How to get rid of "missing files" message in XCode4? - xcode4

I have this iPad app using Storyboard. There are some file that are marked as missing which used to be in the app. The message is really annoying me...
I did a clean, re-build, but they are still there. How do I get rid of the messages?

It sounds like they're still held under version control. The solution for me has been to force remove them via Terminal.

Did you delete them from the filesystem directly (e.g using Finder or the terminal) instead of through Xcode? Your project doesn't mirror the filesystem, so when you delete files externally, Xcode still expects them to be there. Find the references in the project navigator in the left-hand panel and remove them. In future, remove the files through Xcode and it will ask you if the files need to be deleted from the filesystem or not.
If you've already done this and you are still seeing the problem, it's probably an Xcode bug. Quit and reopen Xcode.


Visual Studio keeps showing this message "please wait for an editor command to finish"

My projects on Visual Studio 2019 were working fine. There was an auto-update and since then, I keep getting this annoying message:
Please wait for an editor command to finish.
Is there a solution to this?
I have fixed that problem by deleting .vs folder from project.
Some times .vs may be hidden in solution folder make it visible from folder option
Like as Akbar Asghari said, just delete .vs folder from project (located in the root solution, this folder is system hidden).
Close the VS or kill the task.
Delete the folder .vs
Reopen solution and be happy.
Version: Visual Studio Community 2022 (17.3.6)
I tried the provided solution of deleting the .vs folder from the project without success. However, my problem seemed to go away when "Automatic brace-completion" was disabled.
Note: My problem was specific to editing a small JSON file. Maybe this will help others have an idea what to look for.
When I updated and added some more Rapid XAML extension in VS 2019 I started to get this message. So I deleted these extensions and it solved the problem but I also deleted the .vs folder in the solution I was working in. However this was happening in all the solutions so I think it was the extensions that was causing the issue.
I had a simmilar issue but the other methods did not work.
I have activated GitHub Copilot lately. A while it worked flawlessly (I guess Copilot was watching during the first period of time). Then, the already included AI of VS2022 - namely ItelliCode - and Github were active at the same time and caused crashes.
When I disabled either IntelliCode or Copilot, I had no more crashes.
To disable IntelliCode you can go to Tools->Options->IntelliCode and disable "C# suggestions".
Or disable Copilot: Tools->Options->GitHub->Copilot and set "Enable Globally" to false.
Had the same problem and even after doing what Akbar Asghari said, it didn't work. Then I reset the Keyboard Shortcuts of VS22 Mac to default i.e. Visual Studio for Mac and it resolved the issue. I had set it to VSC Keybindings earlier.
Link to Screenshot
After unchecking the box Auto cancel long running auxiliary operations on typing in Tools>Options>Text Editor>Advanced the message box does not appear anymore.
I was able to resume working normally after doing so and VS behaved normally for all the session after that.

Iexpress.exe Unable to open report file even when ran as administrator

I'm creating a Iexpress package, and no matter what on the final step it pops up the message "Unable to open report file" and stops. I am searching Iexpress.exe and right clicking, then choosing "Run As Administrator" to start it. The problem persists.
I had this error running as my account (domain admin) not specifically telling it to run as administrator, removed spaces then re-ran working fine under Windows 10 1809 you shouldn't need to change to a different application to create .EXE files using IEXPRESS this is working fine under Window 10.
The way to fix this problem:
Go to the folder where your files you want to be in the package are
Go to the top bar (Where it says where you are on your drive), and type iexpress
Do the creation as normal, but the names you give the installer shouldn't have any spaces.
I did it this way without admin permissions.
I ended up moving on to Inno Setup Compiler. Turns out Iexpress isn't supported anymore. I recommend Inno to anyone making their own programs.
This happens when SourceFilesX or TargetName paths in the directive (i.e. the files you've added from the wizard) contain spaces. And while the issue with the TargetName can be fixed with adding double quotes the only workaround I've found about the source files is to put them in a folder path that not contains spaces.

Can't delete a ghost file in my .NET Web Site that prevents publishing

This is really frustrating me. I file I have continually gets recreated, but not really. It appears in my project, it appears in Windows Explorer, but I can't open it, it says the file doesn't exist. If I try to delete it, it says it cannot find the item, BUT if I try to delete it, it says it failed, then refresh, the file is gone. But if I go back into my project and refresh the directory, it shows up again both in the project and explorer.
Now I've read this can be caused if you have low RAM and are doing a lot of operations, however I've got 16gb ram and just am using one instance of VS, so that can't be it. I've also read that restarting the computer helps. Well when I restart, I can see the file there sometimes, sometimes not. If it's there I can F5 and it's gone. BUT as soon as I either try an SVN update (even though it doesn't update/add anything in the svn log box), or try and build the project, or just refresh the directory from within visual studio again, the ghost file appears.
This is preventing me from publishing the website because every time I go to publish it, it throws an error telling me that ghost file is missing. But there is no file indicator in the error message and searching the entire solution for any references to it returns no I am at a loss for what to do.
My best suggestion is to create a new Web Site project in a different folder and copy the files over. It sounds like your project file is damaged.
Alternatively, this could be caused by Adding an existing item as a Link, which by default doesn't get included when you publish a (web) project.

Aptana freezing regularly in Windows 7

Seems to be since updating Aptana 3.4 ( to be precise) that it regularly freezes up - greys out and displays "Not responding".
It doesn't freeze up straight away, usually after editing and saving for a few minutes. Generally seems to freeze while editing code, usually PHP.
My log file did report issues with the Subversion plugin, but I've since removed this entirely and still face the same issues.
My OS is Windows 7 32-bit.
Any suggestions on how to remedy such problems in Aptana would be greatly appreciated as this renders it pretty useless :(.
Deleting the log file seems to work for me.
Its full of pretty useless stuff for a regular user anyway and when it gets too big - boom: not responding.
Try deleting the log file ( /[yourworkspace]/.metadata/.log ),
emptying your windows temp folder (C:\Users[your user name]\AppData\Local\Temp) and run aptana as an administrator (you can make this default behaviour by editing the properties of the task bar / start menu icon for Aptana)
Maybe a new version will come out with a fix for this OR the option to turn off logging completely. Its the log file causing this issue for sure.
Do you use a git repository? Mine is freezing, too, but when I rename the .git directory to something else, the freezing stops. I'm on Aptana Studio 3, build: It's very annoying because I do use git. I haven't been able to track down exactly what about the git integration is causing this.
So I have been having the same problem with Aptana Studio 3. I have followed this set of instructions found here:
Or here are the instructions if you do not want a video to watch...
Goto and download the newest Java Runtime Environment
Open up C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Aptana Studio 3\AptanaStudio3.ini with anything but notepad (Open with WordPad or Notepad++)
BEFORE the -vmargs line add:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
... then SAVE and CLOSE
4 . Finally open Aptana Studio 3. Now your problem should be solved and Aptana should be pointing to the newest version of JAVA.
I hope that this fix helps you as much as it has helped me!
Deleting the log file didn't work for me, but when viewing the log file, it talked about
The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.
So I deleted the workspace file (/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml) which just stores what files you had open when you closed the application and the problem was installed solved (with seeminly no unexpected side-effects)
I still have this problem. It seems more often than not it hangs on startup. Win 7 64bit. One time I deleted the .metadata folder, then recreated a blank one it it worked. but it no longer works. One time I rebooted the system and it worked. The fix that works 1 time doesn't the next.
Adding the lines:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\*javaversion*\bin\
to the .ini file:
C:\Users\*youruser*\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio\AptanaStudio3.ini
solved the freezing issue for me.

Is there a way to have ClearCase display icons in the Windows Explorer to denote the state of files/directories?

For example, in TortoiseSVN, I can find out when a directory is out-of-date or checked out by looking at the images in the corner of the directory icon. However, I don't have that with ClearCase. Inside of Eclipse, I can see what I have checked in/out, but I'm not always inside Eclipse. It appears that I can right click on the file and I see "Check Out..." as an option if the file is not checked out and "Check In..." as an option if the file is checked out.
What I really want are images or icons to let me know visually what I have checked in and out through the Windows Explorer shell. Is this possible?
Currently, this is not done by any tool/plugin I know of, except for ClearCase Eclipse plugin (where a "recursive" option can be set, to show a "dirty" state on packages of a project if one of the files is checked out)
Since ClearCase is managed file-by-file, that would require a recursive request which may not be compatible with the speed a Windows explorer is supposed to refresh itself.
The best way I found to visually indicate which files are checked out or in is to set Windows Explorer to show file attributes for all of your ClearCase folders. Then you can determine which files are checking in or out by looking to see if the files are read-only or not. When the files are checked in, they are read-only; when they are checked out they are not read-only.
I wonder if it'd be possible to do it this way, with a little bit of Perl? Not particularly efficient, but it's a start...
Is there is a way to change a Windows folder icon using a Perl script?
