How to get all SolrNet query result info in JSON format? -

I am not sure if this is a JSON.Net issue or a SolrNet issue, which is why I am tagging it with both.
I am using SolrNet and currently handling all page interactivity with JavaScript from an MVC call, by returning a JsonNetResult encoding of the object returned by solr.Query(). I am now experimenting with Faceting, but am not seeing the Facet info in my results.
I've got an MVC Controller method like the one below. (JsonNetResult is similar to the stock JsonResult, but encodes JSON using JSON.Net, described here.)
public JsonNetResult Index(string keywords)
JsonNetResult jsonNetResult = new JsonNetResult();
var documents = solr.Query(new SolrQuery(keywords), new QueryOptions
Rows = 10,
Facet = new FacetParameters
Queries = new[] {new SolrFacetFieldQuery("system")}
jsonNetResult.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
jsonNetResult.Data = documents;
return jsonNetResult;
I was expecting to see the faceting information encoded into JSON in the JsonNetResult, but all it contains is the array of hashes of the documents matching my query. Am I missing something in how SolrNet response objects work, or do I really need to parse through the object myself, and create something that JSON.Net can use to encode all of the information related to my query?
FYI, I have tried using a standard JsonResult in MVC, and the results are the same. Also, the reason I am using SolrNet and not just calling Solr directly and asking for JSON is because we do not want to expose the Solr search engine web interface directly to the user.

Since Solr can respond with JSON, if you want to return JSON directly to the view you'd be incurring some unnecessary overhead by having SolrNet deserialize a XML response, then serialize it to JSON. Instead, use SolrNet's components to skip the response parser. A couple of pointers to do this:
Low-level SolrNet

I am not sure if this is the best answer, but I have since been experimenting and found that if I change my original line from:
jsonNetResult.Data = documents;
jsonNetResult.Data = new { Documents = documents, FacetFields = documents.FacetFields };
The data is at least serialized by JSON.Net. I guess I still don't understand the format of the object being returned by SolrNet's Query() method, since it seems like those properties (like FacetFields) should be serialized without me having to explicitly name them like I'm now doing above?


Consume Web Service, Serialize XML response, save xml to database

I have this situation, I am creating a Web Service in C# where I need to consume a SOAP Web Service, which gives me an XML response back, I need to serialize this XML response and save it to a table in the database.
I have tried the to call the XML in Postman and it worked fine with a
200 OK status
, but I need how to serialize this reponse and save it to the database.
And then I have tried to write this:
public void CreateFilter(Student student)
var XML = XmlSerialization <Student> (student);
ConnectDataBase db = new ConnectDataBase();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_Student");
cmd.Parameters.Add("#name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value =;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#surname", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = student.surname;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#subject", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = student.subject;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#student", SqlDbType.Xml).Value = XML;
Any thoughts on how to get a response from the Web Service I have to consume, and then serialize the response I'm getting back and then save the serialization on the database?
Thank you in advance
Well, you have a couple of options really. Essentially, if you aren't leveraging an ORM (like Hibernate or some such), you want to:
Grab the XML payload
Get that deserialized into an object instance so you can work with it
Pick out the data you are interested in and persist it
Step 2 is essentially writing a class (or tree of classes) that mimmicks the field structure of the XML, then asking a library nicely to parse the XML state into an instance of that class. This then makes it easy to work with for you.
You can either leverage the the native deserialization as per:
Or, just for arguments sake alternatively you could use a modern serialization library. There isn't much of a good choice when it comes to XML and C#, so the main one I can think of that will get you from point a to point b is Json.NET:
This library, though predomenantly pushed as an all-in-one object mapper for JSON is also able to translate between XML and Json:
Depending on how much of a fight the native deserializer puts up (defining the schema can be a bit of a pain, bloody SOAP am I right), it might be easier to use Json.NET to hoover up the XML, convert it to JSON, then deserialize that json as an object.
This gives you a 2-step deserialization process which isn't ideal, but it's not such a bad thing either as you get to work with the "nice" library and not have to fight the old baked in xml serialization stuff.
The choice is yours really. I'd give the first option a good go first then if that puts up too much of a fight you have Json.NET to fall back on :)

Get the results of a CosmosDb query as a Raw string (payload of the http response)

I'm using the .NET API of CosmosDB and I'm getting a hard time trying to figure out how to get the raw result of a CosmosDB query prior to it getting deserialized into a class. Browsing the documentation, all examples I find cast the results to an specific class or to a dynamic. That is:
//This returns a Document, wich actually is a dynamic...
//This returns an object of type MyClass, wich I supose is casted internally by the API
What I want to do is to get the original raw JSON payload of the result to inspect it without the overhead of deserializing it to anything else.
Does anybody know if it's possible to get the raw result with the .NET api? If so, how?
In other cases, I need to use the result as an ExpandoObject to treat it dynamically, but I find that the "dynamic" results given by the api are not "expandables" so I'm forced to serialize them and then deserialize again in a recursive form into an ExpandoObject. Furthermore, the result is polluted with _rid, Etag, etc. properties that I don't need on my object. It's quite anoying.
I think it's an unnecesary overhead to serialize and then deserialize again, so maybe the optimus way would be to get the raw JSON result and write a method to deserialize directly to Expando.
Or maybe I'm loosing any point and there's an API to get the results as Expandos. Does anybody know it?
Check out this question that I had earlier:
Converting arbitrary json response to list of "things"
Altough I didn't named it, the API in question was actually DocumentDb, so I think you'll be able to use that code.
Seen some bad advice here, but it is built into the SDK natively.
Document doc = cosmosClient.ReadDocumentAsync(yourDocLink);
string json = doc.ToString();

query ravendb from web api 2 and return one document

I want to do the following using Web API 2 and RavenDB.
Send a string to RavenDB.
Lookup a document containing a field called UniqueString that contain the string i passed to RavenDB.
Return either the document that matched, or a "YES/NO a document with that string exists" - message.
I am completely new to NoSQL and RavenDB, so this has proven to be quite difficult :-) I hope someone can assist me, and i assume it is actually quite easy to do though i haven't been able to find any guides showing it.
This has nothing to do with WebAPI 2, but you can do what you ask for using RavenDb combined with WebAPI 2.
First you need to have an index (or let RavenDb auto create one for you) on the document and property/properties you want to be indexed. This index can be created from code like this:
public class MyDocument_ByUniqueString : AbstractIndexCreationTask<MyDocument>
public override string IndexName
get { return "MyDocumentIndex/ByUniqueString"; }
public MyDocument_ByUniqueString()
Map = documents => from doc in documents
select new
or created in the RavenDb Studio:
from doc in docs.MyDocuments
select new {
After that you can do an "advanced document query" (from a WebAPI 2 controller or similar in your case) on that index and pass in a Lucene wildcard:
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var result = session.Advanced
.Where("UniqueString: *uniq*")
This query will return all documents that has a property "UniqueString" that contains the term "uniq". The document in my case looked like this:
"UniqueString": "This is my unique string"
Please note however that these kind of wildcards in Lucene might not be super performant as they might need to scan large amount of texts. In the RavenDB documentation there's even a warning aginst this:
RavenDB allows to search by using such queries but you have to be
aware that leading wildcards drastically slow down searches. Consider
if you really need to find substrings, most cases looking for words is
enough. There are also other alternatives for searching without
expensive wildcard matches, e.g. indexing a reversed version of text
field or creating a custom analyzer.
Hope this helps!
Get the WebApi endpoint working to collect your input. This is independent of RavenDB.
Using the RavenDB client, query the database using Linq or one of the other methods.
After the document is retrieved you may need to write some logic to return the expected result.
I skipped the step where the database gets populated with the data to query. I would leverage the RavenDB client tools as much as possible in your app vs trying to use the HTTP api.

Questions on passing and formatting JSON to HttpResponse

I just wanted to clarify a few questions I have. I'm building a JSON string and returning it using context.response. I'm just calling a url to an .ashx handler and trying to return JSON.
Here's how I have approached it so far:
List products = GetCarolProducts();
List images = new List();
foreach(Product p in products)
string imageTag = string.Format(#"<img src=""{0}"" alt=""""></li>", Util.ImageUrl(p.Image, false));
string jsonString = images.ToJSON();
I'm using the example helper method here for the JSON:
So my questions are:
1) I didn't want to pass back the entire product object. In fact I didn't want to pass that back at all. I wanted to pass back a bunch of image tags that I made in my foreach loop. so what I did was just create that string in each iteration of product and added it to a new generic list of type string. I assume this is fine, and that passing a generic string list can be serialized into JSON...that string is an object itself so this should be fine? thing is, it's not going to have any properties so I don't know. I guess I would be leary if this is going to work as if I were to pass an object such as product for example, it at least has properties in it such as ID, Name, etc.
So if this is not going to work, I am wondering how I can just receive back a list of JSON that gives me . I believe though I still need to be able to access that returned JSON with key/value though. But in terms of data, that's all I need in my jQuery, just a bunch of images.
So therefore my question is, must I pass an object that has properties in it so that my returned JSON has some params I can picked up via the jQuery since jQuery creates a nice typed object for you based on those properties? I don't think sending a generic string list would work in my situation then.
so not quite sure how to set this up and pass only the list of images to my ToJSON helper method and ultimately to my jQuery JSON parsing.
2) Not sure if I need to do anything special to tell the context.response that it's JSON other than pass it the final string that the helper method here creates? with XML you'd have to tell the response to format it as XML with context .Response .ContentType = "text/xml". So do I need to specify anything if I'm passing back JSON strings?
For the response content-type, look at Douglas Crockford's JSONRequest proposal.
Content-Type: application/jsonrequest

JSON string to list or other usable format in 2.0

I have one JSON that is coming in a string format. I need to store it in a key-pair value or something like that. I am using 2.0 and can not use 3rd party DLL like Newtonsoft.Json.dll. I guess last option will be to use regular expression.
Can anybody please help me in this?
If you go to and look towards the bottom of the page there are dozens of json libraries most of them open source, I believe they list 8 for C#. If you can not reference one of these libraries, I think your best bet would be to find one with a permissive license and simply add the code to your project.
Another idea is to look at the diagrams, grammer, and syntax at and just write your own parser, but regex is NOT the way to do it. If you dont know how to write a parser you could look at one of the open source json libraries or start with something less complicated like a good CSV parser, here is a paper that looks pretty good:
It is possible to serialize JSON using JScript in C# into key/value pairs. You need to add a few references to your project. They're part of the .NET framework, you just need to add the references to your project. You'll need:
First, the usings at the top of your class:
using Microsoft.JScript;
using Microsoft.JScript.Vsa;
Then the Engine that will execute the script needs to be initialized somewhere in your 'Page' code-behind:
VsaEngine Engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine();
Then you just create this method and call it by passing in your JSON object:
object EvalJScript(string JScript)
object result = null;
result = Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(JScript, Engine);
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message;
return result;
The type of object returned (if JSON is passed in) is a 'JSObject'. You can access its values as key/value pairs. Read the MSDN documentation for more details on this object.
Here's an example of using the code:
string json = "({Name:\"Dan\",Occupation:\"Developer\"})";
JSObject o = EvalJScript(json) as JSObject;
string name = o["Name"] as string; // Value of 'name' will be 'Dan'
Could you use JScript.NET?
If so, should be easy enough with eval() - then just loop through the objects returned and translate into KeyValuePair's or whatever
You will need to use as the code behind language, but other pages of your site should be fine to stay as c# if thats what you prefer.
As mentioned in previous comment, you will need to be aware of the security aspects and risks - only use eval if you trust the JSON you're parsing!
