In PlayN Graphics interface, what's the difference between height and screenHeight methods? - playn

I mean in the case of the main platform interface (i.e. graphics().height()). Looking at the Graphics Interface docs, the height method states:
Gets the height of the drawable surface, in pixels.
screenHeight states:
Gets the height of the available screen real-estate, in pixels.
If there is a meaningful difference, in what cases might I prefer one to the other?

Another useful way to understand the difference is that on the Java backend, screenHeight returns the full height of the screen (i.e. 1024 on a 1600x1024 display), whereas height returns the height of the window that is running the PlayN app.

It depends on what you want to do.
For example,we use Graphics.screenHeight to adjust the game size in Android backend where there are a lot of different screen size devices, while Graphics.height adjust every layer we use to the default game size that it is used across the game in every platform.


QT Quick QML application support for multiple display size

How do we have QT Quick QML application render properly on different screen sizes?
For example screen size 800x600 and 1280x720.
So how should I build the screen so that it looks the same on both the screens?
I know we have to use Anchors and avoid X, Y fixed location.
But we need to provide Height and Width for the components and that is causing the issue for displaying the same component on two different screens.
I have read the below links:
QT recommends, building two separate parent layouts sounds illogical.
Is the scaling approach is the way to go?
QML fit screen on all resolutions
Normally, when I deal with scalability it's in a smartphone environment which has much more variableness to it than your situation but I think the same principles hold.
Generally speaking, I don't think you should try to scale the logical pixel ratio of the entire user interface. I think it should stay at 1:1 where one logical screen unit (pixel) in QML equals one logical screen unit (pixel) outside of QML.
The main reason for this is you are normally going to have at least two different aspect ratios: in your case 800x600 is 4:3 and 1280x720 is 16:9. When the aspect ratios do not match, you either have to clip content or have black bars on the sides if your UI itself chooses one or the other of those aspect ratios and tries to display full screen on both (assuming you don't want to stretch the image of the UI in either direction - which almost never makes sense for a UI).
So, what I normally do is use RowLayout and ColumnLayout with fillWidth and fillHeight set appropriately on the UI itself so that appropriate interior areas of the UI stretch to accommodate greater or lesser space as the screen size changes. It's the same principle used in web apps to accommodate various window sizes.
One great way of doing this is to build the app to your desktop environment (Mac or Windows) and just resize the window and see how your layout adapts to different screen sizes. Once you've got it laying out rationally for the range of sizes you have to deal with, then you can build for your target environment and it should run fine.

Whats the proper way for scaling text?

I am developing a Qt QML based application that runs on both Desktop and Mobile operating systems. I am having problems with proper fonts and components scaling- what does look good on large, desktop monitor is barely visible on a mobile phone, even though the scaling is the same.
I was wondering, what is the proper approach for this problem? I would like to run the same code on all platforms. For example, is there a way for a font to stay the same size (in mm or inches), no matter the screen resolution and size?
In QML I am always setting the font.pointSize property. It is scaled evenly, but because of that, the font are barely visible on mobile devices.
Have you tried font.pixelSize property yet?
I think this will be good for you.
"Sets the font size in pixels.
Using this function makes the font device dependent. Use pointSize to set the size of the font in a device independent manner."

media query css3 window aspect ratio

Is there any way to get the window aspect ratio in a css media query? I have found the device-aspect-ratio, and device-pixel-ratio, but it seems that it is all possible to get several breakpoints based on pixel size and number of pixels and also device width. Is it not simpler to make website relative to the browser window because the browser window spans over the whole device on mobile phones (for now) but on PC you can resize your window to your wishes?
So is there any workaround or do I need to do some server/client side programming?
Thank you enigma. English is not my first language.

CSS - how to code for a specific resolution

I am designing html/css interface for a 1920x1080 touchscreen. It will always be that resolution, never changing. Should I set width and height to those dimensions and code from there, or should I code in percents at whatever size resolution I'm at and then allow it to adjust to a bigger screen? I am looking for the solution what poses the least roadblocks.
Never assume that anything will always be the same resolution. Regardless of what you're coding for now, there will be next generation devices, and they will be different. So unless your project has a very short lifetime (maybe a temporary web site), my recommendation is to code to current standards. Also, in my experience, coding in ems and percentages is usually faster than coding in individual pixels of a project. If your touchscreen is 1920x1080, and you set a body width of 100%, there is functionally no difference between that value, and setting the body width to 1920px. However, using the percentage approach, you retain more flexibility should the device resolution or browser behavior change.
The best solution (atleast for me) has been described by you as the usage of percentage values.
So if you use percentage values then the code will take care of its content's size in any screen size. But you might want to use this:
#media only screen and (max-width: 1900) {
// css properties here..
But the media query will take alot of code lines to make the site able to render itself. So that is why using % is my preference.

Make Flex Fit the Users' Screen.. No matter what screen size

Making an Flex App. Just wondering if anyone has created something that fits automatically to the users' screen size and how I go about doing this?
One of the principle things is that I need an background image, which is obviously going to have to scale / resize to match the users screen.
you can use percentage values for the application for example.
There is also a resize-event dispatched if the size of the application changes. You can listen to it to react.
If you want to resize text regarding to the screen size, there is no smart solution as far as I know because fontSize only accepts pixel values (no em, %, etc.)
