tcp: recomposing data at the end - tcp

How do TCP knows which is the last packet of a large file (that was segmented by tcp) in the scenario that the connection is kept-established. (like ftp or sending mp3 on yahoo messenger)
I mean how does it know which packet carries data of one.mp3 and which packet carries data of another.mp3 ??
Anyone ?
Thank you

There are at least 2 possible approaches.
Declare upfront how much data you're going to send. Something like a packet that declares Sending a message that's 4008 bytes long
The second approach is to use a terminating sequence (nastier to process)
So the receiver:
Tries to read the declared amount or
Scans for the terminating sequence

TCP is a stream protocol and fragmentation should be transparent to a TCP application. It operates on streams of data, never packets. A stream is assembled to its intended order using the sequence numbers. The sequence of bytes send by application is encapsulated in tcp segments. The stream is recreated on the receiver side before data is delivered to the application.
The IP protocol can do fragmentation.
Each TCP segment goes to the IP layer and may be fragmented there. Segment is reassembled by collecting all of the packets and offset field from the header is used to put it in the right place.


Identifying last packet in a message sent by TCP

Say we have sender A sending a message to receiver B using TCP. Say the message to be sent from A to B is split into three packets of length 500 bytes, 500 bytes and 50 bytes, to be sent in that order. How does A indicate to B that the packet of length 50 bytes is the last part of the message? I can understand that an ACK from B to A, sent every other packet received by B, indicates using the sequence number how much data has been received by B since the last ACK was sent by B. I read that FIN is used to terminate the connection between the sender and receiver. However, I can't find a description of how the the last packet, of a message split into several packets, is indicated. I'm thinking the packets have to be reassembled, in order, before the message is sent to the receiving application. I think that as one of TCPs actions is to split the message into packets, there must be some way of the sender flagging the last packet of a message has been sent.
I think that as one of TCPs actions is to split the message into
No, TCP takes a stream of data and segments it into PDUs called segments. It is IP that uses the TCP segments as the payload of IP packets, which are in turn the payload of the data-link protocol, e.g. ethernet, frames.
However, I can't find a description of how the the last packet, of a
message split into several packets, is indicated.
Something like that is up to a higher protocol, e.g. HTTP. I think you are looking at TCP the wrong way. A TCP connection is like a bidirectional pipe; whatever you put in one end comes out the other end. TCP has no idea of the data structure, it just sends whatever it gets from the application or application-layer protocol. When an application or application-layer protocol is through using the connection, it tells TCP to tear it down.
The receiving TCP simply receives data and reorders it, asking for lost or missing segments. It passes properly ordered data up to the application or application-layer protocol, having no idea of the data structure because it is just a data stream to TCP.
Also, remember that both ends of a TCP connection are peers that can send and receive, and either end can send a segment with FIN that tells the other end that it is done sending, but the end sending the FIN is obligated to continue to receive until the other end also sends a FIN to say it is done sending. Either side could also kill the connection with a RST segment.
there must be some way of the sender flagging the last packet of a
message has been sent.
Probably, but that is not the job of TCP, that is up to the application or application-layer protocol. When the application-layer is done, it tells TCP to close, and that starts the FIN process. TCP has no idea what is the last part of a message is because it knows nothing about the data. It keeps the pipe open until it is told to close it.

UDP - Optional Checksum

From what I have read about UDP, it has no error handling, no checking for things like sequence of data sent/recieved, no checking for duplicate packets, no checking for corrupt packets and obviously no guarantee that the packets sent are even received...
So with that in mind, why an earth is there actually an option to use checksums in UDP?? Because surely if you want to make sure the data being sent is received in the correct order (and not corrupt and so on) then you would use TCP...
UDP packets include a field for a 16 bit CRC checksum which the receiving operating system will use to check for packet corruption. If the checksum is present and fails, then the packet will be silently discarded. It is up to the application to notice that the packet disappeared and take corrective action.
UDP checksums are enabled by default on all modern operating systems. It is possible to disable UDP checksums in IPv4, either at the socket or OS level. Doing so would reduce the CPU overhead of processing each packet at both the sender and receiver. This might be desirable if, for example, the application were calculating its own checksum separately. Without any checksum, there would be no guarantee that the bytes received are the same as the bytes sent.
The task of UDP is to transport datagrams, which are "network data packets". For UDP, every data packet is a transmission of its own. If you send 3 packets, those are three independent transmissions for UDP. Whether the content of these 3 packets somehow belongs together or if these are three individual requests (think of DNS requests, where every request is sent as an own UDP packet), UDP doesn't know and doesn't care. All that UDP guarantees is that a packet is either transmitted as a whole or not at all; either the entire packet arrives or the entire packet is lost, you will never see "half of a packet" arriving. So if you just want to send a bunch of data packets, you use UDP.
The task of TCP, on the other hand, is to transport a stream of data. It's not about packets. It's about a stream of bytes somehow making it from one host to another. How this happens, e.g. how TCP is breaking the data stream into chunks and sending these chunks over the network and ensuring that no data is lost and all data is in order, is up to TCP. All that TCP guarantees is that the bytes will arrive correctly and in order at the other side, unless the TCP connection is lost, in which case the stream ends abruptly somewhere in the middle but all data, that arrived up to that point, did arrive correctly and in correct order. So despite TCP also working with packets, the transmission behaves like a stream that has no internal "data units". When sending 80 bytes over TCP, there may be one packet with 80 bytes or 10 packets with each 8 bytes or anything in between, you cannot know and you don't have to.
But just because you use UDP doesn't mean you don't care for data corruption in UDP packets. Keep in mind that corruption may not just affect your data, it may also affect the UDP header itself. If only a single bit swaps, the UDP packets may have an incorrect destination port. So they added a checksum which ensures that neither the UDP header nor the data payload has been corrupted but made it optional, so it's up to you whether you want to use it or not. If used, corrupt packets are dropped and thus behave like lost packets. If your code takes care of lost packets, it will automatically take care of corrupt packets, too.
With IPv6 though, the checksum was dropped from the IP header, which means that IP header corruptions are no longer detected. But this was seen as a small problem, as most layer 2 protocols have their own mechanism to detect corrupt data (e.g. Ethernet and WiFi already guarantee that data is not corrupted on its way through the network) and the checksums of UDP/TCP also cover some of the IP header fields, so even without layer 2 error checking, the recipient would notice if the IP addresses in the header have been corrupted along the way and drop the packet. As a consequence, the UDP checksum is no longer optional with IPv6.

TCP/IP protocol and fragmentation

Using the TCP/IP protocol, given a connection between a client and a server, are the packets sent by the client to the server always received in the same order they were sent?
For example, if the client sends 3 packets of data, A, B and C, will the server always receive A first followed by B and C or is it possible for the server to receive C first, followed by A and B?
At IP level, packets may arrive in any order (if they arrive). At TCP level, the data stream is guaranteed to be ordered in the same manner on both ends.
That means yes, the server will always receive A then B then C. As long as you are using TCP.
When using TCP, data is received by the destination application in the same order as it is sent by the source application.
See the following for more details:
TCP is a transmission protocol, and it transmits data by sending the data out in IP packets over the underlying IP network. TCP is responsible for ensuring the correct transmission of the data, which includes ordering the arriving packets, re-requesting missing ones and discarding duplicates.
TCP as such does not expose any notion of "packet" to the user; the fact that the data is chunked into IP packets is a detail of the "over IP" implementation. A different implementation, e.g. TCP-over-bicycle-courier, might employ an entirely different scheme.
It cannot happen that you receive data in a different order on the application side over a TCP socket.
It may happen that packets are received in a different order by the networking layer of the OS, but TCP makes it a requirement that the upper levels get data in order. It is the OS' role to ask again for unreceived fragments etc and assemble these fragments. So, you need not worry.
UDP, on the other hand, offers no such guarantee.
The server (as the physical NIC of the machine) might receive them in any order. Your OS might receive them in any order again - that will mostly (but not allways) be the order of physical reception. Your client application is guaranteed to receive them in correct order, thats a property of TCP
In general, packets will be received in the same order they are transmitted. But the network may drop or reorder packets. For example, packets may take different routes and arrive out of order. Packets may be lost or even duplicated on the network. The TCP implementation is responsible for retransmitting packets that are lost, acknowledging packets that are received, ignoring duplicated packets, all with the objective of accurately reconstructing the transmitted byte stream at the receiver.
At the application level, you send a stream of bytes and receive a stream of bytes. TCP does whatever is needed to ensure the received stream of bytes is identical to the sent stream of bytes, regardless of what happens to the packets on the network.

Can anybody explain how the receiver know if two nonconsecutive TCP segments belong to the same packet?

Can anybody explain how does the receiver know if two nonconsecutive TCP segments belong to the same or different packets ? And how does it know if the next segment is the last segments in the packet ?
The receiver doesn't assemble TCP segments into packets, it assembles them into streams. The receiver knows the location, in the stream, of its received segment by its sequence number.
Is it possible that you are expecting the count result of the receiving application's read() system call to conform to the sending application's write() system call? If so, you will be disappointed. TCP streams are byte-wise, not packet-wise, streams. They neither preserve nor honor the boundaries of the sending system calls.
TCP does not deal with fragmentation. That's an IP problem. Packets arrive at the TCP level only when complete. IP uses special fields in the header that indicates whether the packet is fragmented or not, and, if yes, whether the fragment received is the last one or not.
You may take a look :
Transmission Control Protocol
Internet Protocol

how to reassemble tcp segment?

im now developing a project using i have known packets being sniffed are usually fragmented packets.
how to reassemble this TCP segements?..any ideas, suggestion or tutorials available?..
this i assume to be the only way i can view the HTTP header...
tcp is a byte stream protocol.
the sequence of bytes sent by your http application is encapsulated in tcp data segments and the byte stream is recreated before the data is delivered to the application on the other side.
since you are accessing the tcp datasegments using winpcap, you need to go to the data portion of the segment. the header of tcp has a fixed length of 20 bytes + an optional part which you need to determine using the winpcap api.
the length of data part in the tcp segment is determined by subtracting the tcp header length (obtained from a field in the tcp segment) and the ip header length (from a field in the ip datagram that encapsulates the tcp segment) from the total length (obtained from another field in the ip datagram).
so now you have the total segment length and the length of the data part within the segment. so you know offset where the http request data starts.
the offset is
total length-length of data part
length of ip-header + length of tcp header
i have not used winpcap. so you will have to find out how to get these fields using the api.
also ip datagrams may be further fragmented but i am expecting that you are provided only reassembled datagrams using this api. you are good to go!
There is no such thing as a TCP fragment. The IP protocol has fragments. TCP is a stream protocol. You can assemble the stream to its intended order by following the sequence numbers of both sides. Every TCP Packet goes to the IP level and can be fragmented there. You can assemble each packet by collecting all of the fragments and following the fragment offset from the header.
All of the information you need is in the headers. The wikipedia articles are quite useful in explaining what each field is
PcapPlusPlus offers this capability out-of-the-box for all major OS's (including Windows). Please check out the TcpReassembly example to see a working code and the API documentation to understand how to use the TCP reassembly feature
Depending on the whose traffic you're attempting to passively reassemble, you may run into some TCP obfuscation techniques designed to confuse people trying to do exactly what you're trying to do. Check out this paper on different operating system reassembly behaviors.
libtins provides classes to perform TCP stream reassembly in a very high level way, so you don't have to worry about TCP internals to do so.
