I am creating new IE browser instance dynamically, and opening a aspx page from there. Everything works fine , but the browser is not popping in the Front of the screen .Able to see the Aspx page in the task bar when I click it from there it comes to the Front . How to bring that page in front of all the Screen as soon as IE is created.
I have pasted the code I used to create new IE instance.
public class IEInstance
public SHDocVw.InternetExplorer IE1;
public void IEInstanceCls(string check)
IE1 = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer();
object Empty = 0;
string urlpath = " ";
urlpath = "http://localhost/TestPage.aspx?";
object URL = urlpath;
IE1.Top = 260;
IE1.Left = 900;
IE1.Width = 390;
IE1.Height = 460;
IE1.StatusBar = false;
IE1.ToolBar = 0;
IE1.MenuBar = false;
IE1.Visible = true;
IE1.Navigate2(ref URL, ref Empty, ref Empty, ref Empty, ref Empty);
Help me to solve this problem.
Thank You
The Internet explorer object has an HWND property, which is the handle to a window. You can use that to bring the window to the front like:
You'll need to import SetForgroundWindow windows API like this near the top of your file.
static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
I was trying out the newly released xamarin shell. Basically, I am trying out how to map the route to a dynamically generated page. I noticed the RegisterRoute has an overload that requires an object of type RouteFactory. I created a demo class for this:
class NavMan : RouteFactory
private readonly string title;
public NavMan(string title) : base()
this.title = title;
public override Element GetOrCreate()
return new ContentPage
Title = "tit: " + title,
Content = new Label { Text = title }
Now, in the App.cs I create a register a demo route:
Routing.RegisterRoute("batman", new NavMan("I am batman"));
I have tried several variations of setting up the Shell object. I mostly get blunt null pointers and need to guess what to change.
As of now, my App class's constructor has the following code:
var sea = new Shell();
var theItem = new FlyoutItem
IsEnabled = true,
Route = "batman"
sea.CurrentItem = theItem;
MainPage = sea;
This gives me a blunt null pointer too. All I am trying for now is to display the page of route "batman". Even a flyout or tab isn't mandatory.
While not the aim, I at least got the app opening with the following:
var sea = new Shell();
Routing.RegisterRoute("batman", new NavMan("I am batman"));
var theItem = new ShellContent {
Title = "hello 20",
Route = "batman2",
Content = new ContentPage {
Content = new Button {
Text = "Something shown",
Command = new Command(async () => await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//batman"))
sea.CurrentItem = theItem;
MainPage = sea;
On clicking the button, it now shows me the following exception and never calls the GetOrCreate function.
System.Exception: <Timeout exceeded getting exception details>
Update 3
Basically, I am looking for a way to bind a route to ShellContent in a way that it simply displays I mention the route property and it displays a page in the route. It doesn't make sense that I need to mention a route AND mention a content template for the page. The route is already mapped to a page.
I have tried this but its not what I want ....
also this code does not works
<%= Html.ActionLink("Paypal", "HowItWorksRedirect", null, new { #class = "Paypal" })%>
public ActionResult HowItWorksRedirect()
return Redirect("https://www.paypal-deutschland.de/sicherheit/schutzprogramme.html");
I want to redirect all chrome users to new window
I want to keep users on my website but also redirect them to new window... (600x800 or something like this)
How can I do that?
Opening a new window (or tab, depending on browser settings) is easy:
With a link, you can use
Or you can use JS:
window.open('http://google.com', 'Google', 'width=800, height=600');
With the help of navigator.userAgent you can get the User Agent and use a regex to find out if the user is using Chrome
if(/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { /* CHROME USER */ }
//specify page to pop-under
var popunder="http://wow.ge/"
//specify popunder window features
//set 1 to enable a particular feature, 0 to disable
var winfeatures="width=800,height=510,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,toolbar=1,location=1,menubar=1,status=1,directories=0"
//Pop-under only once per browser session? (0=no, 1=yes)
//Specifying 0 will cause popunder to load every time page is loaded
var once_per_session=0
///No editing beyond here required/////
function get_cookie(Name) {
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1) { // if cookie exists
offset += search.length
// set index of beginning of value
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
// set index of end of cookie value
if (end == -1)
end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;
function loadornot(){
if (get_cookie('popunder')==''){
function loadpopunder(){
if (once_per_session==0)
but browsers blocking that !
When I instantiate a new StageVideo instsance with stage.stageVideos[0] everything works great, but when i leave my view that's displaying the video it sticks on the stage. So when i goto another view it's still showing on the stage in the background. I tried setting sv = null, removing event listeners...etc.
I've created a StageVideoDisplay class which is instantiated in mxml like: and on view initialization i call a play() method:
if ( _path )
// Connections
_nc = new NetConnection();
_ns = new NetStream(_nc);
_ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);
_ns.client = this;
// Screen
_video = new Video();
_video.smoothing = true;
// Video Events
// the StageVideoEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_STATE informs you whether
// StageVideo is available
// in case of fallback to Video, listen to the VideoEvent.RENDER_STATE
// event to handle resize properly and know about the acceleration mode running
_video.addEventListener(VideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, videoStateChange);
On video stage event:
if ( stageVideoInUse ) {
try {
_rc = new Rectangle(0,0,this.width,this.height);
_sv.viewPort = _rc;
} catch (e:Error) {}
} else {
try {
_video.width = this.width;
_video.height = this.height;
} catch (e:Error) {}
And on stage video availability event:
protected function toggleStageVideo(on:Boolean):void
// To choose StageVideo attach the NetStream to StageVideo
if (on)
stageVideoInUse = true;
if ( _sv == null )
try {
_sv = stage.stageVideos[0];
_sv.addEventListener(StageVideoEvent.RENDER_STATE, stageVideoStateChange);
_sv.depth = 1;
} catch (e:Error) {}
if (classicVideoInUse)
// If you use StageVideo, remove from the display list the
// Video object to avoid covering the StageVideo object
// (which is always in the background)
stage.removeChild ( _video );
classicVideoInUse = false;
} else
// Otherwise attach it to a Video object
if (stageVideoInUse)
stageVideoInUse = false;
classicVideoInUse = true;
try {
stage.addChildAt(_video, 0);
} catch (e:Error) {}
if ( !played )
played = true;
What happens is in the view when i navigator.popView(), the stageVideo remains on the stage, even in other views, and when returning to that view to play a different stream the same stream is kind of "burned" on top. I can not figure out a way to get rid of it! Thanks in advance!
In Flash Player 11, Adobe added the dispose() method to the NetStream class.
This is useful to clear the Video or StageVideo object when you're done with it.
When you call the dispose() method at runtime, you may get an exception indicating that there is no property named dispose on the NetStream object.
This occurs because Flash Builder is not compiling the app with the proper SWF version. To fix that, just add this to your compiler directives:
In the new Flash Builder 4.7, we hopefully won't have to specify the SWF version to use the newer Flash Player features.
This seems to be the best solution, but if you can't use Flash 11 (or the latest Adobe AIR), some other work arounds would be:
set the viewPort of stage video object to a rectangle that has width=0 and height=0
since stage video appears underneath your app, you can always cover the viewport (with a background color or some DisplayObject)
Ok the issue was actually that, even though it seemed like stage video was in use since i got the "Accelerated" message in status, that it was actually the video render even running and classic video was actually in use. The only thing I needed to do was add stage.removeChild( _video ) to the close() event in the class!!
I have a custom user control that i use in a page in Umbraco CMS... since upgrading to version 4, it seems this user control wont work any longer.
The user control contains an ajax uploader control (support request post here: http://cutesoft.net/forums/53732/ShowThread.aspx#53732), which allows users to upload images, then displays the uploaded images to the user. The control and image displays are contained within an UpdatePanel, which is where this problem is - seems the data getting sent back to the updatePanel is not valid, so the client is spitting the dummy and throwing this error:
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near '
I think its somethihng to do with how Master Pages is implemented in Umbraco v4 that is causing this. Any ideas as to why this may have happened, and what i can look at to try to solve it?
FYI, here's a blog post that describes the error and its possible causes:
i'm doing any Response.write or Response.Redirect in the updatePanel
I'm not using any response filters
I've disabled server trace
I'm not using response.transfer
But, regardless of the above, this works fine using the same usercontrol on an Umbraco v3 site, which leads me to believe its somethign to do with v4 that's caused this.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated
I know that this whole answer is not directly a fix for your problem, but more like a workaround. this is because I am not familiar with the custom control you use.
i will however take a look tonight at your problem and see if i can find a solution for the code and plugin you use currently.
in the mean time i might give you some idea of the ajax upload i am using myself.
i know its a big chunk of code, but if you are interested you can go for it :)
my example case
I have an upload control in my own website and it works perfectly with umbraco.
the form and upload are powered with jQuery (upload is handled by jQuery.AjaxUpload plugin)
and i created a generic handler inside my umbraco folder which handles the file on the server.
creating a media item in the media library for it (and in my case beeing an avatar uploader on your profile page, it also adds the newly created mediaitem to the member's avatar property)
jQuery code: (stored in script block in the head of your page, or in a separate script)
initializeChangeAvatarForm = function() {
var button = $('#submitChangeAvatar'), interval;
new AjaxUpload(button,{
action: '/umbraco/AjaxFileUpload.ashx',
name: 'myfile',
onSubmit : function(file, ext){
// change button text to uploading + add class (with animating background loading image)
// If you want to allow uploading only 1 file at time,
// you can disable upload button
onComplete: function(file, response){
button.text('Upload nieuw').removeClass('loading');
// Although plugins emulates hover effect automatically,
// it doens't work when button is disabled
// enable upload button
html code in your body:
<div id="container"><h2>Upload Avatar</h2><button class="button" id="submitChangeAvatar" type="button">Upload new</button></div>
jQuery ajaxupload plugin: (/scripts/jQuery.ajaxupload.js)
'since this code is too long i added a link directly to the .js file i use
'and another link to the page where i got the plugin
handler .ashx: (stored inside /umbraco/AjaxFileUpload.ashx)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using umbraco.BusinessLogic;
using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member;
namespace SH.umbServices
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for $codebehindclassname$
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class AjaxFileUpload : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string strResponse = "error";
//string strFileName = Path.GetFileName(context.Request.Files[0].FileName);
//string strExtension = Path.GetExtension(context.Request.Files[0].FileName).ToLower();
//string strSaveLocation = context.Server.MapPath("../images/temp") + "\\" + strFileName;
strResponse = "success";
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
public bool IsReusable
return false;
#region "umbMediaItem"
protected string UmbracoSave(HttpContext context)
string mediaPath = "";
if (context.Request.Files[0] != null)
if (context.Request.Files[0].FileName != "")
// Find filename
string _text = context.Request.Files[0].FileName;
string _ext = Path.GetExtension(context.Request.Files[0].FileName);
string filename;
string _fullFilePath;
//filename = _text.Substring(_text.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1, _text.Length - _text.LastIndexOf("\\") - 1).ToLower();
filename = Path.GetFileName(_text);
string _filenameWithoutExtention = filename.Replace(_ext, "");
int _p = 1212; // parent node.. -1 for media root)
// create the Media Node
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.media.Media m = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.media.Media.MakeNew(
_filenameWithoutExtention, umbraco.cms.businesslogic.media.MediaType.GetByAlias("image"), User.GetUser(0), _p);
// Create a new folder in the /media folder with the name /media/propertyid
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(umbraco.GlobalSettings.Path + "/../media/" + m.Id.ToString()));
_fullFilePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(umbraco.GlobalSettings.Path + "/../media/" + m.Id.ToString() + "/" + filename);
// Save extension
//string orgExt = ((string)_text.Substring(_text.LastIndexOf(".") + 1, _text.Length - _text.LastIndexOf(".") - 1));
string orgExt = Path.GetExtension(context.Request.Files[0].FileName).ToLower();
orgExt = orgExt.Trim(char.Parse("."));
m.getProperty("umbracoExtension").Value = orgExt;
catch { }
// Save file size
System.IO.FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(_fullFilePath);
m.getProperty("umbracoBytes").Value = fi.Length.ToString();
catch { }
// Check if image and then get sizes, make thumb and update database
if (",jpeg,jpg,gif,bmp,png,tiff,tif,".IndexOf("," + orgExt + ",") > 0)
int fileWidth;
int fileHeight;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(_fullFilePath,
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs);
fileWidth = image.Width;
fileHeight = image.Height;
m.getProperty("umbracoWidth").Value = fileWidth.ToString();
m.getProperty("umbracoHeight").Value = fileHeight.ToString();
catch { }
// Generate thumbnails
string fileNameThumb = _fullFilePath.Replace("." + orgExt, "_thumb");
generateThumbnail(image, 100, fileWidth, fileHeight, _fullFilePath, orgExt, fileNameThumb + ".jpg");
mediaPath = "/media/" + m.Id.ToString() + "/" + filename;
m.getProperty("umbracoFile").Value = mediaPath;
m.XmlGenerate(new XmlDocument());
Member mbr = Member.GetCurrentMember();
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.property.Property avt = mbr.getProperty("memberAvatar");
avt.Value = m.Id;
mbr.XmlGenerate(new XmlDocument());
//string commerceFileName = mediaPath;
return mediaPath;
protected void generateThumbnail(System.Drawing.Image image, int maxWidthHeight, int fileWidth, int fileHeight, string fullFilePath, string ext, string thumbnailFileName)
// Generate thumbnail
float fx = (float)fileWidth / (float)maxWidthHeight;
float fy = (float)fileHeight / (float)maxWidthHeight;
// must fit in thumbnail size
float f = Math.Max(fx, fy); //if (f < 1) f = 1;
int widthTh = (int)Math.Round((float)fileWidth / f); int heightTh = (int)Math.Round((float)fileHeight / f);
// fixes for empty width or height
if (widthTh == 0)
widthTh = 1;
if (heightTh == 0)
heightTh = 1;
// Create new image with best quality settings
Bitmap bp = new Bitmap(widthTh, heightTh);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bp);
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
// Copy the old image to the new and resized
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, widthTh, heightTh);
g.DrawImage(image, rect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// Copy metadata
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
ImageCodecInfo codec = null;
for (int i = 0; i < codecs.Length; i++)
if (codecs[i].MimeType.Equals("image/jpeg"))
codec = codecs[i];
// Set compresion ratio to 90%
EncoderParameters ep = new EncoderParameters();
ep.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 90L);
// Save the new image
bp.Save(thumbnailFileName, codec, ep);
I hope this shed some light on what i use.
Pfew,..That's a lot of code.
I was only interessted in saving media in Umbraco but it's nice to see a jQuery upload too.
What upload jQuery lib your using? I've found serveral.
You could make the code a bit simpler by using Path.Combine, FileInfo.Extension merging if's and a few extra variables here an there. But hey I've got Resharper to make my live easier.
I have a site behind basic authentication (IIS6).
Part of this site calls a web service that is also part of the site and thus behind basic authentication as well.
However, when this happens the calling code receives a 401 Authentication Error.
I've tried a couple of things, with the general recommendation being code like this:
Service.ServiceName s = new Service.ServiceName();
s.PreAuthenticate = true;
s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
However, this does not seem to resolve my problem.
Any advice?
This seems to be a not uncommon issue but so far I have found no solutions.
Here is one thread on the topic.
Solution: (I am almost certain this will help someone)
See this link for the source of this solution in VB (thanks jshardy!), all I did was convert to C#.
NB: You must be using ONLY basic authentication on IIS for this to work, but it can probably be adapted. You also need to pass a Page instance in, or at least the Request.ServerVariables property (or use 'this' if called from a Page code-behind directly). I'd tidy this up and probably remove the use of references but this is a faithful translation of the original solution and you can make any amendments necessary.
public static void ServiceCall(Page p)
LocalServices.ServiceName s = new LocalServices.ServiceName();
s.PreAuthenticate = true; /* Not sure if required */
string username = "";
string password = "";
string domain = "";
GetBasicCredentials(p, ref username, ref password, ref domain);
s.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);
/* Converted from: http://forums.asp.net/t/1172902.aspx */
private static void GetBasicCredentials(Page p, ref string rstrUser, ref string rstrPassword, ref string rstrDomain)
if (p == null)
rstrUser = "";
rstrPassword = "";
rstrDomain = "";
rstrUser = p.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_USER"];
rstrPassword = p.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_PASSWORD"];
SplitDomainUserName(rstrUser, ref rstrDomain, ref rstrUser);
/* MSDN KB article 835388
BUG: The Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_PASSWORD") object does not display certain characters from an ASPX page */
string lstrHeader = p.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstrHeader) && lstrHeader.StartsWith("Basic"))
string lstrTicket = lstrHeader.Substring(6);
lstrTicket = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(lstrTicket));
rstrPassword = lstrTicket.Substring((lstrTicket.IndexOf(":") + 1));
/* At least on my XP Pro machine AUTH_USER is not set (probably because we're using Forms authentication
But if the password is set (either by AUTH_PASSWORD or HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)
then we can use LOGON_USER*/
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstrUser) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstrPassword))
rstrUser = p.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
SplitDomainUserName(rstrUser, ref rstrDomain, ref rstrUser);
/* Converted from: http://forums.asp.net/t/1172902.aspx */
private static void SplitDomainUserName(string pstrDomainUserName, ref string rstrDomainName, ref string rstrUserName)
rstrDomainName = "";
rstrUserName = pstrDomainUserName;
int lnSlashPos = pstrDomainUserName.IndexOf("\\");
if (lnSlashPos > 0)
rstrDomainName = pstrDomainUserName.Substring(0, lnSlashPos);
rstrUserName = pstrDomainUserName.Substring(lnSlashPos + 1);
The Line:
s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials();
Maybe you should try :
s.Credentials = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;