extender Question

Ok, so I got my extender working on a default.aspx page on my website and it looks good. I basically copied and pasted the code for it into a user control control.ascx page. When I do this I completely loose the functionality (just shows the target control label and no dropdown, even upon hover). Is there any reason why it doesn't work in a custom user control inside a masterpage setup?
Didn't quite do the trick. Any other suggestions?
Its in a master page setup, using eo web tabs (I tried it inside the tabs and outside the tabs but on the same page as the tabs, to no avail), and its in a custom user control. Think there are dependency issues?
Apparently EO has compatibility issues with MS Ajax Control Toolkit.
I guess I'll leave this question open to see if anyone figures out some sort of workaround.
After a few days of looking I found a call to a modal popup extender .show() in the code behind. After commenting it out everything worked fine.
I don't know if this helps, but I had the same problem with the autocomplete extender and determined that the server-side function could not be in the user control, but needed to be on the page (or in a webservice, I guess). Once I moved the function, it worked fine.
Check the DocType. Here is what I have found useful
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "" >
Place this in your user control (or the page that uses it) and all should be well. I had a similar problem with a collapsible extender and this worked for me.
Edit: Here is a link to my question for further details.
Hmm all that functionality on the loose! careful you don't lose it (sorry!)
Are you using something like Firebug (firefox plug-in) so you can see what ajax calls the page is trying to make? If it is making the call but the server is behaving oddly then you will see the error there too. IE users maybe able to use dev toolbar.
