WordPress Blank Screen Issue - wordpress

I'm running a WordPress website with a custom template that is showing me a blank screen when I have not viewed the site in a few days. I've cleared the browser cache and I've empited all cache using w3 total cache. Once I cleared the cache,I typed in the URL each time, and it loaded the website perfectly. I did not copy and paste the URL. The URL combinations are listed below;
I've also provided a list of plugins that are currently installed on the website.
all in one slideshow v1.3.1
ckeditor for wordpress v3.6.2.1
contact form 7 v2.2
contact form to db extension v2.2.4
duplicate post 2.0.2
easy picasa v1.1
events calendar pro 1.3.3
featured image widget v0.2
get the image v0.6.2
gravity forms v1.6.2
gravity forms + custom post types v3
gravity forms css ready class selector v1.0.1
latest news widget 1.0.1
mailchimp v1.2.4
members list v3.5.6
nextgen gallery v1.7.4
page restrict v2.03
picasa express x2 v1.5.3
really simple captcha
registration form widget v1.0
search everything v6.7
shortcode exec php v1.33
si captcha anti-spam v2.7.5
sidebar login v2.2.7
the excerpt re-loaded v0.3.2
w3 total cache
wordpress https v2.0.4
wp custom login logo v1.0
wp fade in text news v4.0
wpml cms nav v1.2.4
wpml multilingual cms v2.3.4
wpml string translation v1.2.2
wp user registration v2.4
Just wondering if there may be a plugin conflict or maybe a conflict between a plugin and wpml 2.3.4? I've got no issues disabling and re-enabling the plugins one by one, but if I cannot replicate the blank screen issue 100% of the time, disabling/enabling plugins will not be of any use.
I'm also running other websites on my server none of which are showing me this problem. The server I'm running is Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache and MySQL.
Any ideas on what might be causing this issue will be very much apppreciated.

by FTP - temporarly rename your plugin folder to something else (like plugin_new) AND your theme folder and css file (like mytheme.css.old) . that will revert to to the default theme and will disable all plugins . if you do not have default theme - install it.
If nothing terribly serious has happened (like some code hack) - It will give you access to the admin area to start troubleshooting.

Add this to your wp-config.php file:
Right after the following line:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Then you can check on the log after the white screen appears, and know for sure what happened.

Thank you for all of your suggestions. I somehow managed to repeat the blank screen with no information, which then allowed me to slowly disable and enable the plugins. Found out it had to do with the updating of WPML CMS Nav, WPML String Translation and WMPL Multilingual CMS. Once I updated them, the site worked fine, without the blank screen with no code.

Just in case anyone ever runs into this problem with W3 Total Cache, I found a fix for the random blank-page issue: just turn off ALL of the "Debug Options" under General Settings.
That fixed it for me after spending countless hours searching for the issue. Good luck!


Remove unwanted Url variable when WooCommerce is active in Wordpress

I've been facing some issues lately with our new business website. Basically, when the homepage is loaded www.motionitalia.it it looks like to redirect to another page https://www.motionitalia.it/?v=e0c86157e86f. I've asked a friend and he suggested that it might be related to the cache.
I tested the website using Site Health's tool called diagnostic mode and I deactivated all the plugins. It turned out that the ?v=e0c86157e86f appears when I activate Woocommerce.
I would like to remove it from the URL because it slows down the website and it doesn't even look professional. Has anyone of you ever experienced it? If so, could you suggest to me a way to fix it?
This is due to WooCommerce geolocation with page caching support enabled
To disable ?v=e0c86157e86f like from WordPress Urls when WooCommerce plugin is active, Go to WooCommerce Settings > General (tab), then for "Default customer location" select "Geolocate" instead of "Geolocate (with page caching support)", then save.
As you will see, the Urls are now clean without ?v=e0c86157e86f like.

How to Prevent Cart from clearing on registration in Woocommerce?

If a user adds a product to card, then goes to account page and registers a new account, the product(s) in the cart are automatically removed. How to prevent this behavior?
Try following these debugging steps:
Fix 1. Make sure there is no “red alert” under WooCommerce / System Status
Fix 2. Click the following buttons under WooCommerce / System Status / Tools
Fix 3. Check your Theme, WooCommerce & WordPress are using updated, compatible versions
Some premium themes won’t notify you if there is an update available. You have to make sure you’re using the latest, Woo-compatible version. Check with your theme vendor, plugin developers and see if anything has been reported.
For example, you might have updated WooCommerce too soon – sometimes premium plugins/themes require a few days/weeks before they can adapt to the new changes (if major) and become 100% compatible.
Fix 4. Save (flush) your permalinks
Go to WordPress/Settings/Permalinks and click on “save”. This should flush the permalinks and give you a chance to test the cart again.
Fix 5. Check you have no spaces in your checkout end-points
Go to WooCommerce/Settings/Checkout and make sure you have no spaces in your end-points. This happened to a client a while ago and it too me ages to find out (who would think the permalinks had been changed?):
WooCommerce Checkout Endpoints
Fix 6. Properly set up your WordPress cache plugin
Cart and Checkout pages should not be cached – if your WordPress cache plugin is for some reason caching WooCommerce pages, your cart will probably show as empty. Make sure to select a WooCommerce-compatible cache plugin 🙂
Also: ask your hosting to disable or properly set up server cache
Some hosts have their own cache system and this is sometimes applied to your website by default. Create a ticket or give them a quick call to find out if they have anything like that and if they can disable that as soon as possible.
For example: WPEngine uses its own cache. This might affect your WooCommerce Cart. Please contact support so they can create a caching exception list for WooCommerce and/or ajax files
Fix 7. Disable all plugins but WooCommerce
This is a typical troubleshooting operation. Disable all plugins and see if the Cart is back functioning. If YES, reactivate one plugin at a time and test the Cart again. As soon as you find the “guilty” plugin – yay! – time to substitute that plugin or see if there is an update available!
Fix 8. Try switching to a default WordPress Theme (e.g. TwentySixteen)
This is to prove the error is not theme-related. You won’t lose any content if you switch between themes, so don’t worry. If the error goes away, then check with your theme developers and report the bug 🙂

WordPress 5.0 Update Issue

I was doing a routine update procedure on a WordPress website and then I just simply updated the WordPress website and everything started to fell, well all the links are now not loading from the domain itself but instead form a weird domain that seems to be like a CDN but it's actually nothing I have attached console logs so anyone can help me as the styles and all the CSS files are not loading that is making everything worse.
The wp.com domain is owned by Automattic, a popular Wordpress commercial service provider (Wordpress.com, WooCommerce, WooThemes, and others). Are you using their plugin Jetpack ? I have been reading forum threads lately of people having similar issues and they were all using the Jetpack plugin with its CDN option enabled.
There is a setting to disable the CDN in Jetpack that may fix this issue. However, some are not able to resolve the issue this way. In this case, I've seen Automattic staff members encouraging people to file a support ticket for one-on-one support.
You are using jetpack plugin
disable CDN option
or you can paste the CSS into Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to provide a temporary fix.

How to add plugin to wordpress?

I tried to search google and follow do http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/step-by-step-guide-to-install-a-wordpress-plugin-for-beginners/. But My wordpress don't button add plugin.
Can you teach me how to fix it?
If you want plugins, you need to use WordPress.org, not WordPress.com.
From the link you provided:
If you are using WordPress.com, then you cannot install plugins.
In order to use plugins, you will need to use self-hosted WordPress.org (See the differences between self hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com).
Executive summary: WordPress.com is slightly easier to get started with but doesn't support plugins.
If you want to switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, then read our tutorial on how to properly move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.
Click on 'Plugins', and then on the next page look at the very top to the right of the navigation menu. Do you see the button? The screenshot you provided does not cover that spot, and the navigation menu can sometimes bug up and not show submenu options.
As you got your answer but i want to clear more about it.
first of all you need to clear that with the help of www.wordpress.com you can create your blog but you can't do any extra customisation on your blog. but if you want to do this:-
You need to download your wordpress from www.wordpress.org org provides you full ability to use custom themes or use custom plugins or you can create your own plugin or theme.
hope it will help you and for more information you can visit this link
There are several WordPress tutorial videos available for free on this site. Which cover How to add plugin to wordpress?
How to add plugin to wordpress
The easiest way of installing a WordPress plugin is to use the plugin search. The only downside of this option is that a plugin must be in the WordPress plugin directory which is limited to only free plugins.
First thing you need to visit the Plugins » Add New page inside your WordPress admin area.
Find the plugin by typing the plugin name or the functionality you are looking for. After that, you will see a bunch of listings.
You can pick the plugin that is best, then click the ‘Install Now’ button next to it.
WordPress will now download and install the plugin for you. After this, you’ll notice the ‘Install Now’ button will change into the ‘Activate’ button. Then click on it. It will activate.
Here is my blogging website I develop recently. Below I mentioned all the plugins you should use to develop basic website.
Plugins List :
Ad Inserter - Ad management with many advanced advertising features to insert ads at optimal positions
Akismet Anti-Spam - Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. Your site is fully configured and being protected, even while you sleep.
AMP - Enable AMP on your WordPress site, the WordPress way.
Chaty - Chat with your website visitors via their favorite channels. Show a chat icon on the bottom of your site and communicate with your customers.
CoBlocks - CoBlocks is a suite of professional page building content blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg block editor. Our blocks are hyper-focused on empowering makers to build beautifully rich pages in WordPress.
Elementor -The Elementor Website Builder has it all: drag and drop page builder, pixel perfect design, mobile responsive editing, and more. Get started now!
Elementor - Header, Footer & Blocks - This powerful plugin allows creating a custom header, footer with Elementor and display them on selected locations. You can also create custom Elementor blocks and place them anywhere on the website with a shortcode.
Getwid - Extra Gutenberg blocks for building seamless and aesthetic websites in the WordPress block editor.
Gutenberg - This is the development plugin for the new block editor in core. This plugin was installed by WordPress.com and provides features offered in your plan subscription.
Illustrations - Illustrations Block, easy to customize SVGs from within the Editor
Jetpack by WordPress.com - Bring the power of the WordPress.com cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a WordPress.com account to use the powerful features normally only available to WordPress.com users.
Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features. Advanced Page Building Blocks for Gutenberg. Create custom column layouts, backgrounds, dual buttons, icons etc.
Layout Grid - This plugin was installed by WordPress.com and provides features offered in your plan subscription.
LoftLoader - An easy to use plugin to add an animated preloader to your website with fully customisations.
Mobile Menu - An easy to use WordPress responsive mobile menu. Keep your mobile visitors engaged.
Page Optimize - Optimizes JS and CSS for faster page load and render in the browser. This plugin was installed by WordPress.com and provides features offered in your plan subscription.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved - Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. Uses Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter. Includes a new editor block.
WPFront Scroll Top - Allows the visitor to easily scroll back to the top of the page.
Yoast SEO - The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
Add this line in wp-config file

WP Plugin idea/search: Selectively activate certain plugins on certain wp-admin pages

We use a lot of plugins and unfortunately can't remove more of them.
Our backend is slow.
Wordpress is built to load each plugin on every page load, also in the wp-admin backend. So even if you are on pages, where no plugin would be needed, woocommerce, contact form 7 etc. will be loaded. They put their CSS in the page but also do PHP stuff and slow everything down.
We know plugin organizer - a plugin that makes it possible to selectively load certain plugins on certain pages. They have a feature to do it on the backend - but it's a already a hell to work with it on the frontend. We use plugin logic in the frontend now.
Is there already a plugin or a hand crafted solution to select which plugins should be deactivated/activated on with wp-admin pages?
I guess it's needed to load every plugin on every wp-admin page to get the admin menu (the left side menu) - so I might be needed to built this menu and cache it somehow.
And then selectively activate plugins for certain pages.
We use custom fields - so ACF plugin has to be activated on some pages - also on some woocommercer pages. Polylang (for multilang) must be activated on a lot of pages.
But for example woocommerce doesn't need to be loaded on the event calendar pages and vis versa.
Do you know of existing solutions to lower the time needed to build the backend.
Are there any caching options?
You cannot activate/deactivate plugins individually for particular pages. Each plugin is either active or not when your site loads.
Here's something to try: In your staging environment, deactivate all of the plugins to see if that solves your problem with the slow admin menu. If it does, reactivate each plugin one by one until you find the problematic plugin. Then troubleshoot from there to determine the root of the issue.
You could also check your server's error logs to see if there are any warnings indicating issues with the site.
If that doesn't help, one final piece of advice I would offer is to contact your hosting company directly to inquire about any potential server issues that are slowing down your site's performance.
