Getting JNotify into Maven/Archiva - jar

I am currently working on a project that includes using JNotify to monitor when a directory/file has been created, renamed/modified, and deleted. The project is being built in Java 6, not Java 7. JNotify uses JNI to hook into the native OS to monitor the directory/file. My problem is that I need to get JNotify into our repo but I want it to be built so that the java.library.path (DLL) is packaged with the JNI JAR. How would I go about doing that in Maven?

I was able to find the solution I needed using the following maven plugin:

You must probably upload the jar manually to your archiva instance.

The repository format is fixed, so you will need to perform the rename after retrieving the artifact. That depends how you intend to use it after it is retrieved.
This is a common pattern is something like this:
You can use this with the appropriate list of artifacts that will all be copied into the target/my-app directory


Alfresco, embed a binary inside the amp

I have an alfresco community amp module, which also need a client msi to be installed on the client PC.
To solve the distribution problem I tought about embedding the installer inside the amp to give the user the possibility to download it and install it when needed.
It is a correct approach? and which is the best correct to put the biniry file in?
The file should be downloaded from a link inside alfresco share, displayed when the user permorm some actions on a document
I have resolved my problem with maven-resoures-plugin configured as followed. Maybe this is not the best options, but it worked.
<!-- here the phase you need -->

Javafx application doesnt work after install

I'm creating new JavaFX application. I have done it, now i need to build exe file. After build I have installed it, then i launch the program and nothing. There is no application window, it was showing only in task manager...
Project have no errors, just some warrnings. I'am using http connections in it, maybe i need to declare permissions or something? Where can i do it if it's a problem?
I've tried to generate new build.xml, include newest sdk/jre, installed new version of java in my computer.
Java cannot build an exe file by itself. Every client who needs to run the application needs an appropriate JRE installed to run the application. Therefore you would need some software that packages the jar and the JRE into an exe file to install it or packages the jar and JRE into one single exe file which executes your program.
It has nothing to do with your http connections or build.xml.
However your app will run when you call it via the command line java -jar YOUR_APP.jar
If you just want to run your program by double clicking the jar file (and not build an exe), you can take a look at the following paragraphs.
For Maven
If you are building your project with Maven you can try the following POM settings to have your program be executable from the jar file (double click the jar file to start the JavaFX application):
<mainClass>PATH TO YOUR MAIN CLASS (e.g.</mainClass>
<mainClass>PATH TO YOUR MAIN CLASS (e.g.</mainClass>
I recommend you exporting it as an jar file because it can be excecuted on linux, too and it fixes your problem because it can contain all the data you need just like fxmls!
Just export your project as an runnable jar and this window will appear!
Click here! I don't have enough reputation (but it works ;) )
And now you are finished!

flywaydb: unable to instantiate jdbc driver

The JDBC drivers need to be in an non-classpath directory. I'm using Maven to setup the configuration for Flyway DB and migrate as a goal. I provided in jarDir configuration section the location of the JDBC drivers, but when I execute the migrate goal it still does not recognize the JDBC drivers concerned.
<initDescription>Base Migration</initDescription>
But, when I execute I still get:
Failed to execute goal org.flywaydb:flyway-maven-plugin:3.0:migrate (sql-enrichment-setup) on project esa-core: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to instantiate jdbc driver: org.postgresql.Driver
How do I resolve this issue?
jarDir is not a configuration parameter for the Maven Plugin. It is only available in the command-line tool.
In your case you should add the JDBC driver as a dependency to the plugin. This way it won't show up on the application's classpath.

Generate feature xml with feature dependencies using maven plugin

I am using the maven-feature-plugin
This works pretty well but one of my generated features depends on the pax-cdi feature is there a way for me to get the plugin to add this for me? For example I have some dependencies defined in the file that cannot be resolved automatically, could I add a feature in this file as well?
You can add the feature as a maven dependency in your pom:
This will result a feature.xml containing the pax-cdi features (providing that karaf-maven-plugin is configured with <aggregateFeatures>true</aggregateFeatures>).
You can also leave it to the container to pull in the pax-cdi feature. Just edit $KARAF_HOME/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg where you can enlist your pax-cdi-features by adding the maven url to the list of featuresRepositories.
Then add pax-cdi to the list of boot features
Karaf will start the bundles of pax-cdi when it boots, so that your bundles can find those cdi packages available.
I think that the karaf convention is that the pax-cdi feature should be provided by the container itself, so you don't need to add those bundles to your feature descriptor.
To use pax-cdi feature in karaf enter the following in your Karaf shell
features:addurl mvn:org.ops4j.pax.cdi/pax-cdi-features/0.8.0/xml/features

How to set custom icon for javafx native package icon on Windows

I am trying to chance the icon of the exe file while creating native bundling of javafx packaging.
I tried adding icon into pom.xml but till it wont work out for me as it gives default icon
Using Intellij IDEA IDE which contain an Pom.xml creating an package by command = mvn jfx:build-native
Here is my pom.xml:
<!-- only required if signing the jar file -->
I have added an icon path into pom.xml ${basedir}/src/main/resources/images/logoIcon.ico
that will run while native package execute but it wont work out for me
Is any other way to do it ?
Please suggest.
i tried fx tags in pom.xml using ant,here is my changes in pom.xml
<>${env.JAVA_HOME}\lib\ant-javafx.jar</> </properties>
<target xmlns:fx="">
<fx:application id="fxApp"
<fx:jar destfile="${}/${}-launcher">
<fx:application refid="fxApp"/>
<fx:fileset dir="${}/classes"/>
<attachartifact file="${}/${}-launcher.jar"
<fx:icon href="${basedir}/src/main/deploy/logoIcon.ico"></fx:icon>
but it wont work out..
I just struggled with the same issue using Zonsky's great javafx-maven-plugin. As of version 1.5, which you also were using, the src/main/deploy directory will be added to the classpath. The icon you want to use could be added there and it will be available on the classpath for the native builder!
I added src/main/deploy/package/windows/myapp.ico there and it finally worked :)
For you:
Create src/main/deploy/package/windows/ folder
Add icon with name ${}.ico
Run mvn jfx:build-native
I haven't played with it extensively - just got it to work and wanted to share. So if you want to use icon with different name, I don't know how. Not yet at least. The <icon>...</icon> section in the config section seems to be for webstart, so I haven't been using it.
Hope you get it to work!
You need to look at the logging while building a native app. That will tell you where the installer looks for the icon files and with wich name. For the default Windows native app it looks in ./package/windows/'appname'.ico
Can't remember where 'appname' comes from, but just look at the logging while building, it will tell you. (I use the Ant targets called from my pom btw)
you can do this:
