QRCode which contains an image and text? - qr-code

Is it possible that the data of a QRCode could contain an image and text? I am not talking about an image placed on top of the QRCode, but when you scan the QRCode that it would contain the data of an image to display along with some text?
Basically when I scan my QRCode, I would like for it to show my photo name and phone number. I am pretty sure that standard QRCode readers wouldnt be able to read the data so I am sure that I would also need a custom QRCode reader.

Not really. The maximum amount of data you can store in a QR code is ~4KB. That's not really enough for any image files.

Yes, it can be possible by compressing an image to near about 1.5kb and then convert it into BASE64 format by following whatever you text want to place into QR code.However, you might require more than 10mp camera to fetch information from QR Code.This is the example of Qr Code with image and text.


Expand QR Code in Adobe Experience Manager

I am a newbie to adobe Experience Manager (AEM)V6.2 and we are implementing QR code. I am able to generate QR code using the option Menu--> Insert --> Barcodes --> QR Code.
I need the QR code generated at the specific size(1.75in) but the generated QR code doesn't expand with mouse drag on the layout.
I had attached the image from the designer tool. I just want to get rid of some white space around QR code and expand it to the frame.
From some google references, i tried to modify the xml source in the below line
field name="QR_CODE_DATA" y="107.4mm" x="148.65mm" w="63.5mm"
h="63.5mm" access="readOnly">
barcode type="QRCode" dataLength="50" moduleWidth="0.0167in"
On any change in moduleWidth and moduleHeight, QR getting messed up
Can anyone help on how the size of the code can be modified? Thanks in advance.
Finally figured it out. There is a ratio between the outer frame and QR code which must be maintained. If not, the Designer tool preview may show us the output but not in the real time.

How to QR-scan image from gallery or Base64 data?

As the question indicates, how can I take a image into account and scan it using QR scanner, Image is received form backend, practically i can return the image in any format to my app, So i thought i will send the image in base64, But question arises, is how to covert that image in any way to make it possible to QR scan it,
So i break down it into two parts,
Saving the received image.
Taking that image and QR scan it.
Searched a lot but all the libraries are pointing towards scanning the QR using camera.
How can I achieve this two parts, Basically am asking for suggestions,
Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Qr code can't identify

I have a picture qr code, want to long press to identify this qr code picture, but can't identify, excuse me what reason, is the qr code picture is there a problem?
if your trying to say you cant decode the QRcode then heres your solution.
if your trying to say somthing else then im sorry for my off topic solution
as Burhan Khalid said the code is valid, but your your code is missing a border.
the border (or quiet zone) helps separate the QRcode from your content.
heres my test
im going to use https://webqr.com/index.html for decoding.
i uploaded it to the web site and it didn't decode.
i then opened it in gimp and gave it a border of 25 pixels, i then saved and uploaded the new code to the website and it decoded successfully
heres your qr code with 25px quiet zone,
heres the structure of a QRcode
Source the wikipedia article on QR codes, subsection Standards

Image represented by text - what is it called?

I've seen in some sample code and other places what appears to be just a bunch of random text, but is rendered as an image.
For example:
background-image: url();
...which creates a checkbox.
What I'm wondering is, what is it called when you represent an image as text like this? I ask because I want to look for image editors that will do this for me (or see if my current editor has this type of export) and I don't know what to search for.
It's encrypted in BASE64, you can do it HERE
It's all in the code ;)
This is a Base64 encoded data-URI.
Try it here: http://www.base64-image.de/

How to translate the text on a picture with google?

I'm not sure if this is the correct part of SE to ask this question but here it goes.
If I would encounter a picture file with unknown text, I could take another picture of it and get it translated with my phone by using Google Goggles, but how would I be able to translate it on my computer? I tried entering the picture link to Google translate, but it said it wasn't able to open the file.
This isn't about a programming problem, so your question is probably in the wrong section.
However, what you're looking for is an OCR service. Use it to extract the text from the image first, then translate it.
The problem to extract the text from a picture is referred as "Scene Text Recognition" in computer vision. If the image is a picture of a pdf/document, the text can be extracted using OCR with quite good accuracy.
But if the text is present in a picture (like picture of a traffic board), the OCR may not always work. In this case you can use some computer vision APIs provided online, for eg:
You can use the Google Vision API and paste the image link in the "Try It" section to extract out the text.
