IE8 Issues - Looks good on other browsers - css

This looks great in IE9, Firefox and Chrome but in IE8, it's all jacked up looking. Any ideas on this one? I am on WordPress using Thesis Themes. I am using custom.css for my edits.
My site is:
Can you suggest how to make it work with IE8 as well as the other browsers?

I thought that since IE7, there was support for the css rule filter:alpha(opacity=x); to avoid using semi-transparent pngs. Is that not the case?
In your site, you would use:
.custom #page {
background-color: #000;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
padding-top: 5px;
As I understand it, IE will ignore the rgba value and use the two higher rules to get a similar effect.
The one downside to using opacity on an element (in newer browsers as well) is that it set it to the entire element, not just the background color, so all text and borders, etc are semi-transparent. But I would at least try out the above to see if it's close enough.
Remember: the only reason people don't upgrade to higher versions of IE (or move to FF or Chrome) is because we go to such great lengths to ensure the design looks good in these obsolete browsers. If enough sites look like dog crap, they will eventually get the idea that it's not the sites, it's their old browser. So don't lose too much time and energy supporting the already-too-slow transition from the bad-old-days of IE pandering.

To simulate RGBA and HSLA background in IE, you can use a gradient filter, with the same start and end color (alpha channel is the first pair in the value of HEX):
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='#4cffffff', endColorstr='#4cffffff');
or use a .png image of size 1x2 instead of 1x1.
because Internet Explorer 8 doesn't perform the repeat of a 1x1 pixel semi-transparent background image correctly when any other element on the page is using the "-ms-filter" drective for the alpha transparency
See this link

IE8 doesn't support rgba colors. If you want it to work in IE8, create a small png (any other size than 1x1 pixel) with same opacity and apply it as a background to the div. Or you can use an IE8 only style sheet and set a different background color other than white.


css 3 shape correction for all browsers

so do all css 3 shapes not render color correctly in Firefox? I used this generator
to make a triangle but I noticed when using a large value, the edges blur in Firefox so I need to use border-style: inset to make the borders perfectly sharp...however if you use border-syle:inset I also noticed the colors on Firefox become a pantone, or seriously desaturated. in Chrome the colors are fine. Is there anyway to correct the color in Firefox?
border-width: 0 0 351px 5527px;
border-color: transparent transparent #ff0000 transparent;
in this fiddle you can see in FF(on PC!) the color is not red, but a desaturated. In Chrome its fine. If you take off border-style: inset the color becomes perfectly red again in FF but the top border gets shadow / gradient / is not sharp
Actually, this is how the designers of FireFox have intentionally set. Firefox renders it differently than other browsers (like most browsers also do), in this case in a less desirable way
There is no way using CSS or javascript that I can think of which will increase the brightness of the red color without affecting other the space above the red
Although I don't know of a direct fix, you could remove the bland color by accepting a little bit of blurriness only in FireFox and have it work perfectly in the other browsers by using the following javascript
if(navigator.appCodeName == "Mozilla")
document.querySelectorAll("div")[0].style.borderStyle = "solid";
The only other work around I know of is to use a different meant to create the design you want, either an image, <canvas>, or SVG most likely. All of which are solid solutions to your problem, though admittedly slightly less desirable if all browsers rendered the CSS the same way

how to give shadow at bottom with color white in IE 8?

box-shadow: 0 0px black inset, 0 -3px white inset, -0px 0 blue inset, 0px 0 green inset;
border-bottom:5px solid green;
I want to give shadow white to a tab and border green , this code is working in google chrome and firefox fine. But in IE only border-bottom is working, box - shadow is not working , bascially i am trying to give it two borders, and my elements are get created in c#.
Even though it is not supported directly in IE8 , you can use box-shadow, but with a little different approach.
Take a look at the codes in this link,
and you will see a shadow on IE8 browser.
Also, you can use CSS3 PIE to manage cross browser support for shadows etc.
CSS3 Pie supports box-shadow
box-shadow is not supported by ie, try use an image (png) as background targeting ie
more CSS-3 codes work for IE-9 and Higher..
for IE-8 you can just set border to your element:
IE8 and less have a proprietary filter property, this one mimicks the simplest linear gradient:,000000+100;Custom
in case it's this sort of fallback you'd prefer. But #Aleks answer is probably closer to what you're trying to achieve ;)
Note: if bold/italic text suddenly get blurry and ugly on lesser IEs, blame filter!
If you’re using box-shadow as a CSS property in your Internet Explorer 9 and the box-shadow does not show you might want to check if:
You’re using the right syntaxys – you can check if the property appears in the developers window (F12) for the current element.
If this does not help you might want to know, that box-shadow is supported for Internet Explorer 9+, so if you are using
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />
in your page with Internet Explorer 9 or if you are using Internet Explorer 8 (or lower) box-shadow will not work.
If you want a similar effect in Internet Explorer 8 read this article.
Look below aption

Font Smoothing Techniques? text-shadow rendering differently in Chrome 14.0.833.0 or higher

We're in Chrome 19 now, and this still isn't fixed. Just a clarification: this happens in Chrome on Windows, not Linux or Mac. I think it has to do with Cleartype. Google, please fix this.
I've been using CSS3 text-shadow to emulate IE9's font smoothing on other browsers. Basically I've just set the text-shadow of a container's text to the container's background. You can see the behavior by setting text-shadow on a largish font element in anything lower than Chrome 14.0.833. The text looks smooth. Remove the text-shadow and the font looks jagged.
However, in Chrome 14.0.833 (UPDATE: appears it's also "broken" in 14.0.834) this no longer works. The text-shadow property still works, but not in the way it did before. You can see the behavior here (just load it up with diff. Chrome versions)
It seems as if in the older Chromes the text shadow began inside the text just a little and then spread out - which is perhaps why the text-shadow hack worked. In the newer Chrome, it appears the text shadow starts just outside the text, which is why it won't work. See what I mean here.
My question is basically: Is this a bug? Which is expected behavior, if either? Are there any other font smoothing workarounds I can use?
The W3C's spec didn't seem to say what the intended behavior is, though I did see that perhaps I should be using text-outline (which is kinda unsupported, which defeats the purpose)
Okay, i've spend quite a bit of time on this and this is what it comes down to: It's a bug.
First of all, -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; only works for Mac, not Windows.
I'm on Windows7, I've created a layered Pixlr image with screen shots of a JSfiddle I made that had 4 different elements with different text-shadow applied to each. You can clearly see that text-shadow has changed since Chrome13 and Chrome 14.0.835. I had to switch between the Beta and Dev channel a couple of times because I messed up, uninstalling etc. ugh.
Download the layered Pixlr image file I made from:
Then go to and choose to open file from computer, open the file.
Now in Pixlr, zoom in to the four rows of text, in the layers panel on the top layer click the checkbox and uncheck it, then check it again, do it over and over and see how drastic the change to text-shadow is.
This should be submitted as a bug. A link back to this page could be used to show the effect, if needed.
JSfiddle (The JSfiddle I used in the screenshots)
I put a piece of pie in the microwave an hour and a half ago.... it's cold :(
Well, I've figured it out, sorta. Annoying since I set a bounty, but whatever.
I'm fairly certain this is not a bug and it is expected behavior - especially since we've seen a few more iterations of Chrome and it's stayed the same.
A few different methods work. I wrote up a bit for my blog, you can see the full article here, but here's the bulk of it:
First, I tried the -webkit-text-stroke:1px #000 where #000 is the
color of the text. But this style is meant for use where the color of
the text is different from the stroke, for a nice text-outline. When
both are the same color, it looks...odd. I'm not sure why; I'm no
font-rendering expert. You can see the behavior in the picture after
the article.
Next I tried a simple text-shadow:#000 0 0 1px where #000 is the same
color as the text. Due to the same Chrome 14.0.833+ problem, this
still leaves the font looking somewhat jagged. It's better than just
plain text, however.
Next I tried a combined the two attempts above. This looks a little
bit better, but it bulks up the text as it essentially adds 2 pixels
to the thinkness of the text.
Lastly, I tried applying two text-shadows: text-shadow:#000 0 1px 1px,#000 0 -1px 1px > > where #000 is the color of the text. What this does is
apply two text shadows, one of which is pushed down a little and the
other pushed up. This way, the text shadow covers the jagged edges. It
bulks up the text a little but definitely smooths it out.
Depending on the size of your text, different methods work. Smaller
(but still jagged) text could use the text-shadow, larger text could
use the shadow/stroke method, and very large text could use the
dual-shadow method. Of course the larger the text the less noticeable
the extra few pixels become. You can see all the different methods
text-shadow: transparent 0px 0px 0px, #000 1px 2px 1px;
text-shadow: transparent 0px 0px 0px, rgba(0,0,0, 0.75) 1px 2px 1px;
Tested and works fine in different versions of Opera, Chrome, Safari & Firefox.
might work for you
YES! I've found a solution for this problem. It's weird, but it works for me.
So, to make it work, put this style on the element you want to smooth:
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1px;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01);
overflow: hidden;
I've put up a sample HTML file with just this style so you can quickly test it.
This was indeed how a lot of webfonts (Google Webfonts and also highly professional fonts from Typekit etc.) looked in Firefox (left) and Google Chrome (right) on Windows systems (and eventually elsewhere too). No joke! To clarify this: The only browser that completely messed up Google Webfonts was Google’s browser Chrome. How sick is that ? In 2013 Opera browser has switched it’s rendering engine to webkit (=the rending engine in Chrome), so this problem exists in Opera too.
more :

border-image: workaround for IE

Is there any workaround for IE which makes me able to use border-image? I'm developing a site and it's working properly in every browser but IE. I need to mimic these bars
I could use the hack but border-radius works only with the four corners together (which doesn't apply here, 'cause the top border isn't rounded) and the filter css property (for gradient) doesn't work with border-radius at all (it fills the whole element ignoring the border radius limits). In case there's no workaround for this, how would be the best way for doing this?
The .png files are unnecessary. Just use CSS3 pie:
Get rid of the proprietary IE filter entirely, and use (heh, the proprietary) -pie-background:linear-gradient(values) instead.
Works harmoniously with individually rounded corners: border-radius: 0 5px 5px 5px
In that case, the top-left corner would be no border-radius, and the other corners (clockwise) would be at 5px each.
Then use behavior:url(path_to/; in the same style.
Remember also that the path_to is relative to the document being viewed, not the CSS file that calls it. Make sure to check that if it doesn't work right off the bat.
I've tested this plenty of times and it works like a charm.
Additional information:
If sometimes your styling appears and vanishes, try giving your element a position:relative and a specified z-index. The way CSS3 PIE works, it plays with the z-index and can make your styled gradients (and rounded corners, etc.) appear underneath the background if not specified, particularly if you use negative margins or something odd like that.
The only real solution might be to make your corners or sides images. Its looks as though everything is the same size just has an expandable width. so it should be farely easy to code with almost no lag time for load.
This is why I stick the the concept of using what is proven available. Meaning, if your target market is using IE7+ you should be conscious while designing and programming, so you dont run into small problems like this.
All this CSS3 and HTML5 is awesome stuff but we, as developers, are still limited to what everyone see's. If you want to have an even playing field for all users, then you can rely on new coding practices until you can do things, like border-radius, across the board in all browsers.
On the flip side, you might just not care about what IE users see; therefore you can just have the different style as a browser enhancement, for people who use the other browsers.
Take a really wide image of that red gradient with the proper 4 corner cutouts, save it as an image (transparent PNG on corners since you are not supporting IE6).
For each of those header areas you will wrap it like so:
<div class="outer"><div class="inner">ENQUETE</div></div>
You set this image as background on both of those elements, offset one of them so you can get the image endcaps on both beginning and end. Adjust the spacing/shift until you are clear on both round segments.
.outer {
background: transparent url(redgradient.png) no-repeat 0px 0px;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
.inner {
background: transparent url(redgradient.png) no-repeat 100% 0px;
position: relative;
left: 10px;
Hit the exact same issue and gave IE<=9 via conditional comments a fall-back. However, this solution is now broken with the latest IE10 prev4 still not supporting border-image and also does not support IE conditional comments. Back to the drawing board...
Working on the solution we should really use: feature testing.
Using Modernizr which adds CSS3 class names to html tag and testing for border-image (do things the web standards way) or no-border-image (give IE users the best you can do but not the same experience as compliant browsers and display an IE visible only link to your page that tells them how to get a better experience: drop IE for example).
No, but the thing may be the only possible work around if that's the one I'm thinking of. Or was there another js script I'm thinking of that solved this? Can't remember.

possible to have a background color transition from color A to color B without repeating a pixel stick?

For things like menubars and headers, a background color is nice.
But a background color that gracefully transitions from say Blue to White is even nicer.
I know this can be done by making a 1-pixel wide, X-pixel tall image file containing the desired fade and repeating it across the div, but does CSS have native support to just define colors and be done with it?
Can any other language handle this?
With CSS3, you can do that. However, CSS3 is not widely supported through browsers, so only the most recent of browsers (and not even all of them) will be able to display the gradient. Unless you're only interested in working with those browsers that can do it, you're going to have to stick with the 1px background image.
You mean a gradient?
Webkit browsers(Chrome and Safari), and apparently FF 3.6 now support CSS gradients:
see this link
According to the article, even IE has some proprietory CSS gradient support, I don't know how well that works though. You should always have a fallback to solid color though.
