How to publish ASMX web service -

I have created an asmx web service in visual studio 11. I want to publish that web service. Does anybody know free web host server URL ?

You are right, just publish to a folder on computer, then upload THAT folder to your ftp, then your service should work. It has for me many times (including a flash "chat" window i did not long ago).
My hosting is godaddy, but that should have nothing to do with it.


IIS-based Web Service

I have created an ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio Community 2019. I am trying to deploy a web service in IIS but I keep getting the 404 Not Found error. The application pool in the IIS manager looks like this
I create a connection
and then publish the application but I get this error
The .NET Framework is 4.7.2
What did I do wrong?
As per your screen shot application is hosted with virtual directory Webapp.
URL Should be http://Localhost/webapp/webservice1.asmx
First change url to http://Localhost/webapp/webservice1.asmx. Then check Mapping to an ASMX service using routing in ASP.NET MVC for solving the mapping problem.
I suggest publishing the site to the folder. Then create a new site in IIS Manager and show its physical path to that folder. Give your site some path like localhost:3600. Then when you open that path in the browser and search http://localhost:3600/WebService1.asmx, it will definitely work(at least it worked for me)

How to publish ASP.Net website to remote machine?

I am trying to publish the ASP.Net site in IIS to a remote machine.
Presently I am publishing the site local file system and copying that folder to remote machine using mstsc tool.
Is there any way I can directly publish to remote machine?
Sure there is,
You have to make sure web deployment service is running on your server. You can check these articles to find out how to install the web deployment. Here or here.
Once your web deployment service is running and configured you need to configure your publishing settings. In Visual Studio right click on your solution project, choose Publish and select the Web deploy or Web deploy package as your publish method setting. Good article describing web deployment scenarios can be found here.
Hope that helps you.

Create a folder on client machine from web application

I have a very silly question, Can I create a Folder in Client machine from a web application. I have tried to do that.
But I am unable to do so. I have created an web application using visual studio IDE. And when I executed the web application using visual studio the folder is created.
After that I hosted the web application in IIS and the tried to access the web application. The web application was accessed successfully but the folder was not created on the client machine.
Could you please suggest me the ways of how to do it.
ASP.NET is a framework for creating web sites. The application using ASP.NET is deployed to a web server, for instance IIS. When ASP code behind of aspx/ascx files or C# code of external components is called it's executed on the web server (IIS).
I assume you have implemented the code for creating a folder with C# code. This code is, as I said, executed on server. On your development machine you have client (which is web browser) and server (whis is IIS) on the same machine. So the folder was created.
When you have deployed the application to a separate web server then you separated web server from client. I think your IIS hosted application has created a folder on the machine where IIS were installed. Not on your local machine.
If you want to create a folder on client side you shouldn't use C# ASP.NET code.
You should do some research how to achieve it in other technology. Here's some link for it - How to Create a New Folder for Downloading a File

Migrate a ASP.Net application from one server to another server

I have developed a ASP.Net MVC 4 application with Visual Web Developer Express 2010. It was successfully published/deployed to a remote server A (development server) using the Web Developer's built-in publishing tool and it works perfectly on it IIS 7.0 with the web deployment component.
Now I want to deploy it to another remote server B (production server). This one sits in an isolated environment and does not have Internet access! Even if server B is a replica of server A, its IIS 7.0 does not have the web deployment tool component installed. So the built-in publishing tool does not work for the web deployment option.
I then tried to publish it using the File System option. I copied the exported files to a new folder on IIS on server B. The folder was configured the same way as its counterpart on server A. I tried the URL on server B and it just gave me directory/files listing on the browser instead of the welcome page of the application.
Has anybody got the experience or tips to solve the issue? Thanks.
because it a MVC site, the default document doesn't apply. check the following steps:
IIS Extension Less URLs are enabled and allowed.
ASP.NET 4.0 is installed and registered. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version> and then aspnet_regiis -i (this will typically force IIS to use the MVC infrastructure instead of using the default document methodology)
Ensure App Pool is in 4.0 Integrated mode.
Ensue that the IIS Advanced Settings for the website are showing the right root folder path.

Publish ASP.NET MVC 3 (Razor) app onto remote server running Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6

I have built an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application (with exlusively Razor/cshtml pages) that runs fine on my local machine with IIS Express. Now I'm trying to publish it to a remote server that is running Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6 and has just been upgraded to .NET Framework 4.0.
I was able to successfully publish all the files to the proper directory on the remote server using Visual Studio 2010's Publish dialog (Publish method: FTP), and I've followed the instructions for including all the DLLs needed to run ASP.NET MVC on a machine that doesn't have it installed, but now I'm pretty much stuck.
The first issue is that I don't have access to the remote server's IIS. I may be able to get the hosting company to add a virtual directory or change a setting, but I'm not sure they know what they're doing, and at the moment, I wouldn't know what to tell them anyway.
The second issue is that I need my web app to live inside an existing site (the web app is basically a protected members area of the main website). So, pretend the main site is I'd like my web app to be accessed by entering the URL
Is it possible to publish my web app without access to the remote server's IIS?
If not, what exactly do I need to tell the hosting company to add or change in IIS?
Do the settings under the Web tab of project properties affect publishing or just local debugging? At the moment, I have it set to use IIS Express, and the Project URL is "http://localhost:7373/". Do I need to change these?
Given that the remote server is running Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0, is it possible to use Web Deploy or am I limited to FTP?
If I can use Web Deploy, what do I put for the Service URL? All I have right now is a URL in the format of and a username and password.
If I need to use FTP, what steps do I need to take to get the app working once the necessary files have been uploaded to I'm not worried about database, security certificates, registry, GAC, etc., I just want to know the steps necessary to get the home page of my web app to come up when I put
Have you had a look at this article by Scott Hanselman?
In addition to that article, please read the following thread on StackOverflow on pretty much the same environment as yourself.
Your first step should be to get the hosting company to set up the virtual directory with the following parameters (IIS 6):
ASP.NET Version: 4.0.30319 (or later)
Local Path: [root ftp path for main website]\Members
[ ] Script source access (unchecked)
[x] Read (checked)
[ ] Write (unchecked)
[ ] Directory browsing (unchecked)
[x] Log Visits (checked)
[x] Index this resource (checked)
Application Name: Members
Execute Permissions: Scripts only
Application Pool: ASP.NET 2.0
