CSS div height too short headache - css

I have a div (id="main") that is not stretching to accommodate the dynamically created (i.e. height-variable) content inside of it; the 'main' div is only coming down to the bottom of 'user-info'.
The basic structural layout of this page is that the 'user-info' and 'stream' divs sit next to each other inside of the 'main' div which sits inside of 'container'; the 'meal-category-box' divs are just lists of content inside 'stream'. Here's the HTML and CSS (I am also using Bootstrap CSS 2).
I'd also love a sticky footer fix, because none of the ones I've looked at integrate with what I've got.
Please help!

Well, since #stream has position:absolute, it doesn't partake in the calculation of the outer div's height.
Try to do something with paddings or margins instead of using position:absolute.


Blocks overlapping floats but content wraps

I have a layering issue with a site that I can't seem to figure out how to get around.
Essentially, I have a float:right div that contains some linked images and a bunch of block divs on the same page (in the same wrapper). The text (content) all wraps as expected, but the block elements overlap the floated elements making the image links non-clickable. It becomes quite obvious when viewed using chrome/firebug/whatever that the blocks are getting in the way of the floats but nothing I have tried as yet has floated them to the top.
example from: http://wanganuilibrary.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/280
What I need is a way of allowing the links on the images in the float to be clickable. The float can have a set width but not height, and the rest of the content needs to be free flowing and wrap under the float if/when required, so no forced padding or margins, e.g.: http://wanganuilibrary.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/1519
Any ideas on how this could be achieved would be appreciated.
Usually columns like this are built using floats.
The left content column would be float: left with a set width.
The right content would be float: right with a smaller width.
Otherwise you can set the z-index of the anchors around the images to higher than the other content,

How to properly position DIVS on a page to

When developing a site in HTML/CSS how do you position divs on a page to hold content in place and exactly where you want them. Not just in a straight up in down manner. Is there a unified method/technique that everyone uses to achieve this placement? Or more generally how is it done?
Example: Here is an image of an example page I'm building with a container div and 5 other divs inside it.
IMAGE: http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/1310/image.png
I was able to place the header div at the top, I was able to place the sidebar div below it and to the left (floated left), and I was able to position the content div below the header and to the right of the sidebar div (floated right). Now I have put the footer div in but the footer floats under the sidebar but also to the left of the content div. NOT under it and at the bottom of the page.
There are so many possible options/values in Dreamweaver to a assign to each div like box, float, margin, position, padding, etc,. I have linked my code below. Is there anything I can do to facilitate positioning divs on a page more efficiently and at all for that matter. I'd like for the footer to stay at the bottom of the page.
Here is my code:
PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/xbvPEfjA
I am truly stuck on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also there are some other questions similar to this question but not the exact same of what I am asking. Thanks in advance!
in your css apply clear:both to the footer. That means floated elements are not allowed on either side of it.

2 div layout issue

I have a webpage with links down the left hand side of the page in a div that is floating left. I then have content to the right of that that is in a div floating right. The problem I'm having is that when the page is resized the content moves below the links.
I have tired putting the whole page in a wrapper div but when I did the links stopped working and I could not position the content where I needed too.
Here is the css for the wrapper div
#wrapper {
margin:0 auto 0 auto;
Floated elements will behave in that manner, since they're out of the page flow.
What you probably are looking for is a fluid two column layout.
The main problem is that you are giving the divs fixed widths so the first step is to change the widths of the divs to % or em.
Do this full screen to begin with, I would even go as far as creating a blank page with no content what so ever, just give the divs a different background colo(u)r. Do this as you then know the width of the content isn't interfering.
I would also float both divs to the left and maybe position them relatively to begin with.
I figured out the best way to go over the window resize issue is do like wordpress and even this site do: put balnk resizable margins around the page and make all the content fixed width.
"Liquid" style (with percents etc.) is cool but doesn't really look right most times, so the best thing is to build your page a little narrower than the full window and let different brawsers just change the margin size.
To do so I actually style the very html tag givin it a fixed width like 1000px or whatever and then margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; to keep it always centered.
Put this in your css
html {

Div Floats and Overflow in relation to size of the browser

I have a website built with divs floated to various parts of the pages to create the look I want. My problem is, when I make my browser smaller the floats all cram to the left side instead of holding their positions and simply giving a scroll bar.
All I want is for my pages to hold their form when the browser is not maximized.
I suggest you put a min-width on the div wrapping all your floating divs.
Than all your div will be floating as normally, but when the browser will be smaller you will have a scroll bar.
Yeah the code would really help, but a solution (I think) would be to wrap all your floated divs in a div that has a defined width.

What breaks the html flow in css?

I'm having a few problems trying to position some divs in my website layout. All of them is related to the div's size. I'm using Chrome's developer tools to inspect the divs and when I mouse over some divs it is just 1px-high, but it has content inside and its content has some height. Shouldn't it have at least the same height of its content?
I don't know if I explained well, so I'm posting some images. I'm using Blueprint CSS Framework and it happens when I use class="span-XX" and inside it I don't use neither class
Here is some images (click to zoom)
The parent div
The div with problem (no height)
The child div
The parent div has class="span-XX", the div with problem has only #search
which is this one
I suspect it is some float or positioning issue with css but I don't know what it is and how to deal with it. I have also a list containing the social networks on the top of the site which ul has the same problem.
If you have floats inside, you need to clear them. Apply overflow:hidden; zoom:1; to the parent containing the floats and it should resolve it.
If you have negative margins / position + relative and negative offset and cant use overflow hidden use a clearfix... http://work.arounds.org/clearing-floats/
Your child div has the float property set, so the parent div will not expand height-wise to contain it. To get the behavior you expect, set overflow: hidden on the parent div.
