Qt drawImage is grainy when painter rotated - qt

I have a transparent PNG file that draws fine when you use a simple drawImage.
When I try to draw it rotated using the painter.rotate(...) method, it draws a very grainy image.
Specifying painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing) does not help.
Is there a way to improve quality? By itself the image is fine.

You should try the QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform render hint:
Indicates that the engine should use a smooth pixmap transformation algorithm (such as bilinear) rather than nearest neighbor.


QtQuick: Drawing a Line - Mixing QQuickItem with Canvas or QQuickPaintedItem

I created a QQuickItem which can display a lineplot. This has been done using QSGNodes and should thus be hardware accelerated via OpenGL (as I need to plot many points). Now I want to add an axes to this this plot, and for this I need to draw some lines for the Axis, Ticks (and maybe include a svg for the Arrow head on the axis) and have some text labels.
Does it hurt performance, if I implement this axis as a QQuickPaintedItem or using the Canvas? I am not worried about the performance of drawing the axis, but would my lineplot QQuickItem still be using OpenGL if there is a QQuickPaintedItem at the same place?
Note that SVG files are rasterized and drawn as raster bitmaps, they are not drawn using geometry, so having a SVG won't really save you much aside from the space the image takes on disk, as far as the GPU rendering is concerned, it is just a bitmap. If you want to draw it using geometry, go for QQuickItem and QSGNodes combo again.
QQuickPaintedItem or Canvas- both work in the same way, only the drawing for Canvas is done from JS, so it will be a tad slower. However, it may be a non issue as you typically don't have to redraw chart axis that much.
Of course, each element will be rendered with its respective backend, no need for concern there.

QPainter drawImage becomes very pixelated

I use QPainter and the function drawImage to draw an airplane on a map. The image and redrawn each time the position of the airplane changes. The problem is, after some time, the image becomes extremely pixelated. I have tried to use a high quality .svg and that did not help either.
Below is my code. Can somebody spot where the error is or what has caused the image to be so pixelated?
// Load .svg image
// Downsize image
airplaneSmall = airplane->scaled(120, 120,Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
// Rotate image by trans
airplaneSmall = airplaneSmall.transformed(trans);
// Draw image and center at a certain screen position
Below are the images of the drawn airplanes. One taken as screenshot at the beginning of the program runtime another one taken after a couple of minutes.
One of your problems is that you first rescale the image and then rotate it.
The rotation needs to interpolate new pixels from the old ones. The higher the resolution of the input, the better the quality of the interpolation. The quality of your SVG is completely lost after the rescale operation.
The second problem you are facing is that you use the "fast" (default) transformation method. This method does not antialias. So instead of interpolating from several input pixels, it will only take one best fit. Calling transformed() with the second argument Qt::SmoothTransformation and scaled() with the sceond argument Qt::SmoothTransformation |Qt::KeepAspectRatio` will greatly improve your results.
However it is also slower, as is performing the rotation on the image in its original, higher resolution.
The arguably best solution to your problem is to take on a different approach. Instead of loading the SVG into a QImage, which is a raster-based image, you should work with the vector graphics. So the SVG is rendered in the right orientation and scale in the first place. A good starting point is the SVG Viewer Example: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtsvg-svgviewer-example.html

Qt - drawing image on image using another image as a mask

Here's the issue at hand. I need to be able to pick a background (an image showing an object, let's say, a starship model). I want to be able to apply various previously prepared textures to various areas on it, as some kind of a "colour your own object" app, but without the need to prepare dozens of individual segments.
Ok, so this is one, newbie way to do it. We have those images:
Two kind of different versions, an original photo and a quickly Photoshopped one. Let's say we only want the Borg-ish green deflector and warp nacelle from the second picture, without the odd pink hull. You have to have a mask, basicly an image of an equal resolution (or at least the same aspect ratio, which you can reliably scale to image's resolution), with the area filled with color (or whatever else), and transparent area everywhere else. As the mask, I've used a few strokes of brush on an empty layer, set to overlay mode, and then saved as PNG, with transparency. And this is how the code went:
First, import images.
QPixmap background("orig.png"); //import base image
//import alt version/texture/whatever you want, anything will work with a good mask
QPixmap element("alt.png");
QPixmap mask("deflector.png"); //mask. Just nacelles and deflector.
Then, isolate the area that interests us from alt version
QPainter painter(&element);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, mask.width(), mask.height(), mask);
And finally draw it onto the target object.
QPainter inter(&background);
inter.drawPixmap(0, 0, element);
The result:
This method respects any and all transparency you could've done in Photoshop or another image editing software.
Simple, but an effective solution, for when your app has to work with graphics prepared by someone else, elsewhere.

How does one smooth the cursor in a scaled flex/flash application?

I'm scaling my application to fit the browser window. I'm also defining my own cursor using a bitmap and CursorManager.setCursor.
The problem: when my app scales, the cursor bitmap is jagged. Is there a way to smooth the bitmap that is use?
I believe your problem is that you're scaling your root display object(e.g., stage), which means the cursor also gets scaled. You probably want to scale a child container instead, which means the cursor won't scale. I'm guessing you don't want the cursor to change sizes anyway.
Otherwise, you can look at using an svg file (or a swf image) since they're based on vectors and scale properly. You can also look at trying to smooth the bitmap using the bitmapData draw function. (http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/flash/display/BitmapData.html#draw())

Approaches / libraries for resize dragging

I'm currently working on a WYSISYG editor that allows the user to move, resize and rotate shapes by directly manipulating them. The resizing seems to be fairly complex when the shape is rotated. I got this working for non-rotated shapes, but it will take some trigonometric calculations to resize shapes that are rotated. The registration point is always is the middle of the rectangle because this makes rotating a lot easier.
Before I start implementing this, I was wondering if anyone knew of any libraries or sample source code that does this, or could share some tips and tricks to calculate the transformations.
I have the following parameters:
rotation (in degrees)
width, height
x, y
mouseX, mouseY
I attached a screenshot of what I'm trying to accomplish and another one that has some lines drawn onto it that should allow me to deduct the trigonometric calculations. The cross is the cursor.
alt text http://www.herrodius.com/images/resize.jpg
alt text http://www.herrodius.com/images/resize_lines.jpg
You might look at flex-object-handles, in particular the more recent version 2.
I recommend Transform Manager - http://www.greensock.com/transformmanageras3/
It's actually not that hard. Use the mouse coordinates (mouseX / mouseY)from the rotated display object and they will be transformed for you!
