Reset image width and height set via css - css

I'm trying to create a fluid-layout in html, containing images.
For now, I support 2 sizes for the layout. The default layout is used to display a 1000px wide site. If the screen is wide enough (wider than 1200px), I enhance many aspects with css media queries.
I have a DIV container that is 600px wide for the default layout, and 700px for the enhanced layout.
There is a random image inside, for which I know some metadata (width and height). I may need to downsize the image if it is too large for the container.
So I use this code to have a fluid-layout
<div class="container">
<!-- for a 650px/400px image, the downsized version is 600px/369px -->
<img src="/image?id=1234" width="650" height="400" style="width:600px;height:369px" />
and the style
#media screen and (min-width:1200px){
.container IMG {
width:auto !important;
height:auto !important;
Here is how it works:
In case of the default layout, the inline style applies. So the image is down-sized to 600px/369px to fit the container.
Otherwise, the media query style applies, and the image is at its default width/height (I know the image is never wider than 700px so all is fine).
My problem comes from the loading state of the image and the space reserved by the browser. The behaviour of chrome/firefox is the same but is quite strange for me. Not tested with IE (not my priority actually)
For the default layout, no problem, the inline-style still applies. The browser displays a white space corresponding to the image.
For the enhanced layout, the "auto" sizes applies. But the browser does not know the natural size of the image while it is not fully loaded, and it appears that "auto" is equivalent to 0px. It would be perfect if the width and height attributes set for the image applied. But it is not the case. The result is that no space is reserved for the image, which is not the behaviour I want.
A first solution I found is to add another inline css rule for the image. If I add "min-width:600px; min-height:369px" the reserved space for the image is always 600x369 pixels, instead of 0 pixels for the enhanced layout. That's better, but not perfect yet.
-- What do you think ?
Is it possible to "reset" the css instead of overriding it with the "auto !important" rule ?
Should I use an other approach ?
I may use some javascript, but I think it is a bad idea to rely on it. Actually, I may have a lot of containers similar to the one described above. I prefer an automatic solution (css is great for that).

you can just set the width or height to initial.. that resets the Value on override..

The general approach that I've seen thrown around for responsive images is to have a parent element (like .container) change sizes with media queries. In your markup remove the width and height attributes, and then in your CSS add:
img {
width: 100%;
As your parent element's size is dictated by media query rules, your image will grow accordingly.
I'm bringing this up because it looks like you want to use the same image file, but just have it grow/shrink. The major drawback is that a larger image could load on a mobile device screen, and add to page load. This is the major technical hurdle facing Responsive design currently, and there is great debate about the best way to address it.

Use .container IMG.someClass { ... } then you can remove the class name from the image to remove the CSS styling.


Give dummy image natural width and height to act responsively

I'm using jQuery Lazyload Plugin. Before the images are loaded I use a dummy image as placeholder which is a 20x20 pixels blank PNG. Also I'm using jQuery wookMark which is a dynamic grid plugin. For this plugin to work I need the images to be in their correct aspect ratio so the plugin can calculate the suitable position of each grid element in the page.
I have width and height attributes on img tag set to the correct dimensions, but that doesn't have any effect on the dummy image and it will be shown as a square, no matter what.
I can use inline styles to set width and height for each image, but this approach will stop the image from being responsive in other dimensions.
Is there a way to give an image width and height in a way that it act like it is its real dimensions?
Here's the pen to look at:
The only way you're going to get what you want is by using some javascript. You're already using jQuery so that will make it a bit easier.
Use the following CSS to begin with (as an example):
.myImage {
width: 300px;
height: 400px;
then when the images are loaded (in some sort of callback function I presume):
Alternatively, you can work with a placeHolder css class that has this height and widht, and then $('myImage').removeClass('placeHolder'); to clear it from the images.
I found a good way for it.It's not going to be pure css, but that's fine by me :)
My solution is to set the image height to 0 and use padding-bottom to maintain the aspect ratio:
<img src="./blank.png" style="height:0;padding-bottom:133.333%">
And also having a class for the img tag when the actual image is loaded:
img.loaded {
height:auto !important;
padding-bottom:0 !important;
Here's the pen for this example:
Hope you find it useful.

How to include a division inside a image tag in HTML?

I am at the end of a project. I have written a lot of lines of CSS code and adding the images to a class/id would mean editing a lot of code that I have written. It would be better if a division is added inside a image tag in HTML.
Hence my question is: How to include a division inside a image tag in HTML?
Pseudo selectors might work for me but how do I do it with Pseudo selectors?
If you are not able to solve it, have a look at this link where I have used a different approach:
Make division image responsive
So to not have all the things in the comments I post an answer.
The "problem" on screen-/ viewport widths of 380px and below has several issues.
On your outer <div> with the class slider-wrapper3 (it's the one which holds the iPhone as background image) you should use the following in your CSS:
.slider-wrapper3 {
background-size: contain; /* you use cover */
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* keep the rest of your actual code */
and remove the width setting (width: 310px;) at least for your small screen layout!
By doing so you have then fixed the position and size of the container (and also the background image).
So you still need to adjust the image sizes (probably in your slider script, or wherever the image's dimensions come from).

CSS percentage width resize based on window

This probably was answered somewhere, but I can't find it :s
My question is about dynamic resizing of divs based in percentages.
Please look at code example below for the examples and possible solutions I made.
I ask if there is a better way to do resizing?
More detailed explanation:
Say I am writing a plugin that people can insert in their pages. (Imagine login form).
I go ahead and design the plugin's divs. I use media queries to achieve desired look for different devices. I work on a div straight inside of a 'body' element.
I use percentages for design (I like percentages). Say I set div to 80% width.
Now I give this plugin to the user. User goes ahead and puts the plugin's div inside of another
div that is 100px in width. Now everything looks awful. (80% of 100px is not a lot [80px]).
And of course I want user to put my plugin inside of whatever small-width divs that he have.
The solutions I saw so far to this problem was to create a holder div of certain width - say hardcode 300px. (ex - jQuery UI's Datepicker div; Meteor's login widget div). And then code to it always knowing the 300px width that I set before is not going to change.
But I don't know how good of a solution this is.
Moreover if I decide to go with hard-coding width, my plugin would need width of ~ 1000px. Because I want div to resize with media queries.
And if I go with hard-coding width (say holder div of 1000px width) and put it on a page, the page will have horizontal scrolling. And you cannot simply hide holder div (parent div) and have child to show at the same time. So this requires setting position:relative for holder (parent) div, putting it outside of window, and use same for child div - position:relative with same offset in opposite direction of parent offset.
I hope I am being clear so far and have not confused you!
A code example to illustrate what I am talking about:
#cimmanon's comment cleared things out for me.
The problem is with lack of HTML/CSS "tools" available at the moment. Since responsiveness came into play fairly recently there are not a lot of CSS-native tools to accommodate changes in dimensions.
For instance media-queries exclusively work with width of window/document and not of other elements such as divs.
The solution I currently employ is using Javascript to determine width of a div and resize accordingly.
What I resize is the number of columns I want to display (I use Multi-Column module as suggested by cimmanon) which is pretty stable on webkit browsers. Since it is all done in Javascript (and jQuery's Sizzle) I keep an array of sizes like so:
var widthArray = [
{min:0, max:250, columns:1, secondary:false},
{min:251, max:350, columns:1, secondary:true },
{min:351, max:479, columns:1, secondary:true },
//more div sizes
// more code here
"column-count": object.columns,
"-moz-column-count": object.columns,
"-webkit-column-count": object.columns
This is sort of like media-queries, but allows to work with width of html elements, not screen size alone.
Additionally I follow the way jQuery UI displays its components: using position relative/absolute.
.outer_div {
position: relative;
.inner_div_with_elements {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1010;
width: 99%;
float: left;
overflow: hidden;
.inner_components_displayable {
position: relative;
display: block;
.inner_components_hidden {
display: none;
So in Summary:
Media queries alone work with size of screen, and resizing of any inner element can be done in percentages to the screen size. They can be of huge help, but you turn into making your components work either with percentages based off screen, or specifying something like min-height and !important (as suggested by #Octavian)
Javascript manipulation of elements is currently easier, but is a costlier alternative (jQuery SIzzle is pretty slow)
A lot of libraries (ex. jQuery UI) use Javascript together with position relative/absolute to make sure their components/plug-ins will work nicely on all users' screen sizes.
I ended up combining position with javascript to emulate media-queries and multi-column design at the same time for responsiveness.
Thanks everyone who participated!
If I am reading this correctly, the main issue here is that it can potentially become too small based on where the code is located.
So why not just add a min-width property with !important? That way you can still base the size off of the parent container, but be sure that it doesn't get too small and ugly.
Potentially, you could even have a script to base the width off of the parent div and the min-width off of the screen size.

How do I set the style of an element to the values in a parent style sheet in a media query?

I'm using the 960 Smart Grid to design a website. It's a mobile first grid system, and I'm having a bit of trouble. In order for the grid system to work, the padding-left element cannot change or it breaks, except in the default layout when everything is a single column.
I needed to adjust the padding for an element in the mobile view, which screws up the element when it's larger than the single-column view width (so greater than 768 px). I need to change the padding back to what the original smart-grid style sheet says, but I'm not sure how to do that.
I'm fairly new to this, I don't have the site live at the moment but I can share any code needed. I'm adjusting the padding on a paragraph element, set inside of a div element.
<div id="intro" class="columns twelve" class="row">
<p id="tagline" class="columns eight offset-two">Sample Text.</p>
Essentially, I need to set a 6% padding for the paragraph element in the mobile view. Once it reaches a minimu width of 768 pixels, I need to eliminate the 6% padding because it breaks the offset-two portion of the tag. The offset is achieved in the smart grid style sheet using a padding-left value based upon the screen size. I'd like to switch back to the default padding from the smart grid style sheet for all of the media queries, if possible. You can check out the basic grid documentation on the site I linked to at the beginning of the question.
Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure if I understood your problem, but it looks like you just need to overwrite the padding for when the browser is less than 768 pixels.
To do this, you just need to add, at the end of your main css (or in a new one, but called after the other one):
#media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.columns.eight.offset-two {
padding: 6%;
This means that this style will only be applied if the browser is smaller than 768px, and once it gets bigger, it will bring back the 'default' padding for your element. You don't need to specify the padding again for bigger resolutions,l because the second the browser gets past the number, it completely forgets about the media query (it's like it doesn't exist anymore). The only thing you need to keep in mind is, unless you set another smaller media query after this one, it will apply the 6% to all smaller sizes.
It's important that you keep your media queries at the end, because css is read from top to bottom, and the last style read will be the last applied.

how do i change image width in jCarousel?
Above is the carousel application i'm using (one of the more popular open source ones at the moment) and I can't figure out how to change the default image width as I have a dozen or so pictures that all have a pixel width of 170px and yet the current setting seems to be set at around 80px which makes all of the images overlap, how do i change this? Is there a way to add some margin in as well? I tried changing the css in jcarousel/skins/tango/skin.css but apparently, even when I delete everything in that css file, nothing gets affected on the carousel page - when I remove the link the carousel stops functioning and turns into a wide div with static images, which is very odd to me.
That carousel uses <img> tags which means you'd either have to specify each width in the markup like this:
<img src="..." height="..." width="170" />
or use the img selector in the CSS file, something like this:
.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item-horizontal img {
width: 170px;
Either way, you'd also have to make the carousel container wide enough to accommodate its contents. You can give the containing ul some large width (the excess would be hidden anyway), like:
ul#carousel {
width: 99999px;
The carousel would stop at the last image anyway, but at least you'd know you have more than enough room to accommodate however many pictures you have and prevent the overlapping.
