MSP430 not able to handle double - msp430

I am trying to program a MSP430 with a simple "FIR filter" program, that looks like the following:
#include "msp430x22x4.h"
#include "legacymsp430.h"
#define TimerA_counter_value 12000 // 12000 counts/s -> 12000 counts ~ 1 Hz
int i;
double x[FILTER_LENGTH+1] = {0,0,0,0,0};
double y = 0;
double b[FILTER_LENGTH+1] = {0.0338, 0.2401, 0.4521, 0.2401, 0.0338};
signed char floor_and_convert(double y);
void setup(void)
/* Setup Port 3 */
P3SEL |= BIT4 + BIT5; // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD
P3DIR |= BIT4; // P3.4 output direction
/* UART */
UCA0BR0 = 0x41; // 9600 baud from 8Mhz
UCA0BR1 = 0x3;
UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // **Initialize USCI state machine**
IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; // Enable USCI_A0 RX interrupt
/* Setup TimerA */
BCSCTL3 |= LFXT1S_2; // LFXT1S_2: Mode 2 for LFXT1 = VLO
// VLO provides a typical frequency of 12kHz
TACCTL0 = CCIE; // TACCR0 Capture/compare interrupt enable
TACCR0 = TimerA_counter_value; // Timer A Capture/Compare 0: -> 25 Hz
TACTL = TASSEL_1; // TASSEL_1: Timer A clock source select: 1 - ACLK
TACTL |= MC_1; // Start Timer_A in up mode
void main(void) // Beginning of program
setup(); // Call Function setup (see above)
_BIS_SR(LPM3_bits); // Enter LPM0
/* USCIA interrupt service routine */
/*#pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR;*/
/*__interrupt void USCI0RX_ISR(void)*/
interrupt (USCIAB0RX_VECTOR) USCI0RX_ISR(void)
TACTL |= MC_1; // Start Timer_A in up mode
x[0] = (double)((signed char)UCA0RXBUF); // Read received sample and perform type casts
y = 0;
for(i = 0;i <= FILTER_LENGTH;i++) // Run FIR filter for each received sample
y += b[i]*x[i];
for(i = FILTER_LENGTH-1;i >= 0;i--) // Roll x array in order to hold old sample inputs
x[i+1] = x[i];
while (!(IFG2&UCA0TXIFG)); // Wait until USART0 TX buffer is ready?
UCA0TXBUF = (signed char) y;
TACTL |= TACLR; // Clear TimerA (prevent interrupt during receive)
/* Timer A interrupt service routine */
/*#pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR;*/
/*__interrupt void TimerA_ISR (void)*/
interrupt (TIMERA0_VECTOR) TimerA_ISR(void)
for(i = 0;i <= FILTER_LENGTH;i++) // Clear x array if no data has arrived after 1 sec
x[i] = 0;
TACTL &= ~MC_1; // Stops TimerA
The program interacts with a MatLab code, that sends 200 doubles to the MSP, for processing in the FIR filter. My problem is, that the MSP is not able to deal with the doubles.
I am using the MSPGCC to compile the code. When I send a int to the MSP it will respond be sending a int back again.

Your problem looks like it is in the way that the data is being sent to the MSP.
The communications from MATLAB is, according to your code, a sequence of 4 binary byte values that you then take from the serial port and cast it straight to a double. The value coming in will have a range -128 to +127.
If your source data is any other data size then your program will be broken. If your data source is providing binary "double" data then each value may be 4 or 8 bytes long depending upon its internal data representation. Sending one of these values over the serial port will be interpreted by the MSP as a full set of 4 input samples, resulting in absolute garbage for a set of answers.
The really big question is WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING THIS IN FLOATING POINT - on a 16 bit integer processor that (many versions) have integer multiplier hardware.

As Ian said, You're taking an 8bit value (UCA0RXBUF is only 8 bits wide anyway) and expecting to get a 32bit or 64 bit value out of it.
In order to get a proper sample you would need to read UCA0RXBUF multiple times and then concatenate each 8 bit value into 32/64 bits which you then would cast to a double.
Like Ian I would also question the wisdom of doing floating point math in a Low power embedded microcontroller. This type of task is much better suited to a DSP.
At least you should use fixed point math, seewikipedia (even in a DSP you would use fixed point arithmetic).

Hmm. Actually the code is made of my teacher, I'm just trying to make it work on my Mac, and not in AIR :-)
MATLAB code is like this:
function FilterTest(comport)
Fs = 100; % Sampling Frequency
Ts = 1/Fs; % Sampling Periode
L = 200; % Number of samples
N = 4; % Filter order
Fcut = 5; % Cut-off frequency
B = fir1(N,Fcut/(Fs/2)) % Filter coefficients in length N+1 vector B
t = [0:L-1]*Ts; % time array
A_m = 80; % Amplitude of main component
F_m = 5; % Frequency of main component
P_m = 80; % Phase of main component
y_m = A_m*sin(2*pi*F_m*t - P_m*(pi/180));
A_s = 40; % Amplitude of secondary component
F_s = 40; % Frequency of secondary component
P_s = 20; % Phase of secondary component
y_s = A_s*sin(2*pi*F_s*t - P_s*(pi/180));
y = round(y_m + y_s); % sum of main and secondary components (rounded to integers)
y_filt = round(filter(B,1,y)); % filtered data (rounded to integers)
Serial_port_object = serial(comport); % create Serial port object
set(Serial_port_object,'InputBufferSize',L) % set InputBufferSize to length of data
set(Serial_port_object,'OutputBufferSize',L) % set OutputBufferSize to length of data
fopen(Serial_port_object) % open Com Port
fwrite(Serial_port_object,y,'int8'); % send out data
data = fread(Serial_port_object,L,'int8'); % read back data
fclose(Serial_port_object) % close Com Port
hold off
hold on
legend('y','y filt (PC)','y filt (PC)','y filt (muP)')
hold off
hold on
ylabel('muP - PC')

It is also not advised to keep interrupt routines doing long processing routines, because you will impact on interrupt latency. Bytes comming from the PC can get easily lost, because of buffer overrun on the serial port.
The best is to build a FIFO buffer holding a resonable number of input values. The USCI routine fills the FIFO while the main program keeps looking for data inside it and process them as they are available.
This way, while the data is being processed, the USCI can interrupt to handle new incomming bytes.
When the FIFO is empty, you can put the main process in a suitable LPM mode to conserve power (and this is the best MSP430 feature). The USCI routine will wake the CPU up when a data is ready (just put the WAKEUP attribute in the USCI handler if you are using MSPGCC).
In such a scenario be sure to declare volatile every variable that are shared between interrupt routines and the main process.


How to control the speed of a stepper motor using PID control and ultrasonic sensor?

Little backstory:
I'm currently doing this project that deals with using two cars, called block A and B, which block B has to maintain a distance of 10 cm from block A using PID, PD, PI, or P. I'm using a PID. Block B uses an Arduino whereas Block A is controlled by the user by hand. Block B uses a unipolar stepper motor as the actuator and an ultrasonic sensor to sense the distance. My professor wants the motor to move in both directions and have varying speeds (slow, medium, and fast). I'm using brett's PID since I have used it before in my previous labs.
I have an issue with how to create varying speeds for block B like intuitively I know that I want the B should move for example, fast if the car is greater than 20 cm, medium if the car is between 20cm and 14cm, and slow if it's between 14cm and 10cm. But I just can't use the input value retrieved from the sensor directly to control the motor as it would make it an open system. So I used the error retrieved from Brett's PID code to control the stepper motor. So far, I have gotten the directions to work by setting the myPID.SetOutputLimits(-800,800);. But as it tried to use the error to control the speed it would be impossible because the error always fluctuates at a specific distance. For example at 12cm, I would get either 800 or around 300. I'm currently confused about how to implement control of the speed of my stepper motor through PID and any help regarding this issue will be appreciated.
Code was through Arduino IDE.
#include "SR04.h"
#include <Stepper.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
#define TRIG_PIN 7
#define ECHO_PIN 6
//intialization of Ultrasonic sensor
SR04 sr04 = SR04(ECHO_PIN,TRIG_PIN);
long s;
//intializing motor variables
int stepsPerRevolution = 2048;
int motorSpeed = 6;
Stepper myStepper (stepsPerRevolution, 8, 10, 9, 11);
//Declared PID variables
double Setpoint = 10; //desired temp value
double Input; //thermsitor
double Output; //DC motor
double Error;
//defined variables for PID parameters
double Kp=100, Ki=10, Kd=1;
//PID equation
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Kd, Ki, REVERSE);
void setup(){
//setting PID
//speed intialized
void loop(){
Input = s;
Error = Input - Setpoint;
Error = Output;
//Away from Block B
if (0<Error<800){
} //slow speed
if (Error>=800){
} //fast speed
//Towards Block B
if (-800<Error<0) {
} //slow speed
if (Error<=-800) {
}//Fast speed
What you need to do is calcuulate how much you need to change your current speed to minimize the error in distance.
Your calculation for error is not in the right place.
void loop()
long s=sr04.Distance();
Input = s; // using global variables to pass values to your PID
// is not a good idea. Use function parameters instead.
// You are storing a 32 bit value in a 16 bit variable!!!
// That's only the start of your problems.
Error = Input - Setpoint; //
Since we're starting with a major design flaw, I'll have to assume you'll fix that and change your PID code to accept and compute long integers both as input value as a function parameter, and as the type of its return value..
What you want to do is compute the PID from the error in distance from your set point, and then modulate the current speed accordingly. PIDs work best when used directly, using 7 speeds (1 stopped, 3 forward/3 backwards) is possible, but I don't think it'll give better results, I'll leave the exercise to you.
I haven't tried this, I don't have any cars on hand. This is a skeletoon of how I'd go about it. Tuning the PID should be what takes you the longest.
// speeds are in RPMs.
long curSpeed = 0;
const long MAX_SPEED = XXX; // whatever you max speed is for your car.
const long MIN_NEG_SPEED = -XXX; // whatever you max speed is for your car going reverse.
const long MIN_SPEED = XXX; // below this absolute speed, we're stopped.
const int SLICE_TIME = 10; // time between readings and adjustments, in ms.
// you'll need to adjust this according to you minimum speed, and steps per turn.
const long STEPS_PER_TURN = 200; // change to whatever you steps/turn value is.
// you'll need to limit the output of your PID to match the acceleration your
// motors can handle for your particular car.
// returns the number of steps to run for our slice time.
long Steps(int speed)
if (-MIN_SPEED <= speed && speed <= MIN_SPEED)
return 0;
// compute number of steps for our slice time.
// choose slice time and minimum speed wisely!!
long steps = (SLICE_TIME * (speed * STEPS_PER_TURN)) / (60000L);
// for very low speeds. I've added this, because I'm unsure of the
// time domain behaviour of stepper library with less than 2 steps
if (-1 <= steps && steps <= 1)
if (speed < 0)
return -2;
return 2;
return int(steps);
void loop()
// You may want to filter the sr04 readings with a median of 5
// filter to limit input noise.
// You want to keep the car at a distance of 'set_point'
// from the leading car. distance_error is the error you want to
// minimize to zero by using the PID, and that's what should be
// the PID input.
// The way this works. We are rolling at speed curSpeed, we
// measure the error in distance from our set_point, feed that
// to the PID, then accelerate or decelerate by subtracting
// the output of the PID from the current speed.
// Note: you can add or subtract the PID to/from the current speed,
// the sign of the PID depends on you coefficients and sensor.
// I've used subtraction here because that's how you express
// negative feedback mathematically. In real life, we'll use what
// best fits our needs. Usually it's the operation that makes P
// positive.
long distance_error = sr04.Distance() - setPoint;
long pid_out = myPID.Compute(distance_error);
// increment or decrement the current speed to try and reduce the error.
long speed = curSpeed - pid_out; // As usual, PID coefficients do matter
// for this to work well.
if (speed > MAX_SPEED)
speed = MAX_SPEED;
if (speed < MIN_NEG_SPEED)
speed = MIN_NEG_SPEED;
curSpeed = speed;
if (speed < 0)
speed = -speed;
myStepper.setSpeed(speed); // modulate speed
int steps = Steps(curSpeed);
if (steps)
myStepper.step(steps); // keep rolling.
I haven't tried to compile it either, so this may not compile as is. But most of the tricks and traps are covered, and this should give you a head start, if you want to go the PID route. But I think your professor will really wonder where that one came from :) Still, you should try and make it run, for fun.
The other way, without a PID, and using set speeds is much more straightforward. It may also be closer to what the is required by the exercise. The distance between cars will vary a bit more, of course. And it does not use a PID at all.
const int MAX_SPEED = 3;
int speed = 0; // value range is [-MAX_SPEED, +MAX_SPEED]
long RPMS[MAX_SPEED + 1] = { 0, 200, 400, 800 }; // in RPMs, assuming average speed will be around 400, in this case.
// For 3 speeds, the difference between speeds cannot be higher than max acceleration.
// You can add as many speeds as desired. More speeds = more precision.
const long STEPS_PER_TURN = 200; // change to whatever you steps/turn value is. MUST be 200 or more.
const int STEPS = STEPS_PER_TURN / 100; // 3.6° between speed adjustment.
// it is very small right now, so
// you will want to play with this value.
// this threshold gives some control over aceleration.
// and 'hardness' of distance tracking.
const long THRESHOLD = 0;
void loop()
// get the error in distance.
long distance_error = sr04.Distance() - setPoint;
// modulate speed.
if (distance_error > THRESHOLD)
if (distance_error < -THRESHOLD)
if (speed > MAX_SPEED)
speed = MAX_SPEED;
if (speed < -MAX_SPEED)
speed = -MAX_SPEED;
long rpm = RPMS[(speed < 0) : -speed : speed];
if (rpm)
myStepper.setSpeed((speed < 0) ? -STEPS : STEPS)
For this code, you must choose speeds and STEPS value that will give you an acceleration without misssed steps.

Arduino - sending large amount of data over Serial

I am trying to build a simple FLASH memory programmer (for 39SF020A) using my arduino mega. I wrote the C code and Python script to send the data over (And it all works as expected).
I need to transfer about 32k of hexadecimal data, but with my settings only 10k of data took about 4 minutes (115200 BAUD), which i found unnecessary long. Currently, i am sending over serial (from Python) my value with a terminator (i chose '$'), so for exmple '3F$'. adresses are calulated on the arduino, so no need to send them.
In my arduino code, i have
String received_string = Serial.readStringUntil('$');
and after programming every byte to teh FLASH using arduino, it sends back a '\n' to let the Python know, that it is ready to receive next byte (the python is waiting for receiving a 'line' and then continues). I am not really sure if this is a way to do it, if sending only one byte at the time is good idea and if not, how many and how do i parse them on the arduino? Is the feedback loop useful?
Python Code:
('file' contains all data)
for item in file[1:]:
ser.write((item + "$").encode("ascii"))
line = ser.readline()
i += 1
if i >= top:
elif (i % 100) == 0:
Arduino code (just part of it)
if (Serial.available() > 0){
String received_string = Serial.readStringUntil('$');
void programData(char data_in, unsigned long adress)
writeByte(0xAA, 0x5555);
writeByte(0x55, 0x2AAA);
writeByte(0xA0, 0x5555);
writeByte(data_in, adress);
Serial.print("\n"); // Feedback for Python
delayMicroseconds(30); // Just to be on the safe side
void writeByte(char data_in, unsigned long adress)
// Sets data BUS to input or output
void setDataAs(char dir){
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data_size ;i++) pinMode(data[i],dir);
// Sets data to specific values
void setData(char data_i){
for (int i = 0; i < data_size;i++) { digitalWrite(data[i],bitRead(data_i,i)); }
void setAdress(long adr){
// Set all adresses
for (int i = 0; i < adresses_size;i++)

“Read Analog Voltage” sample rate

I want to make sure my code looks like working, since I don't have a lot of time with a signal generator tomorrow and I want to know how to set the sample rate.
I want to sample a 2kHz signal with a samplerate of 6kHz with a Arduino MEGA 2560.
It, doesn't have to be in real time, so i'm thinking of filling a buffer and then sending those over the serial connection.
Can anyone say if this code defenitly wouldn't work for this?
And how could i set the samplerate to 6kHz?
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int x = 0; x < 1000; x++){
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue[x] = analogRead(A0);
for( x = 0; x < 1000; x++){
// Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 - 5V):
float voltage[x] = sensorValue[x] * (5.0 / 1023.0);
// print out the value you read:
Thank you.
Well, as I've mentioned in another thread, you can use auto triggering mode of ADC (for UNO and ATMega328p based Arduinos):
void setup() {
// ADC setup is done by arduino framework, but it's possible to change it slightly (for ATMega328) :
ADCSRB = _BV(ADTS2) | _BV(ADTS1) | _BV(ADTS0); // ADTS2..0 = 111, Timer 1 input capture event trigger source
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADATE); // enable auto trigger mode
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADIF); // reset conversion end flag (= interrupt flag)
// timer 1 setting:
TCCR1A = 0; // clear all
ICR1 = F_CPU/6000U; // 1 should be substracted here but result is about 2665.7 and it will be truncated to 2665
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM12) | _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10); // CTC mode with ICR1 as TOP value, enabled with no prescaling
TIMSK1 = _BV(ICF1); // not working without this... Flag must be cleaned up after the trigger ADC, otherwise it's stucked
analogRead(A0); // dummy read to set correct channel and to start auto trigger mode
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (ADCSRA & _BV(ADIF)) {
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADIF); // reset flag by writing logic 1
ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { // to clear flag
PINB = _BV(PB5); // and toggle d13 so frequency can be measured (it'd be half of real rate)
// it might be enabled on PWM pin too by setting force output compare and some compare register to half of value ICR1
This sketch uses baud rate 250000 but it's still too slow. The space character can be used as an separator, this'll save one character (as new line are usually two characters: \r\n). One value can be 1 to 4 characters long so for values:
0-9 - 3B you need baud rate 3*10*6000 = 180000
10-99 - 4B and you need baud rate 240000
and for the rest of cases you're too slow.
So the only way is sending those integers binary and without separator it'd be even better. The 2B per value results into minimal baud rate around 120000 baud/s.

generate arbitrary PWM signal using ATMEGA128

I am well familiar with PWM generation in Atmega128 and its family microcontrollers. I have been using prescalar and other registers for generating frequency. But I have to generate 20KHz pwm signal. I tried but I could not get the desired output. Can anyone suggest me or help me how to do it ?
As far as I know, in atmega128, 1 instruction takes 1 cycle. Using 16MHz crystal, 1 instruction completes in 1/16M sec.
I tried to generate 20Khz signal (50 us)with 25us duty cycle. But I get different frequency (277.78 Hz) in oscilloscope which is far less than 20KHz
My calculation was
16MH = 20000Hz * 800.
for 0-399 count, I made port high and
399-799 count, I made port low.
void frequency(void){ // 20kHz Frequency
if (cnt1 <= 399){
PORTB |= (1<<7);
} else {
PORTB &= ~(1<<7);
if (cnt1 >= 800) cnt1 = 0;
I don't have access to the 128 but verified its 16-bit Timer 1 is similar to that in the 328 and 32U4 so the following should work with minor modification (the main sticking point is probably looking up what pin the overflow register is bound to):
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
struct CTC1
static void setup()
// CTC mode with TOP-OCR1A
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM12);
// toggle channel A on compare match
TCCR1A = (TCCR1A & ~(_BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1A0))) | _BV(COM1A0);
// set channel A bound pin PB1 to output mode
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
DDRB |= _BV(5);
DDRB |= _BV(1);
static void set_freq(float f)
static const float f1 = min_freq(1), f8 = min_freq(8), f64 = min_freq(64), f256 = min_freq(256);
uint16_t n;
if (f >= f1) n = 1;
else if (f >= f8) n = 8;
else if (f >= f64) n = 64;
else if (f >= f256) n = 256;
else n = 1024;
OCR1A = static_cast<uint16_t>(round(F_CPU / (2 * n * f) - 1));
static void prescale(uint16_t n)
uint8_t bits = 0;
switch (n)
case 1: bits = _BV(CS10); break;
case 8: bits = _BV(CS11); break;
case 64: bits = _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10); break;
case 256: bits = _BV(CS12); break;
case 1024: bits = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); break;
default: bits = 0;
TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & ~(_BV(CS12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10))) | bits;
static inline float min_freq(uint16_t n)
return ceil(F_CPU / (2 * n * 65536));
void setup()
void loop()
// do whatever
int main()
for (;;)
I tested on my scope and measure exactly 20kHz off a 328p running at 16MHz. If 20kHz is the only frequency you need then you can simplify this substantially. Translating the code to use one of the 8-bit timers is also straightforward though I haven't verified that it's possible to hit exactly 20kHz with those.
It's not a good idea to use counter in C to implement the PWM or anything time critical really. Although C converts your code to specific machine code, you don't really know how much time it will take.
Your code does not translate to:
make port B high 400 times (PORTB |= (1<<7);)
make port B low 400 times (PORTB &= ~(1<<7);)
, but rather something like this (simplification, human-readable):
load variable cnt1 to memA;
load 399 to memB
compare mem A to memB
put result to memC
if memC eq "somthing indicating <=" do PORTB |= (1<<7);
if memC something else do PORTB &= ~(1<<7);
load cnt1 to memD and increment;
write memD to cnt1;
load 800 to memE
load cnt1 to memF
compare memF to memE
put result to memG
if memG eq "somthing indicating <=" do memF = 0, write memF to cnt1;
if memG something else go to start;
If you look at this from "C" point of view you need to do at least:
1. comare cnt1-399
2. if ok - do / else
3. port high / port low
4. add one to cnt1
5. compare cnt1 and 800
It then depends on you compiler how good it is at optimizing all the loads and writes (usually quite good).
You can have control on what the delays will be if you really know your compiler and don't use to much optimization (it is usually to complex to follow) or by writing the code in assembler. But then you will have to use logic similar to my explanation of the machine code (assembler is close to human-readable machine code).
I think the solution for you are timer interrupts. There's a good tutorial for atmega128 this here.
Also what do you mean with:
I tried to generate 20Khz signal (50 us)with 25us duty cycle.
Do you mean 20kHz signal with 50% duty cycle? so 25us low, 25 us high?
If this is the case you can do this with one timer interrupt and one (binary) counter.
Exactly the "8 bit timer example" you can read about in the provided link.

Correct Way of using USART on PIC 16

I am trying to recieve 1 character using the USART feature on PIC 16.
Both the transmitter and receiver are both PIC 16s.
Can i check if the way to call the receive function is correct conceptually
char tmp;
CREN = 0;
CREN = 1;
tmp = RCREG;
tmp = RCREG;
tmp = RCREG;
CREN = 0;
Many thanks in advance!
You must first initiate the UART.
Load into SPBRG register proper
number depend on your baud
rate and CPU clock frequency
(check datasheet).
Set BRGH bit in register TXSTA depend on desired baud rate generator (check datasheet).
Set bits in RCSTA register depend on data length and so on (check datasheet). Enable CREN bit in RCSTA register.
Wait on PIR1.RCIF == 1 bit which indicate that buffer receiver is full (only one byte).
