Arduino encoder interrupts corrupting serial data - serial-port

I have an Arduino Mega connected to a 6 axis robotic arm. All 6 interrupts are attached to encoders (one encoder pin on an interrupt, the other on a vanilla digital input). The interrupts are handled with this code:
void readEncoder1(){
//encoders is a 2d array, where the first d is the axis, and the two pin numbers
//first pin is on an interrupt (CHANGE), and second is a standard digital in
if (digitalRead(encoders[0][0]) == digitalRead(encoders[0][1])) {
} else {
updatePositions(); //// compares positions[] to targets[] and adjusts motor speed accordingly
This is designed to keep the arm locked at a certain position- if the arduino detects that the position of the motor is off by a certain threshold, it updates the power going to the motor to keep the arm in position.
The problem is this, then -- if two or three (or more) axis are under load (requiring constant updating to stay in position) or they are moving, the Arduino will stop receiving intact commands on Serial input, several characters will be dropped. The interrupts are obviously running quite quickly, and for some reason this is causing commands to become corrupted. Is there any way around this? Architecturally, am I doing this right? My main instinct is to call updatePositions() in the main run loop at, say, 100 ms intervals, will this significantly reduce interrupt overhead? I guess what my question boils down to is how do I get reliable serial commands into the Arduino even if all 6 encoders are pulsing away?

Quadrature encoders were designed to be read by hardware counters. Pulse rates are generally high with the motor running at full speed. One megahertz is not unusual. The higher the number of pulses, the better the servo loop works and the more accurate you can position the motor.
Doing this is in software with a low-power cpu is, well, challenging. It will fall apart when the ISR takes longer than the interval between pulses. You'll lose pulses and thus position. Especially bad because there is no way you can detect this error condition. And that this loss happens when the robot is moving fast, the worst case condition to lose control.
You absolutely cannot afford to update the servo loop in the interrupt handler so get rid of that first. Keep the ISR to the bare minimum, only count the position and nothing else. The servo loop should be separate, driven by a timer interrupt or tick. You cannot properly control a robot with a 100 msec servo update unless it is big an sluggish, this needs to be a handful of milliseconds at most to get smooth acceleration and stable feedback.
There's a limited amount of wisdom in spending forty bucks to control thousands of dollars worth of robot hardware. Not being able to keep up in the servo loop is something you can detect, shut it down when the position error builds up too much. There's nothing you can do about losing pulses, that's a wreck. Get the hardware counters.

First rule of embedded systems:
Do as little as possible in interrupts.
In your case, just update the positions in the interrupt and run your position/speed control loop in the background or at a lower priority.
Aside: I assume you are aware that you are "losing" encoder pulses as you don't have an interrupt on one of the channels?
Also, interrupt-driven encoder-analysis is very noise-prone. If you get a noise pulse, you'll likely only see an interrupt for one of the edges as they'll be too close together to process both.
A more robust way is to use a state machine which watches all 4 transitions, but that requires either interrupts on both edges of both channels, or polling fast enough to not miss anything up the to rate you are expecting to see.


how to use esp32 ulp interrupt pulse counter and periodic wake up deepsleep mode

I am trying to measure power usage using dds353 kWh meter. This meter has a pulse output. I am interested in using the esp32 since I can periodically send the data over the internet to nodered dashboard.I am also very interested in using the esp32 in low power mode and periodically wake up to send data over mqtt. I have tried out examples from github using espressif idf but I would not mind an arduino equivalent. I would like to do hardware interrupt which when one of the rtc gpio pin goes high a counter is incremented while a seperate timer interrupt run and occasionally wakes up the main xtensia cores which fetches data from the rtc and sends it over. I have looked at the pulse counter examples and with my limited knowledge can not tell if the interrupts are triggered when the ulp is in sleep mode or only when it is on. I would really be glad if someone would show me how to basically use the ulp for counting pulses even when it is sleep mode and periodically wake up the main cores. I am ok with IDF or arduino examples
If you want to count pulses while in deep sleep youuse the ULP. Code on the ULP continues to execute when the board wakes up and goes to normal power mode. So when it is awake, it will still run the counter on the ULP processor unless you stop the ULP periodic wake up timer, ULP will keep waking up and running while the main CPU is active.
As you gave already checked with this example , it should be pretty close to what you need. The only difference seems to be that the example is set to wake up after a given number of pulses, rather than a fixed amount of time. However it should be easy to change that, by enabling deep sleep wake up from timer.For the Arduino you could check Some additional info:
ULP doesn't have GPIO interrupts. So you use deep sleep wake stub (small piece of code which runs immediately after deep sleep, prior to loading application from flash into RAM) you can increment the pulse counter variable, and go to sleep again. This way you can get low power consumption (~5uA) between pulses and moderate power consumption while running the wake stub (around 13mA), for a very short time.
So its up to you to experiment with your specific scenario.
You can use Pulse Counter(PCNT) feature in ESP32 to count the number of pulse in background, Understanding by using same you can able to do some periodic wake-up and read the count.. Its also possible to configure event when number of counts reached certain threshold and had lot of options,
For get information and available Interfaces and API's for Pulse Counter(PCNT) please follow below link,
Initially I faced lot of issue to make Pulse Counter(PCNT) work in Adrino IDE for ESP-32, After multiple attempt I make it working, And same sample code is uploaded in GitHub for reference. I have not use all the API's in the official documentation but but used few of them and are working..
I have created sample program for a water flow meter, there also we use to get pulse which needs to count to measure the water flow rate, understanding simile to kWh meter.
GitHub Sample code Path:-
I have not placing the code here, because its there in GitHub and not directly for the asked question, but simile one and can use it. Its a working code I tested in HW.
Hopes Its helpful,
Regards, Jerry James

Is DMA the Correct Way to Receive High-Speed Digital Data on a Microprocessor?

I have been using the Teensy 3.6 microcontroller board (180 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor) to try and implement a driver for a sensor. The sensor is controlled over SPI and when it is commanded to make a measurement, it sends out the data over two lines, DOUT and PCLK. PCLK is a 5 MHz clock signal and the bits are sent over DOUT, measured on the falling edges of the PCLK signal. The data frame itself consists of 1,024 16-bit values.
My first attempt consisted a relatively naïve approach: I attached an interrupt to the PCLK pin looking for falling edges. When it detects a falling edge, it sets a bool that a new bit is available and sets another bool to the value of the DOUT line. The main loop of the program generates a uint_16 value from these bits and collects 1,024 of these values for the full measurement frame.
However, this program locks up the Teensy almost immediately. From my experiments, it seems to lock up as soon as the interrupt is attached. I believe that the microprocessor is being swamped by interrupts.
I think that the correct way of doing this is by using the Teensy's DMA controller. I have been reading Paul Stoffregen's DMAChannel library but I can't understand it. I need to trigger the DMA measurements from the PCLK digital pin and have it read in bits from the DOUT digital pin. Could someone tell me if I am looking at this problem in the correct way? Am I overlooking something, and what resources should I view to better understand DMA on the Teensy?
I put this on the Software Engineering Stack Exchange because I feel that this is primarily a programming problem, but if it is an EE problem, please feel free to move it to the EE SE.
Is DMA the Correct Way to Receive High-Speed Digital Data on a Microprocessor?
There is more than one source of 'high speed digital data'. DMA is not the globally correct solution for all data, but it can be a solution.
it sends out the data over two lines, DOUT and PCLK. PCLK is a 5 MHz clock signal and the bits are sent over DOUT, measured on the falling edges of the PCLK signal.
I attached an interrupt to the PCLK pin looking for falling edges. When it detects a falling edge, it sets a bool that a new bit is available and sets another bool to the value of the DOUT line.
This approach would be call 'bit bashing'. You are using a CPU to physically measure the pins. It is a worst case solution that I see many experienced developers implement. It will work with any hardware connection. Fortunately, the Kinetis K66 has several peripherals that maybe able to assist you.
Specifically, the FTM, CMP, I2C, SPI and UART modules may be useful. These hardware modules are capable of reducing the work load from processing each bit to groups of bits. For instance, the FTM support a capture mode. The idea is to ignore the PCLK signal and just measure the time between edges. These times will be fixed in a bit period/CLK. If the timer captures a two bit period, then you know that two ones or zeros were sent.
Also, your signal seems like SSI which is an 'digital audio' channel. Unfortunately, the K66 doesn't have an SSI module. Typical I2C is open drain and it always has a start bit and fixed word size. It maybe possible to use this if you have some knowledge of the data and/or can attach some circuit to fake some bits (to be removed later).
You could use the UART and time between characters to capture data. The time will be a run of bits that aren't the start bit. However it looks like this UART module requires stop bits (the SIM feature are probably very limited).
Once you do this, the decision between DMA, interrupt and polling can be made. There is nothing faster than polling if the CPU uses the data. DMA and interrupts are needed if you need to multiplex the CPU with the data transfer. DMA is better if the CPU doesn't need to act on most of the data or the work the CPU is doing is not memory intensive (number crunching). Interrupts depend on your context save overhead. This can be minimized depending on the facilities your main line uses.
Some glue circuitry to adapt the signal to one of the K66 modules could go a long way to making a more efficient solution. If you can't change the signal, another (NXP?) SOC with an SSI module would work well. The NXP modules usually support chaining to an eDMA module as well as interrupts.

two identical arduino Nano`s running at different speeds?

I am working on a project that requires me to use 2 separate Arduinos running independently from each other. Now, both of these Arduino's are running the same code, but I noticed that after 10 minutes or so, one of them falls behind and this time difference keep increasing with time. Like I already mentioned, the Arduino`s are identical and I bought them at the same time and they are running the same copy of the program. Any ideas what might cause this and how can I fix it?
Thank you.
Here is the link to the Arduino that I bought just in case.
My Arduino modules on Amazon
The Crystal Oszillators have tolerances up to 100ppm (extreme case), which means you could possibly get 16Mhz*100ppm = 1600 clock pulses difference per second. Also the differences of the runtime could be caused by small voltage differences. Even if there is a voltage Regulator on the Board it has small tolerances, based on the fact, that it operates in the Range of MHz this can climb up to an recognizable Offset.
A possible solution is a synchronization of both microcontrollers. I'm not an expert, so the following solution is a possible and easy one, but definitly not the best.
If they are near by each other you can use two pins of each controller. One as Input and one as Output. Write something like this in your code (same for both if you use the same Pins):
digitalWrite(outPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outPin, HIGH);
Connect the Output from the first to the Input from the second and the same from second to first.
This results in a waiting state for each cycle of the faster Controller until the slower one reaches the same Programm Part. But be careful if one of them stucks somewhere it will stop the second one too. So there is no redundancy! if this was your goal, don't use this method and search for other synchronisation methods.
Perhaps you can use some RTC (real time clock) hardware to help you to keep they synchronised. They are really cheap and easy to use.

Arduino and electronics beginner beginnering

I'm working through a set of beginner exercises with the Arduino Uno microcontroller. (A generic one, though, as this is what I've been supplied with.)
The program I'm running, which alternates between sending 1's and 0's to serial output depending on the state of a momentary switch, has set pin 2 to be the input for the switch. But. Whilst wiring up, I accidentally plugged the jumper cable in to pin 3 initially, and found it still mostly sent the 1's when the button was pushed. Some 0's, yet mostly 1's.
Initially I thought maybe it was just the board was a bit dodgy, but thought I'd experiment a bit. Plugging into pin 3 instead of pin 2 still fairly consistently sent 1's when the button was pushed, though the 1's flowed a little bit less consistently than when it was in pin 2. In pin 2 it was completely consistent by comparison. So I tried pin 4, but with that one there's no response at all.
Am I right in presuming the program's readings seems to get a little bit less responsive the further away I move the cable from the pin that I've programmed to act as input? Can anyone help me understand why this happens?
It's probably quite obvious that I'm new to electronics. :)
The program I've got uploaded to the board is as follows:
// digital pin 2 has a pushbutton attached to it. Give it a name:
int pushButton = 2;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
// make the pushbutton's pin an input:
pinMode(pushButton, INPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
// read the input pin:
int buttonState = digitalRead(pushButton);
// print out the state of the button:
delay(1); // delay in between reads for stability
Floating pins are prone to noise. If you are not actually connecting anything to pin 2, you will be reading noise. Any wire connected to pin 2 (even connections on the board) will act like an antenna and pick up noise. You should always use the pin number that you are physically connecting in situations like these.
Leaving input pins open makes the microcontroller read a floating value which swings between 0 to 1. Also when wiring a switch to any pin, make sure to hook some pull-down resistor to make the input 0.
These are common for many electronics and proper notice to be taken while designing circuits of your own.
You need to look into datasheet where described functions of the pins.
The pins of MCU can be assigned various functions through special registers.
Two most common functions of the pins are input and output. MCUs provide internal pull-up and pull-down resistors which when used properly significantly simplifies electronic schemas.
If the input activated as input without any pull-??? then it's state is not defined and can be used as initiator of random number generator. Due this reason it is better to define what is default state of the input pin by connecting pull-??? resistors.
In Arduino IDE you are not limited to functions provided -- you still can use register manipulation directly, you just need to learn internals of the MCU.
If you do it properly then 2kbit program very often can be made as small as a few hundred bytes and it will work hundred times faster.
Operating registers in C is not much different from assembly, in C++ you get right away significant overhead -- although some benefits of registers still can be significant.
Libraries hide from programmers internals of MCU what is nice as it simplifies the programming and does not require to understand how MCU works, what registers are changed in what sequence.
But when you know hardware in and out -- you can squeeze from small MCU what is not possible with use of libraries (code will just not fit into the chip). MCUs are not that complicated (Atmel) to learn about it's internals -- benefits are significant.
Knowledge is a power which many avoid.

Interrupt works too fast on the Arduino

I know this sounds a bit funny :). But I am trying to eliminate possibilities:
On the Arduino Uno I have attached an interrupt triggered on HIGH to a routine which only increments a volatile defined long counter. This counter is displayed on an LCD screen.
If I connect a pulse generator with a frequency of 1 Hz at TTL levels, I would expect the counter to increase with about 1 per second. However this is not the case.
As the frequency is 1 Hz (duty cycle 50%) could it be possible that once the counter is incremented the IRS is exited (and clears the interrupt flag) BUT: the INT0 level is still HIGH so the ISR would be called again? At 1 Hz 50% duty, the HIGH would stay for 500 ms and at 16 mHz...
The processor at the heart of any Arduino has two different kinds of interrupts: “external”, and “pin change”. There are only two external interrupt pins on the ATmega168/328 (ie, in the Arduino Uno/Nano/Duemilanove), INT0 and INT1, and they are mapped to Arduino pins 2 and 3. These interrupts can be set to trigger on RISING or FALLING signal edges, or on low level. The triggers are interpreted by hardware, and the interrupt is very fast. The Arduino Mega has a few more external interrupt pins available.
So as commented: It triggers on an edge!
See more details on the Arduino Playground web page.
Two electrical reasons can explain why interrupt does not function as you need.
1- The pulse generator output and MCU input can have an impedance mismatch, which can cause ringing on the waveform edges. For example, if your function generator has a 50 ohm output capable of generating high frequencies you might see a problem driving a high impedance input like the Arduino at low frequency.
The name "pulse generator" makes me think this is a 50 ohm out device intended to make very short pulses with sharp edges. In such a case, you add a terminating resistor at the destination (load) to match the impedance of the source (pulse generator). For a 50 ohm output, 47 ohm would be close enough. If the output is 100 kohm, then place a matching resistor at the Arduino.
2- Just the opposite, the generator waveform edges may be so slow that the voltage passes through TTL 0 to 1 transition multiple times. If you have noise on your signal input, a slow edge could be causing multiple triggers. For example, if you are picking up some 60 Hz ripple from a power supply and grounding issues, your square wave edges won't be as square as you think.
In such cases hysteresis is a solution. There are many ways to de-glitch (debounce) in code. There is no answer that is right for all problems. A simple example would be that the ISR you require that the input reads high twice in a row for the edge to be accepted.
