Dont ask me why I need to use pptp when there's openvpn and dont ask me why but I need to change the location of the chap-secrets file to a custom place. Symbolic links are also out of the question.
If there is a way of changing this file's location from the default one (/etc/ppp/) please share it.
By default chap-secret file location is /etc/ppp/chap-secrets however you can specify other location by adding the following code in accel-pptp.conf:
chap-secrets= path to chap-secrets location
Newby at Nginx on Ubuntu. Main site is a WordPress site "". No issue with this site. However, I need (cause someone did things in IIS and we need to move it to Nginx) to have a another site at "" (not Wordpress, just static HTML).
Since this "testsite" was originally in IIS, sloppy coding was done and things are a complete mess of upper and lowercase.
So, I added a location block to my /ect/nginx/sites-enabled/
location /testsite {
alias /home/myusername/public_html/testsite;
index index.html;
This works! However as soon as a try to make this location case insensitve, I get a 404.
location ~* /testsite {
alias /home/myusername/public_html/testsite;
index index.html;
Ideas? Also, this site has tons of links that users can click on that are a mixture of upper/lower/proper and in no relation to the actual files that are on the server. Is there a way to make anything under that location block case insensitive (aka IIS way of doing it).
Thanks everyone.
In nginx I'm looking to allow direct access to files but not the folder they are in..
If I go to
I will see the file perfect this is what I want
If I go to
I want to get a 404 not found error. If either of these are used so only the full address is the accessible
I want only the direct file / file address accessible.
Is this possible
Working example found on the net
This works
But if u try access
For example access denied
I am looking this sort of thing
I noticed my install of nginx has three folders called
Do I really need these if I just want to work directly in the etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and remove the include lines that include these items in nginx.conf? Are these directories used for anything else that would mess things up if I delete them?
No, they are not needed if you define your server blocks properly in nginx.conf, but it's highly suggested. As you noticed, they are only used because of the include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; in nginx.conf.
For curiosity, is there a reason why you do not want to use them? They are very useful; easier to add new sites, disabling sites, etc. Rather than having one large config file. This is a kind of a best practice of nginx folder layout.
Important information:
You should edit files only in sites-available directory.
Never edit files inside the sites-enabled directory, otherwise you can have problems if your editor runs out of memory or, for any reason, it receives a SIGHUP or SIGTERM.
For example: if you are using nano to edit the file sites-enabled/default and it runs out of memory or, for any reason, it receives a SIGHUP or SIGTERM, then nano will create an emergency file called, inside the sites-enabled directory. So, there will be an extra file inside the sites-enabled directory. That will prevent Apache or NGINX to start. If your site was working, it will not be anymore. You will have a hard time until you find out, in the logs, something related to the file and, then, remove it.
In the example above, if you were editing the file inside the sites-available directory, nothing bad would have happened. The file sites-available/ would have been created, but it wouldn't do any harm inside the sites-available directory.
I saw below comment in The Complete NGINX Cookbook in NGINX official site !.
The /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory contains the default HTTP
server configuration file. Files in this directory ending in .conf
are included in the top-level http block from within the /etc/
nginx/nginx.conf file. It’s best practice to utilize include state‐
ments and organize your configuration in this way to keep your
configuration files concise. In some package repositories, this
folder is named sites-enabled, and configuration files are linked
from a folder named site-available; this convention is deprecated.
It is not a must, but a best practise if you host more than one sites on your box.
It will be easier to manage by keep http context and common directives (such as ssl_dhparam, ssl_ciphers, or even gzip settings, etc.) on the nginx.conf so that it applied across all sites.
Keep site-specific server context (such as ssl-certificate, location directives, etc.) at etc/nginx/sites-available/ and name the configuration file as your-domain.conf. The file in etc/nginx/sites-enabled can be just a link to the file to the etc/nginx/sites-available.
I'm building a system which uses dynamic DNS for user accounts, so you register for a sub domain.
I have a few server directives in place to catch things like api. and www. and other special cases, and I have a directive which reads the wildcard domain name and uses it to set a domain specific assets location.
server {
server_name "~^(?<domain>[a-z0-9]+)\.example\.com$";
root /sites/core;
location /assets {
alias /site-assets/$domain;
What I want to do is check for the existence of the assets directory and present, on the same domain, a different site.
To clarify, if the assets directory in the example above exists, serve one set of files, otherwise, serve another. Since the site I want to serve won't be IN the directory in question, I can't use try_files or anything like that.
I read all the horror stories about using the if directive but I think I need something like
if (-d /site-assets/$domain) {
... Do something
Then change the root, but that doesn't work.
Any ideas how I can achieve this?
OK. I figured this out. If there's a problem with it, let me know.
I have the following in a server directive
server {
server_name "~^(?<domain>[a-z0-9]+)\.example\.com$";
set $site core;
if (!-d /path/to/assets/$domain) {
set $site join;
root /path/to/sites/$site;
If the assets directory for the given domain name does NOT exist, then I can serve up a joining page for my site, which can pick up the domain name and allow the user to register. If it does exist, then serve up the main app.
This seems to me like a simple use of the if directive so shouldn't get me in too much trouble.
I am caching my websites pages into a static flat file cache and am trying to use a try_files directive to load the file first from cache if it exists and then go to web application.
I'm basically trying to do something like this:
try_files $uri $uri/ /var/www/vhosts/$uri/index.html
In this example if the user requested it would try staticfilecache/products/index.html The problem I have is that $uri already contains a trailing slash. Trying to use this with $uriindex.html creates an error.
Is there any performant/easy way to always strip the / but not rewrite the address in the browser?
What you are trying to do has many problems on many levels.
"/var/www/vhosts/$uri" is invalid. Except if you have duplicated
your whole document root under the staticfilecache folder.
Nginx has it's own caching system and will check it first by itself
without any intervention from you as long as it has been setup.
Nginx will check for index files by itself as long as the index directive has been set.
Your code is actually attempting to check the staticcache last and
not first as you said you wanted.
There is no point in creating a static file cache on disk. Nginx can
just as well read the static files from their original locations.
In any case, Nginx will create the cache for items that need cache,
usually dynamic files, by itself. It is not a manual job.
Basically, it looks like you are a bit on the wrong track on some webserver fundamentals.
The answer(strictly) to your question is,
rewrite ^(.*)/$ $1 break;
But I would recommend you don't do this and go through #Dayo's answer.
For some interesting stuff for caching guidance, you can check this out.