I am implementing Google Analytics on my mobile web application, and I need to know
why are there two urls used:
Do I need them both? (I have a problem using https in this application).
Found the answer on Analytics Help:
The Google Analytics tracking code is now the same for both secure and non-secure websites. The new tracking code detects the protocol of the page being tracked and matches the security of your web page automatically. Pages with URLs beginning with http:// will download the non-secure version at http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js and pages with URLs beginning with https:// will load the secure version at https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js. No modification of the tracking code on secure pages is required.
I'm using SEOFrog on Wordpress to show the AMP version of the website. It works great, but there is one little problem, especially for affiliate websites such as Plus500 (with a very strict tracking).
When I'm visiting the AMP version of my website (for example: google.it/amp/www.mercati24.com/come-funziona-plus500/amp/?client=safari) and I click on one of the affiliate links of the broker Plus500, such as plus500.com/it/Marketing/Promotion1.aspx?id=11693&tags=Mercati24Post061213&pl=2 . The affiliation campaign shows an error, because the domain is not mercati24.com but google.it instead.
I don't think the broker will whitelist https://www.google.it/amp/www.mercati24.com/, so is there any way to fix this error by just changing the code on the website?
Thanks in advance,
Link to non-AMP page which will then redirect to affiliate link.
Referer will be your domain.
AMP pages are cached by Google; in fact - when you create an AMP version of your webpage - you make Google the owner of that page. As a result, when a user clicks on a link in an AMP page, the referer is google.com instead of your domain. This behaviour makes AMP pages not really suitable for tracking purposes, as they are always served from google.com; for such scenario’s (like tracking and affiliate programs) you need to serve pages from your own domain, not from Google’s AMP cache servers.
I started a website and everything's going very well. But on Analytics, I'm seeing a weird 404 URLs on the Behavior tab. I am using AdSense and nRelate to serve ads.
I am seeing these URL's in Google Analytics:
/404.html?page=/doubleclick/DARTIframe.html?gtVersion=200_41&mediaserver=http://s0.2mdn.net/879366&xpc={"cn":"peerIframe58527422","tp":null,"osh":null,"pru":"http://sdherald.com/doubleclick/DARTIframe.html?gtVersion=relay_200_41&mediaserver=http://s0.2mdn.net/879366","ppu":"http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/robots.txt","lpu":"http://sdherald.com/robots.txt"}&from=http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-8282582681724773&format=300x250&output=html&h=250&slotname=3724546046&adk=672603818&w=300&lmt=1404675131&flash=0&url=http://sdherald.com/life-hacks-vinegar/?f=f&dt=1404653529944&bpp=1184&shv=r20140630&cbv=r20140417&saldr=aa&prev_fmts=320x50,300x250_as&correlator=1404653530086&frm=20&ga_vid=1386066698.1404653530&ga_sid=1404653530&ga_hid=481051372&ga_fc=1&ga_wpids=UA-52432983-1&u_tz=-360&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=480&u_w=320&u_ah=460&u_aw=320&u_cd=32&u_nplug=1&u_nmime=34&dff=open sans&dfs=14&adx=10&ady=2614&biw=320&bih=372&eid=317150304&oid=3&ref=https://m.facebook.com&rx=0&eae=0&fc=3&vis=1&abl=CS&ppjl=d&fu=256&ifi=3&xpc=uwbOj59GAe&p=http://sdherald.com&dtd=1212
/404.html?page=/doubleclick/DARTIframe.html?gtVersion=200_41&mediaserver=http://s0.2mdn.net/879366&xpc={"cn":"peerIframe58527753","tp":null,"osh":null,"pru":"http://sdherald.com/doubleclick/DARTIframe.html?gtVersion=relay_200_41&mediaserver=http://s0.2mdn.net/879366","ppu":"http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/robots.txt","lpu":"http://sdherald.com/robots.txt"}&from=http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-8282582681724773&format=728x90&output=html&h=90&slotname=6318085641&adk=3863123026&w=728&lmt=1404672595&flash=0&url=http://sdherald.com/life-hacks-vinegar/?f=f&dt=1404654595455&bpp=24&shv=r20140630&cbv=r20140417&saldr=aa&correlator=1404654595852&frm=20&ga_vid=1756553763.1404654595&ga_sid=1404654595&ga_hid=1419792073&ga_fc=1&ga_wpids=UA-52432983-1&u_tz=-300&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=1024&u_w=768&u_ah=1024&u_aw=748&u_cd=32&u_nplug=1&u_nmime=34&dff=open sans&dfs=14&adx=148&ady=62&biw=1024&bih=704&eid=317150304&oid=3&ref=https://m.facebook.com&rx=0&eae=0&vis=1&abl=CS&ppjl=u&fu=256&ifi=1&xpc=GFXZzfrZT6&p=http://sdherald.com&dtd=424
I have no idea what these are and where they came from.. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Please help me.
The website URL is http://sdherald.com.
Thank you.
If you are getting 404 for DARTIframe.html, then you will probably want to get that file from Google and upload it to your server.
DoubleClick Rich Media iframe solution
To enable iframe access for DoubleClick Rich Media ads, a publisher
must put a special file on their domain that acts as a bridge between
the ad server domain and the publisher domain.
DoubleClick Rich Media requires that the publisher add the
DARTIframe.html file to a specific relative URL /doubleclick folder at
the root directory of the web service on their webservers. For
example, if your website is www.example.com, put the DARTIframe.html
file into www.example.com/doubleclick.
I am trying to add google analytics to a project that is located under a subdomain. The subdomain has been was pointed to my my project by the domain owner, so I do not have access to the domain itself.
When I add the tracking code the status (shown under Property > Tracking Info)
Status: Tracking Not Installed
Last checked: 04-Jan-2014 00:00:05 PST
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your
website's home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web
administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
Is there any way to verify the tracking code is installed on the subdomain without having to access the domain root?
Although the tracking status is uninstalled, I am getting activity in Standard Reports > Realtime.
Does this mean that it is working despite the status report?
Am I likely to get correct tracking information with this setup?
You do not need access to the root domain and if the realtime statistics track traffic then most likely your GA setup works correctly. Most likey you did not implement the code at the place in the source code where Google expects it (which usually works but is still flagged as an error in verification).
If you use Google Chrome as browser you can additionally use two nice extensions to verify that your setup is correct:
Google Tag Assistant - verifys various Google Tags without mch detail
Google Analytics Debugger - provides some detail which data is sent to google, which plugins (e.g. ecommerce) are loaded by the analytics code etc.
On my site I have feature for users, that they can embed video on their page with iframe. Now I'm tracking classic page view and iframe view same way. So my analytics stats are not correct. I wanna separate this tracking to know how much of visitors I have on page and how much of them on iframe. I'm using google analytics.
I'm looking forward what do you suggest.
BTW: I am using special url for embeded video but still on the same domain.
Since you've got a special URL for the embedded video, you could use filters to include or exclude that URL for a Google Analytics profile, and keep the same analytics code on every page.
I'd recommend:
Keeping one profile unfiltered, showing all traffic
One profile that filters out the iframe URL
One profile that only shows the iframe URL
More info about Google Analytics accounts & profiles
Can you add a simple GET-Parameter in your URLs? For example: http://www.website.com/video.flv?type=embedded
Unfortunately I don't know exactly, how Google Analytics handles same URLs with various GET-Parameter.
Other way is using a simple redirect script or htaccess rule.
I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics for android but where i can setup the account?
I have the option for only adding http or https wesites.
I use the UA number that i got from a fake url but i get no analytics.
Tracking Status: Tracking Not Installed (Last checked: 19-Jul-2010 11:35:21 )
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's homepage. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
The Google Analytics javascript runs when you load a page. You must have a Javascript snippet that actually notifies the Google Analytics server when a client visits the page. This snippet is available once you've set up a site in Google Analytics.
I'm not exactly clear what you mean by "where can I setup the account". It sounds like you've found it.
Edit: For the Mobile version (non website) there's info here:
From that page:
Before you begin using the SDK, you
must first create a free account at
www.google.com/analytics and create a
new website profile in that account
using a fake but descriptive website
URL (e.g.
Once you create the profile, write
down or keep a copy of the web
property ID that is generated for the
newly-created profile.
To uninstall the Google Analytic Mod from your Zen Cart follow these steps http://surreystore.com/Forums/joomla-help/uninstall-google-analytics-by-andrew/
Perhaps here, where it says "Sign up now"? I'm not 100% sure, and am not a user of analytics, but that seemed likely to me. Also see here for a getting started guide.