sqlite3 change column default value - sqlite

How do I change the default value of an existing column in a table in sqlite3?
I have a table named notes with a boolean column named hidden. The default is set to true, I want to set it to false.

I don't think you can without replacing the whole table. From the fine manual:
SQL Features That SQLite Does Not Implement
Complete ALTER TABLE support
Only the RENAME TABLE and ADD COLUMN variants of the ALTER TABLE command are supported. Other kinds of ALTER TABLE operations such as DROP COLUMN, ALTER COLUMN, ADD CONSTRAINT, and so forth are omitted.
So there is no way to modify an existing column in SQLite. I think you'll have to create a new table with the appropriate default for hidden, copy all the data over, drop the original notes table, and then rename the new one.
SQLite stays lean by purposefully omitting a lot of features.

SQLite database browser allows you to drop columns, so you could drop the column with it, and then manually add the column with the default using the sqlite3 command line tool.

Create a new database with the same schema (but your new default value), attach both, and migrate.
For deleting columns or other changes that aren't supported by the "ALTER TABLE" syntax, I create a new table, migrate date into it, drop the old table, and rename the new table to the original name.


Impala add column with default value

I want to add a column to an existing impala table(and view) with a default value (so that the existing rows also have a value). The column should not allow null values.
I went through the docs but could not find an example that specifically does this. How do I do this in Impala? Hue underlines/does not recognize the NOT NULL command
Are you using Kudu as a storage layer for your table? Because if not, then according to Impala docs,
Note: Impala only allows PRIMARY KEY clauses and NOT NULL constraints on
columns for Kudu tables. These constraints are enforced on the Kudu
For non-Kudu tables, Impala allows any column to contain NULL values,
because it is not practical to enforce a "not null" constraint on HDFS
data files that could be prepared using external tools and ETL
Impala's ALTER TABLE syntax also does not support specifying default column values (in general, non-Kudu).
With Impala you could try as follow
add the column
once you've added the column you can fill that column as below using the same table
INSERT OVERWRITE dbName.tblName SELECT col1,...,coln, '-1' FROM dbName.tblName;
where col1,...,coln are the previous columns before the add columns command and '-1' is to fill the new column.

how to alter table multiple column in sqlite3

Is it possible to alter table add MULTIPLE columns in a single statement in sqlite3?
The SQLite documentation provides the following picture to illustrate how the ALTER TABLE is understood by SQLite.
So, it does not seem possible to add multiple columns in a single ALTER TABLE command.
Reference: SQLite Query Language: ALTER TABLE
SQLite is a bit rigid when it comes to modifying existing tables and has limited support for the ALTER TABLE query.
Some more information can be found following this link: How do I add or delete columns from an existing table in SQLite.
The link also provides a workaround to carry out complex table modifications.
In a nutshell (emphasis mine):
If you want to make more complex changes in the structure of a table, you will have to recreate the table. You can save existing data to a temporary table, drop the old table, create the new table, then copy the data back in from the temporary table.

xcode delete a column for a sql database

Is it possible to delete a column from an SQLlite database. I have Googled this and it seems to be impossible.
From the ALTER TABLE manual;
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.
So, no, not without dropping and recreating the table.
According to the docs:
It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or
remove constraints from a table.
I guess it has to be done manually.

Altering and adding column to the table in sqlite3

If I alter the table and add a new column will add the data be wiped off from that table.
ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD COLUMN noOfDays integer default 0 NOT NULL
Will the above SQL command drop MyTable and then ALTER it with the noOfDays column or will it simply add the noOfDays column without dropping it.
No, add just adds the column. Neither its data will be deleted nor the table be dropped.
p.s. from the documentation
"Note: also that when adding a CHECK constraint, the CHECK constraint is not tested against preexisting rows of the table." (check SQLite manual for more)

SQLite Modify Column

I need to modify a column in a SQLite database but I have to do it programatically due to the database already being in production. From my research I have found that in order to do this I must do the following.
Create a new table with new schema
Copy data from old table to new table
Drop old table
Rename new table to old tables name
That seems like a ridiculous amount of work for something that should be relatively easy. Is there not an easier way? All I need to do is change a constraint on a existing column and give it a default value.
That's one of the better-known drawbacks of SQLite (no MODIFY COLUMN support on ALTER TABLE), but it's on the list of SQL features that SQLite does not implement.
edit: Removed bit that mentioned it may being supported in a future release as the page was updated to indicate that is no longer the case
If the modification is not too big (e.g. change the length of a varchar), you can dump the db, manually edit the database definition and import it back again:
echo '.dump' | sqlite3 test.db > test.dump
then open the file with a text editor, search for the definition you want to modify and then:
cat test.dump | sqlite3 new-test.db
As said here, these kind of features are not implemented by SQLite.
As a side note, you could make your two first steps with a create table with select:
CREATE TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT id, name FROM src_table
When I ran "CREATE TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT id, name FROM src_table", I lost all the column type formatting (e.g., time field turned into a integer field
As initially stated seems like it should be easier, but here is what I did to fix. I had this problem b/c I wanted to change the Not Null field in a column and Sqlite doesnt really help there.
Using the 'SQLite Manager' Firefox addon browser (use what you like). I created the new table by copying the old create statement, made my modification, and executed it. Then to get the data copied over, I just highlighted the rows, R-click 'Copy Row(s) as SQL', replaced "someTable" with my table name, and executed the SQL.
Various good answers already given to this question, but I also suggest taking a look at the sqlite.org page on ALTER TABLE which covers this issue in some detail: What (few) changes are possible to columns (RENAME|ADD|DROP) but also detailed workarounds for other operations in the section Making Other Kinds Of Table Schema Changes and background info in Why ALTER TABLE is such a problem for SQLite. In particular the workarounds point out some pitfalls when working with more complex tables and explain how to make changes safely.
