Something Like setAsToday(date)? - fullcalendar

With default view set to agendaWeek. If I load fullCalendar at 11:59PM the today day slot is not automatically updated after 12:00AM until I refresh the browser.

This is how I fixed it:
Call a function every 5 minutes (or any interval that suits your requirements)
$(function() {
var tInterval = 5*60*1000;
timelineInterval = window.setInterval(updateFcToday, tInterval); // Update timeline after every 5 minutes
Add a function like this to the page that contains your calendar:
function updateFcToday() {
var curTime = new Date();
if(curTime.getHours() == 0 && curTime.getMinutes() <= 5) // this five minutes is same interval that we are calling this function for. Both should be the same
{// the day has changed
var todayElem = $(".fc-today");


Meteor : Countdown timer

This might be a big ask, but I'm completely stuck so any help is appreciated.
I'm trying to create a countdown timer that runs from Sunday to Sunday and just restarts at the end of the week. I've tried using countdown packages in atmosphere but the documentation is limited and never seems to work. I've also tried to download and run 3rd party jquery packages however they always seem to crash meteor.
Could someone point me in the right direction or show me how to do this in meteor?
Specific details:
Countdown timer used to run an auction.
Auction runs for 7 days, Starts Sunday at 12:00am finishes 7 days
Auction resets and starts again after 7 days.
Countdown timer will be visible by users on multiple pages.
Countdown timer units to be displayed - Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds (eg.
6 days, 3 hours, 55 minutes, 22 seconds until the next auction
The question is too large. But i can suggest the small step to work with this. Your auction scheme will need to have a endDateTime to store the value (even it will start/end in Sunday). On the template you need to display the timer, set one ReactiveVar as number (to count down), one ReactiveVar as string (to display to result)
Template['countDownTemplate'].created = function() {
var due, dueDate, duration, now, num, self;
self = this;
dueDate = Template.instance().data['auction']['endDateTime'];
now = moment.utc();
due = moment.utc(dueDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss');
duration = moment.duration(due.diff(now));
num = Math.floor(duration.asSeconds());
if (num >= 0) {
self['remaining'] = new ReactiveVar<number>(num);
self['timeRemaining'] = new ReactiveVar<string>(convertPeriod(num));
self['interval'] = Meteor.setInterval((function() {
var remaining;
remaining = self['remaining'].get();
self['remaining'].set(remaining - 1);
if (remaining === 0) {
} else {
remaining = Math.floor(moment.duration(due.diff(now)).asSeconds());
}), 1000);
(the convertPeriod will be based on the remaining number to convert into your correct format)
The rest is just about showing timeRemaining in the correct format with the convertPeriod

Full calendar ResourceView horizontal and vertical axis

I'm using the fullcalendar resourceviews fork version
I used an older version which had the resources on the top and the times on the left axis.
But now it is different. The times are on the top and the resources are on the left axis. It's not that good anymore. Is there a way to change it?
I need the newer version of it because of the refetchResources function.
I modified the resource object (using Ike Lin fullCalendar) and added an array which includes the number of the day, start time and end time like 0 -> 09:00 -> 12:00, 1 10:00 -> 15:30 ...
Then I changed the fullcalendar.js
function updateCells() {
var i;
var headCell;
var bodyCell;
var date;
var d;
var maxd;
var today = clearTime(new Date());
for (i=0; i<colCnt; i++) {
date = resourceDate(i);
headCell = dayHeadCells.eq(i);
if(resources[i].anwesenheit[date.getDay()-1] != null){
var von = resources[i].anwesenheit[date.getDay()-1].von;
var _von = von.substring(0, 5);
var bis = resources[i].anwesenheit[date.getDay()-1].bis;
var _bis = bis.substring(0, 5);
headCell.html(resources[i].name + "<p style='font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px;'>" + _von + " - " + _bis + " Uhr</p>");
} else {
headCell.attr("id", resources[i].id);
bodyCell = dayBodyCells.eq(i);
if (+date == +today) {
bodyCell.addClass(tm + '-state-highlight fc-today');
bodyCell.removeClass(tm + '-state-highlight fc-today');
setDayID(headCell.add(bodyCell), date);
This shows the work time from each resource right unter the name of the resource.
Also I added a serverside function to the select function which checks if the resource is available. If yes, then the event will be created, else the event won't be created and I get an error message.
Now I can work with it. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it's nice to use now. It updates the times under the resource name on every day change so I have an overview when a resource is available and when it's not available.

How can we specify custom date range with fullcalendar?

I want to use fullcalendar with custom date range for ex. it should display view for particular date range like from 15th April to 4th May(Spans between two months).
Any suggestions?.
you can call this function to gt events in date range. but this will bring you only 30 days evnt. if you pass dates like '01-may-2013' to 15-June-2013' then it will show data from 01-may2013 to 30st may 2013. Lt me know if you can find any clue for this issue.
function GetAgendaEvents(datefrom, dateTo) {
var fromDate = new Date($("#from").val());
var toDate = new Date($("#to").val());
if (fromDate.getTime() <= toDate.getTime()) {
$('#fullcal').fullCalendar('removeEvents').fullCalendar('addEventSource', events);
var filteredEvent = $('#fullcal').fullCalendar('clientEvents', function (event) {
return event.start >= fromDate && event.start <= toDate;
$('#fullcal').fullCalendar('gotoDate', fromDate.getFullYear(), fromDate.getMonth(), fromDate.getDate());
$('#fullcal').fullCalendar('changeView', 'agenda'/* or 'basicDay' */);
$('#fullcal').fullCalendar('removeEvents').fullCalendar('addEventSource', filteredEvent);

Simple Timer in Meteor JS

I am creating a simple countdown timer for a game. I am using CoffeeScript and Meteor. I have a Handlebars "Timer" template with a {{time}} expression.
Here is the code:
clock = 10
timeLeft = () ->
if clock > 0
"That's All Folks"
interval = Meteor.setInterval(timeLeft, 1000)
if Meteor.isClient
Template.timer.time = interval
The above code just gives me a static display of 8 or 6 instead of the countdown timer.
If I add a few console.log statements I can see it work as designed in the terminal.
clock = 10
timeLeft = () ->
if clock > 0
console.log clock
console.log "That's All Folks"
interval = Meteor.setInterval(timeLeft, 1000)
if Meteor.isClient
Template.timer.time = interval
If you want to update a value in handlebars you need to use Session so that its reactive, otherwise the Templating system won't be aware of when to update it in the ui. Also you passed the template a handler thats the handle instead of the timer value.
Using the below, I've used Session to pass this data through to handlebars.
clock = 10
timeLeft = ->
if clock > 0
Session.set "time", clock
console.log clock
console.log "That's All Folks"
Meteor.clearInterval interval
interval = Meteor.setInterval(timeLeft, 1000)
if Meteor.isClient
Template.timer.time = ->
Session.get "time"
Also in javascript in case anyone else wants this:
var clock = 10;
var timeLeft = function() {
if (clock > 0) {
Session.set("time", clock);
return console.log(clock);
} else {
console.log("That's All Folks");
return Meteor.clearInterval(interval);
var interval = Meteor.setInterval(timeLeft, 1000);
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.registerHelper("time", function() {
return Session.get("time");
In essence you tell Session the time value, and when its updated it tells the templating system to redraw with the updated time value.

Fullcalendar : How to reliably get reference to HTML element for date box on which external element was dropped

I would like a way to obtain an HTML element or CSS selector (or a reference to the droppable object itself) for the date on which an external draggable element was dropped. I tried using the following within the drop() callback to get the node for the date box using the coordinates of the drop event:
var pageX = jsEvent.originalEvent.pageX;
var pageY = jsEvent.originalEvent.pageY;
var domElem = document.elementFromPoint(pageX, pageY);
var node ='#calendar > .fc-content table.fc-border-separate tr > td', true);
(I'm using the YUI 3 and ancestor() methods above to get the node I want, but other methods could be used.)
The above does correctly locate the node of the date box as long as the drop does NOT land on top of an event cell rendered on that date. If the drop does happen to land on an event cell, however, domElem ends up being the event cell, which is an absolutely positioned element outside of the calendar, and the ancestor() methodology above does not work.
I have also tried getting a reference to the droppable obj by way of the draggable element revert property:
revert: function(droppableObj) {
if(droppableObj === false) {
alert('No droppableObj');
return true;
else {
alert(Y.dump({droppableObj: droppableObj}));
return false;
Unfortunately, the above does not work. Even though the external element does drop correctly, the revert function does not recognize the calendar as droppable. (For details, see my earlier stackoverflow post at: Fullcalendar: draggable object rejects fullcalendar as droppable even though fullcalendar accepts drop )
The only alternative I can think of is to use the date object in the drop() callback, and with that find the correct fc-dayXX element, but that seems pretty cumbersome. I have searched on this already, but not found anything so far. If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.
Here is what I came up with for the fullcalendar drop callback:
function getSelectorForDroppedOnDate(date, allDay, jsEvent, ui) {
if (! date) return;
var displayedDate = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getDate');
var displayedMonth = displayedDate.getMonth(); // 0 - 11
var displayedYear = displayedDate.getFullYear();
var droppedOnYear = date.getFullYear();
var droppedOnMonth = date.getMonth(); // 0 - 11
var droppedOnDate = date.getDate(); // 1 - 31
var droppedOnDayOfWeek = date.getDay(); // 0 - 6 no matter what week of the month
// Get values related to the last day of the month before the month the event was dropped on
// so that the grid location of the drop can be determined
var lastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth = new Date(droppedOnYear, droppedOnMonth, 0); // This is actually correct
var dateOfLastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth = lastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth.getDate(); // 1 - 31
var dayOfWeekOfLastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth = lastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth.getDay(); // 0 - 6
var i;
var gridLocationOfDrop; // 0 - 41 to cover 42 days of six weeks always shown
if (droppedOnMonth === displayedMonth) { // dropped on month is same as currently displayed month
i = 0;
// adjust droppedOnDayOfWeek by 1 to account for 0-based index
while ((droppedOnDayOfWeek + 1) + i*7 < droppedOnDate) {
gridLocationOfDrop = droppedOnDayOfWeek + i*7;
else {
// if dropped on date is in month previous to currently displayed month (need to compare years since inequality will reverse at year boundary)
if ((droppedOnMonth < displayedMonth && droppedOnYear === displayedYear) || (droppedOnMonth > displayedMonth && droppedOnYear < displayedYear)) {
gridLocationOfDrop = droppedOnDayOfWeek;
// else if dropped on date is in month after currently displayed month (need to compare years since inequality will reverse at year boundary)
else if ((droppedOnMonth > displayedMonth && droppedOnYear === displayedYear) || (droppedOnMonth < displayedMonth && droppedOnYear > displayedYear)) {
i = 0;
// adjust dayOfWeekOfLastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth by 1 to account for 0-based index
while ((dayOfWeekOfLastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth + 1) + i*7 < dateOfLastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth) {
gridLocationOfDrop = (dayOfWeekOfLastDayOfMonthBeforeDroppedOnMonth + i*7 + droppedOnDate);
selector = '#calendar > .fc-content table tr > td.fc-day' + gridLocationOfDrop;
return selector;
Works for me!
