IIS 7 URL rewrite on WCF Service - iis-7

Question Edited for better understanding:
I have a WCF service and any of my links look like : .
I want to get rid of the Service.svc. I installed URL Writer in IIS but i don't know how to work with it. I search a little bit and didn't find anything to help me with this particular problem.
Any idea ?

Assuming you are configuring the application hosted at /ContactLibrary2.0HTTPS directly (and not the website containing that directory, for example), you may add an exact match for:
with a rewrite url of:
Perhaps you wish to rewrite every action of Service.svc, however; then you would need a regular expression match for:
with a rewrite url of:
Assuming you also need to remove that string from the urls of your HTML pages, you would need to couple the aforementioned inbound rule with a new outbound rule, applied to the files you are interested in.
To do that, please:
add a new outbound rule to your website and give it a name;
add a new precondition with two rules (matching any of them):
{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE} matches text/html
{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE} matches application/xhtml+xmll
configure the rule to match the response scope, matching the content within A tags:
should match the pattern using a regular expression;
with this pattern: ^(.*)(/Service\.svc/)(.*)$
case insensitive;
configure the action to be a rewrite, with this value: {R:1}{R:3}


Rewrite Rule Config... Is this possible?

So I have a set of pages like so:
I have set up a rewrite map for cleaner URLs like so
So now I have nice URLs for people. But what I also want to do is start forwarding the existing URLs to the newer URLs. So for anyone who goes to:
I want them to be forwarded or rewrite the URL to:
I tried adding in another map where I have the following:
Original: domain.com/product/?_d=1
New Value: domain.com/shoes
And I got a 404. I guess I understand why because the other map won't apply since I am using the first map. But how can I set up a map for the old URLs? Or can I? I know if my query string value was like _d=shoes I could just do a rewrite rule, but it's not like that. I guess I could change my page to be that way, but was just looking for another way.
I ended up creating a rewrite rule that looked for the pattern to the old URLs and forwarded them to the new URL. Then in my Server side code I just did a check for those legacy variables and redirected with a 301 accordingly.

301 Redirect with Regular Expressions

Couldn't find an answer to this and thought it might be a quick answer.
My company, a local news site, is working on migrating to WordPress from a proprietary CMS. Part of the challenge is we are restructuring URLs. I will be utilizing 301 redirects but my issue is as follows:
Example Page name: Story Name: is "this"
Example Old CMS Page URL: /story-name--is--this-/
New CMS Page URL: /news/2012/09/12/story-name-is-this/
The old CMS turned special characters and spaces into hyphens. WordPress will be configured to instead ignore special characters and simply turn spaces into hyphens. Additionally, the old CMS did not include the date in the URL, and I'm not sure the best route to take regarding adding the date.
You're either going to have to write a script that takes all of your old links, does a lookup in your database to transform it into the new link, and redirect the browser to the new link. Or you'll have to enumerate the entire mapping of old links -> new links and create a 301 redirect for each of them (in either your vhost/server config or in an htaccess file):
Redirect 301 /story-name--is--this-/ /news/2012/09/12/story-name-is-this/
It's not clear what is your real question? I am also not sure what Regular expressions have to do with the problem.
There is no information about what your old CMS is capable of, assuming that you can intercept the calls to old articles when they are accessed via the browser, but before they are rendered you can form and send the redirect back to the browser dynamically generating the url using the programming mechanisms available in your proprietary CMS.
Again, assuming you have access to Java:
A. When generating the redirect URL you can access the article's date and form the
2012/09/12 from the date, you can use SimpleDateFormatter to format Dates into a string representation like YYYY/MM/DD.
B. You can use similar approach with the titles and replace the list of special characters in the title string with empty spaces. For example Apache StringUtils library can let you specify a set of characters to look for and if any are found they will be replaced with the target character.
C. You concatenate the output of A and B to create the target redirect URL and send it back to the browser instead of the article itself.

IgnoreRoute with webservice - Exclude asmx URLs from routing

Im adding the filevistacontrol to my asp.net MVC web application.
I have a media.aspx page that is ignored in the routing with
This works successfully and serves a standard webforms page.
Upon adding the filevistacontrol, I can't seem to ignore any calls the control makes to it's webservice.
Eg the following ignoreRoute still seems to get picked up by the MvcHandler.
The exception thrown is:
'The RouteData must contain an item named 'controller' with a non-empty string value'
Thanks in advance.
Short answer:
routes.IgnoreRoute( "{*url}", new { url = #".*\.asmx(/.*)?" } );
Long answer:
If your service can be in any level of a path, none of these options will work for all possible .asmx services:
By default, the parameters in a route pattern will match until they find a slash.
If the parameter starts with a star *, like pathInfo in those answers, it will match everything, including slashes.
the first answer will only work for .asmx services in the root path, becasuse {resource} will not match slashes. (Would work for something like http://example.com/weather.asmx/forecast)
the second one will only work for .asmx services which are one level away from the root.{directory} will match the first segment of the path, and {resource} the name of the service. (Would work for something like http://example.com/services/weather.asmx/forecast)
None would work for http://example.com/services/weather/weather.asmx/forecast)
The solution is using another overload of the IgnoreRoute method which allows to specify constraints. Using this solution you can use a simple pattern which matches all the url, like this: {*url}. Then you only have to set a constraint which checks that this url refers to a .asmx service. This constraint can be expressed with a regex like this: .*\.asmx(/.*)?. This regex matches any string which ends with .asmx optionally followed by an slash and any number of characters after it.
So, the final answer is this:
routes.IgnoreRoute( "{*url}", new { url = #".*\.asmx(/.*)?" } );
I got it to work using this (a combo of other answers):
What happens when you use:
If that doesn't work, try using the ASP.NET Routing Debugger to help you:
Try this:
routes.IgnoreRoute("{*filevista}", new { filevista = #"(.*/)?filevista.asmx(/.*)?" });
This is based on a Phil Haack recommendation stated here.
Have you tried:
It would help if you posted the source for your route configuration. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say to make sure that your IgnoreRoute() calls are all at the top of your routing definition.
The way IgnoreRoute works is to create a route that matches the ignored route URL and constraints, and attaches a StopRoutingHandler as the RouteHandler. The UrlRoutingModule knows that a StopRoutingHandler means it shouldn't route the request.
As we know, the routes are matched in the order of which they are defined. So, if your {controller}/{action}/{id} route appears before your "FileVistaControl/filevista.asmx/GetLanguageFile/" route, then it will match the "{controller}/{action}/{id}" route.
I may be totally off base here, but it's hard to know without seeing your source. Hope this helps. And post source code! You'll get better answers.

IIS7 Rewrite Rules How to Add: ignore extensions

I just added an new rewrite rule so I can redirect pages like:
However now all axd references are not working.
How do I set: ignore extensions for css,jpg,png axd..
Current your match pattern for RewriteUserFriendlyURL1 is ^([^/]+)/?$, which makes no concession for extensions (it's matching any queries with a single URI segment).
If PartnerNameHere can never contain a ., then changing your match pattern to ^([^/.]+)/?$ should be sufficient.
If, however, you only want to block those specific extensions, you'll need to use this: ^(?![^/]+?\.(?:css|png|jpg|axd)$)([^/]+)/?$

ASP.NET routing: Literal sub-segment between tokens, and route values with a character from the literal sub-segment

The reason I'm asking is because IIS protects certain ASP.NET folders, like Bin, App_Data, App_Code, etc. Even if the URL does not map to an actual file system folder IIS rejects a URL with a path segment equal to one of the mentioned names.
This means I cannot have a route like this:
... where id can be any string e.g.
So, instead of disabling this security measure I'm willing to change the route, using a suffix before the id, like these:
{controller}/{action}_{id} // e.g. Catalog/Product_Bin
{controller}/{action}/_{id} // e.g. Catalog/Product/_Bin
But these routes won't work if the id contains the new delimeter, _ in this case, e.g.
// These URL won't work (I get 404 response)
Why? I don't know, looks like a bug to me. How can I make these routes work, where id can be any string?
Ok, I have a definitive answer. Yes, this is a bug. However, at this point I regret to say we have no plans to fix it for a couple of reasons:
It's a breaking change and could be a very hard to notice one at that.
There's an easy workaround.
What you can do is change the URL to not have the underscore:
Then add a route constraint that requires that the ID parameter starts with an underscore character.
Then within your action method you trim off the underscore prefix from the id parameter. You could even write an action filter to do this for you if you liked. Sorry for the inconvenience.
You can use characters that are not allowed for a directory or file name like: *,?,:,",<,>,|.
With ASP.NET MVC if you look at the source they have a hard-coded value for the path separator (/) and to my knowledge cannot be changed.
