Drupal: Calendar navigator, placement - drupal

It's the red marked "navigator" I am talking about. I need to move them away so they don't mess up my design. I have tried to change a lot of different settings without no success.
Here is the View for it:
What should I do?
I am using the following themes: Pixture Reloaded 7.x-2.2 and AT Core 7.x-2.2
Modules: Calendar, chaos tools, views, date modules..

It is obvious some mix up in css. It is a large possibility that elements created by calender inherit some css properties.
Easy fix is to view the source code of he page. Using FireBug(for firefox) or some alternative will make it easier to find. You will find some css rules being applied to your menu. Just try to enable and disable some css rules and see what happens.
When you find mischief just write a css function with higher priority which would negate that other global rule.

I got the same problem and i solved just yesterday hacking some css. I share you here what i have done in my case that i think i will help you also or at least work around there.
First to fixing the big buttons of the calendar navigation you should look in your theme css files at some css class called "ul.pager li a" or "ul.pager li span" there must be a property like "display:block" that is causing this buttons see that way. i just commented that property and they look as normal them should be.
In my case the theme css file was "navigation.css" and this property inside that file is found at line 375. Maybe in yours could be similar, anyway you can check and find where is using the firebug extension for firefox inspecting that buttons.
Second for fix the position of this navigation buttons is something similar but in the css file of the calendar module itself, after modifying the core css file of the module i recommend you to override it placing a copy of it in your template css folder and declaring it on the .info file of the template. In my case the file was calendar_multiday.css, in the line 778 and 818 there are the classes ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-prev" and ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-next" inside them with the property "right" and "left" i controlled the positions where must be this buttons.
This is the work around on how i solved it, hope this works for you also but if not anyway the problem is close there.


How to find CSS element from Inspect in the actual source files?

I had a question on how to find out which part of your code needs changing to adjust this "display:none !important" functionality which prevents the website to be responsive on mobile. When going under 767px content simply disappears and that condition triggers.
If I change it to "display:inline !important" that works but I've only done it in-browser and I can't find where to change it in the source files. Is there any methodology on finding this out? I've even used grep on all the files in the theme looking for keywords but I don't know where else to look. Also tried adding the changed code into the "Additional CSS" menu however with no success either.
The question is:
Is there any methodology to finding this [where the CSS lives] out?
You want to know the methodology to find the CSS. Let's walk through how I did it.
Step 1
The inspector gives you the location of the styles. Using your images, I marked the locations with the red boxes:
Notice that the style in question is located in (index):557. Where is that? It's not an external stylesheet, as with the style.css example. Rather, it's been added directly into the <head> and wrapped in <style>.
Using Dev Tools, look in the <head> of the DOM (in the HTML markup). You'll find it there.
Step 2:
Where do you find it? The method that I use is to look at the style declarations first in the <head>. Are there any comments to give you clues?
Next, I look at the actual style attributes. In this case, it's .tm_pb_builder. That is giving you a clue to the component that builds the CSS.
I did a Google search for that class attribute, like this: wordpress tm_pb_builder. That took me to GitHub and the Power Builder plugin from TemplateMonster.
Step 3
Now you know that the plugin Power Builder is the one responsible for adding that style into the <head>. You can then take a look at the respective page and explore how this page is built with this page builder.
That's my methodology.
You can add display:inline !important in the style.css of your child-theme, but it will only works if the plugin css file loads before it.
If the theme's css loads before plugin css, you can create a new css style and enqueue it at the very last end of the style enqueue.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'se_41042975', 999);
function se_41042975(){
wp_enqueue_style('css-plugin-override', get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/css/custom_css.css');
Hope it helps!

Wordpress child theme causes padding changes without modifications

Stewartside helped me use JQuery to create a specific function for my main navigation on my website (thanks again!). I created a child theme to add the changes to my header.php file and it has started to cause a weird layout change. My homepage should have 20px padding, which is NOT a special CSS modification, but the child theme automatically removes it. This doesn't happen with other pages on my site, just the homepage. I have also added/removed the jquery code to make sure that wasn't the problem; the style.css file for the child theme only has the "child theme" coding, no modified CSS.
Homepage: http://bostonirishclothing.com
About Us: http://bostonirishclothing.com/about-us
Is there anything that would cause this?
Get the Firebug add on for your browser (available on Chrome and Firefox). Then right click the section that is causing the issue and you can see the coding and all the relevant CSS functions including the files they are in (to the chosen section). It will also show which CSS function is being prioritised compared to the other. Then you can modify the functions or add new ones to make it work.
A dirty way to do things is to use !important however this should only be used sparingly as it can screw with other pages. An easy way to avoid that is to make the CSS function for example .entry-content { color:#fff; } becomes .post-x .entry-content { color:fff!important; }
Test things out. Firebug is amazing help when editing CSS. You can even do some of the tests in firebug itself.

How do I know which CSS is overriding my background image?

I want a background image on my page (background.png), but some rogue CSS is thwarting me.
I can see that my style.css from line 39 is being overwritten. I would think this is being done by something like style.css. I search and do not find anything but my original desired specification in that file. I can not find out what css is doing the overriding.
I have searched all the css files I can think of for the specified image (bg_p2_28.jpg). I have searched all the css files for background, nothing seems to come up. It is not being specified in the main HTML
I am barely struggling through as a reasonably competent programmer that has not used HTML since the mid 1990's. I am just trying to modify a template I bought.
What techniques can I use, or how do I interpret what I have here shown here to figure out what CSS override is ultimately being pushed into the page?
Adding the !important; works. It feels very dirty for some reason. I do not know why. I have tried following the javascript in, but the debugger is confusing to the uninitiated. Is the Important! a terrible thing to do, or reasonable? I think it would be useful to understand where these are being set in the java code, but when I search the code, I think the values are stored in variable, so can only be caught at run time.
That's coming from the inline style="" attribute.
If you don't see it in the HTML source, it's probably being set by Javascript.
You can right-click the element in the inspector and click Break on Attribute Modifications to find out where.
You could try background: url(src) !important;, not the perfect solution, but i think it will work for you in this case.
The grey element.style means that it's a style attribute directly on the element itself. Any style on an element will override styles from style sheets unless the sytlesheet style is marked with !important

Where are the CSS files stored in smartgwt?

I started messing with SmartGWT the other day, but ive stumbled in this ridiculous spot..
This is a question that the documentation should respond, but i havent found any simple and straightforward solution.
What i want:
add 5px to the left margin of a Hlayout.
I tried the method setMargin(), but it applies margins to the 4 margins. Since i just want the left one, i was left with the option to use the this.setStyleName(), which leads me to the problem.
How should i go about it? is there a master css file that i have to edit? should i create a custom css file and put there my customizations? where should it be saved?
I tried the solution given here, but it doesnt seem to work for me. am using smartgwt v.2.5
There are no special restrictions with CSS and SmartGWT. You can put an inline <style> in your host .html, link a stylesheet from there, etc.
There is also no need to modify a skin in order to add or customize styles, but if you do want to create a custom skin, see the instructions in the QuickStart Guide, Extending SmartGWT chapter.
Finally you don't need CSS to do this anyway since there is a dedicated Layout.setLayoutLeftMargin() for setting the left margin.

How to copy a CSS style from a website for re-use

I am frustrated. I have one website where my drop-down CSS menu works and another where it doesn't.
Their stylesheets differ wildly and, although I have tried to manually copy the menu styles from one to the other, but with no success.
Is their any tool which will let me (like FireDebug) click on a page section (the menu) and then copy the rules which affect that section - ignoring those which are hidden by other rules - so that I can post them into the second site's stylesheet.
It seems that rather than having multiple styles affecting the menu and trying to sort out which have precedence, I'd like to have some software sort it out and generate a single combined rule ... if you see what I mean.
Both FireBug and the inbuilt Chrome Dev Tools show you what styles are being utilised by the selected element. I don't work with FireBug much, but I know the Chrome Dev Tools will cross out overrided styles and even show default user-stylesheets where applicable. It's also kind of nifty when inline styles are applied, eg for a table the "frame" attribute, as it converts these to CSS and displays it as part of the styling ;)
Sounds like you've got problems with accidental inheritance. Try to make sure your CSS selectors are only referencing the elements you want to style. Otherwise things get messy, and stuff like this happens.
