How to remove div backgrounds? -

I have an div element in website markup as follows.
<div id="mainContainer" class="container" runat="server">
I have assigned it a css class as follows.
div#mainContainer.container {
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
Now after a button click I want to remove only the background of that div and don't want to tamper any positioning of elements inside it. And btw I am using to create this website. How can I do that ?

If you want to achieve this in a server-side event, you'll need to add the runat="server" attribute to your <div> element, and it will need an id attribute. This will make it easy to alter server-side.
You'll need an event-handler method in your code-behind for the button click.
In this event handler, do something like (this assumes the id of your <div> is "container")
container.Style["background"] = String.Empty;
However, in your question, you say you've assigned your element a class. If this is the case, the above might not work. It might be easiest to define another CSS class without this background image rule, and then in the code-behind do this:
container.Attributes["class"] = "newClass";

Now with pure CSS.
.button:active + .background-class{
Check this

You will need to use JavaScript (either direct or some JavaScript framework like jQuery) and set the CSS style to
This means you could alter the style of the specific instance or you could define a new CSS class to apply.

With a simple javascript as:
onclick="javascript:getElementById('div_element_id').style.backgroundImage = '';"
or you may use jQuery's API aswell.

How about something like this:
If your HTML is something like this:
<button class="your-button" />
<div class="background-class">
Then your JS might look something like this (this assumes you're also using jQuery):
EDIT : I just saw in your comment that you'd like to use a server-side event. This is a client-side solution.

If you use jQuery you could try something like this :
If you don't use jquery you should implement a javascript function on the onClick event, try something like :
<input type="button" name="button1" id="button1" onClick="javascript:deleteBackground()" />
function deleteBackground(){
Document.getElementById('div_element_id').style.backgroundImage = '';

if you defined a class
.yourclassname {
background: url('..');
you can also use the remove class function

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function SetClass() {
var ID = document.getElementById('<%=mainContainer.ClientID %>');
ID.className += " ChangeBackground";
return false;
<style type="text/css">
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 40px;
height: 500px;
background: url("wallpaper-1554220.jpg")no-repeat;
background: none !important;
<asp:Button ID="btn" OnClientClick="return SetClass();" runat="server" Text="Change CSS"/>


Is there a way to style elements based on flex-wrap state?

Quite straight forward, is there a way to know whether an element has been wrapped because of flex-wrap and therefore style it differently?
I would use javascript or jquery to achieve this.
My approach would be:
get the offsetTop of the element using :first-of-type selector.
use the each method of jquery to run through all elements and compare if offsetTop of $(this) is different of the offsetTop value you got on step1.
Provide some code if you need help developing it.
You can make the different class with styling that should be applied to that flex-wrap property. You can manage these classes by javascript. Please check the implementation of this approach as:
Here is the code where 2 classes are made, flex-wrap-blue which set flex-wrap to wrap and change color to blue and other class is flex-wrap-green which set flex-wrap to wrap-reverse and change color to green. I am managing these 2 classes by javascript as show the code below:
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button id="btn-wrap">Apply Wrap</button>
<button id="btn-wrap-reverse">Apply Wrap Reverse</button>
<br />
<div class="large-box">
<div class="small-box">One</div>
<div class="small-box">Two</div>
<div class="small-box">Three</div>
<div class="small-box">Four</div>
CSS Code:
.large-box {
border:1px solid #f00;
padding:1% 0 1% 0;
.small-box {
border:1px solid #f0f;
.flex-wrap-blue {
.flex-wrap-green {
Javascript Code:
function addClass(elem, className) {
if (!elem.classList.contains(className)) {
function removeClass(elem, className) {
if (elem.classList.contains(className)) {
const btnWrap = document.getElementById('btn-wrap');
const btnWrapReverse = document.getElementById('btn-wrap-reverse');
const box = document.getElementsByClassName('large-box')[0];
btnWrap.addEventListener('click', function(){
addClass(box, 'flex-wrap-blue');
removeClass(box, 'flex-wrap-green');
btnWrapReverse.addEventListener('click', function(){
addClass(box, 'flex-wrap-green');
removeClass(box, 'flex-wrap-blue');
You can find the code working at my Codepen.

CSS selected/active property

I have twelve <a href> links that lead to different categories. As a means of orientation for the user I would like to emphasise the very category (<a href>-button) that the user is in right now.
How can I achieve this in CSS? I read about selected and active, but I haven't been able to make it work yet.
This is one of the links/buttons:
<span class="category_item"></span><span class="category_description">Handy & Co.</span>
The corresponding CSS:
.category_item {
background:url(../img/category_item/ph.png) no-repeat;
width: 45px;
height: 45px;
margin-right: 11px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.category_item:hover {
.category_description {
position: absolute;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
margin-top: 43px;
margin-left: -62px;
z-index: 1;
opacity: 0;
Thank you in advance!
You can run some jquery code when you load the page that checks the link urls with the current page's url and setting a class on the links that match.
something like this:
<div id="categories">
<span class="category_description">Google</span>
<!-- jsfiddle code is apparently run on -->
<span class="category_description">JSFiddle</span>
$('#categories a').each(function (){
var link = $(this).attr('href');
if (window.location.href.indexOf(link) > -1) {
.currentCategory {
color: orange;
font-weight: bold;
To give a special class to an anchor when a user clicks you can use simple javascript and jQuery.
Give all the anchor's you want to be in the scope of this a class for instance:
<a class="nav-link" href=""> Google </a>
<a class="nav-link" href=""> Yahoo </a>
$(".nav-link").on("click", function() {
To make sure you only have one anchor with "active" class I would do the following:
$(".nav-link").on("click", function() {
There is no built-in way of knowing which link is the current one. The easiest way may be to use javascript to check the current URL by document.URL and add a CSS class to the link with an equal href attribute. Then, you may style this class in CSS.
CSS doesn't know what page you are on.
To do this you will have to change your HTML markup, for example: to add:
<a class="current-page" href="index.php?category=handy&location=&sort=" ...
on the relevant link which you can use to 'hook' an new CSS style onto:
.current-page { color: red; }
The alternative is to use Javascript to 'read' the URL and apply a style.
You could...
Simply add a unique classname to the body tag or (some element that wraps around the anchor tags). And then style your links accordingly. This option is quite easy if you have access to change the HTML in your pages:
<body class="category_handy">
<a href="..." class="category_handy">
<span class="category_item"></span>
<span class="category_description">Handy & Co.</span>
body.category_handy a.category_handy {
body.category_dandy a.category_dandy {
body.category_something a.category_something {
color: blue;
If you don't have access to directly edit each page, you may have to dynamically check the URL, and then add a classname (like "current") to the anchor tag who's href attribute matches.
Either way, the solution will not involve "css only".

Click event is not working in CSS

I am not able to get the click evet in CSS
My code is like this
<input name="btn" type="button" onclick="~/Default22.aspx" value="Home" class="classname" style="position:absolute; left: 286px; top: 160px; margin-bottom: 0px;"/>
and I have class="classname"
padding 0px 0px 0px 0px;
cursor: pointer;
background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom,color-stop(0.05, #77d42a), color-stop(5, #5cb811) );
background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #ffffff 60%, #c0C0C0 90% );
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (startColorstr='#77d42a',endColorstr='#5cb811');
The problem is when I click the button click event is not happening..not redirecting the page to Deafault22.aspx
I am working on framework
Please help me
An HTML input element will not redirect to a web page in the onclick attribute, because it does not know how to redirect via that attribute.
Use a server control, like this:
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" Text="Home" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Redirect here
Use JavaScript/jQuery to handle the click event and redirect, like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.classname').click(function() {
window.location = "Default22.aspx";
Try use onclick='"Default22.aspx");' instead of onclick="~/Default22.aspx"
Inline Script:
onclick='window.location.href ="Default22.aspx";'
javascript function:
function Redirect(){
window.location.href ="Default22.aspx";
<input name="btn" type="button" onclick="Redirect();" value="Home" class="classname" style="position:absolute; left: 286px; top: 160px; margin-bottom: 0px;"/>
$(function() {
$('.classname').click(function() {
window.location.href = "Default22.aspx";
OnClick attribute of any HTML control is meant to be used for JavaScript. You have confused it with HREF attribute of <a></a> element
Here is what you need to do:
onclick="window.location.href ='Default2.aspx';return true;"
Firstly, 'the click event in CSS' - not sure what you're talking about. You can't handle click events in CSS.
Secondly, that's not how the <input type="button"> works. onClick - the client-side event - is expecting some Javascript, not a URL.
Try this: -
onclick="window.location = '/Default22.aspx';"
Note that the ~ (tilde) is an ASP.NET-specific thing and not relevant to IIS; don't use it in a regular URL.
Hope that helps.
Direct onclick="~/Default22.aspx" will not work here as this is a input type button, have to add client side events like..
onclick="window.location.href ='Default22.aspx';return true;" for opening in the same window.
onclick="'Default22.aspx');", for opening the page in a tab.
Also you can created a javascript method and call that method inside the onClick and redirecting the page to Deafault22.aspx.

Using HTML data-attribute to set CSS background-image url

I plan on building a custom photo gallery for a friend and I know exactly how I am going to be producing the HTML, however I am running into a small issue with the CSS.(I would prefer to not have the page styling rely on jQuery if possible)
My question regards:
Data-Attribute in HTML
Background-image in CSS
I am using this format for my html thumbnails:
<div class="thumb" data-image-src="images/img.jpg"></div>
and I assume the CSS should look something like this:
.thumb {
background-position:center center;
border:1px solid black;
background-image: attr(data-image-src);/*This is the question piece*/
My goal is to take the data-image-src from the div.thumb in my HTML file and use it for each div.thumb(s) background-image source in my CSS file.
Here is a Codepen Pen in order to get a dynamic example of what I am looking for:
You will eventually be able to use
background-image: attr(data-image-src url);
but that is not implemented anywhere yet to my knowledge. In the above, url is an optional "type-or-unit" parameter to attr(). See
If you wanted to keep it with just HTML and CSS you can use CSS Variables.
Keep in mind, css variables aren't supported in IE.
<div class="thumb" style="--background: url('images/img.jpg')"></div>
.thumb {
background-image: var(--background);
It is not best practise to mix up content with style, but a solution could be
<div class="thumb" style="background-image: url('images/img.jpg')"></div>
You will need a little JavaScript for that:
var list = document.getElementsByClassName('thumb');
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var src = list[i].getAttribute('data-image-src');
list[i].style.backgroundImage="url('" + src + "')";
Wrap that in <script> tags at the bottom just before the </body> tag or wrap in a function that you call once the page loaded.
How about using some Sass? Here's what I did to achieve something like this (although note that you have to create a Sass list for each of the data-attributes).
Iterate over list and use "data-social" to put in the appropriate background-image.
$social: "fb", "twitter", "youtube";
#each $i in $social {
[data-social="#{$i}"] {
background: url('#{$image-path}/icons/#{$i}.svg') no-repeat 0 0;
background-size: cover; // Only seems to work if placed below background property
Essentially, you list all of your data attribute values. Then use Sass #each to iterate through and select all the data-attributes in the HTML. Then, bring in the iterator variable and have it match up to a filename.
Anyway, as I said, you have to list all of the values, then make sure that your filenames incorporate the values in your list.
<div class="thumb" data-image-src="img/image.png">
$( ".thumb" ).each(function() {
var attr = $(this).attr('data-image-src');
if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false) {
$(this).css('background', 'url('+attr+')');
Demo on JSFiddle
You could do this also with JavaScript.
For those who want a dumb down answer like me
Something like how to steps as 1, 2, 3
Here it is what I did
First create the HTML markup
<div class="thumb" data-image-src="images/img.jpg"></div>
Then before your ending body tag, add this script
I included the ending body on the code below as an example
So becareful when you copy
var list = document.getElementsByClassName('thumb');
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var src = list[i].getAttribute('data-image-src');
list[i].style.backgroundImage="url('" + src + "')";
Here is simple example using jQuery we can put the images in background
$('*[data-background-image]').each(function() {
'background-image': 'url(' + $(this).data('background-image') + ')'
width:100% ;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
<script src=""></script>
<div data-background-image=""> </div>
<div id="borderLoader" data-height="230px" data-color="lightgrey" data-
width="230px" data-image="https://fiverr-,q_auto,f_auto/attachments/profile/photo/a54f24b2ab6f377ea269863cbf556c12-619447411516923848661/913d6cc9-3d3c-4884-ac6e-4c2d58ee4d6a.jpg">
var dataValue, dataSet,key;
dataValue = document.getElementById('borderLoader');
//data set contains all the dataset that you are to style the shape;
dataSet ={
}; = dataSet.height; = dataSet.width; = "#f3f3f3 url("+dataSet.imageBg+") no-repeat

How to modify width of standart dialog form sharepoint 2010

Please, help me!
I need to modify width of standart dialog form for adding element into library.
If I click to ribbon button for adding element, form opened with width=402px:
<div class="ms-dlgContent" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dialogTitleSpan" tabindex="-1" style="z-index: 1505; display: block; width: 402px; height: 294px; left: 430px; top: 104px; "></div>
If I click to button under all elements of current library, form opened with width=1032px:
<div class="ms-dlgContent" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dialogTitleSpan" tabindex="-1" style="z-index: 1505; display: block; width: 1032px; height: 267px; left: 115px; top: 273px; "></div>
I can't understand, what I need to do for opening in the second case form with width=402px.
Maybe need enter some code in Upload.aspx? (this form generate automatically)
I guess, this page open for creating new element, because schema.xml for my list definition contain this code:
<Form Type="DisplayForm" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" Url="Forms/DispForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" Url="Forms/EditForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="Forms/Upload.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
But if modify this part of Upload.aspx (add .ms-dglContent class), it doesn't help me:
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderBodyAreaClass" runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
.ms-bodyareaframe {
padding: 8px;
border: none;
.ms-dglContent {
If I modify css files:
.ms-dglContent {width:402px!important;}
it modify all dialog forms, but in my case is unacceptable.
I would be grateful for any attempt to help!
Modal dialog div is place dynamically into DOM. If want to modify dialog dimensions try to find call like SP.UI.ModalDialog...
var dialogCallbackToMainSite = function (dialogResult, returnValue) {
if(returnValue == 'someValue') {
var option = {,
width: 800,
height: 600,
BTW if you need to vertical center dialog in situation when ribbon scroll with page and it´s static position is disable follow this solution
I'm not used to working in Sharepoint, but it seems to me that the function that triggers the dialog to be displayed is provided different values on measurement variables somehow, so yes, you probably need to change your code somewhere. Try searching your entire solution for "1032" - maybe that width measurement is assigned to a variable somewhere.
If you want both of the dialogs to look the same and can't find where they are given their measurements (though, I strongly recommend that you try that first), you could perhaps override the inline-styling by using !important, like so:
.ms-dglContent {width:402px!important;}
