SQL Server and iPad app interaction - asp.net

I have to write an app for iPad that would take data from SQL Server and post it to the iPad. I looked up on this over the Internet and found that i have to write a web service to expose the data from SQL server using ASP.NET. I did an app previously in android that would take data from my dropbox a/c and display it to the user. I made use of the drop-box api available. I was wondering if anything like that exists for SQL? Also, i have to code in Obj-C for the iPad, so how will
i write ASP.NET code? I have more doubts.
Thanks in advance.

There are many options for web services. If you are developing in ASP.NET and don't want to invest to much time in just accessing the data I would suggest some software that will help you generate the source code.
WSSF (Web Service Software Factory) is software that will assist you in creating a SOAP web service and it generates source code for you. I do recommend however working through a tutorial first before just jumping into using this. WSSF uses visual studio as well.
Once you have a web service that packages your SQL data for communication through http requests. You will need to parse the data communicated in Objective-C. For this you'll find SudzC to be very helpful.
SudzC generates all the source code for accessing your web service in Objective-C, given the WSDL.xml file of your web service (a file that lays out the design of your web service).
Although these software will save you a lot of coding, I wish I could tell you that this will be a short and easy process. However this is vary rarely the case, developing this will take you a couple of days.
I do know that people often use RESTful web services when dealing with the iOS enviroment, although I do not have the same kind of experience with them as I do SOAP web services. I hope that this information is helpful to you.

I've done this. The best way is to use .NET 3.5 or higher to create a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) project. These projects will let you communicate with your mobile application using REST or SOAP. They also let you send data in XML or JSON format. You will then need to create a REST or SOAP client in your IPad application to communicate with the server.

Use OData. See Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes for how to publish your SQL Server data as an OData service. See Consuming OData using Objective-C for how to consume the OData service from your iPhone app.


How do I write Web Application for a Delphi Server?

I have a Delphi Application with a Client-Server Architecture. Now, I want to write a Web-application for this Delphi Client-Server Application.
To write a this Web App I don't want to use Delphi - I want to use a "modern" Web Architecture like a PHP Framework, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails etc.
So far i came to one possible Solution with RemObjects (http://www.remobjects.com/ro/) and ASP.NET:
In this approach the Delphi Application communicates with an ASP.NET WebServer over RemObjects where the Delphi Application is the REM Objects Server and the ASP.NET App is the Client.
My questions are:
Is this approach really a good idea and if not why?
What are other possible approaches to solve this problem?
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your answers so far!
How about establishing a neutral link like a Database?
You need a two-way messaging / inter process communication solution. Typically SOAP, REST and other web services (RemObjects) are synchronous, request-response style communication.
A messaging middleware can be implemented in a way which totally decouples the applications so that you can restart any part of the system (for example for maintenance and update installation) without disturbing the others.
Popular open source products in this field are for example Apache ActiveMQ, Open Message Queue and RabbitMQ, which offer cross-platform/cross language clients.
An alternative could be SOAP, or a RESTful connection.
R/O is faster than SOAP, for sure, and well integrated to both sides (Delphi and C#).
And, since you are already using R/O between Delphi client and Server, it will be the first option to consider.
IMHO any RESTful connection between Delphi Server and a C# client may do the work also. And will probably be faster, so is to be considered only in a second phase, if you find any performance or stability problem with a R/O connection.

Can Windows CE (.NET CF 1.0) apps access web services?

We are planning on replacing a legacy "server" app (a Windows form app with, although it does not really need it, a GUI representation (showing status messages)) with a simplified service of some sort. The server/service responds to requests for data and sends said data. Will a legacy (.NET CF 1.0) app, which cannot be updated to a newer technology (because the handheld devices on which they run don't have room for the more recent/larger .NET Compact Framework runtime) be able to access "newfangled" services such as an asp.net RESTful web service? If not, what are some other options? Or, if there are better options even with that being feasible, what might y'all suggest?
No, the older .Net "Service references" don't understand newer formats/protocols.
But, at the end of the day, it's all just a bunch of auto-generated code mapping "objects" to XML.
Just parse the XML directly.
If in doubt, play with your target service using SoapUI
Unless you've got a really complicated schema, that's probably the easiest to program - and most memory efficient - solution.

ASP.NET Web API, web service discovery and client creation

I can't find anything on the implementation of service discovery for the ASP.NET Web API. For a new project I need to make a decision between WCF and Web API. The service element will be consumed by a variety of clients, mobile, client-side JavaScript but also an ASP.NET website.
For the website the convenience of being able to generate a client against a WCF service is obviously a plus. I am not that familiar with RESTful web services but I see that there is Web Application Description Language (WADL). Maybe it is my ignorance but surely it is a good thing to be able to advertise the correct way to consume your service?
My main question: is there anything that generates a WADL or similar for WEB API?
Secondary question: this tool looks like it generates a client based on a WADL, is there anything else that makes life easy keeping a client up to date with a RESTful web service?
There is a considerable amount of work going in there. It is not finished but watch the space.
Having a look here (and newer Yao posts):
I blogged an approach to generating WADL with ASP.NET Web API here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/stuartleeks/archive/2014/05/20/teaching-asp-net-web-api-to-wadl.aspx

Is there a way to use a web service (WCF) WITHIN a web application?

Is there a business case for using WCF WITHIN your web application (ASP.NET/SQL Server)?
I'm not talking about a service to be consumed by others, but rather a service to be consumed WITHIN the web app. So far, the only use for web services WITHIN the web app I came up with is when I need to call the database from the client (through AJAX).
Please don't give me the copy/paste lesson on web services, all I'm looking for is a CONCRETE EXAMPLE of WCF benefiting the web application, and NOT the other apps consuming the services.
Quick clarification: by "web application" I mean a self-contained CRM of sorts. It does a lot, but it DOES NOT talk to any external apps/db's, and DOES NOT need to have service points open for other apps to consume.
We have a Windows service that gathers live data from the web. Because the data is ephemeral (it's only really valid for around 3 minutes), there's no point in recording it in a database. To retrieve data, the Windows service offers a (TCP transport) WCF interface which is only exposed to the web-server, from which our web-app requests data.
I think it very much depends on how you define "application".
If you're talking about a single web application then with the exception of provision ajax data as you've already noted I'm struggling to think of a generic reason why you'd want to as a web service (even more so for WCF) is just an exposed API and if you're in the application surely it would be better (in all kinds of senses) to go straight to the API without the additional overhead of wrapping and unwrapping the calls and the data - which is pretty much redundant.
On the other hand if by "application" you mean an assembly of "stuff" that delivers a solution to a set (or even various sets) of end users then yes, of course... there is definitely a case where the flexbility of having components communicate via services outweights the overhead issue. Where it gets grey is if there is an assumption that a single application will (or at least might) later become multiple applications wired together - but if you're not doing it now then you're just causing yourself pain you don't need so shouldn't bother. If you need to split it deal with that as a self contained exercise as and when you need to split it.
One concrete example from my practice: On one web site we use actively tables which are implemented with respect of jqGrid plugin to jQuery. The contain of grids will be loaded per ajax. So the most pages of the web site are very simple and have clear XHTML code. The business logic with the interface to the database is inside of WCF service. Inside of WCF service we get data also from other information stores of the organization. In the same way if one will need later to have an input from our project the WCF service will be perfect.
So the usage of WCF WITHIN in our web application helps to archive clear interface, clear separation business logic from the HTML markup and better testability (with utit tests integrated in Visual Studio).

Connecting iPhone to an ODBC Database

I'm new to iOS development. I have to make an application that connects to a Sybase database. My bet would be to use ODBC. Does anyone know how to connect to an ODBC enabled database from within objective C.
I've encountered applications that can do this but I don't seem to find any specific iOS related documentation or source code examples. Does anyone have even the slightest idea?
Thanks in advance!
There is a new ODBC SDK for iOS available at http://ODBCrouter.com/ipad complete with screenshots and an app you may download and use with the online demonstration system.
Mostly you want to get to remote databases through a web service layer. The app I'm currently working on does a TON of database interaction, and I wrote a number of PHP scripts that live on a web server on the same machine with the database. My PHP receives web requests from the app, does the DB work, and responds with JSON objects. You can obviously use any web layer you want--asp, perl, you name it--and respond with XML if you prefer. Doesn't matter.
I don't know of anybody actually interacting live with a database interface, ODBC or otherwise, directly from the phone. The way people seem to be going about it is via an intermediate web app layer.
iPhone SDK can use SQLite I am unsure of others. Perhaps the best choice will to be to free it of the ODBC issue and write a web service façade to provide the database access.
WCF Data Services /w Entity Framework and the OData client library for iOS will give you full CRUD access to the schema.
