font-family (CSS) - css

I'm working on a website for a client, and I would like to customize the font a little.
On this website:
There are several topics in the navigation menu, like: menu, locations, nutrition, email club, etc.
That is the font I want.
All I could find when inspecting page source was:
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
But this does not give the desired effect.
How can I get the font as is on the website above?
Also: I did try font-family:cursive, but this does not give me the desired result either.
I'm also trying to avoid using CSS3 in case of older browsers. If it is the only way, though, then I can use the font-face easily enough.

What you see in that navigation menu is not a font, but an image. If you don't want to use straight-up images, Google "font replacement" and you will find material that discusses how to replace "plain" text in your webpage with something more elaborate (for example, see this).


Installed font from Google looks different than font gained through their API?

I'm going mad with an issue and I wonder if anyone can help. I'm currently using to see what different style of fonts look like together. This website simply loads fonts in from Google Fonts and displays them onscreen.
Now I choose a font, think it looks ok, and head over to Google and download it. I then paste that font into my local font directory so I can see what it looks like locally, and add it's name in my css like so:
font: 100%/1.6 "Font name here";
color: #bbb;
font-weight: 400; (for example)
Problem is when I look at it in the same browser as I did the Font Combinator, it looks rougher and more jagged. No settings have been changed. The font on both sites is 16px. For reference I am using Windows XP with cleartype turned off (I don't like it).
Now if I link to Google Fonts directly through my website, then it displays the same as on the Font Combinator. I don't understand how installing the same font that Google uses produces a different result? Ideally I would like to host the font on my website myself, but can't see a way around this? Am I doing something wrong, or is there something I've missed? Thanks!
For reference I am using the following reset:
html,body,etc.... {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
list-style-type: none;
font-size: 100%;
Edit: #Fontface code that I've used, that does seem to look the same!
#font-face {
font-family: 'Molengo';
src: url('./fonts/Molengo-Regular.ttf')
(just picked this font as an example)
I had same problem and it's a mess and hard to solve. The main problem is that the font you've downloaded is not actually the "same" that google webfonts provides.
The font family is the same, but Google can provide it in different formats. The font that you've installed on your system is probably a .ttf file, that's a truetype font and Windows can use it. But, if you look the css that Google serves you when you includes a font, it's something like this:
For this:
you get this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Open Sans';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: local('Open Sans'), local('OpenSans'), url( format('woff');
As you can see, if there is no local matching, it requests the font BUT in woff format, it's the same font but in another font format. In fact, I've done this example using chrome, but the css that google provides choose the best font format depending on browser and SO that made the request.
That's the reason why you see same font family rendering so different, the local one is .ttf, the another could be woff, svg (I think for IE), and there is other posibilities. And same font on different formats looks different, sometimes too much different.
I think the best choice is to create that css by yourself, not asking it to Google, and remove the local part, but it's important to add the other formats, other way it will not work on all supported browser.
This is potentially a duplicate of this question but this was my answer to that:
Fonts render differently based on:
Screen/Monitor resolution
Operating System
Size of use and hinting
Without seeing your code the only things I can recommend are:
Making sure you are using decent reset css (something like this:
Try adding font-weight: normal; to fonts to see if this makes a difference; sometimes browsers and frameworks try adding a fake bold to things.
Assuring you are using the actual versions of the fonts and not just applying CSS styles.
If all else fails then try bumping the font-size up/down a small amount and see if the font hints better at these sizes.
Some people also recommend not using the #import or direct link from google. Perhaps try downloading the file and using #font-face in your css.
Hope this helps!
If you’re hosting the font yourself — double check the #font-face call. Make sure you are calling all versions possible of the typeface. Also, Some browsers prefer certain formats being called earlier.

Squished Text On Website

I am using a google web font on a site and am getting some users reporting very squished unreadable text throughout the entire site. I am unable to see this any browser or computer I use, so I am not sure what could be causing this.
Here is a screenshot of the issue:
Any suggestions to fix this would be great. Thanks!
Here is the url to site:
i would guess your website is not responsive and u have done some html/css changes to your website so its causing it like that. y dont u try accessing the source through chrome element inspector and then play with the code maybe u'll find ur answer there. else send the site link so we could check it up, if thats possible though..
If anyone is having the same issue... From google fonts, I was getting the 'Droid Serif' font, but in my css I was using:
font-family: 'Droid', arial, verdana;
So, since droid did not exist anywhere, the text on the site would look like the screenshot above for a very small amount of people (for whatever reason). To fix it for those people, I just had to change it to:
font-family: 'Droid Serif', arial, verdana;

Diacritics thicker than rest of the letters

I'm using Open Sans font from Google Fonts on one of my page, and altho I'm using almost the same style regarding the font as Google does, my diacritics are somewhat thicker than the rest of the letters:
(you can see the live version at
The only difference in my CSS is the way I declare the font family:
font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
But it will look the same even if I leave only Open Sans in the declaration.
I've placed the same text in Google Fonts page above (using inspect element in Chrome) and the text is rendered correctly on their side, so I know the font is ok.
Any idea what am I doing wrong ?
Using Chrome 27 / Firefox 22 on MacOS X 10.8.4
Google will use any sub-set of the font it wants. Did you make sure to check the correct boxes when you got the code for it?
When I append <link href=',600,700,800,300&subse‌​t=latin,cyrillic-ext,cyrillic,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>to your <head>, all the characters look correct.
Just make sure to check whichever sub-sets you need so you don't get unnecessarily large files.

Change font-family of open website

Is it possible to change the current font-family of a web site to a different one programmatically?
For example, the Google's search box (HTML input element where you type your search query)..
I want to change it's default font-family, which i believed is Arial or Sans Serif, to Windings. (or any font that is not readable by a human's eye)
Guys, any ideas here? btw, the prefered browser is internet explorer.
I believe you want to do it in your own website not someone else's (like google).
In you CSS you can do it like
font-family: Calibri;
The * will set font for all your website.
If you want to do it in someone else's website I don't think its possible.

Google web font displaying strangely at certain pixel sizes on Chrome/Mac

I'm using the Google Web font "Buenard" and having a difficult time getting it to display on Chrome. I know there are issues with font rendering and hinting across the various browers, but this is something else altogether. Instead of the intended font, Chrome is displaying some other dingbat font on my system. It looks great in Safari.
I can't share a link, because the site in question is behind a protected login. However, check out this screenshot to see what I'm looking at:
In the CSS, I am using a font stack of '"Buenard", Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;' I tried also just using '"Buenard", serif;' No effect.
Any ideas?
Instead of using stylesheets to attach the font just search the web for your desired font and download it and attach it like so:
#font-face {
font-family: buenard;
src: url('buenard.ttf');
After that you can use it just like a normal CSS declaration:
font-family: buenard; /* no .ttf */
