Entity framework activates trigger to other database: error - asp.net

I have a ASP.NET web application which does some changes on a table in SQL Server 2008 R2.
On this table there is a trigger that does updates on another table in another database on the same database server.
When saving the changes I'm having the following error:
- The error message: The underlying provider failed on Commit.
- InnerException: This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable.
Also allowing the database user to connect to the other database isn't working.
Somebody knows how I can make this work?

The trigger is not related to Entity Framework.
The trigger fires when changes are made to the table irrespective of where that change came from.
This is probably a rights issue, the system is attempting to make the change to the second database with the security context that was used to connect to the first database. It the change that was caused by the trigger fails, then everything in the same transaction will fail.
Since you are accessing 2 databases in a transaction, you are using MSDTC, make sure that it is started and that you have rights to it.


SQLite database not persisting between sessions

I working with a Windows Phone 8 application using
SQLite v3.7.15
sqlite-net 1.0.7'
& Peter Huene's sqlite-net-wp8 (https://github.com/peterhuene/sqlite-net-wp8)
When debugging from VS I'm able to create a table, add data to the table and display the data in the UI. However, stop debugging and then resume the data from the last session is gone.
I create the connection like this
Connection = new SQLiteAsyncConnection("taskDB.db");
I'm not sure where that is putting the database?
I have tried the below so I could be sure where the database was being put but it results in the below error. I am surprised by this as I have seen this statement used in multiple examples.
_dbPath = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "taskDB.db");
Connection = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(_dbPath);
Which results in this error within SQLite.cs itself:
Error Message
SQLite.SQLiteException was unhandled by user code
Message=no such table: Tasks
Any idea why the database is not persisted between debug sessions?
The Emulator instance persists the changes till it is running.
Once you close the Emulator, the file will no longer persist as it is dependent on the Emulator instance

Linked server INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE fails with "Unknown provider error"

Suddenly INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE fails for a certain file (a table in a remote system which I believe is an AS/400).
The linked server that we make use of is set up in SQL Server, and it's using an ODBC data source (DSN). The Data source is an "ODBC-data source for iSeries Access for Windows".
Only one single table has this problem. We can make inserts and updates in other tables using the same linked server, without any errors, and SELECTs still work for the problematic table.
We get these messages for INSERT and UPDATE statements (server and DB names replaced in the code below):
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "MYSERVER" reported an error.
The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7343, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "MYSERVER" could not INSERT INTO
table "[MYSERVER].[MYDB].[DMPCOM].[DMPXIF]". Unknown provider error.
And DELETE gives this message:
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "MYSERVER" could not delete from
table ""MYDB"."DMPCOM"."DMPXIF"". There was a recoverable, provider-specific
error, such as an RPC failure.
If you have any clues to this, please don't hesitate to answer this question.
The reason to the error was that journalling had been turned off on the AS400 file, that we connect to from SQL Server using linked server and an ODBC iSeries datasource. This had also turned commitment control off.
Setting commit to "Commit immediate (*NONE)" on the ODBC iSeries datasource did however not help. (Perhaps there is more to it than changing that setting.)
The database administrator of the AS/400 system recreated the table with its default settings, including journaling and commitment control, and then it was all back to normal, and insert, update and delete worked, from the linked server connection.

Restoring a database into a different instance of tridion

I have got most of the way but there seems to be a permissions issue somewhere:
Before the restore everything is working fine in my target environment - target has a server login account TCMDBUser which is mapped to my tridion_cm database user TCMDBUser
My source tridion_cm database has user TCMDBUser_DEV.
After restoring the source .bak into my target TCMDBUser_DEV is orphaned.
I edit the TRUSTEES table to correct MTSUser and my admin log accounts for my target environment and run the following to fix up my orphaned database user:
sp_change_users_login #Action='update_one',
I can log back in to Tridion explorer and see the expected list of publications and can walk through the tree structure but when I come to a folder which should contain items I see nothing with error:
and the corresponding event log error is:
Unable to get list of SDL Tridion Content Manager items.
Error Code:
0x80040000 (-2147221504)
Call stack:
You will need to delete/drop the TCMDBUser_DEV form the DB and then create a new one with the same name and password (or reattach it to your cm DB). That should fix your problem.
I normally use the delete method with MS SQL server. I believe this occurs due to the ownership status that the TCMDBUser has on the database Schema.
When complete your TCMDBUser user should have the following permissions on your Tridion_CM database
Like Chris mentioned, I always drop the user from the database and then assign the existing TCMDBUser in SQL Server the rights to the restored database. You can drop the user with the following command (on the restored database):
EXEC sp_dropuser TCMDBUser
Then through the SQL Server - Security - Logins, you request the properties of your TCMDBUser and in the User Mapping add the following database roles: db_datareader, db_datawriter and db_ddladmin.
That's what I've always done in the past and works for me, not sure if its all required, but worth a try I guess
Try creating new user TCMDBUser in the database and run the following command
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'TCMDBUser', 'TCMDBUser'

The underlying provider failed on open entity framework

I am unsing entity framework in my web application. Earlier everything was working fine. But then I deleted database from Sql Server. After that whenever I run the application, I get the following exception :
The underlying provider failed on open entity framework
Isn't it true that if we delete the database from Sql Server and again run the application, database is again created?
Can you show some details about connection string. I basically want to check the authentication you are using.
Demo for setting a typical authentication : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff649314.aspx
Another possibility can be with connection pooling. Try explicitly closing the connection(if there are any open connections)
Entity framework will recreate your database on application start assuming the following:
You have permission to create databases in SQL
A connection string is specified correctly (if it was working before this should be fine)
You are using CodeFirst or ModelFirst strategies for databases (ie if you generated an EDMX off an existing database it wont recreate it for you)
I had a similar error and it was due to the connection problem.
Usually you need to open your *.EDPS file under your entity (EDML) and check your connection string and make sure it has got a correct setting especially your Default Oracle home.

Deleting Database in Linq

In normal condition, I can add schemas in the dbml file to empty database with code below.
But now when I run this code, I take the error "Cannot drop database "test" because it is currently in use." How can I do it?
Dim db As New UI_Class.UIData
If db.DatabaseExists Then
End If
It might happen as your SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) must be holding it.
Most likely something is connected to the db.
Common causes are:
Some other tool connected
Trying to delete the database you connected to.
Another user connected to the db.
